405 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Approach for Building, Exploring and Recommending Complex Items With Application in Nutritional Interventions

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    Over the last few years, the ability of recommender systems to help us in different environments has been increasing. Several systems try to offer solutions in highly complex environments such as nutrition, housing, or traveling. In this paper, we present a recommendation system capable of using different input sources (data and knowledge-based) and producing a complex structured output. We have used an evolutionary approach to combine several unitary items within a flexible structure and have built an initial set of complex configurable items. Then, a content-based approach refines (in terms of preferences) these candidates to offer a final recommendation.We conclude with the application of this approach to the healthy diet recommendation problem, addressing its strengths in this domain.Over the last few years, the ability of recommender systems to help us in different environments has been increasing. Several systems try to offer solutions in highly complex environments such as nutrition, housing, or traveling. In this paper, we present a recommendation system capable of using different input sources (data and knowledge-based) and producing a complex structured output. We have used an evolutionary approach to combine several unitary items within a flexible structure and have built an initial set of complex configurable items. Then, a content-based approach refines (in terms of preferences) these candidates to offer a final recommendation.We conclude with the application of this approach to the healthy diet recommendation problem, addressing its strengths in this domainEuropean Union (Stance4Health) under Grant 816303Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under Grant PID2021-123960OB-I00MCIN (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación)/AEI (Agencia estatal de Investigacion)/10.13039/501100011033ERDF (European Regional Development Fund)A way of making Europe. And in part under Grant TED2021-129402B-C21 funded by MCIN (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación)/AEI (Agencia estatal de Investigacion)/10.13039/501100011033European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR (Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia)‘Program of Information and Communication technologies’’ at the University of Granad

    Characterization of goat colostrum oligosaccharides by nano-liquid chromatography on chip quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-quadrupole mass spectrometry

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    A detailed qualitative and quantitative characterization of goat colostrum oligosaccharides (GCO) has been carried out for the first time. Defatted and deproteinized colostrum samples, previously treated by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) to remove lactose, were analyzed by nanoflow liquid chromatography–quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry (Nano-LC-Chip–Q-TOF MS). Up to 78 oligosaccharides containing hexose, hexosamine, fucose, N-acetylneuraminic acid or Nglycolylneuraminic acid monomeric units were identified in the samples, some of them detected for the first time in goat colostra. As a second step, a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HILIC-MS) methodology was developed for the separation and quantitation of the main GCO, both acidic and neutral carbohydrates. Among other experimental chromatographic conditions, mobile phase additives and column temperature were evaluated in terms of retention time, resolution, peak width and symmetry of target carbohydrates. Narrow peaks (wh: 0.2–0.6 min) and good symmetry (As: 0.8–1.4) were obtained for GCO using an acetonitrile:water gradient with 0.1% ammonium hydroxide at 40 ◦C. These conditions were selected to quantify the main oligosaccharides in goat colostrum samples. Values ranging from 140 to 315 mg L−1 for neutral oligosaccharides and from 83 to 251 mg L−1 for acidic oligosaccharides were found. The combination of both techniques resulted to be useful to achieve a comprehensive characterization of GCO.This work has been funded by Junta de Andalucía (project AGR2011-7626), CSIC (project i-link0827), Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) and European funding from FEDER program (AVANSECAL-CM S2013/ABI-3028) and Fundación Ramón Areces. This work was also supported by the UC Davis RISE program and the National Institutes of Health awards R21AT006180, R01AT007079, R01AT008759-02.Peer reviewe

    Early inflammatory markers in elicitation of allergic contact dermatitis

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    BACKGROUND: Allergic Contact Dermatitis (ACD) is regarded as a T-cell-mediated delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction. We studied the kinetics of the expression of CS-1 fibronectin, thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (CCL17/ TARC) and different chemokine receptors (CR) in skin biopsies from individuals suffering from back problems, with the antigen responsible of their contact dermatitis and an irrelevant antigen. METHODS: Samples were taken at 2, 10, and 48 hours for histological and immunohistochemical studies using monoclonal antibodies against human CS-1 fibronectin, CCL17, CD3, CD68, CD49d, CXCR3, CCR5, and CCR3. RESULTS: At positive antigen stimulated sites there was an early expression of CS-1 fibronectin (2 hours), followed by CCL17 and a later accumulation of alplha4/beta1+ (CD49d), CD3+, CD68+, CXCR3+ and CCR5+ mononuclear cells. At 48 hours, approximately 59 % of infiltrating cells were CXCR3+, 42% CCR5+, and only 14 % CCR3+. CONCLUSIONS: These results showed for the first time a very early expression of CS-1 fibronectin which preceded production of CCL17 in blood endothelial cells (BCEs) from patients' skin with ACD. The role of these molecules in recruitment of monocytes and effector T cells in ACD is discussed

