583 research outputs found

    La perspectiva canadiense respecto a la mujer inmigrante desde un punto de vista jurídico y social

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    [ES] Este artículo pretende favorecer una mayor comprensión de las barreras políticas, socio-económicas y culturales a las que deben enfrentarse las mujeres inmigrantes víctimas de la violencia, teniendo en cuenta el marco jurídico y social, nacional e internacional, desde el punto de vista de la actual legislación canadiense. El examen de la violencia sufrida por las mujeres víctimas con un estatus precario de migración en Canadá demuestra la explotación de las mujeres inmigrantes. Así, se examina la explotación desde la perspectiva de la mujer víctima, desde el punto de vista de los derechos humanos, y se analiza las tensiones entre la Comunidad y el Estado, en relación a los servicios sociales existentes.[EU] Biolentziaren biktima izan diren emakume etorkinen hesi politiko, sozio-ekonomiko eta kulturalen ulermena bultzatu nahi du artikulu honek, kontutan hartuta ingurune juridikoa eta soziala, bai nazio mailan baita nazioarte mailan ere, kanadako legeriaren arabera. Kanadan migrazio egoera prekario batean dauden emakumeek pairatu duten biolentzia aztertuta, emakume etorkinen kontrako bortxak azaltzen digu. Horrela, emakume kaltedunen ikuspegitik aztertzen da explotazioa, baita giza-eskubideen ikuspegitik ere, eta komunitate eta estatuaren arteko tentsioak ikertzen dira, gizarte zerbitzuen erlazioari dagokionez.[FR] L’article cherche à favoriser une compréhension des barrières politiques, socio-économiques et culturelles auxquelles font face les femmes immigrantes victimes de violence à partir du cadre juridique et social national et international, sous l’angle de la législation canadienne contemporaine. L’examen de la violence vécue par les femmes victimes avec des statuts précaires de migration au Canada montre l’exploitation des femmes immigrantes. On examine l’exploitation à partir d’une perspective de la victime féminine du point de vue des droits humains et une analyse des tensions entre la Communauté et l’État par rapport aux services sociaux rendus.[EN] This article tries to promote a better understanding of political, socio-economic and cultural barriers that women immigrant, victims of violence, must face, from the point of view of current Canadian Law, considering different context: juridical and social, national and international. The analysis of the violence against women victims, in a precarious situation, in Canada, proves the exploitation of women immigrant. The exploitation of women victim is studied from the point of view of human rights, and the tensions, concerning the social services, between the Community and the State are analyzed

    Nativos digitales aprendices de la producción audiovisual

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    Mucho se afirma de los nativos digitales, pero lo cierto es que nadie nace aprendido. La siguiente comunicación presenta la más reciente experiencia del taller Telekids, una dinámica de aprendizaje destinada a niños entre 8 y 10 años de edad en relación con el universo de la producción audiovisual. La alfabetización mediática tiene ya un largo camino recorrido dilatado en múltiples experiencias, que aunque aisladas, conforman un conglomerado de prácticas dignas de ser reconocidas.Much has been said about the digital natives, but the truth is that nobody is born learned. The following communication has recent experience Telekids workshop, a dynamic of learning aimed at children between 8 and 10 years of age in relation to the world of audiovisual production. Media literacy has a long journey and countless experiences that, although isolated, form large group practices worthy of recognition

    Anteproyecto arquitectónico de biblioteca pública en el Distrito VI del Municipio de Managua

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    Las Bibliotecas Públicas son un equipamiento cultural primordial para el desarrollo cultural y educativo de una ciudad, ya que dentro de estos edificios se concentran actividades culturales, educativas y recreativas que inciden positivamente en la población y por ende en el contexto urbano donde se encuentra emplazado el proyecto. Estos edificios públicos deben ser considerados dentro de los planes de desarrollo urbano de la ciudad, sin embargo en el casco urbano de Managua es notorio el poco impulso planificado de esta tipología arquitectónica, problemática que se traduce en la carencia de bibliotecas públicas que brinden la atención equitativa a todos los sectores poblacionales de la ciudad

    Factores que inciden en la Deserción Escolar de los estudiantes de la modalidad de Educación Primaria Extraedad, turno vespertino del “Centro Escolar Salomón Ibarra Mayorga”, del Municipio de Managua, distrito IV, segundo semestre del año lectivo 2015

