893 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de electrodos compósitos de base grafito como electrodos voltamperométricos y detectores electroquímicos en FIA y HPLC

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    Se han desarrollado dos tipos de electrodos compositos diferentes que contienen grafito en polvo como fase conductora mezclado en cierta proporción con un material aislante que ofrece consistencia a la matriz electródica. Las caracteristicas físico-químicas de cada fase y la proporción en que se mezclan confieren a los materiales resultantes diversas propiedades que hacen que su utilización como electrodos indicadores presente múltiples ventajas frente al empleo de electrodos convencionales. De este modo, se han desarrollado electrodos de pasta de carbono modificados con el mediador redox ftalocianina de cobalto y electrodos compositos de grafito-teflon, habiéndose puesto a punto métodos electroanalíticos, tanto voltamperométricos como mediante fia y hplc con detección amperométrica, para la determinación de los fungicidas tiram y disulfiram.Depto. de Química AnalíticaFac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEpu

    Estudio de la intervención NIC 1520: Reiki en pacientes diagnosticados de trastorno de ansiedad

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    Desarrollo de electrodos compósitos de base grafito como electrodos voltamperométricos y detectores electroquímicos en FIA y HPLC

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    Se han desarrollado dos tipos de electrodos compositos diferentes que contienen grafito en polvo como fase conductora mezclado en cierta proporción con un material aislante que ofrece consistencia a la matriz electródica. Las caracteristicas físico-químicas de cada fase y la proporción en que se mezclan confieren a los materiales resultantes diversas propiedades que hacen que su utilización como electrodos indicadores presente múltiples ventajas frente al empleo de electrodos convencionales. De este modo, se han desarrollado electrodos de pasta de carbono modificados con el mediador redox ftalocianina de cobalto y electrodos compositos de grafito-teflon, habiéndose puesto a punto métodos electroanalíticos, tanto voltamperométricos como mediante fia y hplc con detección amperométrica, para la determinación de los fungicidas tiram y disulfiram

    Sentiment classification for early detection of health alerts in the chemical textile domain

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    In the chemical textile domain experts have to analyse chemical components and substances that might be harmful for their usage in clothing and textiles. Part of this analysis is performed searching opinions and reports people have expressed concerning these products in the Social Web. However, this type of information on the Internet is not as frequent for this domain as for others, so its detection and classification is difficult and time-consuming. Consequently, problems associated to the use of chemical substances in textiles may not be detected early enough, and could lead to health problems, such as allergies or burns. In this paper, we propose a framework able to detect, retrieve, and classify subjective sentences related to the chemical textile domain, that could be integrated into a wider health surveillance system. We also describe the creation of several datasets with opinions from this domain, the experiments performed using machine learning techniques and different lexical resources such as WordNet, and the evaluation focusing on the sentiment classification, and complaint detection (i.e., negativity). Despite the challenges involved in this domain, our approach obtains promising results with an F-score of 65% for polarity classification and 82% for complaint detection.Financial support given by the Department of Software and Computer Systems at the University of Alicante, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (Spanish Government) by the project grants TEXT- MESS 2.0 (TIN2009-13391-C04-01), LEGOLANG (TIN2012-31224), and the Valencian Government (grant no. PROMETEO/2009/119)

    Aplicación de Índicadores de Alteración Hidrológica para la designación de las masas de agua muy modificadas

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    En este trabajo se presenta un método, P-IAHRIS, integrado en la aplicación informática IAHRIS v2.2, que ofrece criterios objetivos para el proceso de la designación preliminar de masa de agua muy modificada

    Influencia de la adopción de tecnologías de información en el desempeño organizacional

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    This research aims to (1) investigate the factors that influence the adoption of IT (2) study the possible influences between IT adoption, organizational performance and perception of quality service by the employees (3) provide empirical evidence through the testing of a descriptive model based on the UTAUT model. The sample consisted of 213 employees of companies of different sizes. We conclude that the use of IT contribute to more efficient use of resources, which would result in better organizational and perception of quality service by employees.La presente investigación tiene como propósito (1) indagar en los factores que influirían en la adopción de TI, (2) estudiar las posibles influencias entre la adopción de TI, el desempeño organizacional y la percepción de calidad de servicio por parte de los empleados, (3) aportar evidencia empírica mediante la prueba de un modelo explicativo basado en el modelo UTAUT. La muestra consistió en 213 empleados de empresas de distintos tamaños. Se concluye que el uso de TI contribuiría a una mayor eficiencia en el uso de recursos, lo que se traduciría en mejores resultados organizacionales y percepción de calidad de servicio por parte de los empleados

    Virtual Learning Communities Mediated through Instagram: Pre-Teachers as Creators of Environments through Visual Narratives

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    Scientific literature shows that from an educational perspective, one of the constraints of using social media is that trainee teachers tend to refrain from assuming an active role in any educational context, despite themselves being significant consumers of non-professional content on social media This study aims to analyse the perception of students of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching at a University in Spain on an experience mediated by Instagram in order to determine factors related to motivation, creativity and intention to use it in the future. The methodology employed implemented an experience based on a four-phase sequence. A questionnaire was administered as a pre-test, and post-test and correlations were carried out using Spearman's statistic, the statistical difference with Mann-Whitney and multiple linear regression with the input method. This allowed for the influence of their role as creators of visual narratives on their future practice as teachers to be analysed. In terms of the results, the most notable were the marks for awareness of the process carried out, views on the usefulness of the activity and opinions on motivation. The use of Instagram and other social networks for future activities was significantly valued, considering the methodology used allowed creativity to flourish. This is a relevant indicator and demonstrates a significant gap in educational studies regarding future secondary education teachers' trends and social media profiles. Although they are familiar with these networks, the results show that they have yet to be incorporated into their professional world