476 research outputs found

    Estudio de la series sísmicas ocurridas en 2010 en la costa almeriense

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    En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de las series sísmicas registradas durante los meses de julio y noviembre de 2010 en el sector noreste del mar de Alborán, cerca de Almería. La primera serie consta de, al menos, 180 terremotos registrados entre el 4 de julio y el 15 de Noviembre de 2010, con un terremoto principal de Mw =4.3 ocurrido el 5 de Julio y sentido en Almería con intensidad EMS IV. Esta serie está caracterizada por tener una fuerte alineación con dirección NW, que contrasta con la de los grandes sistemas de fallas de la zona (falla de Carboneras). La segunda serie consta de más de 27 terremotos y se extiende del 2 al 15 de Noviembre, con un sismo principal de magnitud Mw =4.1 ocurrido el día 4 de ese mes. Esta segunda serie se sitúa a unos 35 km al Este de la primera, siendo menos numerosa que ésta pero mucho más próxima a las poblaciones del Poniente Almeriense y alcanzando mayores intensidades (intensidad máxima EMS = V). El objetivo de este estudio es analizar en detalle ambas series sísmicas, examinado la distribución geográfica de los sismos que las componen, su distribución temporal y su posible interrelación con series sísmicas pasadas. Finalmente se tratará de identificar, con los conocimientos de la tectónica de la zona, la posible fuente sísmica generadora, así como analizar posibles efectos de disparo entre eventos por medio de modelizaciones de esfuerzos de Coulomb

    Crude extracts of bacterially expressed dsRNA can be used to protect plants against virus infections

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    BACKGROUND: Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is a potent initiator of gene silencing in a diverse group of organisms that includes plants, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila and mammals. We have previously shown and patented that mechanical inoculation of in vitro-transcribed dsRNA derived from viral sequences specifically prevents virus infection in plants. The approach required the in vitro synthesis of large amounts of RNA involving high cost and considerable labour. RESULTS: We have developed an in vivo expression system to produce large amounts of virus-derived dsRNAs in bacteria, with a view to providing a practical control of virus diseases in plants. Partially purified bacterial dsRNAs promoted specific interference with the infection in plants by two viruses belonging to the tobamovirus and potyvirus groups. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that easy to obtain, crude extracts of bacterially expressed dsRNAs are equally effective protecting plants against virus infections when sprayed onto plant surfaces by a simple procedure. Virus infectivity was significantly abolished when plants were sprayed with French Press lysates several days before virus inoculation. CONCLUSION: Our approach provides an alternative to genetic transformation of plant species with dsRNA-expressing constructs capable to interfere with plant viruses. The main advantage of this mode of dsRNA production is its simplicity and its extremely low cost compared with the requirements for regenerating transgenic plants. This approach provides a reliable and potential tool, not only for plant protection against virus diseases, but also for the study of gene silencing mechanisms in plant virus infections

    DNA Topology and Global Architecture of Point Centromeres

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    SummaryDNA is wrapped in a left-handed fashion around histone octasomes containing the centromeric histone H3 variant CENP-A. However, DNA topology studies have suggested that DNA is wrapped in a right-handed manner around the CENP-A nucleosome that occupies the yeast point centromere. Here, we determine the DNA linking number difference (ΔLk) stabilized by the yeast centromere and the contribution of the centromere determining elements (CDEI, CDEII, and CDEIII). We show that the intrinsic architecture of the yeast centromere stabilizes +0.6 units of ΔLk. This topology depends on the integrity of CDEII and CDEIII, but it is independent of cbf1 binding to CDEI and of the variable length of CDEII. These findings suggest that the interaction of the CBF3 complex with CDEIII and a distal CDEII segment configures a right-handed DNA loop that excludes CDEI. This loop is then occupied by a CENP-A histone complex, which does not have to be inherently right-handed

    The effects of native shrub, fencing, and acorn size on the emergence of contrasting co-occurring oak in Mediterranean grazed areas

