137 research outputs found

    Industrial and technological policy of digital transformation, service and intelligent product connected. Strategies and projects of the energy sector

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    La política industrial es una acción coordinada de los gobiernos en los niveles europeo, nacional y autonómico, destinada a orientar los recursos de producción a los productores en ciertas industrias para ayudarles a ser más innovadores y competitivos. La digitalización, conectividad e incorporación de inteligencia a los productos y procesos, determina un potencial de competitividad para las empresas, sectores productivos y de servicios, en base a la posibilidad de realizar productos personalizados de mayor calidad y la aparición de nuevas oportunidades de negocios basadas en los servicios para ganar en competitividad. Esta situación, suscita el interés del establecimiento de un marco regulatorio multinivel, multiescala y multisectorial que constituya un facilitador del potencial de estas tecnologías en el desarrollo e Políticas Industriales. En el presente trabajo se formula un protomodelo de establecimiento de Política Industrial para conducir el proceso de innovación a través de la transformación digital del sector industrial y estrategias para su materialización en las distintas empresas. Dicho protomodelo se concreta para el sector energético.Industrial policy is a coordinated action of governments at European, national and regional levels, aimed at orienting production resources to producers in certain industries to help them become more innovative and competitive. The digitization, connectivity and incorporation of intelligence to products and processes, determines a potential for competitiveness for companies, productive sectors and services, based on the possibility of making personalized products of higher quality and the emergence of new business opportunities based in services to gain competitiveness. This situation raises the interest of establishing a multilevel, multiscale and multisectoral regulatory framework that constitutes a facilitator of the potential of these technologies in the development of Industrial Policies. In the present work, a proto model of the establishment of Industrial Policy is formulated to lead the process of innovation through the digital transformation of the industrial sector and strategies for its materialization in the different companies. Said protomodel is specific for the energy sector

    Diseño de una plataforma de mobiliario infantil basada en el imaginario colectivo

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    En este trabajo se expone la metodología para el desarrollo de proyectos de diseño industrial basado en el imaginario colectivo de un mercado objetivo, dicha metodología tiene en cuenta al cliente en todas las fases del proceso de diseño, posteriormente se desarrollan la soluciones de diseño bajo el enfoque de plataforma de producto dando lugar a una línea innovadora de dormitorios infantiles.Methodology for development of projects based and focused on the imaginary collective and its target market is explained on this essay. The customer is always taken into account at every stage of the design process; later on, this methodology is applied for development of children furniture product platform

    Modelo para el negocio, servitización, producto y proceso conectado inteligente. Estrategias y marco regulatorio para el sector energético

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    La digitalización, conectividad e incorporación de inteligencia a los productos y procesos, determina un potencial de competitividad para las empresas, sectores productivos y de servicios, en base a la posibilidad de realizar productos personalizados de mayor calidad y la aparición de nuevas oportunidades de negocios basadas en los servicios para ganar en competitividad. Esta situación, suscita el interés del establecimiento de un marco regulatorio multinivel y multiescala que constituya un facilitador del potencial de estas tecnologías.The digitalization, connectivity and incorporation of intelligence to products and processes, determines a potential for competitiveness for companies, productive sectors and services, based on the possibility of making personalized products of higher quality and the emergence of new business opportunities based in services to gain competitiveness. This situation raises the interest of establishing a multilevel and multiscale regulatory framework that constitutes a facilitator of the potential of these technologies

    Bulimia Nervosa, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Executive Functions: Treatment and Follow-up in a Case Study

