1,560 research outputs found

    Estudio de técnicas para multitarea HW sobre FPGAs Tridimensionales (FPGA3D)

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    Este texto documenta el trabajo realizado por los autores para diseñar e implementar un simulador de FPGA 3D (Field Programmable Gate Array). Tras una introducción sobre aspectos generales del proyecto, se da una introducción sobre circuitos lógicos programables y en concreto sobre FPGA. Después se explica el motivo de interés en este proyecto. La segunda parte de la memoria contiene el diseño y la implementación propuestas para el simulado y detalla el trabajo realizado durante la creación del simulador. Finalmente se concluye el proyecto dando algunas posibles modificaciones para futuros trabajos. [ABSTRACT] This report documents the work done by the authors to design and implement a 3D graphics system on an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). After an introduction about general points of the project, an introduction about programmable circuits and in particular about FPGA is given. Then we explain the reason of the interest of this project. The second part of this report contains the proposed graphics system design for FPGA implementation and details the work made during de creation of the 3D graphics system. Finally, chapter six concludes the project with some suggestions for future work

    Spiking Neural P Systems with Structural Plasticity: Attacking the Subset Sum Problem

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    Spiking neural P systems with structural plasticity (in short, SNPSP systems) are models of computations inspired by the function and structure of biological neurons. In SNPSP systems, neurons can create or delete synapses using plasticity rules. We report two families of solutions: a non-uniform and a uniform one, to the NP-complete problem Subset Sum using SNPSP systems. Instead of the usual rule-level nondeterminism (choosing which rule to apply) we use synapse-level nondeterminism (choosing which synapses to create or delete). The nondeterminism due to plasticity rules have the following improvements from a previous solution: in our non-uniform solution, plasticity rules allowed for a normal form to be used (i.e. without forgetting rules or rules with delays, system is simple, only synapse-level nondeterminism); in our uniform solution the number of neurons and the computation steps are reduced.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-3743

    New consumption models for audiovisual products: the effects of binge-watching on young university students

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    La industria del entretenimiento ha contemplado desde sus inicios al espectador como mero sujeto pasivo. Sin embargo, la disrupción tecnológica que supuso la digitalización de la señal audiovisual ha convertido a los consumidores de estos productos en usuarios activos. Este cambio de paradigma técnico ha favorecido la aparición de una nueva modalidad de acceso que ha modificado, de forma irresoluble, la relación entre público y contenido. El origen de esta revolución se fundamenta en el uso masivo, a través de Internet, de una serie de instrumentos (redes p2p, streaming de vídeo, repositorios digitales, etc.) que permiten al internauta el libre intercambio de cualquier material fílmico fuera de toda restricción comercial. De esta forma, el incremento exponencial de títulos disponibles en Internet para su consumo inmediato, de fácil acceso y a coste cero o muy reducido, ha estimulado una nueva forma de consumo, sobre todo en lo referente a las ficciones televisivas en serie. Este comportamiento anómalo, definido como binge-watching, ha modificado la conducta y el comportamiento de los consumidores, lo que repercute de forma directa en los medios de comunicación tradicionales. Además este nuevo fenómeno repercute en los hábitos de comportamiento del espectador (higiene, sueño, etc.) en pos del visionado ininterrumpido de su contenido preferido. Así, partiendo del paradigma de los Usos y Efectos y basando la observación en un estudio empírico, el objetivo principal de esta investigación es analizar los efectos que este nuevo modelo de consumo audiovisual tiene sobre los jóvenes universitarios.The entertainment industry has seen the viewer as a taxable person. However, technological disruption that was the digitization of audiovisual signal has become consumers of these products in active users. This paradigm shift has led to the emergence of a new mode of access that has changed the relationship between audience and content. The origin of this revolution is the widespread use of Internet tools (P2P networks, streaming, cyberlockers, etc.) that allow the free exchange of any audiovisual product outside of any trade restriction. Thus, the exponential increase of titles available online for immediate consumption, easy access and zero or very low cost, has stimulated a new form of consumption, especially in relation to television fiction series. This state, defined as binge-watching, has modified consumer behavior, which has a direct impact on traditional media. In addition, this new phenomenon affects the behavior of viewer habits (hygiene, sleep, etc.) for uninterrupted viewing of audiovisual products. Thus, from the theory of Uses and Effects and basing observation on an empirical study, the main focus of this research is to analyze the effects that this new model of audiovisual consumption has on young students

