1,850 research outputs found

    Orleáns, espacio de libertad en "Los buenos días perdidos", de Antonio Gala

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    Este artículo es un estudio de Orleans como un territorio en el que el dramaturgo Antonio Gala da un significado simbólico a la libertad en “Los buenos días perdidos”. La fuente de este aspecto es una batalla histórica, el triunfo de los soldados franceses con Juana de Arco contra la Armada inglesa en Orleans, en 1429. Además, este artículo señala las relaciones entre la novela de Antonio Gala y la de Hilysmans, Lá-bás.The article is a study of Orleans as a territory in which the playwright, Antonio Gala, gives a symbolic meaning of freedom in “Los Buenos días perdidos”. The source of that aspect is a historical battle, the triumph of the French soldiers with Joan of Arc against the English army in Orleans, in 1429. Also, the article sees the relations between Antonio Gala's play and the novel Lá-bás, of Hilysmans

    La familia Lobariaceae en la Península Ibérica.

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    BURGAZ, A. R. & MARTíNEZ, 1. 1999. The farnily Lobariaceae in the Iberian Peninsula. Rot. Complutensis 23: 59-90. The lichen family Loba/-iacea is represented by eleven taxa in the Iberian Peninsula, five species of Loba/ia, two of PseudocyphellaJia and four of Sticta. Anatomical, chemical, ecological and distributional data for each taxon are provided.BURGAZ, A. R. & MARTÍNEZ, 1. 1999. La familia Lobariaceae en la Península Ibérica. Bot. Coníplutensis 23: 59-90. En la Península Ibérica estáta presentes once táxones de la familia Lobariaceae, cinco especies de Lobaria, dos de Pseudocyphellaria y cuatro de Síicta. De cada taxon se aportan datos sobre la anatomía, química, ecología y distribución

    Study of the genus Sobrina Ach. (liehenized Ascomycetes) in tite Iberian Peninsula

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    BURGAZ, A. R. & MÁRTiNEZ, 1. 1998. Estudio del género Sobrina Ach. (Ascomicetes Iiquenizados) en la Península Ibérica. Bot. Complutensis 22: 63-73. Se aportan las características morfológicas, corológicas y ecológicas de los cinco táxones del género Sobrina conocidos en la Península Ibérica. Se incluyen mapas de distribución de cada uno de ¡os táxones tratados.BURGAZ, A. R. & MARTÍNEZ, 1. 1998. Study of the genus Sobrina Ach. (¡ichenized Ascomycetes) in the Iberian Peninsula. BoL Complutensis 22: 63-73. Ihe morphologic-al, chorological and ecological characteristies of ifie fmve taxa of the genus Sobrina growing in the Iberian Peninsula are reported. Distribution maps of each taxa are included. 1(ey words: Chorology, ecology, maps, Sobrina

    Cartografía corológica de líquenes ibéricos, II.

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    ARAGóN, G. & MARTÍNEZ. 1. Cartografía Corológica de Liquenes Ibéricos, II. Rot Coniplutetrsi.v 20: ¡ 17-¡37. Se presentan los mapas de distribución de seis especies de líquenes de la alianza Lobarion pulmonarie Ochsner ¡928 en España: Dend,-isco:auIon u,nhausense (Auersw.) Degel., Loborio amplissi¡na (Scop.) Forss., Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm., Lobario scrobiculc,ta (Scop) DC., Loba rio virens (With.) Laundon y Nephroma parile (Ach.) Ach Las distribuciones se presentan con puntos ¡Ox 10km correspondientes a la cuadrícula U.T.M

    Epiphytic licheus on Olea curopaca L. from Sierra de Santa Olalla (NW-Cáceres, Spain)

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    MARTíNEZ, 1. & ARAGÓN, G. 1998. Líquenes epifíticos de Ole-a europaea L. en la Sierra de Santa Olalla (NW-Cáceres, España). Rbi. Complutensis 22: 75-81. Se presentan los primeros resultados florísticos sobre líquenes epifiticos recolectados sobre Olea europaea L. en la Sierra de Sta. 01-alía (Cáceres). Se incluyen 66 especies, de las cuales 41 son primnera cita provincial. Entre ellas destacamos por su importancia corológica en la Península Ibérica: Chaenothecopsts pusilla. Rinodina diplinthia, R. griseosoralifera, R. isidioides y Usnea n,adeirensis. Muchas de las especies que aparecen son características de la alianza Lobarion pulmormariae Ochsner 1928.MARTíNEZ, 1. & ARAGÓN, G. ¡998. Epiphytic Iichens on Ole-a europaea L. from Sierra de Santa Olalla (NW-Cáceres, Spain). Bol. Complutensis 22: 75-81. Ihe Iirst floristie results of epiphytie Iichens on O/ea europaea L. frou> Sierra de Sta. Olalla (Cáceres) are given. We include 66 species, 41 of them recorded for the first time from Cáceres. Chaenothecopsis pusilla, Rinodina dipliníhia, R. griseosoral¿frra, R. isidioides anó Usnea madeirensis are pointed out by iheir ecological importance in the Iberian Peninsula. Most of the species are charaeteristies of the Lobarionpulmonarie Ochsner ¡928

    Propuesta de áreas de conservación en el Sistema Ibérico Central (España) utilizando la diversidad liquénica.

