855 research outputs found

    Creación de una librería de elementos rotacionales mediante EcosimPro

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    La técnica de la simulación se usa constantemente dentro del ámbito de la ingeniería. Se simulan toda clase de sistemas, ya sean sistemas mecánicos, eléctricos, frigoríficos, de control, etc. El objetivo principal de este proyecto consiste en desarrollar una librería rotacional haciendo uso de una herramienta de modelado y simulación llamada EcosimPro. EcosimPro, es una herramienta de simulación con la que se pueden modelar desde los más simples a los más complejos procesos físicos, en términos de ecuaciones diferenciales algebraicas ó ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias y eventos discretos. Dentro de los diferentes campos donde se puede aplicar la simulación, en el que se va a centrar el presente proyecto es en el campo de la simulación de sistemas dinámicos, más en concreto en sistemas mecánicos de dinámica rotacional. Una de las características más importantes de las herramientas de simulación es la posibilidad de crear modelos de elementos independientes y poder agrupar varios de estos modelos con propiedades comunes en conjuntos. Esto se conoce como crear una librería. Este será el objetivo principal del proyecto: la creación de una librería de elementos mecánicos rotacionales, a partir de la cual poder implementar distintos sistemas, que posteriormente serán simulados. Además, los modelos que se implementarán mediante EcosimPro serán verificados, ya sea comparando los resultados obtenidos con los obtenidos mediante otras herramientas de simulación, o bien a través de expresiones analíticas equivalentes.Ingeniería Técnica en Mecánic

    La danza y la expresión corporal como asignatura dentro del currículum de educación

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    La evolución de la danza como disciplina didáctica en el currículum de la Educación Primaria, ha ido evolucionando notablemente con el paso del tiempo. Dicha disciplina contiene un sinfín de beneficios que podrán enriquecer el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje, y por lo tanto influenciar a nuestro alumnado. Gracias a la danza se trabaja de manera lúdica y dinámica elementos como la atención, la concentración, la coordinación, la condición física, elementos culturales, la creatividad, la autonomía, el respeto, etc. Es por ello que consideramos oportuna la creación de una asignatura que se pueda incluir en el currículum de Educación Primaria, donde se trabaje únicamente la danza y la expresión corporal, ya que aunque se den algunas pinceladas en la asignatura de Educación Física, el tiempo empleado no es el suficiente para conseguir observar los beneficios que antes mencionamos. Esta asignatura tendrá su sistema de evaluación puramente práctico y dinámico, su temporalización ajustada al calendario escolar, y sus actividades tipo para poder cubrir las diferentes sesiones que podrían plantearse (todo ello teniendo en cuenta la legislación vigente). Hoy en día, conseguir esta conversión de la enseñanza es una tarea fundamental para ese alumnado con necesidades especiales, ya que todos los factores positivos que se trabajan con la danza, también afectarían de forma directa a este tipo de niños, consiguiendo mejorías en breves períodos de tiempo y logrando así la denominada educación inclusiva.The evolution of dance as a didactic discipline in the curriculum of Primary Education, has evolved significantly with the passage of time. This discipline contains a host of benefits that can enrich the teaching-learning process, and therefore influence our students. Thanks to dance, elements such as attention, concentration, coordination, physical condition, cultural elements, creativity, autonomy, respect, etc. are worked in a playful and dynamic manner. That is why we consider it opportune to create a subject that can be included in the curriculum of Primary Education, where only dance and body language are worked, since although some brushstrokes are given in the subject of Physical Education, the time spent It is not enough to observe the benefits mentioned above. This subject will have its system of evaluation purely practical and dynamic, its 2 timing adjusted to the school calendar, and its type activities to cover the different sessions that could arise (all this taking into account the current legislation). Nowadays, achieving this conversion of teaching is a fundamental task for those students with special needs, since all the positive factors that are worked with dance, would also directly affect this type of children, getting improvements in short periods of time and thus achieving the so-called inclusive education.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari

