110 research outputs found

    Clima social escolar y conductas disruptivas en estudiantes de 3° a 5° grado de primaria de una institución educativa de La Victoria

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    El presente estudio tuvo como propósito primordial determinar la asociación entre Clima Social Escolar y Conductas Disruptivas en educandos de 3º a 5º grado de primaria de una Institución Educativa de La Victoria. Para ello, la metodología utilizada siguió una ruta cuantitativa, transeccional, no experimental y de alcance correlacional. En adición, se consideró una muestra censal, donde colaboraron 220 educandos de ambos sexos, a quienes se les aplicó la Escala de Clima Social Escolar y el Cuestionario de Conductas Disruptivas, cabe mencionar que estos instrumentos presentaron valores apropiados de confiabilidad y validez de constructo. De este modo, se encontró una asociación inversa significativa y baja entre los constructos estudiados (r =-.226 y p =.001). Asimismo, con respecto al Clima Social Escolar, se identificó una predominancia del nivel desfavorable (45%), así como, una mayor percepción desfavorable por parte de los varones (24.5%), en suma, se demostró la existencia de diferencias significativas según edad y grado escolar (p <.05). Por otro lado, en relación con las Conductas Disruptivas, se identificó una predominancia en los niveles bajo y alto con un 39.5% y 36%, respectivamente, así como también, se evidenciaron diferencias significativas según sexo, edad y grado escolar (p <.05)

    The simonetta technique for carpal tunnel syndrome: Immediate postoperative evaluation and long-term comparative study

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    Producción CientíficaAim: Carpal tunnel release by opening the flexor retinaculum is considered a satisfactory treatment. However, in some patients, all the symptoms are not resolved. The objective of our study is to compare two surgical techniques. Material and methods: We have carried out a clinical, electromyographic and dynamometric evaluation of more than a hundred patients that received surgical treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, in a comparative analysis of the techniques used four weeks and ten years after surgery. Transverse ligament lengthening according to the Simonetta technique and mini-open decompression of the median nerve with an entire section of transverse ligament were compared. Results: The Simonetta technique, in the immediate postoperative period as well as ten years after surgery, contributes to better results of manual function and grip strength, with a higher presence of numbness and tingling than decompression with complete section of the flexor retinaculum. Conclusion: The technique of Simonetta is a surgical option to be considered in those patients affected by a mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome than require manual effort for daily activities

    Ecology and land arrangement: the case of Murcia city and surroundings II. Diagnosis and impacts evaluation

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    Este trabajo constituye la segunda parte del estudio ecológico integrado de la aglomeración urbana de Murcia y su área de influencia. Se describen y desarrollan las fases de diagnosis y evaluación de impactos. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto la eficacia del sistema utilizado, examinándose en detalle su aplicación en proyectos de planeamiento territorial. Destacan como recomendaciones generales aquéllas relativas al crecimiento industrial y urbano; desarrollo de áreas residenciales y su localización; control de vertidos al Río Segura; tratamiento de reforestación de cabeceras y márgenes de ramblas; creación de parques urbanos rurales y gradación de medidas de protección de lo que debería ser el Parque Regional del municipio de Murcia y alrededores, la denominada «costera sur».This work summarizes the second part of the integrated ecological study of the urban aglomeration of Murcia and its surroundings. The phases of impact diagnosis and evaluation are described and expanded.The results obtained expose the efficiency of the system used, and its application in the field of land planning projects is examined in detail. The recomendations which stand out most are those which refer to urban and industrial growth; those related to the progress and emplacement of residential areas; the control of effluent in the Segura River;the afforestation of headwaters («cabeceras») and dry river bed («ramblas») banks; the creation of urban parks and the adoption of protective measures of what should be the Regional Park of Murcia Municipality and its surrounding area, the so-called «costera sur»

    Instruments to Assess Physical Activity in Primary Education Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review

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    The scientific evidence supports that physical inactivity in childhood is a reality throughout the world which generates important consequences in the global development of children. Young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), due to the characteristics of the disorder they suffer, constitute a group at risk. Therefore, assessing the levels of physical activity (PA) in this group is fundamental for subsequent decision making and implementation of PA promotion programmes. Consequently, the aim of this systematic review was to identify, summarise and analyse the main instruments used to assess the levels of PA (in terms of time and/or intensity) in primary school children diagnosed with ASD. Scientific articles in English and Spanish published in five databases were reviewed: PsycINFO, WOS, SPORTDiscus, Scopus and PubMed, following the guidelines of the PRISMA statement. Out of the 605 articles identified, 12 met the previously established inclusion criteria. The instruments used by the studies analysed were divided into two main groups: accelerometers and questionnaires. Both showed different strengths and limitations but agreed on the low levels registered of PA in children with ASD. For this reason, it is considered necessary that further research be carried out in this field, as well as the development and implementation of sports programmes adjusted and adapted to the needs and characteristics of the ASD groupS