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    Producción CientíficaResearch Highlights: The regeneration of Quercus species is usually very difficult in many oak woodlands transformed by livestock farming. Some studies have reported that shrubs can facilitate regeneration. However, the strength of interaction may vary depending on, among other factors, the shrub species and the stress tolerance of the oak species. Moreover, further studies are necessary to clarify the relative importance of the two facilitation mechanisms in the same community. Background and Objectives: Cytisus multiflorus (L’Her.) Sweet is a predominant shrub species in the Mediterranean grazed open-oak-woodlands found in the central west of the Iberian Peninsula (bioclimatic limit) and is present with Quercus pyrenaicaWilld and Quercus ilex subsp. ballota Samp trees. Thus, we assessed the effect of these native shrubs and acorn size, and the effect of excluding large herbivores, on the seedling emergence of two contrasting co-occurring Quercus species under a bioclimatic limit. Materials and Methods: A manipulative field experiment was carried out considering four treatments as a combination of shrubs (shrub/no-shrub) and fence (fenced/open) factors. A total of twenty plots, five replicates for each treatment were available. In each plot, 20 acorns were sown: 10 acorns (5 small and 5 large) for each Quercus species. Acorn emergence was recorded during the first four years following the sowing. Results: Seedling emergence took place mostly in the spring of the first year after sowing. The presence of shrub was the main significant factor and incremented the emergence of both Q. ilex and Q. pyrenaica. The effect of the fence depended on the Quercus species considered, improving only the emergence of Q. pyrenaica. A negative effect with the small acorns was detected but only for Q. pyrenaica. In all treatments, Q. ilex emerged more than Q. pyrenaica. Conclusions: C. multiflorus had a clear facilitative effect on the seedling emergence of Q. ilex and Q. pyrenaica, which was much greater than the physical effect that acorn size and excluding large herbivores had. As such, this native shrub may have a key role in oak regeneration in Mediterranean grazed areas. Furthermore, in these areas of contact between marcescent and sclerophyllous Quercus species, Q. ilex currently emerges more than Q. pyrenaica. This could be indicative of a shift towards more xeric climatic conditions, which could lead to a change in the dominant tree species in the future. However, this change could be modulated by the effects of native shrub and large herbivores.Junta de Castilla y León - (Project SA013G19)Universidad de Salamanca - (Programa de financiación de grupos de investigación (2014/00165/001)

    Dependency care as a driver of economic development

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    RESUMEN. El envejecimiento de la población en la mayoría de los países desarrollados marca la necesidad de establecer políticas de actuación que garanticen la atención a dicha población. Para ello, se debe desterrar la idea de que los recursos destinados a la dependencia son un gasto, considerarlos como una inversión que contribuye al desarrollo económico y que puede cuantificarse en términos de impacto en la generación de empleo y riqueza. Este estudio analiza el impacto económico del conjunto de centros de atención a la dependencia (tanto residenciales como de atención diurna) en la región de Cantabria (España), así como del Servicio de Ayuda a Domicilio. De manera directa, la atención a la dependencia genera 24 empleos por cada millón de euros invertido por la Administración en el sector. Si incluimos el impacto indirecto e inducido, esta generación de empleo se eleva a 36, con el consiguiente efecto sobre la producción, el consumo y la recaudación de impuestos.ABSTRACT. The aging of the population in most developed countries makes necessary to establish action policies to ensure care for this population. In order to achieve this aim, the idea that allocating money to dependency is a expenditure must be banished and consider it as an investment that contributes to economic development and can be quantified in terms of impact on employment generation and wealth. This study analyses the economic impact of the dependency care (given through residential care centres or day care centres) in the region of Cantabria (Spain), as well as of the Home Care System. Dependency care generates directly 24 jobs for every million EUR invested by the Administration in this sector. If we include the indirect and induced impact, the job creation rises to 36 jobs, with the consequent effect in production, consumption and tax revenues

    Nuevo estudio de peligrosidad sísmica en Navarra

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    Se presenta un nuevo estudio de peligrosidad sísmica de Navarra siguiendo el método de cálculo probabilista zonificado, con un árbol lógico para cuantificar la incertidumbre epistemológica inherente a los modelos de atenuación y a las zonificaciones sísmicas. El estudio parte de la revisión y contraste de los catálogos sísmicos disponibles. A partir de ellos se configura un catálogo de proyecto, homogeneizado a magnitud momento Mw y depurado de réplicas y premonitores. Además se realiza un estudio de las zonificaciones que contienen la región y se desarrolla una nueva zonificación específica para el proyecto, atendiendo a criterios sismológicos y geológicos. Por último, se seleccionan los modelos de atenuación más idóneos para la región Pirenaica. Los cálculos se realizan sobre emplazamiento en roca. Los resultados se presentan mediante mapas de peligrosidad en la provincia de Navarra y espectros de peligrosidad uniforme en varias poblaciones para periodo de retorno de 475 años. Estos resultados se comparan finalmente con los provistos por la Norma NCSE-02 y con los de otros estudios existente