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    This study describes the clinical case of a 20-year-old woman diagnosed with bulimia nervosa (BN), borderline personality disorder (BPD), and impaired executive functioning. The objectives were to: 1) Determine the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectic behavioral therapy (DBT) in a case of BN and BPD comorbidity, evaluating the improvement of specific parameters related to eating disorders (BN) and aspects of BPD after treatment (posttreatment) and at 1-year follow-up; and 2) Determine whether the psychological intervention of choice for BN and BPD is also of benefit for alteration of executive functions. She was assessed at three time points: pretreatment, posttreatment, and at 12-month follow-up. The instruments used were EDI-3, SCL-90-R, MCMI-III, ring test, and WCST. CBT and DBT were applied for 11 months. The results at 1-year follow-up showed a decrease in the characteristic symptomatology of BN and BPD, whereas executive functioning impairments did not show any improvement. It was concluded that a specific unit on neuropsychological rehabilitation must be included in the treatment protocol for patients with these characteristics. However, more research is still necessary to provide an answer to the open debate on whether alterations of executive functions are previous to or consequences of ED

    Virtual visits as an alternative approach to learn urban and architectural heritage preservation during lockdown

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    Among the challenges faced at the university, during the lockdown from mid-March 2020, it was the need to give continuity to the learning of subjects that involve a direct approach to cultural property. In "Architectural History, Theory and Composition 3 - Rehabilitation", undergraduated students of the University of Seville’s Degree studies of Fundamentals in Architecture and teachers have practiced new ways of distance learning. Traditionally, reading and consulting materials are provided in digital formats (catalogues and urban plans, publications on buildings, urban history, cartography). Complementary, the visits of immersion in the heritage reality are especially productive in academic terms. Buildings, spaces, and urban perceptions are identified, so that students develop ways of seeing and recognize their complexity. The social, cultural, artistic, archaeological, landscape dimension prepares preservation or rehabilitation practices. This includes a visit to a qualified sector of the historic centre of Seville. This experience was initially planned to be onsite but due to the pandemic became virtual. The possibilities offered by the digital resources resulted in deeper approaches to other features of cultural property that were not frequently repaired by Architecture students

    Diseño de Experimentación en Química Inorgánica sostenible

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    Se plantea al alumnado el análisis de la huella de carbono que tiene, en la actualidad, la asignatura práctica Experimentación en Química Inorgánica, con el objetivo de que busquen las posibilidades de sustitución y/o reducción de reactivos tóxicos y peligrosos en las prácticas de laboratorio que se imparten. Previamente, en base a dicho análisis, la red ha redactado las directrices que guiarán al alumno en sus búsquedas en bases de datos y su proposición de sustitución razonada de reactivos. Cada grupo de alumnos que trabaja en un proyecto particular de “Síntesis y caracterización de sustancias inorgánicas”, redacta un protocolo de actuación para eliminar/reducir el uso de reactivos peligrosos/contaminantes en su proyecto. Como colofón, se redacta un protocolo global para hacer más sostenible el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje de esta asignatura práctica. Además de trabajar el contenido específico de la asignatura, con esta metodología de aprendizaje, se pretende aumentar la capacidad del alumnado del Grado en Química para ser autónomo a la hora de proponer actuaciones fundamentadas que conduzcan a preservar el medio ambiente en su futuro ejercicio de la profesión de graduado en química

    Correlation between Leg Length Discrepancy, Load Distribution and Structural Alterations in Lower Limb

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    [Resumen] Objetivo: Establecer la relación entre la diferencia de longitud, el reparto de carga en bipedestación y las alteraciones estructurales del miembro inferior. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional, transversal con una muestra de 31 pacientes (49.1% hombres/58.1% mujeres). Se obtuvieron variables antropométricas y sociodemográficas, medición de las extremidades inferiores, ángulo Q y del valgo del calcáneo y evaluación del reparto de carga en el miembro inferior. Resultados: Se obtuvo una concordancia casi perfecta (k = 0,9; p = 0,000) entre las mediciones espina ilíaca antero superior- maléolo externo y espina ilíaca antero superior- maléolo interno. Conclusiones: Tras determinar la irrelevancia de tomar unas referencias óseas u otras, se ha obtenido que el miembro inferior izquierdo es más largo en la mayoría de la población siendo mayor el reparto de carga en el retropié de la pierna más corta.[Abstract] Objective: to establish the relationship between the difference in length, the distribution of the load in the standing position and the structural alterations of the lower limb. Material and Methods: A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study was carried out with a sample of 31 patients (49.1% men / 58.1% women). Anthropometric and sociodemographic variables were obtained, measurement of the lower extremities, Q angle and calcaneal valgus and evaluation of the load distribution in the lower limb. Results: An almost perfect concordance (k = 0.9; p = 0.000) was obtained between the measurements of the anterior superior iliac spine-external malleolus and the anterior superior iliac spine-internal malleolus. Conclusions. After determining the irrelevance of taking some bone landmarks or others, it has been obtained that the lower left limb is longer in the majority of the population, with greater load distribution on the hindfoot of the shorter leg

