2,605 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la cronología dentaria en grupos wichi, toba y criollos del Gran Chaco (provincia de Formosa)

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    Se realizó el análisis de la cronología de erupción dentaria como una evaluación de maduración funcional en individuos pertenecientes a comunidades wichí, toba y crillas del Gran Chaco (provincia de Formosa, Argentina). Se tuvieron en cuenta los elementos dentarios presentes en cada hemiarcada izquierda y el orden de erupción. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue examinar el comportamiento de estas variables en la población infantil de ambos sexos de las distintas comunidades. La muestra estuvo integrada por 159 individuos entre 6 y 12 años. La metodología aplicada fue la del conteo de las piezas dentarias individuales. Los datos fueron volcados en una ficha odontológica pertinente. Se analizó comparativamente el orden de erupción en cada muestra investigada. Resultados: a) diferencias de erupción entre los wichí, toba y criollos; b) alteración en el orden de erupción, en el segundo premolar y los segundos molares y c) variación de erupción de las niñas con respecto a los varones. Concluimos que los grupos pertenecientes a la misma zona geográfica, pero con distinto nivel socioeconómico, muestran diferencias en la cronología dentaria, lo cual estaría indicando una influencia ambiental sobre el determinante genético

    Utilización de pastas como alimentos funcionales

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    Objetivo general Evaluar la aptitud de las pastas para actuar como alimentos funcionales, estudiando el efecto del agregado de diferentes ingredientes sobre su calidad tecnológica y nutricional. Objetivos específicos Objetivo I: estudiar los parámetros que definen la calidad de las pastas. Objetivo II: evaluar el efecto del almidón, del gluten y del agua sobre la calidad de las pastas frescas elaboradas con harina de trigo pan. Objetivo III: evaluar el efecto de harinas con diferentes características sobre el color de pastas frescas laminadas. Objetivo IV: obtener pastas de calidad tecnológica y sensorial aceptables, elaboradas con harina de amaranto y harina de soja a fin de otorgarles propiedades funcionales y mejorar su calidad nutricional. Objetivo V: determinar los componentes con propiedades funcionales aportados por la harina de amaranto y la harina de soja y evaluar la calidad nutricional de las pastas obtenidas con ella.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Estudio de las estrías vestibulares en dientes de aborígenes de Pampa Grande (Salta)

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    Los tejidos duros (dientes – huesos) sirven como fuente de información en Bioantropología, ya que son elementos anatómicos perdurables, que se comportan como documentos persistentes de los cambios que se producen en la vida del individuo y su población. El estudio de las piezas dentarias y la impronta que los alimentos pueden dejar sobre la superficie del esmalte, considerando al diente como un utensilio de corte, traducirán aspectos relacionados con su función y con la naturaleza de los alimentos. La población consiste en una colección del museo de Ciencias Naturales de la UNLP de Pampa Grande, Salta.Facultad de Odontologí

    Biomarkers improve mortality prediction by prognostic scales in community-acquired pneumonia

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    Background: Prognostic scales provide a useful tool to predict mortality in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). However, the inflammatory response of the host, crucial in resolution and outcome, is not included in the prognostic scales. Methods: The aim of this study was to investigate whether information about the initial inflammatory cytokine profile and markers increases the accuracy of prognostic scales to predict 30-day mortality. To this aim, a prospective cohort study in two tertiary care hospitals was designed. Procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive protein (CRP) and the systemic cytokines tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) and interleukins IL6, IL8 and IL10 were measured at admission. Initial severity was assessed by PSI (Pneumonia Severity Index), CURB65 (Confusion, Urea nitrogen, Respiratory rate, Blood pressure, > or = 65 years of age) and CRB65 (Confusion, Respiratory rate, Blood pressure, > or = 65 years of age) scales. A total of 453 hospitalised CAP patients were included. Results: The 36 patients who died (7.8%) had significantly increased levels of IL6, IL8, PCT and CRP. In regression logistic analyses, high levels of CRP and IL6 showed an independent predictive value for predicting 30-day mortality, after adjustment for prognostic scales. Adding CRP to PSI significantly increased the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) from 0.80 to 0.85, that of CURB65 from 0.82 to 0.85 and that of CRB65 from 0.79 to 0.85. Adding IL6 or PCT values to CRP did not significantly increase the AUC of any scale. When using two scales (PSI and CURB65/CRB65) and CRP simultaneously the AUC was 0.88. Conclusions: Adding CRP levels to PSI, CURB65 and CRB65 scales improves the 30-day mortality prediction. The highest predictive value is reached with a combination of two scales and CRP. Further validation of that improvement is needed


