294 research outputs found

    Desconfiados : suspendidos entre búsqueda, resignación y revuelta. Una situación inestable

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    El siguiente informe recoge las ideas principales que emergieron durante 4 focus groups realizados en junio de 2013 en Madrid y Barcelona. El objetivo era poder conversar con diferentes perfiles de entre 18 y 25 años de edad sobre sus usos y percepciones de Internet. La información recabada marca algunas de las preguntas y elementos relevantes que analizaremos más a fondo en un posterior trabajo de investigación sobre Internet, jóvenes y política. Este trabajo fue realizado conjuntamente entre miembros de www.igopnet.cc (Marco Berlinguer y Rubén Martínez) e investigadores del Centro Reina Sofía sobre Adolescencia y Juventud (Anna Sanmartín e Ignacio Megías), a quienes agradecemos su ayuda, tanto en el planteamiento y el proceso de investigación como por las aportaciones y sugerencias recibidas para el presente texto

    Los porqués del fenómeno de la caza de brujas en el Occidente moderno.

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    En el presente trabajo se ha tratado de analizar los porqués del surgimiento de la caza de brujas en la Europa cristiana moderna a través de parámetros historiográficos asentados por la longue durée y la microhistoria, pudiendo, de esta forma, presentar dos tipos de causas: generales y particulares. El término de bruja experimenta una cierta evolución con el paso del tiempo, y llega a servir a las elites gobernantes para crear una especie de chivo expiatorio de diversos males a través de la figura del pacto con el diablo. La literatura, la medicina, la filosofía.<br /

    Architecture for Text Sign Localization and Recognition

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    This paper describes a low complexity strategy for detecting and recognizing text signs automatically. Traditional approaches use large image algorithms for detecting the text sign, followed by the application of an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algorithm in the previously identified areas. This paper proposes a new architecture that applies the OCR to a whole lightly treated image and then carries out the text detection process of the OCR output. The strategy presented in this paper significantly reduces the processing time required for text localization in an image, while guaranteeing a high recognition rate. This strategy will facilitate the incorporation of video processing-based applications into the automatic detection of text sign similar to that of a smartphone. These applications will increase the autonomy of visually impaired people in their daily life

    La innovación social, ¿prácticas para producir autonomía, empoderamiento y nueva institucionalidad?

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    Based on an analysis of the Catalunya case, this article contributes to the ongoing debate on social innovation, offering a general vision of the development of socially innovative practices and looking into its transforming potential in three key areas: 1) creation of social autonomy spaces; 2) citizen empowerment (especially within communities/collectives and in high social risk/vulnerability areas) and 3) development of new institutional architectures that would promote and reinforce social as well as citizen rights. The article forms part of an extensive investigation that has combined social innovation mapping, an online survey and various semi-structured interviews with key informants. The article outlines the potential and limitations of social innovation as a factor of social transformation, and thus points out the need for creation of favourable institutional conditions for its spread and consolidation.A partir del análisis del caso de Cataluña, este artículo contribuye al debate en torno a la innovación social, ofreciendo una visión general sobre el desarrollo de las prácticas socialmente innovadoras y preguntándose por su potencial transformador en tres dimensiones: 1) la creación de espacios de autonomía social; 2) el empoderamiento ciudadano (particularmente de colectivos y en territorios de especial vulnerabilidad social), y 3) el desarrollo de nuevas arquitecturas institucionales que promuevan y refuercen los derechos sociales y de ciudadanía. El artículo parte de una extensa investigación que ha combinado el mapeo de la innovación social, una encuesta online y distintas entrevistas semi-estructuradas con informantes clave. En el artículo se muestran las potencialidades y los límites de la innovación social como factor de transformación social y se señala, asimismo, la necesidad de crear las condiciones institucionales propicias para su generalización y su consolidación

    Multivariate optimization of the KharascheSosnovsky allylic oxidation of olefins

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    The multivariate optimization method known as simplex is applied to the KharascheSosnovsky allylic oxidation of double bonds. By applying this method, the amounts of three variables (copper source, oxidant, and additive) are optimized at the same time. Under the conditions thus obtained the reaction takes place in a considerable shorter time, being the alkene the limiting reagent. These conditions are applied to some monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes leading regioselectively to the corresponding benzoate esters, opening a route to the employment of this reaction in the synthesis of more complex molecules

    Building and Collapse of the Cadomian Orogen: A Plate-Scale Model Based on Structural Data From the SW Iberian Massif

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    The Cadomian Orogeny produced a subduction-related orogen along the periphery of Gondwana and configured the pre-Variscan basement of the Iberian Massif. The architecture of the Cadomian Orogen requires detailed structural analysis for reconstruction because of severe tectonic reworking during the Paleozoic (Variscan cycle). Tectonometamorphic analysis and data compilation in SW Iberia (La Serena Massif, Spain) have allowed the identification of three Cadomian deformation phases and further constrained the global architecture and large-scale processes that contributed to the Ediacaran building and early Paleozoic dismantling of the Cadomian Orogen. The first phase (DC1, prior to 573 Ma) favored tabular morphology in plutons that intruded during the building of a continental arc. The second phase (DC2, 573–535 Ma) produced an upright folding and contributed to further crustal thickening. The third phase of deformation (DC3, ranging between ∼535 and ∼480 Ma) resulted in an orogen-parallel dome with oblique extensional flow. DC1 represents the crustal growth and thickening stage. DC2 is synchronous with a period of crustal thickening that affected most of the Gondwanan periphery, from the most external sections (Cadomian fore-arc) to the inner ones (Cadomian back-arc). We explain DC2 as a consequence of flat subduction, which was followed by a period dominated by crustal extension (DC3) upon roll-back of the lower plate. The Ediacaran construction of the Cadomian Orogen (DC1 and DC2) requires ongoing subduction beneath Gondwana s.l., whereas its dismantlement during the Early Paleozoic is compatible with oblique, sinistral convergence.Projects PID2020-112489GB-C21 and PID2020-112489GB-C22, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103