    Aproximación al sistema contable de los talleres ferroviarios de MZA durante el siglo XIX. (Approach to the accounting system of the railroad workshops of MZA in the 19th century)

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    El ferrocarril es tradicionalmente uno de los sectores más estudiados por la investigación histórica, tanto en España como en el resto de los países desarrollados, motivado por el importante papel desempeñado en el progreso económico. Dentro del estudio de la historia económica del ferrocarril, destacan las pocas investigaciones realizadas sobre los registros contables, lo cual es fundamental pues está consensuado que la contabilidad moderna apareció en las compañías ferroviarias a mediados del siglo XIX. Este trabajo representa sólo el comienzo del estudio de los documentos que rigen la forma de contabilizar en las empresas ferroviarias del siglo XIX, abandonando, de momento, el estudio de los registros contables de las compañías. La organización elegida es una de las dos grandes sociedades en España: la Compañía de los Ferrocarriles de Madrid a Zaragoza y Alicante (MZA); y el tema elegido es la contabilidad de los talleres de dicha empresa. (The railroad is one of the subjects most analyzed by historical research, both in Spain and other developed countries. This is undoubtedly due to its importance in the economic development of countries. With regard to the study of railroad economic history stands out the scarce number of researches carried out on accounting records, spite of the fact that, as it is generally agreed, modern accounting appeared in the railways in the mid-nineteenth century. This paper supposes the beginning of our studies on the subject and is devoted to the set of rules governing how accounts were maintained in Spanish railway companies in the nineteenth century. At a later date the research will be complemented by the analysis of accounting records. For our purpose we have chosen one the two largest railroad companies in Spain: the Compañía de los Ferrocarriles de Madrid a Zaragoza y Alicante (MZA), that is Railroad Company from Madrid to Zaragoza and Alicante (MZA); the specific subject of the paper is the accounting of the workshops of the Company).Historia, Contabilidad, Ferrocarril, MZA. History, Accounting, Railroad, MZA.


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    Durante la historia de México ha existido una vasta diversidad de productos alimenticios, algunos han desaparecido, otros lograron perdurar hasta nuestros dias con gran dificultad, un claro ejemplo es la bebida alcohólica llamada pulque, obtenida a partir de aguamiel extraído del maguey pulquero y sometido a un proceso de fermentación; el consumo de esta bebida es tradicional en el centro del país, principalmente en los Estados de Hidalgo, México, Puebla y Tlaxcala. No obstante a pesar de ser aparentemente la misma bebida en cada uno de los estados, existen diferencias marcadas entre ellos en los aspectos de superficie sembrada, rendimiento de litros por hectárea, costo por litro y ganancias obtenidas por esta actividad; a partir de estas diferencias es que se plantea el estudio de la cadena productiva del pulque en los Estados de México y Tlaxcala, siendo el primero el de mayor superficie plantada, pero el que recibe la menor cantidad de ingresos en contraste con el segundo que recibe la mayor cantidad de ingresos en una superficie cuatro veces menor (SIAP, 2010); para apoyar esta comparación se utilizó el método Delphi que contempla la aplicación de cuestionarios a expertos del tema (Scott, 2001) y el posterior procesamiento de los datos. Al término del análisis de datos se identificaron las variables que determinan la diferencia entre ambas cadenas mediante una tabla que concentra y señala los contrastes de ambos estados y de la cual se generaron las conclusiones

    Prevalencia de enfermedad glomerular en edad pediátrica del ISSSTEP diagnosticada por biopsia renal en el periodo enero 2006 – diciembre 2021

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    "En el presente estudio se busca la prevalencia de las enfermedades glomerulares en la población pediátrica derechohabientes del Hospital de Especialidades médicas 5 de Mayo ISSSTEP describiendo la presentación clínica de cada uno de los pacientes que tienen el diagnostico por biopsia renal y cuantos evolucionaron a enfermedad renal crónica. Comparar los datos obtenidos de los pacientes con la literatura e identificar si existen diferencias significativas con lo descrito en la literatura. Finalmente se busca una intervención en el abordaje temprano a todos los pacientes que presenten hematuria, proteinuria e hipertensión arterial.

