201 research outputs found

    Acció conjunta i desenvolupament d’habilitats sensoriomotores a la sala de psicomotricitat

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    Aquest treball parteix de la teoria sociocultural de Vygotsky, en què la interacció és clau en el desenvolupament de l’infant. Pretenem analitzar de quina manera infants de tres a quatre anys construeixen el coneixement psicomotor de manera conjunta a partir de l’estudi de la interacció dins del joc sensoriomotor. L’anàlisi de les seqüències d’interacció mostren una gran diversitat d’interaccions entre els infants. D’altra banda, es posa de manifest que el paper de guia del psicomotricista deixa l’espai necessari perquè els infants creïn contextos d’acció propis

    Bayesian design and analysis of replications in scientific experimentation

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    En la práctica estadística es frecuente la replicación de experiencias estadísticas, justificada por muy diversos intereses: ratificar conclusiones, estudiar la variación en las respuestas cuando se experimenta sobre una población distinta, validar un modelo, detectar sesgos, etc. Al disponer, antes de replicar, de los resultados de cierto estudio previo, es razonable pensar en buscar un buen diseño para la réplica utilizando la información que dicho primer estudio proporciona. Un diseño óptimo de la réplica consistirá en decidir, asumido un modelo, sobre el menor tamaño muestral que otorga al investigador suficientes garantías de concluir con éxito en su inferencia. Una modelización jerárquica bayesiana permite precisar fácilmente las relaciones entre datos y poblaciones (original y replicada) y derivar conclusiones sobre los resultados más probables (en función del tamaño de la réplica) a través de las distribuciones a posteriori y predictivas que se obtengan

    CB2 cannabinoid receptor activation promotes colon cancer progression via AKT/GSK3β signaling pathway

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    The pharmacological activation of the cannabinoid receptor type 2, CB2, has been shown to elicit anti-tumoral mechanisms in different cancer types. However, little is known about its endogenous role in tumor pathophysiology, and different studies have attributed pro-tumorigenic properties to this receptor. In a previous work, we showed that CB2 expression is a poor prognostic factor in colon cancer patients. Here we report that activation of CB2 with low doses of specific agonists induce cell proliferation and favor the acquisition of aggressive molecular features in colon cancer cells. We show that sub-micromolar concentrations of CB2-specific agonists, JWH-133 and HU-308, promote an increase in cell proliferation rate through the activation of AKT/PKB pathway in colon cancer in vitro and in vivo. AKT activation promotes GSK3β inhibition and thus, a more aggressive cell phenotype with the subsequent elevation of SNAIL levels, E-cadherin degradation and β-catenin delocalization from cell membrane. Taken together, our data show that CB2 activation with sub-micromolar doses of agonists, which could be more similar to endogenous levels of cannabinoids, promote colon cancer progression, implicating that CB2 could have a pro-tumorigenic endogenous role in colon cancerThis work was supported by grants from Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (ISCIII-PI10/00879 to JMG; Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2008-2011, FEDER funds co-financed), Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer (ISCIII-RETIC RD12/0036/0041; Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2013-2016, FEDER funds cofinanced). JMG and PM were supported by ISCIII CP08/00217 and JR14/0018 contracts, respectively. EMM was recipient of ISCIII PFIS PhD studentship (FI11/00696) (Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2008-2011, FEDER funds co-financed); AMR was recipient of PhD contract from Department of Medical Oncology of H.U. Puerta de Hierro; VC was recipient of attending physician contract in Medical Oncology Department from H.U. Puerta de Hierro; MP was supported by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) with Full Professor contrac

    La formació psicomotriu dels mestres d’educació infantil, una proposta de metodologia integrada

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    En aquest article es presenta l’experiència de l’assignatura “Desenvolupament psicomotor” de la titulació de Mestre d’Educació Infantil1 per ser una proposta metodològica “integrada” (USM/SRE, 2006) que està en clara sintonia amb els requisits que reclama l’actual educació superior en el marc de la convergència europea.This article presents the experience of the subject "Psychomotor development" of the degree of Master of Education Child. It is an educational integrated methodology (USM / SRE, 2006) that is in harmony with requirement that the current higher education in the context of European convergence claims.Firstly, it presents the methodology, the dynamics of intervention and the evaluation criteria used to give to students an reflective education adapted to their professional reality. Train teachers capable of promoting the development of people from the educational relationship, means to form competent professionals, capable of learning to learn, capable of being able to make and be in relationship to other persons. To answer this need for global education of our students, describe in detail how the course was organized.Finally, we present the evaluation of the implementation of this methodology from the viewpoint of students and teachers

