534 research outputs found

    Electrochemical treatment of aluminium alloy 7075 in aqueous solutions of imidazolium phosphonate and phosphate ionic liquids and scratch resistance of the resultant materials

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    The abilitiy of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethylphosphonate ([ImPhosphonate]) and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium diethylphosphate ([ImPhosphate]) ionic liquids (ILs) to interact with anodized Al7075 T6 aluminium alloy has been studied via electrochemical techniques under different applied potentials, inside and outside the passivation regions. SEM, EDX and XPS analysis have been used to study the composition of the surface coatings. The abrasion resistance after treatment with the ILs has been studied by scratch tests under progressive load, and compared with the performance of the unprotected material and the anodized alloy. While conventional anodization only improves the abrasion resistance of Al7075 in a 30%, the maximum reduction of the penetration depth, 86% with respect to Al7075 and 79% with respect to the anodized alloy, is obtained for the material treated with [ImPhosphonate] at 1 V, in the passivation region. Under these conditions, a phosphorus-containing alumina layer is formed. Applied voltages outside the passivation region for each IL activate the dissolution of the alumina layer and reduce abrasion resistance, not only with respect to the anodized material, but also with respect to the unprotected alloy.This work received the financial support of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO, Spain) and the EU FEDER Program (Grant MAT2014-55384-P), and the Fundación Séneca, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia for a “Ayuda a las Unidades y Grupos de Excelencia Científica de la Región de Murcia (Programa Séneca 2014)” (Grant 19877/GERM/14)

    Utilización en la actualidad de los biomarcadores en el daño renal agudo: Resumen de las Recomendaciones de la 10ª ADQI (Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative): Murray PT, Mehta RL, Shaw A et al. Current Use of Biomarkers in Acute Kidney Injury: Report and Summary of Recommendations from the 10th Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative Consensus Conference. Kidney Int 2014;85(3):513–521.

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    Un biomarcador se definiría como “una característica que es medida de forma objetiva y evaluada como indicador del proceso biológico normal, proceso patogénico o respuesta farmacológica a una intervención terapeútica”. Los marcadores actuales de los que disponemos para reconocer el daño renal agudo son: la cifra de creatinina sérica y el gasto urinario. La limitación del progreso en el control del daño renal está condicionada por la todavía escasa aplicación clínica de los nuevos biomarcadores. A pesar de que estos se suelen alterar antes que el nivel de creatinina sérica, hasta el momento no disponemos de recomendaciones clínicas específicas. Algunas de la cuestiones que todavía estarían por definir serían: ¿cuándo se necesitan los biomarcadores?, ¿cuál o cuáles utilizar?, ¿cómo interpretar los datos y utilizar la información para mejorar el pronóstico del paciente? En la 10ª ADQI un grupo de expertos internacionales realizó un análisis crítico tras revisar la literatura sobre su aplicación en la práctica clínica habitual y crearon unas recomendaciones basadas en el consenso para el uso de dichos marcadores. La primera parte de este artículo resume los temas discutidos y las conclusiones de la conferencia para, en un segundo tiempo, mostrar los resultados de una revisión bibliográfica realizada por los autores

    Strain typing of Zygosaccharomyces yeast species using a single molecular method based on polymorphism of the intergenic spacer region (IGS)

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    Unlike previously reported methods that need a combination of several typing techniques, we have 22 developed a single method for strain typing of the Zygosaccharomyces bailii, Z. mellis and Z. rouxii spoilage 23 species. Strains belonging to other species have also been included for comparison. We have demonstrated 24 that the IGS-PCR RFLP method has a high discriminative power. Considering the three endonucleases used in 25 this work, we have obtained a variability of 100% for Z. mellis and Z. rouxii strains and up to 70% for Z.bailii. 26 We have also detected two misidentified Z. mellis strains (CBS 711 and CBS 7412) which have RFLP patterns 27 with a set of bands characteristic of Z. rouxii strains. Sequencing of 26S rDNA D1/D2 domains and the 5.8-ITS 28 rDNA region confirmed these strains as Z. rouxii. The method also groups three certified hybrid strains of 29 Zygosaccharomyces in a separate cluster

