8,787 research outputs found

    The features of the poetics of exile in the work of Luis Cernuda

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    La obra literaria creada en el destierro por los españoles tuvo ciertos caracteres esenciales que le llevan a formar parte de una tendencia distinta, a no ligarse a los movimientos literarios coetáneos que se manifestaban en la península. La lírica fue el género más influenciado por la situación que los exiliados estaban experimentando, razón por la que sus textos pueden dividirse en periodos, con diferentes rasgos, dependientes de la situación histórica que experimentaban: Segunda Guerra Mundial, final de la guerra y afianzamiento del Franquismo, etc. Entre los muchos autores exiliados, Luis Cernuda fue uno de los más reconocidos, donde los rasgos de la poética del destierro estaban presentes, de una forma velada, trágica y sucinta, como era propio de toda su producción.The literary texts created in the exile by Spanish authors had special characteristics that created news movements. For this reason, they aren’t bound to Spanish contemporary movements, created in the Península Ibérica. The lyric was the genre more influenced by the situation of the exiled was experimenting. For this reason, all the production can be divided in two periods, with different features, depending of the historical situation: Second Mundial War, the end of the war and the consolidation of the Franquismo, etc. Among the many lyric authors, Luis Cernuda was one of the most recognized, with a lot of text where the banishment was present, in certain way veiled, tragic and concise, like he usually showed all his feelings in his books

    La revista "España Libre" (1939-1976) y Francisco Ayala: Cartas y trextos olvidados de su exilio en Estados Unidos

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    Durante el Exilio Español de 1939, el número de periódicos culturales editados por desterrados creció con intensidad en los diferentes lugares donde se asentaron. Uno de los destinos menos estudiados era Estados Unidos, donde España Libre -órgano de las Sociedades Hispanas Confederadas- fue publicado. En él colaboró el español asilado Francisco Ayala, como en otras muchas revistas, desde su juventud en España y durante sus diferentes exilios en América. Sus colaboraciones se sitúan en la década de 1960, mientras él vivía entre Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos, donde trabajaba como profesor universitario. En esta publicación, editada por muchos autores españoles relacionados con políticas antifacistas, ofreció una serie de textos centrados en España y su situación política.During the Spanish exile of 1939, the number of cultural journals edited by Spanish authors in the exile increased greatly. Among the different places of destiny where Spanish authors were exiled one of the least studied is United States, where España Libre - considered as a bulletin of the Hispanic Confederate Societies- was published. The Spanish author Francisco Ayala participated in this publication -as in many other cultural journals - since he was young living in Spain and later during his various exiles in America. His collaborations dated from the decade of 1960s while he was living between Puerto Rico and United States where he worked as an university professor. In this publication, which was edited by many Spanish authors who were connected with anti fascist politics, he offered a series of papers focused on Spain and its political situation

    The Sin of Pride in Dressing Bodies in Spanish and Anglo-American Ballads

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    In her article The Sin of Pride in Dressing Bodies in Spanish and Anglo-American Ballads Ana Belén Martínez García argues that trying to decipher the reasons for characters to dress in a certain way may help discover the underlying sociocultural mechanisms that prevail. The author aims to reveal the gender divide associated to clothing through a comparative approach towards popular literature in Spanish and English. She uses Judith Butler\u27s theory of performative acts in order to conduct the text analysis. Clothes-related acts feature prominently in the case of popular balladry. Spanish romances and Anglo-American ballads are poems that were and are still meant to be orally performed. Therefore, the audience plays a key role on transmission and retransmission, which in turn shape societal mores. The discussion shows how certain gender-associated topics have been left intact, particularly the bias against women\u27s vanity. The conclusions that are set forward will hopefully be of use to the literary reader–scholar who is interested in new ways of looking at oral traditions of different languages and nations, sharing a common European background