    School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme: Characteristics of Its Implementation in the European Union from 2009/10 to 2016/17

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    The “School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme” (SFVS) was proposed in 2009/10 as a strategy to support the consumption of Fruit and Vegetables (FV), decrease rates of obesity, improve agricultural income, stabilize markets, and ensure the current and future supply of these foods. However, there is little information about how it was carried out in the EU. Given the potential of the SFVS to support healthier, more sustainable food systems, the objective of this study was to identify the characteristics of SFVS implementation from 2009/10 to 2016/17 in the EU. A longitudinal, observational, and retrospective study was carried out based on secondary data. A total of 186 annual reports of the Member States (MS) participating in the SFVS from 2009/10 to 2016/17 were consulted: European and national budget, funds used from the EU, participating schools and students, duration of the SFVS, FV offered, and application of sustainability criteria, expenditure per student, days of the week, the quantity of FV offered per student and other indicators were calculated. The majority of MS participated in the SFVS during the study period with a heterogeneous implementation pattern in terms of funds used, coverage, duration, quantity (totals and by portion), and cost of FV distributed per student. The sustainability criteria for the FV distribution were also not applied uniformly in all the MS. Establishing minimum recommendations for SFVS implementation are recommended to maximize the benefits of the SFVS. The results may be useful for planning new strategies to help address and improve current health and environmental problems

    Sustainable and Nutritional Recommendations for the Development of Menus by School Food Services in Spain

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    Background: Recommendations for the development of school menus can promote healthier, more sustainable food systems. In Spain, these recommendations depend on regional governments (Autonomous Communities—CCAAs) that develop their own guides. The objective of this study was to explore the nutritional and sustainability recommendations for the development of menus by school food services in Spain. Methods: Guides were reviewed that were available on the official web pages of the councils of health and education. Twenty-four variables were studied and organized into three categories: characteristics, nutritional recommendations and sustainability. The number of recommendations included in each guide was counted. The weekly frequency of the suggested food provision for each food group was calculated, as was the average, median, standard deviation, confidence interval and interquartile index. Results: Overall, 13 guides were reviewed from different CCAAs. All of them included at least three of the nutritional recommendations, two suggested restrictions in the provision of foods with high quantities of salt and six suggested restrictions in foods with high levels of trans and saturated fats and sugars. All except one guide recommended the weekly provision of foods by food group: protein-rich foods (n = 8), cereals and root vegetables (n = 6), vegetables (n = 5.2) and fruit (n = 4.3). Of the eight criteria for sustainability studied, nine guides included one or none. Conclusions: Guides for the provision of meals at school in Spain promote the incorporation of healthy foods; however, they rarely restrict foods with high levels of fat, salt and sugar, and the promotion of food sustainability is only just beginning. These guides should be reviewed and updated to include recommendations that promote healthy and sustainable food systems

    Acció conjunta i desenvolupament d’habilitats sensoriomotores a la sala de psicomotricitat

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    Aquest treball parteix de la teoria sociocultural de Vygotsky, en què la interacció és clau en el desenvolupament de l’infant. Pretenem analitzar de quina manera infants de tres a quatre anys construeixen el coneixement psicomotor de manera conjunta a partir de l’estudi de la interacció dins del joc sensoriomotor. L’anàlisi de les seqüències d’interacció mostren una gran diversitat d’interaccions entre els infants. D’altra banda, es posa de manifest que el paper de guia del psicomotricista deixa l’espai necessari perquè els infants creïn contextos d’acció propis.This work is based on Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory which asserts that interaction is key to a child’s development. We study of sensory interaction during sensory motor play to determine how children aged 3 to 4 years construct psychomotor knowledge. Analysis of the interaction sequences showed a variety of interactions among children. The study also found that the guidance provided by the psychomotrician gave children the space they needed to create their own contexts of action

    Decision-making tool for the selection of priority areas for building rehabilitation in Barcelona

