166 research outputs found

    Dermatitis atópica. Protocolo de actuación y derivación en la farmacia comunitaria

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    Entre un 2% y un 7 % de la población adulta padece dermatitis atópica. Uno de los aspectos más importantes para el tratamiento de esta enfermedad es su abordaje multidisciplinar. Con el objetivo de actualizar los conocimientos existentes sobre el tema, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica acerca de los diversos aspectos que estaban englobados en la dermatitis atópica, tanto en lo referente a su fisiopatología y tratamiento, como a la actuación por parte del farmacéutico en la farmacia comunitaria. Se llega a la conclusión que hace falta implementar un protocolo de actuación actualizado, para su manejo en Atención Farmacéutica. Se diseña para su uso en pacientes diagnosticados de dermatitis atópica o signos de padecer la enfermedad. Consta, de un algoritmo apoyado en un cuestionario para valorar si la lesión es atópica. Recoge recomendaciones para un correcto cuidado de la piel atópica, que por sus características, posee unas necesidades muy especiales. Estos consejos incluyen productos que son más recomendables para la hidratación de la piel y hábitos de higiene y alimentación. Se pretende con su uso, mejorar la atención que recibe el paciente

    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Methodology for the Analysis of Regular and Non-Alcoholic Lager Beers

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    Producción CientíficaThe presence of seven main agents responsible for beer aroma and taste (n-propanol, isobutanol, 3-methylbutanol, tyrosol/tyrosine, ethyl acetate, isoamyl acetate, and acetaldehyde) is determined by different nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques (1H PRESAT, total correlation spectroscopy, heteronuclear single quantum correlation, and heteronuclear multiple bond correlation) in five regular and five low-alcoholic or alcohol-free beers. The new methodology includes the identification of the 1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts of the analytes by a standard addition method and the consequent identification of the compounds studied in regular and non-alcoholic beers. The chemical composition is different depending on whether the beer is regular or non-alcoholic, therefore affecting the organoleptic characteristics of each type of beer.MINECO (CTQ2013-41067-P)Junta de Castilla y León (VA332A12-2

    Towards dense people detection with deep learning and depth images

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    This paper describes a novel DNN-based system, named PD3net, that detects multiple people from a single depth image, in real time. The proposed neural network processes a depth image and outputs a likelihood map in image coordinates, where each detection corresponds to a Gaussian-shaped local distribution, centered at each person?s head. This likelihood map encodes both the number of detected people as well as their position in the image, from which the 3D position can be computed. The proposed DNN includes spatially separated convolutions to increase performance, and runs in real-time with low budget GPUs. We use synthetic data for initially training the network, followed by fine tuning with a small amount of real data. This allows adapting the network to different scenarios without needing large and manually labeled image datasets. Due to that, the people detection system presented in this paper has numerous potential applications in different fields, such as capacity control, automatic video-surveillance, people or groups behavior analysis, healthcare or monitoring and assistance of elderly people in ambient assisted living environments. In addition, the use of depth information does not allow recognizing the identity of people in the scene, thus enabling their detection while preserving their privacy. The proposed DNN has been experimentally evaluated and compared with other state-of-the-art approaches, including both classical and DNN-based solutions, under a wide range of experimental conditions. The achieved results allows concluding that the proposed architecture and the training strategy are effective, and the network generalize to work with scenes different from those used during training. We also demonstrate that our proposal outperforms existing methods and can accurately detect people in scenes with significant occlusions.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadUniversidad de AlcaláAgencia Estatal de Investigació

    Educación y asesoramiento del alumno para el correcto uso de las tutorías

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    La tutoría es una herramienta metodológica muy útil tanto para los docentes como para los discentes. No obstante, esta utilidad se ve mermada en muchos casos por el incorrecto empleo que de la misma hace el alumnado. Por ello, hemos considerado oportuno analizar las principales deficiencias observadas en el uso de las tutorías tanto presenciales como virtuales, con el fin de elaborar unas directrices generales para conseguir que los alumnos/as utilicen correctamente esta herramienta desde el primer momento en que se incorporan a la Universidad. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio comparativo entre las diversas asignaturas impartidas por los miembros de la Red con el fin de comprobar si los problemas detectados son comunes entre el alumnado de diferentes cursos, o si por el contrario sólo se deben a la inexperiencia de los estudiantes de los primeros cursos de grado