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    MARTÍNEZ, I., ARAGÓN, G. & BURGAZ, A. R. 2001. Propuesta de áreas de conservación en el Sistema Ibérico Central (España) utilizando la diversidad liquénica. Bot. Complutensis 25: 129-140. Basándonos en la diversidad liquénica epifítica y la presencia de especies que tienen una distribución muy restringida en la Península Ibérica, se proponen siete zonas boscosas en el Sistema Ibérico Central (España) que merecen ser protegidas, con el objetivo de mantener intactas las condiciones ambientales en las que crecen estos táxones. Se presenta una primera propuesta de especies indicadoras de estabilidad para sabinares y pinares de la región Mediterránea.MARTÍNEZ, I., ARAGÓN, G. & BURGAZ, A. R. 2001. Proposal of conservation areas in the «Sistema Ibérico Central (Spain)» using lichen diversity. Bot. Complutensis 25: 129-140. Seven forested areas which should be protected in the «Sistema Ibérico Central (Spain)» are proposed. Diversity of epiphytic lichens and presence of species with a very restricted distribution in the Iberian Peninsula has been used to evaluate these areas. A first proposal of ecological stability species in Juniperus thurifera, Pinus nigra and P. sylvestris forests is presented in the Mediterranean Region

    Oral lichenoid lesions related to contact with dental materials: A literature review

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    Oral lichenoid lesions related to contact are defined as oral-cavity eruptions with an identifiable etiology, and are clinically and histologically similar to oral lichen planus. Within this group are found oral lichenoid lesions related to contact with dental materials (OLLC), the most common being those related to silver amalgam. Currently, it remains difficult to diagnose these lesions due to the clinical and histopathological similarity with oral lichen planus and other oral mucosa lesions of lichenoid characteristics. In the present paper, we carry out an updated review of the tests for, and the different characteristics of OLLC, which may aid the diagnosis. For this review, we made searches in the Pubmed® and Cochrane® databases. Among the literature we found several published papers, from which we have used review papers, case papers, cohort studies, case and control studies, and a meta-analysis study. After carrying out this review, we can conclude that the diagnosis of these lesions is still difficult and controversial. However, there are different aspects in the clinical presentation, pathological study and results obtained when replacing suspect materials, which, when taken together, may be useful when establishing the final diagnosis of OLLC

    Response to fungal exudates of the rhizosphere isolate Pseudomonas sp. UMAF110 involves a GGDEF/EAL domain-containing protein

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    Pseudomonas sp. UMAF110, isolated from rhizosphere soil in Spain, display in vitro antagonism towards the pythopathogenic fungus Rosellinia necatrix and is able grow in fungal exudates (BM-RE medium). A transposon mutant library of this strain was constructed and several mutants were selected by their reduced competitiveness in BM-RE medium. Pseudomonas sp. UMAF110-G3, which contains the transposon into a gene encoding a putative REC/PAS/GGDEF/EAL protein, was selected for further characterization. Blastn searches using the sequence of the gene interrupted by the transposon in UMAF110-G3, here called cmpA (c-di-GMP Metabolizing Protein), yielded a single positive hit (98% cover, 78% identity) with a gene from a terpene-degrading Pseudomonas sp. strain isolated from soil. Context analysis of the cmpA gene in Pseudomonas sp. UMAF110 showed that this gene is located downstream from several genes involved in flagellar motility/chemotaxis. RT-PCR experiments further confirmed that cmpA form a transcriptional unit with the che gene cluster. Expression analysis of cmpA by qRT-PCR clearly showed upregulation of this gene after transfer of Pseudomonas sp. UMAF110 cells to BM-RE medium, suggesting a role for this operon in response to fungal exudates. Deletion of cmpA in Pseudomonas sp. UMAF110 did not affect the ability of the strain to form biofilms under the conditions tested. However, overexpression of wild type CmpA in Pseudomonas putida KT2440 negatively regulated biofilm formation in this strain. Together, these results suggest that CmpA could be involved in signal transduction pathways regulating flagellar motility/chemotaxis in response to fungal exudates.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La invisibilidad en la enseñanza de la Historia: metodologías, estrategias y recursos

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    En esta investigación se trató de analizar, identificar e interpretar las concepciones que los alumnos recordaban acerca de su antiguo profesorado de Historia y la manera en la que conducía la clase. Concluyendo que, en general, sus recuerdos eran positivos y la metodología utilizada, muy variada, se dirigía además de aprobar la asignatura a formar ciudadanos mediante los valores y el pensamiento crítico