260 research outputs found

    Rehabilitación del edificio administrativo de la Fábrica de armas de A Coruña

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    Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.ETSA). Arquitectura. Curso 2022/202

    Satisfacción del paciente desdentado total y evolución clínica tras el tratamiento rehabilitador sobre implantes

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Odontología, Departamento de Estomatología III, leída el 12-07-2013Depto. de Especialidades Clínicas OdontológicasFac. de OdontologíaTRUEunpu

    New Luminiscent Probes for the Detection of Pathogens

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    [Resumen] Pseudomonas aeruginosa constituye un factor de riesgo para los seres humanos, al considerarse una de las bacterias responsables de gran parte de las infecciones que los enfermos adquieren en los hospitales, provocando en algunos casos efectos muy perjudiciales en la salud del paciente. En este trabajo se ha desarrollado un sensor para detectar y monitorizar el enzima Elastasa B, un enzima que la bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa segrega al medio celular, y que por tanto permitiría detectar la bacteria. El sensor está formado por un complejo macrocíclico de Tb(III) luminiscente unido a un péptido que contiene la secuencia consenso que corta el enzima. La síntesis del péptido se ha llevado a cabo mediante síntesis manual en fase sólida, mientras que el macrociclo es un derivado del DO3A. El funcionamiento de la sonda se basa en que la antena necesaria para transferir la energía al Tb(III), y que se produzca la emisión de luminiscencia por parte del metal, se encuentra separada del complejo metálico por la secuencia de reconocimiento del enzima, de tal modo que la ruptura de la secuencia peptídica por parte del enzima conlleva a una disminución de la luminiscencia.[Abstract] Pseudomonas aeruginosa constitutes a risk for humans, as it is considered one of the bacteria responsible for a large part of the hospital infections, in some cases causing very harmful effects on the patient’s health. In this work, a sensor has been developed to detect and monitor the enzyme Elastase B, an enzyme secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa into the cellular environment, that would therefore allow the detection of the bacterium. The sensor consists of a luminescent Tb(III) macrocyclic complex linked to a peptide containing the consensus sequence that cleaves the enzyme. The synthesis of the peptide has been carried out by manual solid-phase synthesis, while the macrocycle is a derivative of DO3A. The sensing mechanism of the probe relies on the fact that the antenna necessary to transfer the energy to the Tb (III) ion, and for the luminescence emission of the metal, is separated from the metal complex by the enzyme binding sequence, so that the cleavage of the peptide sequence by the enzyme leads to a decrease in luminescence.[Resumo] Pseudomonas aeruginosa constitue un risco para os seres humanos, ó considerarse unha das bacterias responsables de gran parte das infeccións que os enfermos adquiren nos hospitais, provocando nalgúns casos efectos moi perxudiciais para a saude do paciente. Neste traballo desarrollouse un sensor para detectar e monitorizar o enzima Elastasa B, un enzima que a bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa segrega ao medio celular, e que polo tanto permitiría detectar a bacteria. O sensor está formado por un complexo macrocíclico de Tb(III) luminiscente unido a un péptido que contén a secuencia consenso que corta o enzima. A síntesis do péptido levóuse a cabo mediante síntesis manual en fase sólida, mentres que o macrociclo é un derivado do DO3A. O funcionamento da sonda básase en que a antena necesaria para transferir a enerxía ao Tb(III) e que se produza a emisión de luminiscencia por parte do metal, encóntrase separada do complexo metálico pola secuencia de reconoñecento do enzima, de tal modo que a ruptura da secuencia peptídica por parte do enzima provoca unha disminución da luminiscencia.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Química. Curso 2021/202

    Environmentally Friendly Thermoelectric Materials: High Performance from Inorganic Components with Low Toxicity and Abundance in the Earth

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    This review article gives an overview of the recent research directions in eco-friendly, non-toxic, and earth-abundant thermoelectric materials. It covers materials such as sulfides, tetrahedrites, earth-abundant oxides, silicides, copper iodine, Half-Heusler intermetallic compounds, nitrides, and other environmentally friendly thermoelectrics. In all cases, their history, structure, general characteristics, thermoelectric properties, synthesis methods, and related thermoelectric applications are compiled. It is also shown that they are starting to be an excellent alternative for producing cost-effective, sustainable, and non-toxic thermoelectric generators. This review does not try to include all possible materials, but to show that there are high zT thermoelectric materials that are starting to be an excellent alternative for producing cost-effective, sustainable, and non-toxic thermoelectric generators.O.C.-C. and M.M.-G. would like to acknowledge financial support from MAT2017-86450-C4-3-R and the 2D_MESES project from CSIC, and J.R.A., from RTI2018-099794-B-I100