    Prevention of road crashes in older adults: perspectives on facilitators, barriers and the role of the family doctor

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    This work was supported by the SEMERGEN-UGR Chair of Teaching and Research in Family Medicine (Catedra de Docencia e Investigacion en Medicina de Familia SEMERGEN-UGR), University of Granada, Spain.Background: People over 64 years have a high fatality rate when they are involved in traffic accidents. Besides, older victims of road crashes are expected to rise in the future due to population aging. The purpose of the study was to document their perception on the role of the family doctor, the main facilitating factors, and the perceived barriers to the temporary or permanent restriction of their driving. Methods: This qualitative study used focus group methodology. A sample of 16 people over 65 years old was obtained through a series of segmentation criteria at an active participation centre for older adults in a small town in Jaén province (Spain). All were invited to participate in a discussion during which they were asked to express their opinions and subjective experiences concerning the role of their family doctor. The group conversation was taped, fully transcribed and analysed, and codes were generated with both deductive and inductive methods. Results: After merging the codes to generate themes, we identified 9 relevant categories: perception of age-related risk, road safety, role of public authorities, driver assessment centre, role of the family doctor, role of the family, proposals for addressing traffic accidents in older adults, consequences of the driving prohibition, and public transport. All categories help to explain the subjective driving and traffic safety experiences of older road users. Conclusions: Although family doctors do not usually ask their older patients about road driving, they are highly valued by these patients. Thus, family doctors have a great potential to act, along with the family members, for the benefit of older patients’ traffic safety, in ways that can prevent their involvement in road crashes and reduce the negative consequences of having to stop driving if necessary.SEMERGEN-UGR Chair of Teaching and Research in Family Medicine (Catedra de Docencia e Investigacion en Medicina de Familia SEMERGEN-UGR), University of Granada, Spai

    Oxford phase 3 unicondylar knee arthroplasty through a minimally invasive approach: long-term results

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    Producción CientíficaSurgical treatment options for medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee include high tibial osteotomy, total knee arthroplasty or unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA), depending on the patient's age, level of physical activity and the degree of deformity. METHODS:In this study, we evaluated the long-term results of patients who underwent the Oxford cemented meniscal-bearing unicondylar knee prosthesis through a minimally invasive approach including a clinical, functional and radiographic assessment. RESULTS:Favourable clinical and radiological outcomes were registered overall at ten years after surgery. Overall results of UKA according to the American Knee Society (AKS) using Insall's criteria showed an excellent or good outcome for 492 knees (96.28 %), fair for 11 (2.15 %) and poor for eight (1.57 %) in the post-operative long term. CONCLUSIONS:We believe that with appropriate surgical technique, patient selection, prosthetic design and specific training, surgeons should achieve good outcomes with the added advantages of a minimally invasive approach. High volume for this technique is important in our opinio

    Calcium-calmodulin kinase II mediates digitalis-induced arrhythmias

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    Background-Digitalis-induced Na + accumulation results in an increase in Ca 2+ i via the Na +/Ca 2+ exchanger, leading to enhanced sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) CaCa 2+ load, responsible for the positive inotropic and toxic arrhythmogenic effects of glycosides. A digitalis-induced increase in Ca 2+ i could also activate calcium-calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII), which has been shown to have proarrhythmic effects. Here, we investigate whether CaMKII underlies digitalis-induced arrhythmias and the subcellular mechanisms involved. Methods and Results-In paced rat ventricular myocytes (0.5 Hz), 50 μmol/L ouabain increased contraction amplitude by 160±5%. In the absence of electric stimulation, ouabain promoted spontaneous contractile activity and Ca 2+ waves. Ouabain activated CaMKII (p-CaMKII), which phosphorylated its downstream targets, phospholamban (PLN) (Thr17) and ryanodine receptor (RyR) (Ser2814). Ouabain-induced spontaneous activity was prevented by inhibiting CaMKII with 2.5 μmol/L KN93 but not by 2.5 μmol/L of the inactive analog, KN92. Similar results were obtained using the CaMKII inhibitor, autocamtide-2 related inhibitory peptide (AIP) (1 to 2.5 μmol/L), and in myocytes from transgenic mice expressing SR-targeted AIP. Consistently, CaMKII overexpression exacerbated ouabain-induced spontaneous contractile activity. Ouabain was associated with an increase in SR Ca 2+ content and Ca 2+ spark frequency, indicative of enhanced SR Ca 2+ leak. KN93 suppressed the ouabain-induced increase in Ca 2+ spark frequency without affecting SR Ca 2+ content. Similar results were obtained with digoxin. In vivo, ouabain-induced arrhythmias were prevented by KN93 and absent in SR-AIP mice. Conclusions-These results show for the first time that CaMKII mediates ouabain-induced arrhythmic/toxic effects. We suggest that CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation of the RyR, resulting in Ca 2+ leak from the SR, is the underlying mechanism involved.Facultad de Ciencias MédicasCentro de Investigaciones Cardiovasculare

