744 research outputs found

    Percepción de las experiencias de cooperación y gobierno del territorio en zonas de baja densidad

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    El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en determinar cómo percibe la población de las zonas de baja densidad su realidad territorial, y cómo interpreta las diferentes prácticas de gobierno y el sentimiento de pertenencia geográfico. Para ello hemos elegido dos zonas rurales de Castilla y León con baja densidad y una larga tradición de programas de desarrollo y se ha recurrido a una encuesta. Las conclusiones hablan de la pervivencia del localismo, el relativo desconocimiento de las actuaciones de los Grupos de Acción Local y la valoración de los ediles y del gobierno regional como responsables y artífices de los problemas y soluciones y, por ende, del gobierno de los territorios.The aim of this study is to determine how the population of the low density areas perceives its territorial reality, and how to interpret the different practices of government and the geographical sense of ownership. We have chosen two rural areas of Castile and Leon (Spain) with low density and a long tradition of rural development programs and have resorted to a survey. Findings speak about persistence of localism, the relative lack of knowledge about Local Action Groups’ activities, and the appreciation of majors and regional autonomous government as responsible both of problems and solutions and, therefore, of territorial governance

    Strain typing of Zygosaccharomyces yeast species using a single molecular method based on polymorphism of the intergenic spacer region (IGS)

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    Unlike previously reported methods that need a combination of several typing techniques, we have 22 developed a single method for strain typing of the Zygosaccharomyces bailii, Z. mellis and Z. rouxii spoilage 23 species. Strains belonging to other species have also been included for comparison. We have demonstrated 24 that the IGS-PCR RFLP method has a high discriminative power. Considering the three endonucleases used in 25 this work, we have obtained a variability of 100% for Z. mellis and Z. rouxii strains and up to 70% for Z.bailii. 26 We have also detected two misidentified Z. mellis strains (CBS 711 and CBS 7412) which have RFLP patterns 27 with a set of bands characteristic of Z. rouxii strains. Sequencing of 26S rDNA D1/D2 domains and the 5.8-ITS 28 rDNA region confirmed these strains as Z. rouxii. The method also groups three certified hybrid strains of 29 Zygosaccharomyces in a separate cluster

    How to approach Latin collocations in the classroom? A proposal based on their combinatory, semantic and syntactic features

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    El objetivo de este artículo es doble: por una parte, presentar las principales características combinatorias, semánticas y sintácticas delas colocacionesen latín y, por otra, aportar una serie de explicaciones y ejercicios que permitan a los estudiantes entender su funcionamiento. Para ello, partiremos dela naturaleza restringida deestetipo de combinaciones de palabras. A continuación, profundizaremosen la idea de queson los nombres, y no los verbos, su núcleo semántico. Y, por último, analizaremos la particular contribución sintáctica de cada uno de estos elementos al conjunto. Toda la explicación teórica de nuestra propuesta se acompañará de una serie de actividades prácticas cuyo fin es aprender a identificar, entender y traducir algunas colocaciones con los verbos facere, habere y dare.The aim of this articleis twofold: on the one hand, to highlight the main combinatory, semantic and syntactic features of the collocations inLatin and, on the other hand, to provide a series of explanations and exercises that allow students to understand how they work.To do so, first we will focus on the restricted nature of this type of word combinations. Next, we will go deeper into the idea that the nouns, and not the verbs, are the semantic core of these constructions. And finally, we will analyze the syntactic contribution of each of these elements to the whole. All the theoretical explanation of our proposal will be accompanied by a series of practical activities focused on learning to identify, understand, and translate some collocations with the verbs facere, habere and dare

    Aiming at understanding consumers´ behavior in fast food restaurants: a food values approach

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    A partir de la clasificación de los valores alimenticios propuesta pertinente por Lusk y Briggeman (2009), este trabajo buscaba comprender el comportamiento de los consumidores en los restaurantes de comida rápida. Con este objetivo, se analiza una muestra de 400 consumidores de dos cadenas de comida rápida líderes en España. El análisis empírico de estos datos nos permitió observar no sólo la presencia de tres grupos de consumidores distintos de acuerdo con sus evaluaciones de los valores alimentarios, sino también varias diferencias entre estos grupos con respecto a hábitos diversos, así como resultados de satisfacción, confianza y lealtad. A partir de estos resultados, se proponen diversas recomendaciones estratégicas para mejorar el diseño y desarrollo de estrategias diferenciadas en la industria.Beginning with the classification of food values proposed in the relevant literature by Lusk and Briggeman (2009), this paper aimed at understanding consumers´ behaviour at fast-food restaurants. With this research goal in mind, a sample of 400 consumers was gathered in two different leading fast-food chains operating in Spain. The empirical analysis of these data enabled us to observe not only the presence of three different consumers’ clusters in accordance with their food values ‘assessments, but also several differences between these groups with regard to diverse habits as well as satisfaction, trust and loyalty outcomes. From these results, several managerial recommendations have been proposed in order to improve the design and development of differentiated strategies in the industry.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ECO2014-59688-