    Influence of sliding frequency on reciprocating wear of mold steel with different microstructures. Poster

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    Large forged steel blooms are employed to fabricate molds for plastics used in the automotive industry. Each mold is expected to produce a few millions of pieces in its life. Wear under service conditions may be severe and may combine with other stresses to cause crack nucleation and failure. The present manufacturing process consists of machining pre-hardened blooms. The dimensions of the blooms use to exceed the hardenability of the steel, thus different microstructures occur at increasing depths, all of them being affected by the subsequent tempering. Due to finishing operations, any of the microstructures occurring at different positions in the original bloom can be found at the mold face. Thus, steel properties and wear resistance should be studied as a function of the microstructure.We thank MEC (Spain), EU FEDER (MAT2005-00067, MAT2008-01670) for financial support

    Trew@sig: spatial workflow. Workflow y SIG para la I-Administación

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    Trew@SIG nace para cubrir la necesidad de gestión de información espacial asociada a los flujos de trabajo en la tramitación de expedientes de la administración electrónica. Es un completo framework de desarrollo que proporciona la total integración de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica con datos de gestión, como un módulo complementario "al sistema de tramitación". Esto es, un entorno de desarrollo multifuncional, aplicable a diferentes ámbitos de la gestión pública, como el urbanismo, recursos hídricos, inventarios georreferenciados, participación pública, etc. Trew@SIG se fundamenta en dos conceptos básicos. Por un lado, el “Momento de Tramitación”, definido por el estado en el que se encuentra el proceso de trabajo y las necesidades de información espacial y herramientas, que apoyarán la toma de decisiones para la continuación del flujo. Por otro, el “GeoPerfil”, como conjunto de capas y herramientas de gestión de la información espacial ligados al momento de tramitación y a las necesidades del usuario. Estas capacidades se han desarrollado en entornos diferentes: web, escritorio y móvil, todos ellos según normas OGC y usando componentes desarrollados en software libre, entre los que se encuentran: • Núcleo de integración con el workflow, que ofrece las funcionalidades adecuadas para la integración del sistema con el momento de tramitación. • Núcleo SIG., aporta todas las funcionalidades para la gestión de la información espacial, basado en estándares OGC: WMS, WFS, WFS-G, WPS. • Trew@SIG cliente web, aporta las funcionalidades de visualización de capas y herramientas de gestión mediante un framework de desarrollo basado en tecnologías OpenSource. • Aplicación de movilidad basada en Enebro Framework, que incorpora las funcionalidades necesarias para las operaciones de campo. • Aplicación de escritorio basada en gvSIG y empleada para aprovechar toda la potencia de esta herramienta de escritorio. Trew@SIG puede ser usado por cualquier entidad pública o privada en procesos trabajo, mejorando la gestión de datos y ofreciendo todos los instrumentos requeridos en la toma de decisiones que requieran consultar, capturar, modificar o analizar elementos territoriales. El resultado es un entorno de desarrollo que permite modelar procesos de gestión con dimensión espacial, de fácil implantación, implementado con tecnologías de fuentes abiertas y bajo estándares OGC. Ofrece a las distintas organizaciones y usuarios la posibilidad de integrar en sus procesos de trabajo datos y funcionalidades espaciales, hasta ahora, tratadas con herramientas y en entornos diferentes.Trew@SIG is born to cover the need of spatial data management in workflow-processing. Trew@SIG is a complete framework to develop professional workflow solutions providing total GIS-Data integration,as an add-on module to the pure-workflow-system. It's a multipurpose framework, being used in different workflow enviroments, as urbanism, hydrological processes, multipurposal inventaries, urban tasks, contingency management, etc. Trew@SIG is based on two basic concepts “Workflow momentum” and “GeoProfile”. Workflow momentum is an unique combination of workflow status with specific needs of spatial information and tools,in order to decide which way the workflow will go on. GeoProfile is defined as a set of layers and tools to manage spatial information. This way, Trew@SIG deals with workflow and spatial data associating a geoprofile to a certain workflow momentum, providing the user with all spatial information and capabilities needed to go ahead with the next step of the workflow process. These capabilities are offered in different enviroments: web, desktop and mobile, all of them according to OGC standards and using open source components, which are detailed as follows: •Workflow integration core, which offers full integration with workflow processes. It has been integrated with Trew@ workflow system, based on WFMC (WorkFlowManagementCoalition) standards, implementing XPDL and WSDL standards. •GIS core,this module contains all the GIS functionallities based on OGC standards: WMS,WFS,WFS-G,WPS. •Trew@SIG webclient,open for different client mapping frameworks.Full configuration of a geoprofile (layers&tools) implemented for OpenLayers and Mapfish. •Desktop application,based on gvSIG, provides advanced users full and highest performance managing spatial data. •Fieldwork application,based on Enebro, gives full capabilities for fieldwork operations,GPS-capturing,editing,etc. Trew@SIG can be used for any public or private entity for their own workflow processes,improving the management of data,offering all the tools required to make a decision in a process. To sum up,Trew@SIG makes workflow processing much easier,faster and simpler to deploy,joining the effort of leading opensource projects in a framework and offering the final users GIS data and functionalities completely integrated in workflow processing