    Mechanical Isolation of Highly Stable Antimonene under Ambient Conditions

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    Using mechanical exfoliation combined with a controlled double step transfer procedure we demonstrate that single layers of antimony can be readily produced. These flakes are not significantly contaminated upon exposure to ambient conditions and they do not react with water. DFT calculations confirm our experimental observations and predict a band gap of 1.2-1.3 eV (ambient conditions) for single layer antimonene, which is smaller than that calculated under vacuum conditions at 0 K. Our work confirms antimonene as a highly stable 2D material with promising relevant applications in optoelectronics.Comment: main paper: 5 pages, 4 figures supporting: 9 pages, 7 figures, Advanced Materials, 201

    Long-term variability of bulk milk somatic cell and bacterial counts associated with dairy farms moving from conventional to automatic milking systems

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    When a farm that was using a conventional milking system introduces an automatic milking system (AMS) possible risk factors can affect milk quality. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of milking with automatic milking systems on milk quality variables over a long time-period post-installation. Bulk milk total bacterial count (BMTBC) and somatic cell count (BMSCC) were analysed and compared from 2 years before introduction of automatic milking until 4 years after. Differences regarding these quality parameters were contrasted using t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc comparisons were performed. A significant increase in BMTBC was observed during the first three months after introduction of AMS, counts then declined to equivalent levels pre-AMS installation, from 25,000 to 50,000 cfu mL−1. Although differences were significant for the first two years post-installation, they became non-significant during the following two years. The difference in BMSCC was not statistically significant between pre and post-AMS installation time periods, but by grouping data into annual periods, significantly higher values of BMSCC were found during the first year after introduction. Nevertheless, these values decreased over time and even showed a significant improvement in the third year with respect to pre-introduction. The data show that the installation of AMS had a marked impact on milk quality. However, as soon as farmers become accustomed to managing the new equipment and the adaption of cows is real, a level of milk quality which can be maintained over time is achievable.S

    Study of different chiral columns for the enantiomeric separation of azoles using supercritical fluid chromatography

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    Producción CientíficaThe enantiomeric separation of antifungal compounds is an arduous task in pharmaceutical and biomedical fields due to the different properties that each diastereoisomer presents. The enantioseparation of a group of fungicides (sulconazole, bifonazole, triadimefon and triadimenol) using supercritical fluid chromatography was achieved in this work. For this goal, four different chiral columns based on polysaccharide derivatives, as well as the effect of different chromatographic parameters such as temperature, type and percentage of organic modifier (methanol, ethanol and isopropanol), were thoroughly investigated. The inversion of the elution order of enantiomers as a result of a change in the stationary phase or organic modifier was also evaluated by employing a circular dichroism detector. The best separation conditions, in terms of the enantioresolution and analysis time, were obtained with the Lux® Cellulose-2 column using isopropanol as the organic modifier

    Supercritical fluid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry: A valuable tool in food analysis

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    Producción CientíficaSupercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), although known for several decades, has undergone a growing interest in the last few years fueled by the introduction of modern instruments with improved robustness, and hyphenation to mass spectrometry (MS). This allows the analysis of trace compounds in complex samples with high selectivity, high sensitivity and in a short time, which has contributed to its increased use in the food analysis area. This work reviews the principal applications of SFC-MS in food analysis, highlighting the most important achievements

    Maximizing antenna array aperture efficiency for footprint patterns

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    Despite playing a central role in antenna design, aperture efficiency is often disregarded. Consequently, the present study shows that maximizing the aperture efficiency reduces the required number of radiating elements, which leads to cheaper antennas with more directivity. For this, it is considered that the boundary of the antenna aperture has to be inversely proportional to the half-power beamwidth of the desired footprint for each ¿-cut. As an example of application, it has been considered the rectangular footprint, for which a mathematical expression was deduced to calculate the aperture efficiency in terms of the beamwidth, synthesizing a rectangular footprint of a 2:1 aspect ratio by starting from a pure real flat-topped beam pattern. In addition, a more realistic pattern was studied, the asymmetric coverage defined by the European Telecommunications Satellite Organization, including the numerical computation of the contour of the resulting antenna and its aperture efficiency.Postprint (published version