1,004 research outputs found

    Influencia de la expropiación forzosa en la disponibilidad de terrenos para la ejecución de obras de modernización de regadíos

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    La evolución de la economía del país, ha hecho que los tipos de interés hayan disminuido de manera continuada en los últimos años. El hecho de que la determinación del valor de expropiación desde el año 2.007 se lleve a cabo mediante capitalización de rentas y que, por lo tanto, el valor de indemnización dependa del tipo de interés, ha ocasionado un efecto económico difícil para las partes beneficiarias en una expropiación. En este trabajo se estudia la evolución de la normativa, se cuantifican los resultados para el caso de una finca concreta de una explotación de algodón de regadío en el valle del Guadalquivir y se analizan los resultados. En el estudio puede observarse que en los últimos ocho años, el valor de mercado de la tierra ha seguido una tendencia a la baja. Por el contrario, el valor de indemnización por expropiación de la misma se ha disparado, lo que hace inviable a las comunidades de regantes la participación en la modernización de regadíos, así como a la Administración la aplicación del Plan Hidrológico Nacional o Plan Nacional de Regadíos. Estas circunstancias han hecho que, en octubre de 2.015 (Ley de carreteras) y noviembre de 2.015 (Texto refundido de Ley de Suelo), la legislación haya intentado paliar la situación, aunque sigue siendo insuficiente. Por ello se proponen algunas medidas a modo de conclusión al final del trabajo.The evolution of the country's economy has made that interest rates have decreased continuously in recent years. The fact that since the year 2007 the determination of the value of expropriation is being carried out through revenue capitalization, in which the indemnification value depends on the interest rate, has caused a difficult economic impact in the recipient parties of an expropriation. In this paper we study the evolution of the expropriation regulations as well as the assessment of the amount of money corresponding to the expropriation of a farm dedicated the production of cotton in the Guadalquivir valley. In the study it can be seen that over the last eight years the market value of the land has followed a downward trend. On the other hand, the value of compensation for land expropriation has been triggered, making infeasible to the irrigation communities their participation in the modernization of the irrigation systems and hinders the Administration the implementation of the National Hydrological Plan or the National Irrigation Plan. These circumstances have led the Government to try to alleviate the situation with new regulations (road act of October 2015 and revised text of law of soil of November 2015) which remain insufficient. Therefore some legislative proposals are given as conclusions at the end of this work

    El Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Música en Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato: análisis de los planes de estudio desde la perspectiva de la sociedad y economía del conocimiento

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo conocer la adecuación de la planificación que por escrito ofrecen las universidades españolas en relación a la formación del profesorado de música de Educación Secundaria a las demandas de la escuela y el aula de música en la sociedad y economía del conocimiento. Para ello, realizamos un análisis documental comparado de los planes de estudio de 26 Másteres en Profesorado que ofrecen la especialidad de música en el territorio español. Planteamos los resultados tanto de manera general, describiendo denominaciones, competencias, estructuras y créditos de los planes de estudio; como de manera específica, definiendo tipologías en las materias de los módulos específico musical y Prácticum. Concluimos que ciertos planes de estudio promueven la construcción de capacidades fundamentales para dar respuesta a la sociedad y economía del conocimiento, como la reflexividad colegiada y la interdisciplinariedad, el pensamiento creativo y el emprendimiento, la integración tecnológica y la innovación, así como la sensibilidad sobre temas sociales. Si bien no es actualmente la orientación universitaria más habitual, pues todavía los planes de estudios están centrados en la adaptación y la perpetuación de modelos eminentemente academicistas, permite ofrecer una visión positiva de apuesta hacia una formación del profesorado deseable para todos los planes docentes. The goal of this article is to analyse the adequacy of the written programs offered by Spanish universities in relation to the training of High School music teachers to the demands of schools and music classrooms in the knowledge-based society and economy. To reach this goal, a comparative documentary analysis of the programs of 26 Masters that offer music teacher education in Spain is executed. The results both in a general way, describing denominations, competences, structures, and credits of the programs; as well as in a specific way, defining typologies in the musical modules and practical training are presented. The conclusion is drawn that certain programs promote the construction of fundamental capacities to respond to the knowledge-based society and economy, such as reflective collective thinking and interdisciplinarity, creative thinking and entrepreneurship, technological integration, and innovation, as well as sensitivity to social issues. Although currently this is not the most common university orientation, since music teacher programs are still focused on the adaptation and perpetuation of eminently academic models, it does offer a positive vision of a commitment to teacher training that is desirable for all university programs