    Media and violence against women in the Basque Country: A self-regulation case study

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    In recent decades, given the crucial role played by the news media in fighting to eradicate violence against women, several organisations and legislative initiatives have begun self-regulating. This study analyses news coverage of gender-based murders in the Basque media over the course of three years, beginning with approval of rules for self-regulation. The results show that the media actively contribute to raising visibility of violence against women as a social problem, although reduced compliance with some of the recommendations indicates difficulty in practically applying them and disparate criteria from one journalist to another.Basque Institute for Women - Emakund

    Relationship between unilateral posterior crossbite and human static body posture

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    Background: We compared photogrammetry-assessed body posture between young adults with and without unilateral posterior crossbite (UPCB). Assessments were controlled by vision, mandibular position and sitting/standing position. In addition, we aimed to determine the relationship between UPCB laterality and the direction of body posture using photogrammetry and a static postural platform. Methods: Adults with natural dentition, with and without UPCB, were enrolled. Static body posture was assessed by photogrammetry based on horizontal acromial alignment and horizontal anterior-superior iliac spine (ASIS) alignment. Frontal photographs were taken with participants asked to open or close their eyes and hold their jaws at rest, at an intercuspal position, and at left or right lateral positions. Distribution of foot pressure was recorded using a static postural platform at different visual input and mandibular positions. General linear models with repeated measures were used to assess the effect of the various within- and between-subject factors. Results: In total, 36 adults (left UPCB = 12; Right UPCB = 6; controls = 18) participated. There were significant differences between the control and UPCB groups in horizontal alignment at the acromion (p = 0.035) and ASIS (p = 0.026) levels when controlled by visual input and mandibular position. No significant differences in horizontal alignment or foot pressure distribution were observed by laterality in the UPCB group. Conclusion: The presence of UPCB affects static body posture, but the side of crossbite is not related to the direction of effect on static body posture

    Development of species-specific primers for rapid identification of Debaryomyces hansenii