    Glutamate and opioid antagonists modulate dopamine levels evoked by innately attractive male chemosignals in the nucleus accumbens of female rats

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    Sexual chemosignals detected by vomeronasal and olfactory systems mediate intersexual attraction in rodents, and act as a natural reinforcer to them. The mesolimbic pathway processes natural rewards, and the nucleus accumbens receives olfactory information via glutamatergic projections from the amygdala. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of the mesolimbic pathway in the attraction towards sexual chemosignals. Our data show that female rats with no previous experience with males or their chemosignals display an innate preference for male-soiled bedding. Focal administration of the opioid antagonist β-funaltrexamine into the posterior ventral tegmental area does not affect preference for male chemosignals. Nevertheless, exposure to male-soiled bedding elicits an increase in dopamine efflux in the nucleus accumbens shell and core, measured by microdialysis. Infusion of the opioid antagonist naltrexone in the accumbens core does not significantly affect dopamine efflux during exposure to male chemosignals, although it enhances dopamine levels 40 minutes after withdrawal of the stimuli. By contrast, infusion of the glutamate antagonist kynurenic acid in the accumbens shell inhibits the release of dopamine and reduces the time that females spend investigating male-soiled bedding. These data are in agreement with previous reports in male rats showing that exposure to opposite-sex odors elicits dopamine release in the accumbens, and with data in female mice showing that the behavioral preference for male chemosignals is not affected by opioidergic antagonists. We hypothesize that glutamatergic projections from the amygdala into the accumbens might be important to modulate the neurochemical and behavioral responses elicited by sexual chemosignals in rats

    Evaluación del manejo del inhalador presurizado de dosis media en el paciente pediátrico

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    Objetivo principal: Evaluar el manejo del inhalador presurizado de dosis mediaen el paciente pediátrico.Meto do log ía: Estu d io e xplo r ato rio transversal y evaluativo a través de un cuestionario con preguntas cerradas. Se creó un índice (Ic; escala de 0 a 1) para valorar el uso correcto de los inhaladores. Resultados principales: La puntuación media obtenida del uso correcto fue de Ic=0,64 (d.e. +/-0,176). Aunque e ste ín dice es superior en los casos en los que se declara haber recibido una explicación (Ic=0,65) con relación a los que indican que no (Ic=0,5 3) , n o se encontró significación estadística entre dicha diferencia (p=0,331). Asimismo, se apreció que cuando es el person al d e e n fe rme r ía e s quié n realiza la explicación el índice es mayor comparado con otros profesionales (Ic=0,7; p=0,23). Conclusión principal: No se encontró ningún n iñ o que no cometiera al menos un error. Observamos un índice de uso correcto más elevado cuando la explicación parte de enfermería. Objective: Evaluate the handling of the metered-dose inhaler in the pediatric patient. Methods: Exploratory, cross-sectional, and evaluative study through a questionnaire with closed-ended questions. An index (Ic; scalefrom 0 to 1) was created to evaluate the correct use of inhalers. Results: The mean score obtained from the correct use was Ic = 0.64 (+/-0.176). Although this index is higher in the cases in which it is declared to have received an explanation (Ic = 0.65) in relation to those that indicate that it does not (Ic = 0.53), no statistical significance was found between saiddifference (p = 0.331). Likewise, we observed that when it is the nursing staff who performs the explanation , the index is higher (Ic = 0.7; p = 0.23). Conclusions: All the children made at least one mistake. Weobserve a higher rate of correct use when the explanation comes from nursing