    El correcto uso de la tutoría como herramienta del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje

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    La finalidad de la tutoría es ofrecer al alumnado orientación y apoyo en su formación académica. No obstante, y a pesar de que se trata de una herramienta muy útil para el desarrollo integral de los estudiantes en su etapa universitaria, su utilidad se ve mermada en muchos casos por el desconocimiento de su función metodológica y por el incorrecto empleo de la misma por parte del alumnado. Por ello, consideramos oportuno analizar las principales deficiencias observadas en el uso de las tutorías tanto presenciales como virtuales, y elaborar directrices generales con el fin de conseguir que los alumnos/as utilicen correctamente esta herramienta desde el primer momento en que se incorporan a la Universidad. Para ello, realizaremos un estudio comparativo entre las diversas asignaturas impartidas por los miembros de la Red con el fin de comprobar si los problemas detectados son comunes entre el alumnado de diferentes cursos, o si por el contrario sólo se deben a la inexperiencia de los estudiantes de los primeros cursos

    Skin lesions with perimenstrual exacerbation: a diagnosis challenge

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    La dermatitis herpetiforme (DH) es una dermatosis ampollosa autoinmune subepidérmica de curso crónico, considerada como la expresión cutánea de la intolerancia al gluten. Forma parte de un abanico de patologías que tienen en común la sensibilidad a este componente, aunque solo un bajo porcentaje de pacientes desarrollará un cuadro de enteropatía sensible al gluten con malabsorción clínica. Se manifiesta mediante una erupción papulovesicular pruriginosa de predominio en superficies de extensión y nalgas. El estudio inmunológico puede en algunos casos no ser específico, pero se considera patognomónico los depósitos granulares de IgA en la unión dermoepidérmica. El tratamiento se basa en la dieta estricta libre de gluten (DSG) y el uso adicional de dapsona para las manifestaciones cutáneas. Presentamos dos casos de pacientes con brotes de dermatitis polimorfa e inespecífica de años de evolución y predominio perimenstrual, que precisaron múltiples tratamientos y pruebas complementarias hasta la positividad y confirmación del diagnóstico de DH.Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is an autoinmune subepidermal bullous dermatosis of chronic course, considered the cutaneous expression of gluten intolerance. It´s part of a range of pathologies that have in common the sensitivity to this component, but only a small percentage of patients develop gluten sensitive enteropathy with clinical malabsorption. The clinic is manifested by a predominantly papulovesicular rash pruritic, in extension surfaces and buttocks. Immuno-pathological study may not be specific in some cases, but it´s considered pathognomonic the presence of IgA granular deposits in the dermoepidermal junction. Treatment is based on strict gluten free diet (GFD) and the additional use of dapsone for cutaneous manifestations. We present two patients with polymorphous and unspecific dermatitis for years and perimenstrual outbreaks, which required multiple treatments and laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis of DH

    Engineering periodic dinuclear lanthanide-directed networks featuring tunable energy level alignment and magnetic anisotropy by metal exchange

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    The design of lanthanide multinuclear networks is an emerging field of research due to the potential of such materials for nanomagnetism, spintronics, and quantum information. Therefore, controlling their electronic and magnetic properties is of paramount importance to tailor the envisioned functionalities. In this work, a multidisciplinary study is presented combining scanning tunneling microscopy, scanning tunneling spectroscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray linear dichroism, X-ray magnetic circular dichroism, density functional theory, and multiplet calculations, about the supramolecular assembly, electronic and magnetic properties of periodic dinuclear 2D networks based on lanthanide-pyridyl interactions on Au(111). Er- and Dy-directed assemblies feature identical structural architectures stabilized by metal–organic coordination. Notably, despite exhibiting the same +3 oxidation state, there is a shift of the energy level alignment of the unoccupied molecular orbitals between Er- and Dy-directed networks. In addition, there is a reorientation of the easy axis of magnetization and an increment of the magnetic anisotropy when the metallic center is changed from Er to Dy. Thus, the results show that it is feasible to tune the energy level alignment and magnetic anisotropy of a lanthanide-based metal-organic architecture by metal exchange, while preserving the network desig

    Microbiota diversity in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and in drug-induced liver injury