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    In this work, we developed a specific PCR assay for Debaryomyces hansenii strains that uses a putative homologous PAD1 region (729 bp) present in this yeast species as a target. The amplification of this sequence with the D. hansenii specific primer pair (DhPADF/DhPADR) was found to be a rapid, specific and an affordable method enabling identification of D. hansenii from other yeast strains. Primers were tested in almost 100 strains, 49 strains from Type Culture Collection belonging to the genus Debaryomyces and to other yeast species commonly found in foods or related genera. These primers were able to discriminate between closely related species of Debaryomyces, such as Debaryomyces fabryi and Debaryomyces subglobosus, with a 100% detection rate for D. hansenii. Also, the method was tested in 45 strains from different foods. Results confirmed the specificity of the PCR method and detected two earlier misidentifications of D. hansenii strains obtained by RFLP analysis of the 5.8S ITS rDNA region. Subsequently we confirmed by sequencing the D1/D2 domain of 26S rDNA that these strains belonged to D. fabryi. We call attention in this work to the fact that the RFLPs of the 5.8S ITS rDNA profiles of D. hansenii, D. fabryi and D. subglobosus are the same and this technique will thus lead to incorrect identifications

    Biased receptor functionality versus biased agonism in G-protein-coupled receptors

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    Functional selectivity is a property of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) by which activation by different agonists leads to different signal transduction mechanisms. This phenomenon is also known as biased agonism and has attracted the interest of drug discovery programs in both academy and industry. This relatively recent concept has raised concerns as to the validity and real translational value of the results showing bias; firstly biased agonism may vary significantly depending on the cell type and the experimental constraints, secondly the conformational landscape that leads to biased agonism has not been defined. Remarkably, GPCRs may lead to differential signaling even when a single agonist is used. Here we present a concept that constitutes a biochemical property of GPCRs that may be underscored just using one agonist, preferably the endogenous agonist. 'Biased receptor functionality' is proposed to describe this effect with examples based on receptor heteromerization and alternative splicing. Examples of regulation of final agonist-induced outputs based on interaction with β-arrestins or calcium sensors are also provided. Each of the functional GPCR units (which are finite in number) has a specific conformation. Binding of agonist to a specific conformation, i.e. GPCR activation, is sensitive to the kinetics of the agonist-receptor interactions. All these players are involved in the contrasting outputs obtained when different agonists are assayed

    Teachers' attitudes about the innovation with multisensorial ICT tools in inclusive environments

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    Existe evidencia de que el uso de juegos digitales basados en herramientas multisensoriales proporciona beneficios en diferentes dimensiones del aprendizaje del alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales. Sin embargo, el uso de estas herramientas en aulas de infantil y primaria para favorecer la inclusión de dicho alumnado no ha sido tratado en profundidad. El trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar de qué modo la participación de un grupo de docentes en un programa de desarrollo profesional centrado en la integración en el aula de juegos basados en tecnologías multisensoriales, contribuyó a hacer evolucionar sus actitudes sobre la adopción de estas tecnologías en contextos escolares desde una perspectiva inclusiva. En esta investigación se ha empleado un método mixto con estrategia secuencial explicativa. Las técnicas e instrumentos empleados, entrevistas y cuestionarios, nos han permitido recabar datos sobre la evolución de las preocupaciones docentes tras la formación recibida en el marco del Proyecto Europeo INTELed. Los resultados muestran que los docentes otorgaron gran valor a las colaboraciones surgidas en el proyecto, y experimentaron una evolución hacia mayores grados de preocupación en relación con la sostenibilidad y la transferencia de este tipo de innovaciones en el aula.There is evidence that the use of digital games based on multisensory tools provides benefits in different dimensions of learning for students with special educational needs. However, the use of these tools in early childhood and primary education classrooms to promote the inclusion of such students has not been treated in depth. The aim of this paper is to analyze how the participation of a group of teachers in a professional development program focused on the integration in the classroom of games based on multisensory technologies contributed to the evolution of their attitudes about the adoption of these technologies in school contexts from an inclusive perspective. In this research, a mixed method with a sequential explanatory strategy has been used. The techniques and instruments used, interviews and questionnaires, have allowed us to collect data on the evolution of the concerns that arose after the training received in the framework of the European project INTELed. The results show that the teachers highly valued the collaborations that emerged during the project, and that they experienced an evolution towards higher levels of concern regarding sustainability and transfer in this type of innovations in the classroom.peerReviewe