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    [EN] Interest in the cultivation of quinoa pseudo-cereal (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) has increased in recent years due to its nutritional value, as well as its antioxidant capacity and phytochemical content. The chemical composition of quinoa seeds and their bioactive compounds can differ between varieties. In this study, the nutritional composition, antioxidant properties and total phenolic content of Yellow quinoa seeds cultivated in Mexico were evaluated. The results were compared with four commercial quinoa varieties from Peru: Yellow, Black, Red and Peruvian Yellow. The chemical composition of seeds in this study varied as a function of germplasm and growing conditions. In general, samples were characterized by their high carbohydrate content, followed by protein, lipids and fiber. The Yellow quinoa grown in Mexico stood out for its high phenolic content, as well as for its antioxidant activity, probably influenced by the presence of saponins.Carranza-Concha, J.; Chairez-Huerta, SG.; Contreras-Martinez, CS.; García Martínez, EM. (2021). Characterization of nutritional and antioxidant properties of Quinoa seeds (Chenopodium quinoa WILLD.). Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana. 44(3):357-366. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18680435736644

    Tolerance to ToLCNDV in Cucurbita spp

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    [EN] Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) is a bipartite begomovirus (Geminiviridae) firstly reported in India and neighboring countries. A severe outbreak of ToLCNDV in Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) occurred in southern Spain in 2012. Mechanical inoculation and natural infection with Bemisia tabaci, in Almeria, were used to screen part of the COMAV's Cucurbita core collection. The tolerance was assessed by symptomatology and by a PCR-based diagnostic method that allows the detection of the two viral components in a single reaction. Mechanical transmission of ToLCNDV was confirmed in all the species. Severe symptoms were found 30 and 35 days after mechanical and natural inoculation, respectively, in C. pepo, in all accessions belonging to the Zucchini morphotype and to other morphotypes of the subsp. pepo, subsp. ovifera and even in the wild relative C. fraterna. Cucurbita maxima and C. ficifolia were also highly susceptible. The only species showing tolerance was C. moschata. Instead of curling, which was typically observed in most Cucurbita species, in C. moschata we observed mosaic and mottling, which suggest a differential response of this species. Under natural infection, a few C. moschata accessions remained asymptomatic and no virus was detected in the plant apex. Under mechanical inoculation, ToLCNDV symptoms were mild and delayed in these accessions and they were PCR positive. Some of the more tolerant accessions came from India.This work was supported by Project E_RTAE2013-00020-C04-03 from the Spanish Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (INIA) cofunded with FEDER funds.Sáez-Sánchez, C.; Martínez-Martínez, C.; Ferriol Molina, M.; Manzano, S.; Jamilena, M.; López Del Rincón, C.; Picó Sirvent, MB. (2017). Tolerance to ToLCNDV in Cucurbita spp. Acta Horticulturae. (1151):31-35. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1151.6S3135115

    Using the Pairs of Lines Broadened by Collisions with Neutral and Charged Particles for Gas Temperature Determination of Argon Non-Thermal Plasmas at Atmospheric Pressure

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    The spectroscopic method for gas temperature determination in argon non-thermal plasmas sustained at atmospheric pressure proposed recently by Spectrochimica Acta Part B 129 14 (2017)—based on collisional broadening measurements of selected pairs of argon atomic lines, has been applied to other pairs of argon atomic lines, and the discrepancies found in some of these results have been analyzed. For validation purposes, the values of the gas temperature obtained using the different pairs of lines have been compared with the rotational temperatures derived from the OH ro-vibrational bands, using the Boltzmann-plot techniqu