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    El Centro Escolar Salomón Ibarra Mayorga, se encuentra ubicado en el distrito IV, Municipio de Managua, Colonia Cristian Pérez. En esta institución educativa fue realizada la investigación por las estudiantes de la carrera de Pedagogía con mención en Administración de la Educación, UNAN-Managua, con el objetivo de analizar los factores que inciden en la Deserción Escolar de los estudiantes de la modalidad de Educación Primaria extra-edad, turno vespertino en el periodo del segundo semestre del año lectivo 2015. El presente estudio, el enfoque es cualitativo con implicaciones cuantitativas, es de tipo descriptivo, de corte transversal. La población del estudio fue de 105 estudiantes activos y que han desertado, la muestra fue seleccionada de forma aleatoria y se conformó por: directora, docentes, estudiantes activos y desertores, padres, madres y tutores. Los resultados relevantes obtenidos en la investigación, fueron: La carga horaria de trabajo de los padres de familia influye en la deserción escolar, ya que el tiempo de interrelación entre padres e hijos, las distancias de los hogares del centro de estudio y la necesidad de las docentes en actualización de estrategias y técnicas motivacionales. Las recomendaciones significativas, fueron: Motivar al personal docentes a implementar estrategias metodológicas motivadoras para el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de los estudiantes de extra-edad; a los padres, madres y tutores dedicar tiempo para presentarse en la escuela e informarse de los estudios de los hijos; al estudiante interiorizar la motivación a sus estudios. Como producto de los resultados de la investigación, se elaboró Propuesta de Plan de acción para prevenir la Deserción Escolar de los estudiantes de la modalidad de Educación Primaria Extra edad, del Centro Escolar Salomón Ibarra Mayorga

    Assessment of L-Band SAOCOM InSAR coherence and its comparison with C-Band: A case study over managed forests in Argentina

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the behavior of short temporal baseline interferomet ric coherence in forested areas for L-band spaceborne SAR data. Hence, an exploratory assessment of the impacts of temporal and spatial baselines on coherence, with emphasis on how these effects vary between SAOCOM-1 L-band and Sentinel-1 C-band data is presented. The interferometric coherence is analyzed according to different imaging parameters. In the case of SAOCOM-1, the impacts of the variation of the incidence angle and the ascending and descending orbits over forested areas are also assessed. Finally, short-term 8-day interferometric coherence maps derived from SAOCOM-1 are especially addressed, since this is the first L-band spaceborne mission that allows us to acquire SAR images with such a short temporal span. The analysis is reported over two forest-production areas in Argentina, one of which is part of the most important region in terms of forest plantations at the national level. In the case of SAOCOM, interferometric configurations are characterized by a lack of control on the spatial baseline, so a zero-baseline orbital tube cannot be guaranteed. Nevertheless, this spatial baseline variability is crucial to exploit volume decorrelation for forest monitoring. The results from this exploratory analysis demonstrates that SAOCOM-1 short temporal baseline interferograms, 8 to 16 days, must be considered in order to mitigate temporal decorrelation effects and to be able to experiment with different spatial baseline configurations, in order to allow appropriate forest monitoring.This research was funded by the project INTERACT PID2020-114623RB-C32 funded by the Spanish MCIN /AEI /10.13039 /501100011033.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version