    Tectono-Sedimentary Cenozoic Evolution of the El Habt and Ouezzane Tectonic Units (External Rif, Morocco)

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    An interdisciplinary study based on lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, petrographic and mineralogical analyses has been performed in order to establish the Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary evolution of the El Habt and Ouezzane Tectonic Units (External Intrarif Subzone, External Rif, Morocco). The reconstructed record allowed identification of the depositional architecture and related sedimentary processes of the considered units. The Cenozoic successions were biochronologically defined allowing, at the same time, identification of unconformities and associated stratigraphic gaps. The presence of five unconformities allowed for the definition of the main stratigraphic units arranged in a regressive trend: (1) lower Paleocene interval (Danian p.p.) assigned to a deep basin; (2) Eocene interval (lower Ypresian-lower Bartonian p.p.) from a deep basin to an external carbonate-siliceous platform; (3) lower Rupelian-upper Chattian p.p. interval deposited on unstable slope with turbidite channels passing upward to an external siliciclastic platform; (4) Burdigalian p.p. interval from a slope; (5) Langhian-Serravallian p.p. interval from slope to external platform realms. The petrography of the arenites and calcarenites allowed for the identification of the supplies derived from erosion of a recycled orogen (transitional and quartzose subtypes). The clay-mineralogy analysis indicates an unroofing (first erosion of Cretaceous terrains followed by upper Jurassic rocks) always accomplished by erosion of Cenozoic terrains. Several tectofacies checked in some stratigraphic intervals seem to indicate the beginning of deformation of the basement generating gentle folds and first activation of blind thrusts, mainly during the Paleogene. A preorogenic tectonic framework is considered as responseto the generalized tectonic inversion (from extension to compression) as frequently registered in the central-western peri-Mediterranean areas. The large volumes of reworked terrigeneous supply during the latest Oligocene-Miocene p.p. indicates the beginningsof the synorogenic sedimentation (foredeep stage of the basins) controlled by active tectonics.Research Project CGL2016-75679-P (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science); Research Groups, Projects of the Generalitat Valenciana, Alicante University (CTMA-IGA); Grants from the University of Urbino Carlo Bo (M. Tramontana)

    Prion Protein Gene Variability in Spanish Goats. Inference through Susceptibility to Classical Scrapie Strains and Pathogenic Distribution of Peripheral PrPsc

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    Classical scrapie is a neurological disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) characterized by the accumulation of an abnormal, partially protease resistant prion protein (PrPsc) in the CNS and in some peripheral tissues in domestic small ruminants. Whereas the pathological changes and genetic susceptibility of ovine scrapie are well known, caprine scrapie has been less well studied. We report here a pathological study of 13 scrapie-affected goats diagnosed in Spain during the last 9 years. We used immunohistochemical and biochemical techniques to discriminate between classical and atypical scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). All the animals displayed PrPsc distribution patterns and western blot characteristics compatible with classical scrapie. In addition, we determined the complete open reading frame sequence of the PRNP in these scrapie-affected animals. The polymorphisms observed were compared with those of the herd mates (n¿=¿665) and with the frequencies of healthy herds (n¿=¿581) of native Spanish goats (Retinta, Pirenaica and Moncaina) and other worldwide breeds reared in Spain (Saanen, Alpine and crossbreed). In total, sixteen polymorphic sites were identified, including the known amino acid substitutions at codons G37V, G127S, M137I, I142M, H143R, R151H, R154H, R211Q, Q222K, G232W, and P240S, and new polymorphisms at codons G74D, M112T, R139S, L141F and Q215R. In addition, the known 42, 138 and 179 silent mutations were detected, and one new one is reported at codon 122. The genetic differences observed in the population studied have been attributed to breed and most of the novel polymorphic codons show frequencies lower than 5%. This work provides the first basis of polymorphic distribution of PRNP in native and worldwide goat breeds reared in Spain