    Evolution and trends of private labels in food markets: the Spanish situation

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    [ES] La marca de distribuidor está experimentando un proceso de crecimiento notable en nuestro país, especialmente en los mercados de productos de gran consumo. Sobre este particular, este trabajo tiene por objeto analizar la situación actual así como las tendencias futuras en la comercialización de marcas de distribuidor en la industria de productos de gran consumo. Para ello, se tendrá en cuenta la penetración de las marcas de distribuidor en distintas categorías de productos de gran consumo, exponiéndose una serie de argumentos con objeto de explicar las tendencias observadas.[EN] The private label is undergoing a process of relevant growth in our country, es pecially in food markets. Within this research field, the present work aims at analysing the current situation as well as the future trends in the distribution of private labels by food retailers. Bearing this goal in mind, the private label penetration within different product categories will be analysed, providing explanations in order to understand the observed tendencies

    Development of species-specific primers for rapid identification of Debaryomyces hansenii

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    In this work, we developed a specific PCR assay for Debaryomyces hansenii strains that uses a putative homologous PAD1 region (729 bp) present in this yeast species as a target. The amplification of this sequence with the D. hansenii specific primer pair (DhPADF/DhPADR) was found to be a rapid, specific and an affordable method enabling identification of D. hansenii from other yeast strains. Primers were tested in almost 100 strains, 49 strains from Type Culture Collection belonging to the genus Debaryomyces and to other yeast species commonly found in foods or related genera. These primers were able to discriminate between closely related species of Debaryomyces, such as Debaryomyces fabryi and Debaryomyces subglobosus, with a 100% detection rate for D. hansenii. Also, the method was tested in 45 strains from different foods. Results confirmed the specificity of the PCR method and detected two earlier misidentifications of D. hansenii strains obtained by RFLP analysis of the 5.8S ITS rDNA region. Subsequently we confirmed by sequencing the D1/D2 domain of 26S rDNA that these strains belonged to D. fabryi. We call attention in this work to the fact that the RFLPs of the 5.8S ITS rDNA profiles of D. hansenii, D. fabryi and D. subglobosus are the same and this technique will thus lead to incorrect identifications

    The Balance of Payments and International Investment Position of Spain in 2022

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    Rationale The balance of payments and international investment position (IIP) are important because of the information they provide on economic relations with the rest of the world, which affect the national economy. Their analysis is of even greater interest in the light of recent events, such as the war in Ukraine and its impact on energy prices. Takeaways •In 2022 the Spanish economy’s net lending fell, owing largely to the deterioration in the energy trade balance. The services balance performed favourably, particularly in the case of travel services, which returned to pre-pandemic levels. •The negative net IIP continued to correct in 2022, standing at 60.5% of GDP, the lowest level in 18 years, thanks to GDP growth, the positive amount of financial transactions with the rest of the world and positive valuation effects. •Spain’s outward foreign direct investment and inward foreign investment in Spain recovered their pre-pandemic levels, with a notably strong performance by the non-financial corporations sector

    Medición de resultados en la estrategia CRM : Hacia un modelo holístico

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    Este trabajo pretende contribuir a la investigación realizada en el ámbito la medición de resultados derivados de la estrategia CRM (Customer Relationship Management) . Con tal objetivo, primeramente definimos CRM como una filosofía de negocio que combina estrategia y tecnología en entornos tanto convencionales como virtuales (e-CRM). A continuación, destacamos la necesidad de contar con sistemas de medición por parte de las empresas que evalúen, de forma dinámica, el impacto de las iniciativas CRM y e-CRM sobre los resultados. Asimismo, realizamos una retrospectiva de las métricas utilizadas en el ámbito del marketing , destacando la tendencia hacia modelos scorecard , con un especial énfasis en las metodologías que evalúan los resultados de la implementación de estrategias CRM. Finalmente, concluimos haciendo referencia a los principales retos en la medición de resultados de estrategias CRM y las potenciales líneas de investigación en este á[email protected]