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    Background: Language is a medium used by different cultures to protect their traditions and identities. At the university level, we encounter students who strive to become bilingual educators because Spanish is their native language. However, these students often struggle with the academic vocabulary in Spanish even though they entered the U.S. school system with Spanish as their native language. The limited use of Spanish and the limited academic instruction in Spanish, throughout their K-20 schooling trajectory, has led many university level students in the pursuit of a bilingual teacher certification to struggle in passing their Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (BTLPT). Purpose: This research study investigated perceived causes for native language attrition and challenges that bilingual students face throughout their educational careers in the attempt to preserve their native Spanish language. This research addressed the following question: What are the perceived causes of native language attrition for bilingual education students? Methods: This study utilized Clandinin and Connelly’s qualitative narrative inquiry approach to collect and analyze data. In this study, the researcher acquired evidence of causes of native language attrition through Zoom interviews of three bilingual education students and a personal journal where the researcher annotated reflections and experiences related to self and the participant’s stories. The researcher acquired narratives of the stories told by the bilingual education students using two semi- structured individual interviews (lasting about 15-20 minutes in length) and one focus group semi-structured interview (lasting about 30 minutes in length), in which all participants were present. The individual interviews allowed the participants to share their perceptions of possible reasons for native language attrition and how it has affected their journey as bilingual education students. The focus group, a semi-structured interview with open-ended responses allowed for the participants to share their insights in a collaborative experience. Throughout the study, the researcher kept a journal in which anecdotal notes and reflections were collected based on reflections and experiences that occurred to self and the participants throughout the study. Entries in the journal occurred after each interview, producing a total of seven entries. Each journal entry provided insight on the researcher’s own experiences with native language attrition and the struggles of becoming a bilingual certified teacher. The bilingual education students were selected through a purposive sampling design based on their enrollment in a bilingual education program at a local university voluntarily. As John W. Creswell suggests, the researcher retells the information gathered to combine the participants’ views with the researcher’s lived experiences in what is termed a collaborative narrative. The researcher narrated each of the participants’ lived experiences individually, interweaving the researcher’s own lived experiences as one of the stories. The researcher then analyzed the data for emergent themes. This study was reviewed by a second educator, who is also a bilingual educator and previously an adjunct professor at a university, in order to remove biases from the interpretation of the data acquired. This investigation allowed the researcher to tell the stories of the three bilingual education students’ lived experiences through a narrative approach. Findings: The study added to the literature regarding bilingual education students’ perceptions of the causes of native language attrition and what bilingual certification programs can do to better support students as they pursue a bilingual teacher certification. From the data, four major themes emerged: 1. Students are influenced by the environment regarding the use of the native language; 2. There is a need for K-12 schooling systems to offer programs that promote biliteracy; 3. The importance of promoting pride in culture and the native language at an early age; 4. The significance of offering further instruction of the academic language to promote native language development for bilingual education students in the higher education setting. Each finding was substantiated with participants’ responses and the personal experiences of the researcher. Conclusion: The findings suggested that participants’ perceptions of the frequency with which the native language is used lessened the attrition of the native language, which consequently could provide a higher rate of success in the Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test

    Economia de la cultura e industrias culturales: su comprensión desde la economia política

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    The article addresses the growing impact of cultural industries in the international political economy. Its starting point is the analysis of culture as merchandise, produced, distributed and consumed in a massive way and at impressive rhythms.O artigo trata do crescente impacto das indústrias culturais na economia política internacional. Seu ponto de partida é a análise da cultura como uma mercadoria, produzida, distribuída e consumida de forma massiva e a ritmos impressionantes

    La educación especial en México. Una tarea de valor

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    Este artículo llama la atención en torno a la singularidad e integridad de quienes dan sentido al quehacer educativo en México. Frente a ello − se subraya − sólo corresponde una tarea educativa propia, especialmente respetuosa de la dignidad de quien es, justo al hacerse cargo de su libertad de aprender y pensar las obras de las distintas tradiciones del saber. El hilo textual inicia con un preámbulo que pone el acento en el carácter infinitamente abierto de la educación y, asimismo, en la esencia creativa de la tarea educativa de quien la asume para participar en la forja de hombres y mujeres libres y responsables. Posteriormente discurre sobre la propiedad de la tarea educativa especial orientada a dejar elegir, dejar aprender y pensar de modos infinitamente singulares y distintos. El contraste sobreviene luego al mostrar la deriva de esa praxis en escolarización especial, situación que lleva a la consideración de formas en las que la detracción a la singularidad e integridad de quienes dan vida a la tarea, instan a no proseguirlas. De ahí el paso a la búsqueda del trasfondo de los impactos, atravesamientos y (des)orientaciones de una tarea que no podría ser más que propia. El texto concluye con el desafío de una propuesta que adviene con el afán de liberar la opción de dejar aprender y pensar, vivir y crear, a los niños y jóvenes de la educación especial en México. Special education in Mexico. Una tarea de valor Abstract This article is an invitation to think about singularity and integrity of those who give a special sense to the educational task in Mexico. It is remarkable that there is only one educational task in this context, which is especially respectful of the dignity of those who are fair in accepting their commitment towards their own freedom to learn and think the different ways of knowledge. The joining argument (the main theme) starts with a background that reliefs on the open nature of education, besides its creative quality on the one who acceeds in participating in the development of free and responsible men an women. Subsequently, it goes on the property of the educational task that allows choosing, reading, learning and thinking in different and particular ways. The contrast comes later when showing the state of abandon of that praxis (practice) in special or regular schooling. This situation makes the reader consider that its urgent to stop the obstacles against the singularity and integrity of those who are involved in this task. This is the reason why it is important to look for the background of the impacts and bad guiding of a task that is inherently important. The text concludes with the challenge of a proposal that comes with enough willpower to liberate the choice of protagonists of education in Mexico about learning and thinking, living and creating