    Controlador dinámico y método de control difuso de grupo de ascensores para la optimización del consumo energético

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    Método de control difuso de grupo de ascensores para la optimización del consumo energético de los del tipo que se emplea por sistemas de control de ascensores de transporte vertical que se caracteriza porque comprende las etapas de evaluar la aptitud energética de cada cabina y asignar las llamadas de planta según un orden conforme (i) una primera valoración energética absoluta (1); (ii) una segunda valoración energética relativa (5); y (iii) una tercera valoración conforme a la contigüidad (8) de las llamadas.Españ

    Study of the foundations of the pillars of Seville's Cathedral

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    Se realiza el presente estudio atendiendo a una doble demanda. De un lado, conocer la tipología de la cimentación y del terreno de apoyo de los pilares de la catedral de Sevilla y, de otro, determinar si las fisuras que presentan las mismas tienen un origen geotécnico. La investigación realizada ha permitido conocer que la cimentación tiene un sohreancho de Im en relación con la sección del pilar y una profundidad de 5,70 - 5,90 m. En cuanto al terreno de apoyo, se han comprobado sus características geotécnicas, deduciéndose que el largo período de construcción de los pilares, bóvedas y cubiertas (90 años) permitió una lenta consolidación y drenaje del terreno, lo que evitó posibles desplomes o caídas. Esta conclusión determina la continuación de la investigación que se centrará, ahora, en el estudio de las características de los pilares y de las posibles causas que han podido propiciar la aparición de fisuras. Desde el punto de vista de la geoarqueología se han obtenido datos importantes sobre el nivel ocupacional de esta zona. La amplia investigación realizada ha permitido extraer importantes conclusiones sobre la secuencia de ocupación de esta zona desde LOOO años a.CThis study is done in order to answer a double request. On one hand to know the tipology of foundation and the tipology of the bearing soil of pillars of the cathedral in Seville, and on the other hand to determine if the existing cracks have a geotechnical origin. The accomplished research let us know that foundation is Im overwide relative to the column section, and 5.70 - 5.90 m deep. As regards bearing soil, its geotechnical characteristics have been proved, so it may be deduced that the long period (90years) for the construction of pillars, vaults and decks, allowed a slow consolidation and drainage of soil that have avoided a possible collapse or fall. According to this conclusion, the research will continue focusing now on the study of the characteristics of pillars and on the possibles reasons that have provoked the appearance of fissures. Erom a geoarchaeological point of view, significant data of the occupational level of this area have been obtained. There are important conclusions to be drawn from the accomplished research about the sequence of occupation of this area since LOOO years a.C

    Hepatic cyclooxygenase-2 expression protects against diet-induced steatosis, obesity and insulin resistance

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    Resumen del póster presentado a la Conferencia: FASEB SRC: Liver Biology: Fundamental Mechanisms and Translational Applications, celebrada en Keystone-Colorado (US) del 6 al 11 de julio de 2014.[Background and Aims: Accumulation evidence links obesity-induced inflammation as an important contributor to the induction of insulin resistance. Moreover, insulin resistance plays a key role in the pathophysiology of obesity-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes and non alcoholic fatty liver disease. Cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 catalyze the first step in prostanoid biosynthesis. Since adult hepatocytes fail to induce COX-2 expression regardless of the pro-inflammatory factors used, we have evaluated whether this lack of expression under mild pro-inflammatory conditions might constitute a permissive condition for the onset of insulin resistance. [Methods]: We evaluated the role of COX-2 expression in hepatocytes in a model of insulin resistance and altered energy homeostasis induced by high fat diet by metabolic parameters in transgenic mice constitutively expressing human COX-2 in hepatocytes. [Results]: COX-2 expression in hepatocytes protects from high fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis, obesity and hence insulin resistance, as demonstrated by a decreased hepatic steatosis, adiposity and adipocyte area, an enhanced insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, decreased plasmatic and hepatic triglycerides and free fatty acids levels, increased adiponectin/leptin ratio and decreased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. COX-2 transgenic mice exhibited increased whole body energy expenditure and fatty acid oxidation. Moreover, when hepatic insulin signaling was analyzed, an increase in insulin receptor-mediated Akt phosphorylation was found in hCOX-2 transgenic mice. Similar results were obtained in human and murine hepatic cells expressing a COX-2 transgene. [Conclusion]: Constitutively expression of COX-2 in hepatocytes protects against adiposity, inflammation and hepatic insulin resistance in mice under high fat diet.Peer Reviewe