1,439 research outputs found

    Vivir con el agua: puesta en valor de las riberas del río Cauca en la ciudad de Cali

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    El siguiente trabajo pretende evaluar las zonas potenciales que las riberas de los ríos generan para la urbanidad de una ciudad, formando espacios de intercambio y de gran significación urbana. Así mismo las inundaciones crean espacios dinámicos, ricos en posibilidades espaciales y actividades relacionados convirtiendo el problema en oportunidad. La ciudad de Cali cuenta en su costado oriente con el río Cauca que al igual que muchos sistemas fluviales, están existiendo en medio de la ciudad, sin relacionarse con la misma pero que plantea enormes posibilidades. Esta caracterización de espacios se lleva a cabo gracias a la una nueva lectura territorial intencionada. Esta lectura se realiza a diferentes escalas para el reconocimiento de elementos de los sistemas urbanos y naturales, para la posible implementación de operaciones y actividades más amable con el río dependiendo de la capacidad del territorio. El trabajo se presenta complementariamente a otros estudios que se han presentado sobre el río Cauca, la ciudad de Cali y sus sistemas hidráulicos, con la intención de encontrar la relación entre los elementos y leer este espacio de manera conjunta. Este trabajo intenta generar conclusiones a tener en cuenta sobre el río en consonancia a la ciudad para posibles reflexiones proyectuales.The following work aims to evaluate the potential zones that riverbanks generate for the urbanity of a city, forming spaces of interchange and of great urban significance. Likewise, floods create dynamic spaces, rich in spatial possibilities and related activities, turning the problem into an opportunity. The city of Cali has the Cauca River on its eastern side, which, like many river systems, exists in the middle of the city, without being related to it, but which offers enormous possibilities. This characterization of spaces is carried out thanks to a new intentional territorial reading. This reading is done at different scales for the recognition of elements of urban and natural systems, for the possible implementation of operations and activities more friendly to the river depending on the capacity of the territory. The work is presented complementary to other studies that have been presented on the Cauca River, the city of Cali and its hydraulic systems, with the intention of finding the relationship between the elements and read this space together. This work intends to generate conclusions to be taken into account about the river in relation to the city for possible project reflections

    Reseña: Proyectar con la naturaleza: Ian McHarg

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    Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y las Grandes Empresas Españolas: Un análisis de su Compromiso a partir de su Reporte No Financiero

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    [EN] This paper aims to analyse the level of commitment with the SDGs of large Spanish companies based on the information published in their Non-Financial Statements and their letters from the chairman. To achieve this objective and identify potential explanatory factors, a balanced sample of 58 Spanish companies, 29 listed and 29 unlisted, in 2019 has been used. The results of this study evidence: i) the greater commitment with the SDGs of companies which are exposed in the stock markets and those which are larger; ii) the relevance of the diversity into the boards of directors, in order to integrate the largest and the widest number of interests as well as those values and principles which are intrinsically associated to women directors; and iii) the greater emphasis on those SDGs related to well-known issues by these organizations, thanks to their greater experience in non-financial reporting, publishing documents such as corporate social responsibility or sustainability reports.[ES] El presente trabajo tiene como principal objetivo evaluar el nivel de compromiso con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de las grandes empresas españolas a partir de la información contenida en sus Estados de Información No Financiera (EINF) y las cartas de sus presidentes e identificar los posibles factores explicativos asociados a la propia organización. Para ello se ha contado con una muestra equilibrada de 58 compañías españolas, 29 cotizadas y 29 no cotizadas, en el ejercicio 2019. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de relieve: i) la mayor preocupación que despiertan los ODS entre las empresas expuestas en los mercados bursátiles y aquellas que son de mayor tamaño; ii) la importancia de contar con consejos de administración diversos, que integren el mayor número de intereses posibles así como aquellos valores y principios que se atribuyen de forma intrínseca a las mujeres; y iii) el mayor énfasis en aquellos ODS relacionados con aquellas temáticas ya conocidas por este tipo de organizaciones, gracias a su mayor experiencia en el reporting no financiero, publicando documentos como los informes de responsabilidad social corporativa o las memorias de sostenibilidad

    A learning experience in the fields of economics and business: creation of student-managed inter-university virtual networks