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    The gut microbiota could play a significant role in the progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD); however, its relevance in drug-induced liver injury (DILI) remains unexplored. Since the two hepatic disorders may share damage pathways, we analysed the metagenomic profile of the gut microbiota in NAFLD, with or without significant liver fibrosis, and in DILI, and we identified the main associated bacterial metabolic pathways. In the NAFLD group, we found a decrease in Alistipes, Barnesiella, Eisenbergiella, Flavonifractor, Fusicatenibacter, Gemminger, Intestinimonas, Oscillibacter, Parasutterella, Saccharoferementans and Subdoligranulum abundances compared with those in both the DILI and control groups. Additionally, we detected an increase in Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Sarcina and Turicibacter abundances in NAFLD, with significant liver fibrosis, compared with those in NAFLD with no/mild liver fibrosis. The DILI group exhibited a lower microbial bacterial richness than the control group, and lower abundances of Acetobacteroides, Blautia, Caloramator, Coprococcus, Flavobacterium, Lachnospira, Natronincola, Oscillospira, Pseudobutyrivibrio, Shuttleworthia, Themicanus and Turicibacter compared with those in the NAFLD and control groups. We found seven bacterial metabolic pathways that were impaired only in DILI, most of which were associated with metabolic biosynthesis. In the NAFLD group, most of the differences in the bacterial metabolic pathways found in relation to those in the DILI and control groups were related to fatty acid and lipid biosynthesis. In conclusion, we identified a distinct bacterial profile with specific bacterial metabolic pathways for each type of liver disorder studied. These differences can provide further insight into the physiopathology and development of NAFLD and DILI.This work was supported in part by a grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain) (PI18/01804, PI19/00883, PI21/01248), from the Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (Junta de Andalucía, Spain) (PI18–RT‐3364, UMA18-FEDERJA-194), and from the Consejería de Salud (Junta de Andalucía, Spain) (PI-0285–2016). This study has been co-funded by FEDER funds (“A way to make Europe”) (“Andalucía se mueve con Europa”). CRD is supported by a grant from the Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades de Junta de Andalucía (Spain) (DOC_01610). FMR is supported by a grant from the ISCIII (Spain) (FI19/00189). AC is supported by a grant from the ISCIII (Spain) (IFI18/00047). EGF is supported by the Nicolas Monardes program from the Consejería de Salud de Andalucía (Spain) (C-0031–2016). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA (Spain)

    A Trapezoidal Octacyanoquinoid Acceptor Forms Solution and Surface Products by Antiparallel Shape Fitting with Conformational Dipole Momentum Switch

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    A new compound (1) formed by two antiparallelly disposed tetracyano thienoquinoidal units has been synthesized and studied by electrochemistry, UV/Vis-NIR, IR, EPR, and transient spectroscopy. Self-assembly of 1 on a Au(111) surface has been investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy. Experiments have been rationalized by quantum chemical calculations. 1 exhibits a unique charge distribution in its anionic form, with a gradient of charge yielding a neat molecular in-plane electric dipole momentum, which transforms out-of-plane after surface deposition due to twisted→folded conformational change and to partial charge transfer from Au(111). Intermolecular van der Waals interactions and antiparallel trapezoidal shape fitting lead to the formation of an optimal dense on Au(111) two-dimensional assembly of 1.The authors thank the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities MCIU (projects CTQ2017-83531-R, RED2018-102815-T, MAT2017-85089-C2-1-R), Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa grants (SEV-2016-0686, SEV-2015-0496 and FUNFUTURE CEX2019-000917-S) and the CAM (QUIMTRONIC-CM project Y2018/NMT-4783). We thank MINECO/FEDER of the Spanish Government (projects PGC2018-098533-B-100 and PID2019-109555GB-I00), the Eusko Jaurlaritza (Basque Government, project PIBA19-0004) and the Junta de Andalucía, Spain (UMA18FEDERJA057). We also thank the Research Central Services (SCAI) of the University of Málaga and the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) Computer Center. We thank Dr. Juwon Oh and Prof. Donhgo Kim from the Spectroscopy Laboratory for Functional π-electronic Systems and Department of Chemistry, Yonsei University in Korea for the generous gift of the TRIR and UV/Vis transient absorption spectroscopy data.Peer reviewe