    Aplicabilidad clínica de los índices pronósticos, PROFUND y PROFUNCTION

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    An 83-year-old woman with a history of hypertension, grade II obesity, dyslipidemia and paranoid schizophrenia with limited life due to polyarthrosis and basic psychiatric pathology who enter by episode of hydropic decompensation in the context of severe acute anemization. After carrying out a comprehensive assessment together with the calculation of the PROFUND index and PROFUNCTION index, a personalized action plan adapted to the patient was carried out by consensus with her family.Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 83 años con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial, obesidad grado II, dislipemia y esquizofrenia paranoide, con vida limitada por poliartrosis y patología psiquiátrica de base. Ingresó por episodio de descompensación hidrópica en contexto de anemización aguda grave. Tras realización de una valoración integral, junto con el cálculo de los índices PROFUND y PROFUNCTION, se llevó a cabo, consensuado con sus familiares, un plan de acción personalizado adaptado a la paciente

    Role-playing games para la adquisición de competencias en el Grado en Ingeniería Química

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    Se propone la realización de un juego de rol con el objetivo de que los alumnos comprendan una asignatura a priori tediosa, Gestión Integrada en la Industria Química, de una forma práctica y amena. Este tipo de prueba facilita la evaluación de varias competencias a la vez, englobando tanto habilidades técnicas, como la comunicación oral y la puesta en escena. En este caso concreto los alumnos se han introducido en la situación de una auditoría de los distintos sistemas de gestión de la Universidad de Alicante, incluyendo calidad, medio ambiente y prevención de riesgos laborales. Los profesores han valorado las competencias adquiridas y los alumnos han realizado una encuesta para comprobar si ellos tienen la percepción de haberlas adquirido. Además se estudia su utilidad en un entorno laboral, en prácticas en empresa, ya que varios alumnos realizan las asignaturas de Prácticas Externas después de haber cursado la asignatura de Gestión Integrada en la Industria Química. El trabajo se completa con el estudio del posible interés de los juegos de rol en otras asignaturas de la titulación

    Políticas de seguridad y entornos violentos en Colombia y México

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    Este libro surge de la urgencia de reflexionar en torno a las dimensiones social e institucional de la violencia y el clima de inseguridad que en la actualidad está viviendo América Latina, con el fin de desvelar sus principales características, los procesos de realimentación y su impacto en la construcción o reconstrucción de los Estados nacionales, centrando la atención en México y Colombia. La intención de fijar la mirada en estos dos países es porque, desde hace algunos años, algunos líderes de opinión, entre ellos los medios de comunicación, han venido planteando la idea de que México se encamina cada vez más a una colombianización, debido al incremento de las violencias relacionadas con el narcotráfico, la guerrilla y la delincuencia organizada. Por tanto, es indispensable detenernos a pensar y analizar la violencia que aqueja a estos dos países para ponderar las semejanzas y diferencias entre ambos. Hoy México sufre altos niveles de violencia y vive procesos y situaciones que ya son historia para Colombia. Una historia que quieren dejar atrás la ciudadanía y el propio gobierno, pero al mismo tiempo saben que tiene secuelas, porque la incidencia delictiva que hoy vive Colombia sigue siendo muy alta para un país que se encuentra en “paz”. Un planteamiento central en este libro es que no es posible entender la violencia sin razonar que esta va más allá de la violencia directa y física o de actos de masacre o terrorismo, debido a que se encuentra incrustada en el núcleo mismo de la estructura y las significantes culturales que configuran los sistemas sociales, políticos y económicos; y desde allí legitima sus expresiones directas

    Análisis del Dead Layer de un detector de Germanio Ultrapuro con el código de Monte Carlo Sword-Geant