    Dermatoscopia e impronta en la leishmaniasis cutánea

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    Niño de seis años de edad que presenta una lesión cutánea en mejilla izquierda de crecimiento progresivo de cuatro meses de evolución. Sus padres refieren el antecedente de una picadura de insecto en dicha localización durante un viaje a Marrakech (Marruecos) que realizaron hace cinco meses. A la exploración se aprecia una placa eritematosa de 1, 5 cm de diámetro con costra amarillenta central (fig. 1). La dermatoscopia de luz polarizada (DLP) reveló hallazgos compatibles con una infección cutánea por Leishmania spp. (fig. 2)..

    Construcción de herramientas didácticas para la enseñanza y ejercitación práctica en laboratorio de Informática Teórica en las carreras con Informática

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    Para poder impartir conocimientos de informática teórica, es necesario contar con un conjunto de herramientas didácticas (simuladores, casos reales de aplicación, programas fuentes, material de estudio, entre otros) que permitan centrarnos en los problemas disciplinares, aportando sólidas bases teóricas y claros ejemplos de aplicaciones a la resolución problemas reales. Los estudiantes presentan dificultad para asimilar estos tópicos ya que los mismos están muy cercanos a la matemática y son fuertemente abstractos. Concientes de que estamos preparando futuros profesionales, nuestra preocupación es la de mostrar claramente la aplicabilidad de estas herramientas conceptuales, no sólo a la construcción de compiladores (enfoque tradicional de la teoría de los autómatas y lenguajes) sino a la resolución de problemas en general. Por otro lado, es necesario lograr la integración de conocimientos de Teoría de la Computación, Programación e Ingeniería de Software, permitiendo a los educandos probar sus modelos teóricos, inspeccionar y modificar las herramientas, optimizarlas y analizar su complejidad, alcanzando de esta forma un aprendizaje significativo. Por lo tanto nuestro esfuerzo, está orientados al desarrollo de estas herramientas y materiales de estudio, sentando bases sólidas de conocimientos teóricos, con una gran ejercitación y aplicabilidad de los mismos.Eje: Tecnología aplicada a la educaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Construcción de herramientas didácticas para la enseñanza y ejercitación práctica en laboratorio de Informática Teórica en las carreras con Informática

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    Para poder impartir conocimientos de informática teórica, es necesario contar con un conjunto de herramientas didácticas (simuladores, casos reales de aplicación, programas fuentes, material de estudio, entre otros) que permitan centrarnos en los problemas disciplinares, aportando sólidas bases teóricas y claros ejemplos de aplicaciones a la resolución problemas reales. Los estudiantes presentan dificultad para asimilar estos tópicos ya que los mismos están muy cercanos a la matemática y son fuertemente abstractos. Concientes de que estamos preparando futuros profesionales, nuestra preocupación es la de mostrar claramente la aplicabilidad de estas herramientas conceptuales, no sólo a la construcción de compiladores (enfoque tradicional de la teoría de los autómatas y lenguajes) sino a la resolución de problemas en general. Por otro lado, es necesario lograr la integración de conocimientos de Teoría de la Computación, Programación e Ingeniería de Software, permitiendo a los educandos probar sus modelos teóricos, inspeccionar y modificar las herramientas, optimizarlas y analizar su complejidad, alcanzando de esta forma un aprendizaje significativo. Por lo tanto nuestro esfuerzo, está orientados al desarrollo de estas herramientas y materiales de estudio, sentando bases sólidas de conocimientos teóricos, con una gran ejercitación y aplicabilidad de los mismos.Eje: Tecnología aplicada a la educaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Miocene evolution of the External Rif Zone (Morocco): comparison with similar and lateral southern Mediterranean Tethyan margins