    Resistance to Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus in Cucurbita spp

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    [EN] Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) is a bipartite begomovirus (family Geminiviridae) first reported in India and its neighbouring countries. ToLCNDV severely affects zucchini crop (Cucurbita pepo) in the main production areas of Southern Spain since 2012. This emerging begomovirus is a serious threat to this and other cucurbit crops. Breeding resistant cultivars is the most promising method for disease control, but requires the identification of sources of resistance in the Cucurbita genus. In this work, we screened for ToLCNDV resistance a large collection of Cucurbita spp. accessions, including landraces and commercial cultivars of the main cultivated species, C. pepo, Cucurbita moschata and Cucurbita maxima and wild species. The screening was performed using mechanical and whitefly inoculation. The level of resistance was assessed by scoring symptom severity and bymeasuring the virus content with quantitative polymerase chain reaction in selected genotypes. Diversity in the response was observed within and among species. Severe symptoms and high viral amounts were found at 30 days after mechanical and whitefly inoculation in C. pepo, in all accessions belonging to the Zucchini morphotype and to other morphotypes of both subspecies, pepo and ovifera, and even in the wild relative Cucurbita fraterna. C. maxima was also highly susceptible. This species showed characteristic symptoms of leaf decay and intense yellowing, different from those of mosaic, curling and internode shortening found in C. pepo. The only species showing resistance was C. moschata. Four accessions were symptomless or had some plants with only mild symptoms after three independent rounds of mechanical inoculation with different inoculum sources. Two of them also remained symptomless after virus inoculation with viruliferous whiteflies. ToLCNDV was detected in these asymptomatic accessions at 15 and 30 days post inoculation, but viral amounts were much lower than those found in susceptible genotypes, suggesting a high level of resistance. The symptoms in the susceptible accessions of this specieswere also different, with a characteristic leaf mottling, evolving to a severe mosaic. The newly identified C. moschata resistant accessions are good candidates for breeding programmes to avoid the damage caused by ToLCNDV.This work was supported by Projects E_RTAE2013-00020-C04-03 and E-RTA2013-00020-C04-01 from the Spanish Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (INIA) cofunded with FEDER funds.Sáez Sánchez, C.; Martínez Martínez, C.; Ferriol Molina, M.; Manzano, S.; Velasco, L.; Jamilena, M.; López Del Rincón, C.... (2016). Resistance to Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus in Cucurbita spp. ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY. 169(1):91-105. https://doi.org/10.1111/aab.12283S91105169

    Estudio ultraestructural y paleopatológico dentario de una población extinta de Salta

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    Los dientes son elementos anatómicos que sirven como importante fuente de información desde el punto de vista bioantropológico. Por medio de análisis macro y microscópico es posible identificar datos individuales valiosos que permiten inferir sobre otros concerniente a los dientes de esa población. En el presente estudio se realizó un registro por métodos estandarizados de las patologías encontradas sobre la colección de Pampa Grande (Salta Argentina).Facultad de Odontologí

    Estudio de la prevalencia de caries en una comunidad escolar rural

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    Con el fin de establecer la prevalencia de caries en una población escolar rural del municipio de Florencio Varela (Pcia. de Bs. As.) se estudiaron 63 niños sin patologías evidentes al examen clínico pediátrico, con una edad media 9 años, los que fueron distribuidos en tres grupos etáreos 0-6 años, 7-12 años y 13-17 años. Se determinaron los índices de Dientes permanentes CPOD (Cariados, Perdidos y Obturados) y de Superficies permanentes CPOS y para dientes temporarios el ceod y el ceos (cariados, indicación de extracción y obturados). También se determinaron el Índice de Placa (IP) según Löe y Sillness y los momentos de azúcar.Facultad de Odontologí