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    En este trabajo se propone el uso del código de Monte Carlo SWORD-GEANT para simular un detector de germanio ultra puro High Purity Germanium Detector (HPGe), en concreto el detector ORTEC GMX40P4, de geometría coaxial. El modelo de Monte Carlo incluye una caja Petri con agua. La fuente reproduce un patrón certificado gamma, incluyendo los siguientes isótopos: Am-241; Cd-109; Co-57; Ce-139; Cr-51; Sn-113; Sr-85; Cs-137; Mn-54; Y-88 and Co-60. Uno de los objetivos de este trabajo es la obtención de la curva de eficiencias para una geometría Petri. Con el paso del tiempo, la eficiencia del germanio puede disminuir sensiblemente debido a la degradación de la zona periférica del cristal, o dicho de otro modo, con el tiempo puede aumentar el espesor de la capa muerta del cristal y en consecuencia, disminuir el volumen activo de detección. En este marco, se propone el uso de la fórmula Noether-Wilks para realizar un análisis de incertidumbres de ciertas variables geométricas de diseño y del experimento y su efecto sobre la curva de eficiencias. Este análisis se ha centrado en el espesor de la capa muerta presente en diferentes partes del cristal detector (superior, lateral y en el hueco interior). Con el objetivo de obtener resultados con un 95% de intervalo de confianza, se han realizado 93 simulaciones utilizando el código SWORD-GEANT. Los resultados obtenidos con este análisis se han comparado con la eficiencia obtenida experimentalmente, observándose una aceptable reproducción en el intervalo comprendido entre 59 y 800 keV. Sin embargo, se han encontrado importantes discrepancias en la eficiencia correspondiente a los radionucleidos Y-88 y Co-60. Éstas se deben a efectos de corrección por pico suma que no se han considerado en este trabajo.Gallardo Bermell, S.; Querol Vives, A.; Ortiz Moragón, J.; Ródenas Diago, J.; Verdú Martín, GJ. (2014). Análisis del Dead Layer de un detector de Germanio Ultrapuro con el código de Monte Carlo Sword-Geant. Grupo Senda. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/61053

    Climate effects on swordfish early-life habitats: the western Mediterranean open-ocean observatory

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    Trabajo presentado en ICES Annual Science Conference (2023), celebrada en Bilbao (España), entre el 11 y el 14 de septiembre de 2023.The Balearic Sea, in the western Mediterranean, is a remarkable reproductive area for many marine species, among which large oceanic migrants stand out. This region presents unique oceanic features with fronts and eddies, favouring the early-life stages of these species. We take advantage of already existing biological and oceanographic data and know how to advance in the understanding of the open-ocean pelagic ecosystem. We purpose indicators to monitor the environmental variability of the pelagic habitat, such as temperature anomalies that affect the survival of tuna larvae. The indicators are designed to inform climate aspects of the ecosystem approach to fisheries management for tunas and other related species in the framework of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna, the organisation in charge of the fisheries management of these species. We take swordfish (Xiphias gladius) as a case study. Swordfish is a highly migratory species that, in the Mediterranean, reproduces at several locations and has the Balearic Islands as one of the main breeding areas. We investigate if climate change has already affected the suitability of this potential spawning ground. For that, we analyse how the variability of ocean characteristics and features affects the presence of swordfish larvae collected in ichthyoplanktonic surveys and identify their preferential habitat. Results of this work show that, during reproductive season and early developmental time of this species, significant heatwaves impact the pelagic realm in the Balearic Sea, a prominent hydrodynamic retention area of the western Mediterranean, with direct effects on the distribution of the swordfish larval habitat.Peer reviewe

    Junin Virus Triggers Macrophage Activation and Modulates Polarization According to Viral Strain Pathogenicity

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    The New World arenavirus Junin (JUNV) is the etiological agent of Argentine hemorrhagic fever (AHF). Previous studies of human macrophage infection by the Old-World arenaviruses Mopeia and Lassa showed that while the non-pathogenic Mopeia virus replicates and activates human macrophages, the pathogenic Lassa virus replicates but fails to activate human macrophages. Less is known in regard to the impact of New World arenavirus infection on the human macrophage immune response. Macrophage activation is critical for controlling infections but could also be usurped favoring immune evasion. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how the JUNV infection modulates macrophage plasticity to clarify its role in AHF pathogenesis. With this aim in mind, we compared infection with the attenuated Candid 1 (C#1) or the pathogenic P strains of the JUNV virus in human macrophage cultures. The results showed that both JUNV strains similarly replicated and induced morphological changes as early as 1 day post-infection. However, both strains differentially induced the expression of CD71, the receptor for cell entry, the activation and maturation molecules CD80, CD86, and HLA-DR and selectively modulated cytokine production. Higher levels of TNF-α, IL-10, and IL-12 were detected with C#1 strain, while the P strain induced only higher levels of IL-6. We also found that C#1 strain infection skewed macrophage polarization to M1, whereas the P strain shifted the response to an M2 phenotype. Interestingly, the MERTK receptor, that negatively regulates the immune response, was down-regulated by C#1 strain and up-regulated by P strain infection. Similarly, the target genes of MERTK activation, the cytokine suppressors SOCS1 and SOCS3, were also increased after P strain infection, in addition to IRF-1, that regulates type I IFN levels, which were higher with C#1 compared with P strain infection. Together, this differential activation/polarization pattern of macrophages elicited by P strain suggests a more evasive immune response and may have important implications in the pathogenesis of AHF and underpinning the development of new potential therapeutic strategiesFacultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia MolecularCentro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones Industriale