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    The promotion of rehabilitation is an urgent necessity in today’s consolidated cities, both due to the need to update their buildings to achieve habitability and safety standards that are required nowadays, as well as to stop the deterioration of buildings in vulnerable environments, where paradoxically the obtainment of economic resources to invest in building maintenance and upgrade is scarcer. Decision making on the delimitation of areas in which the need to invest is higher is extremely complex and often relies on large secondary data studies that are contrasted with local stakeholders’ intuition and knowledge on the ground. Usually, rehabilitation aids are directed to relatively large areas, where a certain need may be found. However, these areas are often excessively wide and specific needs that would require special focus can be diluted in the whole. The current trend of area-based and site-specific rehabilitation programs calls for precise and focused data studies and methodologies. The research presented here provides a methodology for the selection of priority areas to promote rehabilitation in the context of Barcelona’s vulnerable neighborhoods. The selection methodology combines primary and secondary data with a very high level of disaggregation that identifies where the needs are greatest, and it also provides a tool that is still based on primary disaggregated data for the delimitation of areas. The results obtained highlight specific priority areas such as parts of the Raval, Carmel and Besòs-Maresme neighborhoods within larger zones that had been previously defined as vulnerable. The proposed methodology seeks to provide tools to foster evidence-based decision making, thus improving both the understanding of reality and its spatial distribution through data mining techniques and data visualization.Postprint (author's final draft

    Pneumocystis pneumonia in the twenty-first century: HIV-infected versus HIV-uninfected patients

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    Introduction: Pneumocystis pneumonia (PcP) has classically been described as a serious complication in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, the emerging number of conditions associated with immunosuppression has led to its appearance in other patient populations, such as those receiving chronic corticosteroid therapy, those with hematological or solid malignancies, transplant recipients and those who receive immunomodulatory or biological therapy. Areas covered: This article reviews the most recent publications on PcP in the HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected population, focusing on epidemiology, diagnostic, therapy and prevention. The data discussed here were mainly obtained from a non-systematic review using Medline and references from relevant articles including randomized clinical trials, meta-analyses, observational studies and clinical reviews. Eligible studies were selected in two stages: sequential examination of title and abstract, followed by full text. Expert opinion: Widespread use of antiretroviral and prophylactic therapy in HIV-infected patients has decreased the incidence of PcP in this population. However, the growing incidence of Pneumocystis infection in the HIV-uninfected population suggests the need for new global epidemiological studies in order to identify the true scale of the disease in this population. These data would allow us to improve diagnosis, therapeutic strategies, and clinical management. It is very important that both patients and physicians realize that HIV-uninfected patients are at risk of PcP and that rapid diagnosis and early initiation of treatment are associated with better prognosis. Currently, in-hospital mortality rates are very high: 15% for HIV-infected patients and 50% in some HIV-uninfected patients. Therefore, adequate preventive measures should be implemented to avoid the high mortality rates seen in recent decades

    Entorno alimentario de la población escolar del centro de Educación Infantil y Primaria Santa Teresa

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    La finalidad del diagnóstico es conocer el entorno alimentario de la población escolar para realizar recomendaciones dirigidas a las políticas públicas de cara a mejorar su alimentación y, de forma transversal, su inclusión social y educativa. Para explorar el entorno alimentario de la población escolar, se estudiaron aspectos del ámbito familiar, escolar y comunitario, a través de la información reportada por representantes de la unidad familiar y del equipo docente, en un cuestionario aplicado por un agente de salud de la Federación Autonómica de Asociaciones Gitanas de Alicante (FAGA). El estudio pone de manifiesto que las familias no tienen seguridad alimentaria, ya que no siempre disponen de suficientes alimentos para mantener una alimentación adecuada. El contexto socioeconómico, las características medioambientales del barrio y las situaciones de discriminación estructural, unido a los recursos básicos de los que disponen (ingresos, vivienda y educación), dificultan su acceso a dicha alimentación. Esta situación puede tener consecuencias negativas en la salud de la población escolar. Entre las recomendaciones propuestas en el informe destaca la necesidad de garantizar el acceso en el barrio a una alimentación adecuada, apoyando el establecimiento de puntos de comercialización de alimentos saludables y económicamente accesibles, e intervenir paralelamente para dar respuesta a los problemas de acceso a la alimentación en las familias con menos recursos. Además, el informe destaca la importancia de fomentar la participación y el trabajo en red de distintas organizaciones, entidades sociales y gitanas para apoyar al CEIP en la identificación y resolución de problemas de alimentación en las familias y el alumnado. También incluye un ejemplo de buenas prácticas realizadas por el propio CEIP para fomentar una alimentación saludable.Cátedra de Cultura Gitana de la Universidad de Alicant