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    With this article we shall describe the learning experience carried out by our students in the fields of Economics and Business at the Universities of Huelva and University of Seville within an active- and cooperative-learning framework involving creation of virtual networks between our students and others who were attending diverse universities in Spain and abroad, thus allowing us to strengthen interactions and information exchanges among students, also allowing them to apprehend on their own the characteristics of economic and business and entrepreneuring realities in which they are immersed and, very specially, the use of virtual communities in the Internet

    From the economic to the social contribution of the Social Economy. Monetary assessment of the social value created for the Spanish economy

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    The role of the Social Economy (SE) in society is increasingly acknowledged by social agents and institutions, especially in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Commitment to SE requires the support of quantitative measurement of its contribution to society from an aggregate perspective. The difficulty in specifying it in quantitative terms is related to the assessment of the contribution of SE?s differentiating and intrinsic values. These values contribute to the fight against some structural problems that persist in modern society in terms of unemployment, inequality, territorial imbalance, environmental problems and social exclusion that surpass the economic sphere and involve the contribution to social goals, social utility and social and territorial cohesion. Our objective is an assessment in quantitative terms, including an estimation, in monetary terms, of the specific contribution of Social Market Economy (SMkE) firms to society linked to their distinctive principles, and thus their behaviour, in comparison to traditional profit-oriented firms, used as a control group. We use impact analysis techniques, with a simulation exercise, by which SMkE entities ?lose? their identity and behave like profit-oriented firms. The results obtained for Spain confirm the existence of differential behaviour that generates social value in several ways. In monetary terms, in 2017, SMkEs contributed 6,229 million Euros in benefits to Spanish society that would have been lost if SMkE entities had behaved like profit-oriented firms

    External validity of docetaxel triplet trials in advanced gastric cancer: are there patients who still benefit?

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    Bayesian model; Docetaxel; Gastric cancerModel bayesià; Docetaxel; Càncer gàstricModelo bayesiano; Docetaxel; Cáncer gástricoBackground The purpose of our study was to develop an online calculator to estimate the effect of docetaxel triplets (DPF) in first line of advanced gastric cancer (AGC), and to assess the external validity of docetaxel trials in individual patients. Methods The study includes patients with HER2(-) AGC treated with platin and fluoropyrimidine (PF) or with DPF in first line. Treatment effect and interactions were assessed using Bayesian accelerated failure time models. Result The series comprises 1376 patients; 238 treated with DPF and 1138 with PF between 2008 and 2019. DPF was associated with increased progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) with time ratio (TR) 1.27 (95% credible interval [CrI], 1.15–1.40), and TR 1.19 (95% CrI, 1.09–1.27), respectively. Serious adverse events were more common with DPF, particularly hematological effects (32% vs 22%). Younger participants received greater DPF dose density without achieving greater disease control, while severe toxicity was likewise higher. DPF yielded superior OS in Lauren intestinal (TR 1.27, 95% CrI, 1.08–1.11) vs diffuse subtype (TR 1.17, 95% CrI, 1.09–1.24) and the probability of increasing OS > 15% was 90% vs 67% in each subtype, respectively. The effect dwindles over time, which can be attributed to pathological changes and clinical practice changes. Conclusion Our study confirms the effect of DPF is highly dependent on several clinical–pathological variables, with discreet and gradually declining benefit over platinum doublets in later years, at the expense of increased toxicity. These results may help to underpin the idea that external validity of AGC trials should be revised regularly

    Las alternativas ciudadanas emergentes en Jalisco

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    El documento hace una descricpión, clasificación temática y análisis de las alternativas o iniciativas ciudadanas localizadas en el estado de Jalisco, México. Los proyectos impulsados por iniciativas ciudadanas tienen como propósito la sustentabilidad, el desarrollo económico y social, la artiuclación del tejido social, la eficiencia y redefinición de las instituciones públicas, la reforma del pensamiento y la educación, y los proyectos alternativos integrales. El análisis que se hace sobre esos proyectos se centra en el perfíl de sus participantes, las relaciones o articulación que se dan entre esas iniciativas y la manera como se relacionan con las instituciones públicas.ITESO, A.C

    The Added Value of Cost Information as a Factor to Determine the Suitability of Growth in Business