    Crisis económica, salud e intervención psicosocial en España

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    La crisis económica que tuvo sus inicios en verano de 2008 ha impactado negativamente en los ámbitos psicológico, social y comunitario de las personas. Asimismo, las políticas basadas en la austeridad que se implementaron por parte de muchos gobiernos debilitaron los sistemas de protección social, lo que contribuyó a incrementar la vulnerabilidad de las personas que más sufrieron la crisis conduciendo, en muchos casos, a procesos o resultados de exclusión. En este trabajo hacemos, en primer lugar, una aproximación a las consecuencias negativas que la crisis ha producido en la salud mental de la población general y, especialmente, en dos de los grupos sociales más vulnerables como son la infancia/juventud y las personas migradas. También se analizan los efectos negativos de la crisis en la convivencia comunitaria, especialmente sobre las relaciones interculturales en una sociedad cada vez más multicultural. En segundo lugar, y dado que los datos de la investigación han puesto de relieve la importancia de factores psicosociales como moderadores de esos efectos negativos de la crisis económica sobre la salud y el bienestar psicológico, describimos algunas propuestas de intervención psicosocial que tienen en cuenta el apoyo a las familias, la mejora de las redes sociales, el empoderamiento de personas, grupos y comunidades, o la mejora de la competencia cultural de los servicios comunitarios.The economic crisis that began in the summer of 2008 has had a negative impact on the psychological, social and community spheres of people. In addition, the austerity policies implemented by many governments have weakened social protection systems, which have contributed to increase the vulnerability of the people who suffered most from the crisis, leading in many cases to processes of exclusion. In this paper, we evaluate the negative consequences that the crisis has had on the mental health of the general population, with a focus on two of the most vulnerable social groups such as children / youth and migrants. We further analyze the negative effects of the crisis on community life, in particular on intercultural relations in an increasingly multicultural society. Our data highlights the importance of psychosocial factors as moderators of the crisis’ negative effects on health and psychological well-being, which prompted us to describe some proposals for psychosocial intervention that take into account support for families, social network improvement, and empowerment of people, groups and communities, or cultural competency of community services

    Experiences in evaluating multilingual and text-image information retrieval

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    23 pages, 8 figures.One important step during the development of information retrieval (IR) processes is the evaluation of the output regarding the information needs of the user. The "high quality" of the output is related to the integration of different methods to be applied in the IR process and the information included in the retrieved documents, but how can "quality" be measured? Although some of these methods can be tested in a stand-alone way, it is not always clear what will happen when several methods are integrated. For this reason, much effort has been put into establishing a good combination of several methods or to correctly tuning some of the algorithms involved. The current approach is to measure the precision and recall figures yielded when different combinations of methods are included in an IR process. In this article, a short description of the current techniques and methods included in an IR system is given, paying special attention to the multilingual aspect of the problem. Also a discussion of their influence on the final performance of the IR process is presented by explaining previous experiences in the evaluation process followed in two projects (MIRACLE and OmniPaper) related to multilingual information retrieval.This work has been partially supported by the projects OmniPaper (European Union, 5th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, IST-2001-32174), NEDINE (E-Content project Ref.: 22225), and GPS Project—Software Process Management Platform: modeling, reuse, and measurement (National Research Plan, TIN2004-07083).Publicad

    Measures to reduce school failure from school and classroom on the stage of secondary education

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    El fracaso escolar es una problemática de dimensión internacional que afecta a todos los sistemas educativos y que en España sigue siendo una preocupación vigente. Para estudiarlo nos planteamos la siguiente finalidad: descubrir y analizar situaciones de fracaso escolar vividas por diferentes agentes, a fin de comprenderlas y averiguar la posible responsabilidad de la propia escuela y el docente para, apoyándonos en lo aprendido de la experiencia, derivar acciones de mejora. En este trabajo nos centraremos en presentar la segunda parte de la finalidad descrita. Se ha desarrollado mediante una metodología cualitativa de corte fenomenológico. Los sujetos participantes están constituidos por: profesorado en activo, profesores jubilados, estudiantes que viven fracaso escolar y sujetos integrados en el mundo laboral que experimentaron situaciones de fracaso escolar. El instrumento utilizado para la recogida de información ha sido la “entrevista semiestruturada en profundidad. Los resultados se han obtenido a partir de “análisis de contenido” y, con ayuda del programa cualitativo Nvivo 11 Plus, presentamos una serie de medidas y recomendaciones útiles para la escuela y el docente en la reducción del fracaso escolarSchool failure is an issue of international scope which affects all education systems, it is a current concern still unsolved in Spain. The following aim is addressed to tackle this matter: identification and analysis of the school failure circumstances lived by different individuals in order to understand and determine the possible liabilities of the school and teachers and follow actions for improvement based on experience. This research has been carried out following a qualitative phenomenological methodology. The inquired participants are: working teachers, retired teachers, students with school failure and active individuals that experienced school failure situations. Data has been gathered developing a “deep semistructured interview”. The results have been obtained from "content analysis" and, with the help of the qualitative program Nvivo 11 Plus, we present a series of measures and recommendations that are useful for the school and the teacher in reducing school failur