    Application for Decision-Making on Mild Cognitive Impairments

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    Presented at the 4th XoveTIC Conference, A Coruña, Spain, 7–8 October 2021.[Abstract] Life expectancy in Western countries is increasing. The fact that humans are living longer lives presents new challenges to people’s quality of life. Some of the problems that most affect older people are the problems associated with cognitive impairment. The development of a tool that helps psychologists to carry out different types of tests is the main objective of this work. To this end, an interdisciplinary group of psychologists and engineers have joined forces to create a tool that generates a series of standardised metrics to guide clinicians and help them make decisions about a patient’s cognitive impairment

    The use of learning journals by teachers as a tool for reflection-on-action

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    [ES] Los diarios realizados por estudiantes universitarios son habituales en algunas asignaturas, sin embargo los realizados por los docentes no son tan habituales. En este artículo planteamos la necesidad de la refl exión-sobre-la-acción para la adquisición de experiencia profesional y vincular la teoría con la práctica. Para conseguirlo, entendemos que es clave la utilización del diario del profesorado, ya que permite tener un espacio para la refl exión y para replantear la acción. Se presenta como un instrumento muy personal que se ha de adecuar al docente. En este caso las recetas no son válidas, ya que las temáticas se presentan en función de los intereses del docente que lo escribe, lo que permite plasmar la trayectoria profesional del autor en función de los temas que le preocupan y de cómo los supera. Por último, se exponen unas pautas de actuación para conseguir el éxito por parte del profesorado que esté interesado en emplear este tipo de herramienta pedagógica.[EN] Learning journals kept by university students are common in some subjects, however, those kept by teachers are not so usual. In this article we suggest the need for refl ection-onaction as a means of improving professional experience and connecting theory and practice. Thus, we consider teacher´s class diaries as essential, since they allow room for refl ection and for revising action. They are presented as very personal instruments which must be adapted to the teacher. Prescription is useless here, as topics are introduced according to the teacher´s interests, which enable the description of a teacher´s evolution depending on the issues they are concerned with, and on how they overcome them. Finally, we propose some guidelines to guarantee success.S

    Transformations of a teacher in her relationship with a deafblind student

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    [ES] Cuando comenzamos a trabajar en la escuela tenemos un bagaje vivido como alumno que condiciona nuestra forma de dar clase y las expectativas que podemos tener hacia el alumnado, en general y al de necesidades educativas, en especial. Sin embargo, estas concepciones se pueden cambiar. El profesorado puede reconstruir su identidad docente haciendo prevalecer su pasión por la educación y con el apoyo de compañeros y compañeras. La historia de vida que se presenta es el de una maestra de Educación Infantil que tiene en su aula a una alumna inmigrante sordociega. En ella se muestra la transformación de su idea sobre la integración, avanzando a una concepción inclusiva. Este cambio se basa en procesos de reflexión individuales y en diálogos con otros compañeros y compañeras suponiendo que ampliase sus ideas acerca de lo positivo de la educación inclusiva y que las mejoras que buscaba en la alumna se extendiesen a todo el centro y fuera de este. La transformación de las creencias de la docente ha sido muy positiva para la familia de la alumna y para la propia alumna que se encuentran en un aula inclusiva con una educación lo más normalizada posible.[EN] When we started working in the school we have a student experience that determines the way we teach and the expectations we have towards the students in general and towards the educational needs in particular. However, these concepts can be changed. Teachers can rebuild their teaching identity giving priority to his passion for education and with the support of colleagues. Life history presented is of an Early Childhood Education teacher who has an immigrant student deafblind in her classroom. In the life history shows the transformation of her idea of integration shows that progress towards an inclusive conception. This change is based on individual reflections and dialogues with other colleagues to further extend their ideas about the positive aspects of inclusive education and that the improvements sought in the student were extended to all the center and out of this. The transformation of the beliefs of the teacher has been very positive for the family of the student and herself that are in an inclusive classroom with a normalized education

    Modeling a multilevel converter for radiography and fluoroscopy

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    EPE'16 ECCE Europe, 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 5-9 september 2016, Karsruhe, GermanyIn this paper a mathematical model for a resonant multilevel converter is presented. The topology has been conceived to be used in X-ray power supplies. The power stage has been designed to minimize the resonant current throughout the input voltage range: 400V to 750V. The inverter stage is based on the series-parallel resonant topology, LCC, to include the parasitic elements of the step-up transformer. However, the introduction of an additional magnetic coupling provides a way to modify the reactive elements depending on the output powe