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    RESUMEN: En la actualidad, el concepto de crecimiento empresarial se convierte, para algunas empresas, en una tendencia o, para otras, en una obligación que permite lograr su permanencia en el medio. Es así, como la decisión de crecer en una organización es un tema trascendental, debido a que se puede incurrir en riesgos empresariales adicionales. Este artículo presenta una relación entre la conveniencia de tomar la decisión de crecer y el valor agregado que genera la información de costos para este tipo de decisiones, por medio de la influencia de estos en algunas de las variables que establecen la conveniencia de crecer. Por lo tanto, se muestra la importancia y la utilidad de la información de costos para tomar decisiones empresariales.ABSTARCT: Nowadays, the concept of business growth becomes a trend for some companies and, for others, an obligation that makes their existence possible. Growing is thus a transcendental issue in an organization because it may imply additional business risks. This paper presents the connection between the suitability of making the decision to grow and the added value generated by cost information for this kind of decision, through the influence of the latter on some variables establishing growing advisability. Therefore, this article shows the importance and usefulness of cost information to make business decisions

    Hacia una nueva metodología para el análisis de los portales web de las administraciones públicas: aplicación comparativa a los sitios web de los ayuntamientos de Portugal y España

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    El Sector Publico no es ajeno al complejo cambio que la sociedad de la información y el conocimiento está imponiendo en las organizaciones. Se han creado una serie de nuevas estrategias que están permitiendo modificar la forma de prestar servicios a los ciudadanos. En el ámbito local, la nueva administración electrónica amplia los recursos y capacidades de los municipios que pueden encontrar un nuevo canal de comunicación con los vecinos no solo para ofrecer servicios públicos de calidad, sino también para participar activamente en el diseño de las políticas publicas. Esta circunstancia está abriendo un nuevo campo de investigación, del cual queda aún un gran trecho por desarrollar, ya que hay que establecer sistemas de medición que nos permitan cuantificar esta nueva forma de administrar, con una metodología que nos permita establecer las pautas correctas de actuación. En este trabajo presentamos una nueva metodología para analizar los portales web municipales, formada por más de medio centenar de variables y la hemos aplicado a los principales municipios de Portugal y España. En general, la evaluación del grado de desarrollo en los dos países presenta un nivel medio, siendo especialmente necesario mejorar en aspectos como diseño, contenidos, información, transparencia o accesibilidad. En términos comparativos, el caso español está levemente más desarrollado que el portugués.O sector público está inserido na complexa mudança que a sociedade de informação e o conhecimento está impondo às organizações. Criou-se uma série de novas estratégias que permitem modificar a formar de prestar serviços aos cidadãos. No âmbito local, a nova administração electrónica aumenta os recursos e a capacidade dos municípios, que podem encontrar um novo canal de comunicação com os munícipes, não só para oferecer serviços públicos de qualidade, mas também para participar activamente no desenho das políticas públicas. Este facto está abrindo um novo campo de investigação, do qual falta ainda um grande caminho para desenvolver, já que há que estabelecer sistemas de medição que nos permitam quantificar esta nova forma de administrar, com uma metodologia que permita estabelecer guias de actuação correctas. Neste trabalho apresentamos uma nova metodologia para analisar os Web Sites municipais formada por mais de meia centena de variáveis e aplicadas aos principais municípios de Portugal e Espanha. Na generalidade, a avaliação do grau de desenvolvimento nos dois países, apresenta um nível médio, sendo especialmente necessário melhorar aspectos como o desenho, conteúdos, informação, transparência ou acessibilidade. Em termos comparativos, o caso espanhol está ligeiramente mais desenvolvido que o português.The public sector is under complex change that the information and knowledge society is imposing on organizations. A series of new strategies have been created allowing modification of the service to citizens. In the local environment, the new electronic administration ample the resources and capacities of the municipalities to communicate with residents, not only to offer public services of quality, but also to actively engage in the design of public policies. These circumstances are opening new fields of investigation, where it is still great stretch to develop since it implies a need to establish systems of measurement that allows us to quantify this new form of administration through a methodology that can establishment correct performance guidelines. In this paper we present a new methodology to analyse municipal websites using over fifty variables. We have applied this methodology to the major municipalities of Spain and Portugal. In general the degree of development in both countries is average: with specific improvement of design, content, information, transparency and accessibility being needed. In comparative terms, the situation in Spain is slightly more developed than in Portugal