    Analysis of assessment tools of Engineering degrees

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    This work presents an analysis of the assessment tools used by professors at the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya to assess the generic competencies introduced in the Bachelor’s Degrees in Engineering. In order to conduct this study, a survey was designed and administered anonymously to a sample of the professors most receptive to educational innovation at their own university. All total, 80 professors responded to this survey, of whom 26% turned out to be members of the university’s own evaluation innovation group (https://www.upc.edu/rima/grups/grapa), GRAPA. This percentage represents 47% of the total GRAPA membership, meaning that nearly half of the professors most concerned about evaluation at the university chose to participate. The analysis of the variables carried out using the statistical program SPSS v19 shows that for practically 49% of those surveyed, rubrics are the tools most commonly used to assess generic competencies integrated in more specific ones. Of those surveyed, 60% use them either frequently or always. The most frequently evaluated generic competencies were teamwork (28%), problem solving (26%), effective oral and written communication (24%) and autonomous learning (13%), all of which constitute commonly recognized competencies in the engineering profession. A two-dimensional crosstabs analysis with SPSS v19 shows a significant correlation (Asymp. Sig. 0.001) between the type of tool used and the competencies assessed. However, no significant correlation was found between the type of assessment tool used and the type of subject, type of evaluation (formative or summative), frequency of feedback given to the students or the degree of student satisfaction, and thus none of these variables can be considered to have an influence on the kind of assessment tool used. In addition, the results also indicate that there are no significant differences between the instructors belonging to GRAPA and the rest of those surveyed.Preprin

    Study of the influence of the almond shell variety on the mechanical properties of starch-based polymer biocomposites

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    [EN] This article is focused on the development of a series of biodegradable and eco-friendly biocomposites based on starch polymer (Mater-Bi DI01A) filled with 30 wt % almond shell (AS) of different varieties (Desmayo Rojo, Largueta, Marcona, Mollar, and a commercial mixture of varieties) to study the influence of almond variety in the properties of injected biodegradable parts. The different AS varieties are analysed by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and X-ray Diffraction (XRD). The biocomposites are prepared in a twin-screw extruder and characterized in terms of their mechanical (tensile, flexural, Charpy impact, and hardness tests) and thermal properties (differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and TGA). Despite observing differences in the chemical composition of the individual varieties with respect to the commercial mixture, the results obtained from the mechanical characterisation of the biocomposites do not present significant differences between the diverse varieties used. From these results, it was concluded that the most recommended option is to work with the commercial mixture of almond shell varieties, as it is easier and cheaper to acquire.This research was supported by the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE), grant number IMAMCE/2020/1.Ibáñez-García, A.; Martínez García, A.; Ferrándiz Bou, S. (2020). Study of the influence of the almond shell variety on the mechanical properties of starch-based polymer biocomposites. Polymers. 12(19). https://doi.org/10.3390/polym12092049121

    Recyclability Analysis of Starch Thermoplastic/Almond Shell Biocomposite

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    [EN] This article is focused on studying the effect of the reprocessing cycles on the mechanical, thermal, and aesthetic properties of a biocomposite. This process is based on starch thermoplastic polymer (TPS) filled with 20 wt% almond shell powder (ASP) and epoxidized linseed oil (ELO) as a compatibilizing additive. To do so, the biocomposite was prepared in a twin-screw extruder, molded by injection, and characterized in terms of its mechanical, thermal, and visual properties (according to CieLab) and the melt flow index (MFI). The analyses carried out were tensile, flexural, Charpy impact tests, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The effects of the reprocessing were also studied for the biodegradable unfilled TPS polymer. The results showed that TPS and TPS/ASP biocomposite suffer changes progressively on the properties studied after each reprocessing cycle. Furthermore, it was observed that the addition of ASP intensified these effects regarding TPS. However, in spite of the progressive degradation in both cases, it is technically feasible to reprocess the material at least three times without needing to incorporate virgin material.This research was funded by GVAIbáñez-García, A.; Martínez-García, A.; Ferrándiz Bou, S. (2021). Recyclability Analysis of Starch Thermoplastic/Almond Shell Biocomposite. Polymers. 13(7). https://doi.org/10.3390/polym1307115913