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    The Miocene evolution of the External Rif Zone (NW Africa Plate) was determined through the multidisciplinary analysis of fourteen successions. The updated stratigraphic framework shows how Miocene sediments rest on the Cretaceous–Paleogene terrains through unconformity surfaces, whereas it rests with sedimentary continuity in two sectors. After recognition of lithofacies and three unconformities located near the Oligocene–Aquitanian, Aquitanian–Burdigalian and Serravallian–Tortonian boundaries, the Miocene sedimentary record was divided into three stratigraphic intervals representing deep to shallow marine deposits as Aquitanian–Burdigalian, Langhian and Upper Serravallian–Missinian. The two oldest unconformites are restricted to the central sector, while the upper one is generalized and probably related to the nappe tectonics registered in all sectors of the External Rif. Data from analysis of tectofacies, petrology, mineralogy, meaning and implications of unconformities, and subsidence indicate that: (i) mass flow deposits (turbidites, slumps, olistostromes) are common in all successions but more frequent during the Lower Miocene; (ii) petrology of the detrital components of the arenites indicates recycled orogen-derived sediments, with quartz coming from erosion of metamorphic rocks of the Atlas orogen and/or the African craton; (iii) mineralogy of mudstones suggests a complex erosional evolution of local emerged areas derived from a mixture of contributions coming from the erosion of Upper Jurassic to Paleogene suites, and especially from kaolinite-rich Albian–Cenomanian to Paleogene successions with absence of a clear unroofing. The conjunction of all these clues reinforce the idea of a synsedimentary tectonics affecting the margin/basin system during the Miocene. A thickness analysis of the studied sedimentary successions allows proposing the evolution of the orogenic front and main depozones (foredeep, bulges, wedge-top and intramontane sub-basins) integrated in a complex foreland system migrating from north to south with the Atlas-Mesetas area acting as foreland during MIocene. The orogenic front moved from the Internal Intrarif to Mesorif and later to Internal Prerif. The main wedge-top basin also migrated from the Internal Intrarif to External Intrarif. The foredeep migrated from the Mesorif to the Internal Prerif, while the main forebulge was located in the External Prerif and a asecondary bulge developed in the External Intrarif. Intramontane basins developed behind the orogenic front in relative extensional conditions moving from the Internal Extrarif to External Intrarif. The reconstructed Miocene evolution was inserted into a 2D paleogeographic-geodynamic evolutionary model using Gplates software, and then compared to those reported in other external margins of the western Tethys (Betic Chain, Tunisian Tell, Sicilian Maghrebids and Apennines), revealing important similarities and local differences.Research supported by PID2020-114381GB-I00 Research Project (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science), EU HORIZON project CiROCCO under Grant Agreement No 101086497, Research Groups and projects of the Generalitat Valenciana from Alicante University (CTMA-IGA), and Research Group RNM-188 of the Junta de Andalucía from EEZA–CSIC

    Recent changes and drivers of the atmospheric evaporative demand in the Canary Islands

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    We analysed recent evolution and meteorological drivers of the atmospheric evaporative demand (AED) in the Canary Islands for the period 1961-2013. We employed long and high-quality time series of meteorological variables to analyse current AED changes in this region and found that AED has increased during the investigated period. Overall, the annual ETo, which was estimated by means of the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith equation, increased significantly by 18.2 mm decade-1 on average, with a stronger trend in summer (6.7 mm decade-1). In this study we analysed the contribution of (i) the aerodynamic (related to the water vapour that a parcel of air can store) and (ii) radiative (related to the available energy to evaporate a quantity of water) components to the decadal variability and trends of ETo. More than 90 % of the observed ETo variability at the seasonal and annual scales can be associated with the variability in the aerodynamic component. The variable that recorded more significant changes in the Canary Islands was relative humidity, and among the different meteorological factors used to calculate ETo, relative humidity was the main driver of the observed ETo trends. The observed trend could have negative consequences in a number of water-depending sectors if it continues in the future