    Numerical simulations of rear point-contacted solar cells pn 2.2 Wcm p-type c-Si substrates

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    Rear surface of high-efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells is based on a combination of dielectric passivation and point-like contacts. In this work, we develop a 3D model for these devices based on 2.2 Ωcm p-type crystalline silicon substrates. We validate the model by comparison with experimental results allowing us to determine an optimum design for the rear pattern. Additionally, the 3D model results are compared with the ones deduced from a simpler and widely used 1D model. Although the maximum efficiency predicted by both models is approximately the same, large deviations are observed in open-circuit voltage and fill factor. 1D simulations overestimate open-circuit voltage because Dember and electrochemical potential drops are not taken into account. On the contrary, fill factor is underestimated because of higher ohmic losses along the base when 1D analytical model is used. These deviations are larger for relatively low-doped substrates, as the ones used in the experimental samples reported hereby, and poor passivated contacts. As a result, 1D models could mislead to too short optimum rear contact spacing.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    From the qualitative research domestication to the challenge of reinventing

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    [ES] La investigación cualitativa trata de un modelo basado en conseguir transformaciones que fomenten la justicia social. En ella, el investigador actúa en comunidad con los participantes, quienes son los dueños del problema y como tales deben ser el eje de la investigación y centra los procesos en conseguir resultados que transformen las prácticas sociales. Sin embargo, las presiones con las que los investigadores se encuentran desde las administraciones y las empresas que financian las investigaciones, hacen que la investigación cualitativa entre en un conflicto entre su verdadera función y conseguir finalidades objetivas y extrapolables, lo que desvirtúa la investigación cualitativa. Frente a esta problemática, es importante tener presente las características de la investigación cualitativa para reconducirla hacia la finalidad transformadora con la que se creó.[EN] Qualitative research is a model based on getting transformations that promote social justice. For this, the researcher acts with the participants, who are the owners of the problem and as such, should be the core of the research, focusing the processes in getting results which transform social practices. However, the pressures that researchers have from the administrations and companies that finance the researches make qualitative research encounter a conflict between its true function and obtaining objective and extrapolated purposes, thereby distorting qualitative research. Against this problem it is important to consider the characteristics of qualitative research to redirect it to the transformation purpose for which it was created.[PT] A pesquisa qualitativa é baseada na obtenção de transformações que promovam o modelo de justiça social. Nele, as obras pesquisador em participantes da comunidade são os donos do problema e como tal deve ser o foco da pesquisa, com foco na obtenção de resultados de processos que transformam as práticas sociais . No entanto, as pressões que os pesquisadores são da pesquisa administrações e empresas de fundo faz com que a pesquisa qualitativa em um conflito entre sua verdadeira função e obter finalidades objetivas e extrapolados, distorcendo assim a pesquisa qualitativa. Confrontado com este problema é importante considerar as características da pesquisa qualitativa para redirecioná-lo para o propósito de transformação para o qual ele foi criado.S

    drawing parallels to the infection in human medicine

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This research received no external fundingOsteomyelitis is a challenging infectious disease affecting humans and animals. It is difficult to diagnose because, in many cases, symptoms are non-specific and, for example in implant-related cases, can appear long time after surgery. In addition to this, it is also difficult to treat due to the need to find the appropriate antibiotic regime and delivery system to reach the site of infection and to avoid development of bacterial resistance. The central purpose of this review is to compare the microbiological aspects of osteomyelitis in human and veterinary medicine, with the aim of improving the microbiological diagnosis and treatment of this infection in animals. Furthermore, the study of osteomyelitis in animals may help to improve the development of animal models for testing new treatments in humans. Host factors and underlying conditions have been studied mainly in humans, although aspects as immunodeficiency have been described in some veterinary cases. Even when Staphylococcus aureus is still considered the most prevalent causing microorganism, this prevalence should be reviewed using molecular diagnostic techniques, and this could affect treatment options. New approaches to treatment include local delivery of antibiotics using different biomaterials, antimicrobial photodynamic therapy, and new antimicrobial compounds. We would like to remark the need of large, high-quality clinical trials and of the development of guides for the diagnosis and treatment of osteomyelitis in different animal species.publishersversionpublishe