    The Effects of Native Shrub, Fencing, and Acorn Size on the Emergence of Contrasting Co-Occurring Oak in Mediterranean Grazed Areas

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    [ENG]Research Highlights: The regeneration of Quercus species is usually very difficult in many oak woodlands transformed by livestock farming. Some studies have reported that shrubs can facilitate regeneration. However, the strength of interaction may vary depending on, among other factors, the shrub species and the stress tolerance of the oak species. Moreover, further studies are necessary to clarify the relative importance of the two facilitation mechanisms in the same community. Background and Objectives: Cytisus multiflorus (L’Her.) Sweet is a predominant shrub species in the Mediterranean grazed open-oak-woodlands found in the central west of the Iberian Peninsula (bioclimatic limit) and is present with Quercus pyrenaicaWilld and Quercus ilex subsp. ballota Samp trees. Thus, we assessed the effect of these native shrubs and acorn size, and the effect of excluding large herbivores, on the seedling emergence of two contrasting co-occurring Quercus species under a bioclimatic limit. Materials and Methods: A manipulative field experiment was carried out considering four treatments as a combination of shrubs (shrub/no-shrub) and fence (fenced/open) factors. A total of twenty plots, five replicates for each treatment were available. In each plot, 20 acorns were sown: 10 acorns (5 small and 5 large) for each Quercus species. Acorn emergence was recorded during the first four years following the sowing. Results: Seedling emergence took place mostly in the spring of the first year after sowing. The presence of shrub was the main significant factor and incremented the emergence of both Q. ilex and Q. pyrenaica. The effect of the fence depended on the Quercus species considered, improving only the emergence of Q. pyrenaica. A negative effect with the small acorns was detected but only for Q. pyrenaica. In all treatments, Q. ilex emerged more than Q. pyrenaica. Conclusions: C. multiflorus had a clear facilitative effect on the seedling emergence of Q. ilex and Q. pyrenaica, which was much greater than the physical effect that acorn size and excluding large herbivores had. As such, this native shrub may have a key role in oak regeneration in Mediterranean grazed areas. Furthermore, in these areas of contact between marcescent and sclerophyllous Quercus species, Q. ilex currently emerges more than Q. pyrenaica. This could be indicative of a shift towards more xeric climatic conditions, which could lead to a change in the dominant tree species in the future. However, this change could be modulated by the effects of native shrub and large herbivores

    Characterization of phenolic composition of Vitis vinifera L. 'Tempranillo' and 'Graciano' subjected to deficit irrigation during berry development

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    The response of phenolic composition of skins from Vitis vinifera L. 'Tempranillo' and 'Graciano' grapes to water-deficit irrigation during berry growth and ripening was evaluated. The study was carried out using container-grown grapevines grown under controlled conditions in a greenhouse. Two irrigation treatments were imposed: control (well-watered) and sustained deficit irrigation (SDI). Twenty-eight phenolic compounds, including anthocyanins, flavonols and monomeric flavan-3-ols (catechins) as well as phenolic acids derivatives have been identified in the extracts prepared from the berry skins at physiological maturity. For both varieties, water deficit reduced leaf area and leaf area to crop mass ratio, and decreased berry size. However, there were no changes in juice total soluble solids, pH or total polyphenolic content. Water deficit resulted in decreased must titratable acidity in 'Graciano' berries. In 'Tempranillo', water limitation reduced total anthocyanins and flavonols, and increased hydroxycinnamic acids. In 'Graciano', water deficit resulted in increased flavonols and reduced catechins. Altogether, we concluded that under water-deficit irrigation, 'Graciano' grapes presented a differential composition of phenolic compounds that could result in improved fruit quality.This project was supported by Fundación Universitaria de Navarra (2011) and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCINN BFU2011-26989) of Spain. M. NICULCEA was the recipient of a grant from Asociación de Amigos de la Universidad de Navarra.Peer Reviewe