    A thermo-viscoplastic constitutive model for FCC metals with application to OFHC copper

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    In this paper a physical-based constitutive relation for defining the thermo-viscoplastic behaviour of FCC metals with dependence on strain on thermal activation processes is presented. The model, based on previous considerations reported by Rusinek and Klepaczko [Rusinek A, Klepaczko JR. Shear testing of sheet steel at wide range of strain rates and a constitutive relation with strain-rate and temperature dependence of the flow stress. Int J Plasticity 2001;17:87-115], is founded on physical aspects of the material behaviour. The proposed constitutive relation is applied to define the behaviour of oxygen-free high conductivity (OFHC) copper using the experimental data reported in Nemat-Nasser and Li [Nemat-Nasser S, Li Y. Flow stress of FCC polycrystals with application to OFHC copper. Acta Mater 1998;46:565-77]. The description of the material behaviour provided by the model gets satisfactory agreement with the experiments. The analytical predictions of this constitutive description are compared with those obtained from the models due to Voyiadjis and Almasri [Voyiadjis GZ, Almasri AH. A physically based constitutive model for fcc metals with applications to dynamic hardness. Mech Mater 2008;40:549-63], and Nemat-Nasser and Li. This comparison reveals that the original formulation proposed in this paper is a suitable alternative to other physically based relations for modeling OFHC copper.The researchers of the University Carlos III of Madrid are indebted to the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (ProjectCCG08UC3M/MAT4464) and to the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España (ProjectDPI/200806408)Publicad

    Numerical simulations of impact behaviour of thin steel plates subjected to cylindrical, conical and hemispherical non-deformable projectiles

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    In this paper, a numerical study of normal perforation of thin steel plates impacted by different projectile shapes is reported. The numerical simulations of this problem have been performed using a finite element code, ABAQUS-Explicit with a fixed and an adaptive mesh for the plate. To define the thermoviscoplastic behaviour of the material constituting the plate, the Johnson-Cook model has been used. This homogeneous behaviour has been coupled with the Johnson-Cook fracture criterion to predict completely the perforation process. Three kinds of projectile shape (blunt, conical and hemispherical) have been simulated with a large range of impact velocities from 190 to 600 m/s. The analysis considers the influence of adiabatic shear bands, plastic work and the gradient of temperature generated in the plate. The numerical results predict correctly the behaviour projectile-plate in agreement with experimental data published by other authors.Publicad

    Thermo-viscoplastic behaviour of 2024-T3 aluminium sheets subjected to low velocity perforation at different temperatures

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    This paper deals with the mechanical behaviour of the aluminium alloy 2024-T3. This alloy has particular relevance since it is widely used in the aeronautical industry for building aircraft structures. The deformation behaviour of this material has been characterised in tension under wide ranges of strain rate and temperature. Among the aluminium alloys, the AA 2024-T3 highlights due to its high flow stress and strain hardening. Moreover, the material temperature sensitivity has been found dependent on plastic strain. The Modified Rusinek-Klepaczko constitutive description [Rusinek A, Rodriguez-Martinez JA, Arias A. A thermo-viscoplastic constitutive model for FCC metals with application to OFHC copper. Int. J. Mech. Sci. 52 (2010) 120-135], which takes into account such dependence of the temperature sensitivity on plastic strain, has been applied for modelling the thermo-viscoplastic response of the material. Satisfactory agreement between experiments and analytical predictions provided by the Modified Rusinek-Klepaczko model has been found. In order to study the material behaviour under impact loading, low velocity perforation tests on AA 2024-T3 sheets have been performed at different initial temperatures using a drop weight tower. Plastic instabilities formation and progression are identified as the cause behind the target collapse for all the impact tests conducted. The results from these perforation tests are compared with those reported in [Rodriguez-Martinez JA, Pesci R, Rusinek A, Arias A, Zaera R, Pedroche DA. Thermo-mechanical behaviour of TRIP 1000 steel sheets subjected to low velocity perforation by conical projectiles at different temperatures. Int. J. Solids Struct. 47 (2010) 1268-1284.] for TRIP 1000 steel sheets. The comparison reveals that the amount of specific energy absorbed by the aluminium targets is much lower than that corresponding to the steel targets. The role played by inertia on delaying plastic instabilities formation is determined as potential responsible for such behaviour.Publicad