15 research outputs found

    Odontoameloblastoma: descripci贸n de un caso y revisi贸n de la literatura

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    El odontoameloblastoma (OA) es un tumor odontog茅nico mixto extremadamente raro que aparece en los huesos maxilares y que presenta tanto componentes epiteliales como mesenquimales. El t茅rmino odontoameloblastoma fue incluido en la clasificaci贸n de 1971 de la OMS. Tan solo 23 casos bien documentados han sido publicados. Debido a su rareza, existe controversia en cuanto al tratamiento de este tumor. Presentamos un nuevo caso de OA que afecta a la mand铆bula y simula un odontoma compuesto, as铆 como una breve revisi贸n de la literatura.Odontoameloblastoma (OA) is an extremely rare mixed odontogenic tumor appearing within the maxillary bone, with both epithelial and mesenchymal components. The term odontoameloblastoma (OA) was included in the 1971's WHO classification. Only 23 well-documented cases have been reported in the medical literature. Because of their rarity, controversy exists in the treatment of this tumor. We present a new case of OA involving the mandible mimicking a compound odontoma and a brief review of the related literature

    Biotechnological advances in neuro-electro-stimulation for the treatment of hyposalivation and xerostomia

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    Treatment of xerostomia is a common clinical challenge in the oral medicine practice. Although some treatments have been used to improve the symptoms of xerostomia, none is completely satisfactory for the patients who suffer of this alteration. In the last years non-pharmacological treatments based on electro-stimulation for the treatment of xerostomia have been developed. This review is aimed at presenting new developments for the treatment of xerostomia, applying neuro-electro-stimulation by miniaturized intra-oral electro-stimulators. These devices increase salivary secretion and improve symptoms of oral dryness. Their effect is obtained by means of stimulation of the lingual nerve, in whose proximity the electrodes of the apparatus are placed. The objective of this mechanism is both to directly stimulate the salivary glands controlled by that nerve and to enhance the salivary reflex. Clinical studies have been carried out that have demonstrated the wetting effect of the method described in this article

    Co-crystal of Tramadol-Celecoxib in Patients with Moderate to Severe Acute Post-surgical Oral Pain: A Dose-Finding, Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo- and Active-Controlled, Multicentre, Phase II Trial

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    Background Co-crystal of tramadol-celecoxib (CTC), containing equimolar quantities of the active pharmaceu- tical ingredients (APIs) tramadol and celecoxib (100 mg CTC = 44 mg rac-tramadol hydrochloride and 56 mg celecoxib), is a novel API-API co-crystal for the treatment of pain. We aimed to establish the effective dose of CTC for treating acute pain following oral surgery. Methods A dose-finding, double-blind, randomised, pla- cebo- and active-controlled, multicentre (nine Spanish hospitals), phase II study (EudraCT number: 2011-002778- 21) was performed in male and female patients aged C 18 years experiencing moderate to severe pain following extraction of two or more impacted third molars requiring bone removal. Eligible patients were randomised via a computer-generated list to receive one of six single-dose treatments (CTC 50, 100, 150, 200 mg; tramadol 100 mg; and placebo). The primary efficacy endpoint was the sum of pain intensity difference (SPID) over 8 h assessed in the per-protocol population. Results Between 10 February 2012 and 13 February 2013, 334 patients were randomised and received study treat- ment: 50 mg (n = 55), 100 mg (n = 53), 150 mg (n = 57), or 200 mg (n = 57) of CTC, 100 mg tramadol (n = 58), or placebo (n = 54). CTC 100, 150, and 200 mg showed significantly higher efficacy compared with placebo and/or tramadol in all measures: SPID (0-8 h) (mean [standard deviation]): - 90 (234), - 139 (227), - 173 (224), 71 (213), and 22 (228), respectively. The proportion of patients experiencing treatment-emergent adverse events was lower in the 50 (12.7% [n = 7]), 100 (11.3% [n = 6]), and 150 (15.8% [n = 9]) mg CTC groups, and similar in the 200 mg (29.8% [n = 17]) CTC group, compared with the tramadol group (29.3% [n = 17]), with nausea, dizzi- ness, and vomiting the most frequent events. Conclusion Significant improvement in the benefit-risk ratio was observed for CTC (doses C 100 mg) over tra- madol and placebo in the treatment of acute pain following oral surgery

    An谩lisis cl铆nico, radiol贸gico e histol贸gico de los fibromas cemento-osificantes de los maxilares

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    Introduction. The COF is a benign fibro-osseous neoplasm, more frequent in females on their 3rd and 4th decades of life, of non-odontogenic origin, that is preferentially localised on the molar and premolar mandibular area. Objective. The objective of this study is to analyse the clinical, radiographic and histologic features of cemento-ossifying fibromas (COF) and its controversial classification. To evaluate the fibro-osseous lesions from which a differential diagnosis is mandatory for a proper treatment. Patients and method. A retrospective clinical study has been made from year 1999 to year 2000 of 10 patients with COF, analysing the age, sex, personal antecedents, symptoms, localisation and radiographic and histologic characteristics of such lesions. In all the patients a local excision of the tumour was performed, as well as a minimum follow-up of six months after surgery, using radiologic controls. Results. Of all the patients studied, 7 were females and 3 males, with an age between 26 and 70 year-old. In the majority of the cases the lesion was placed in the posterior mandibular segment and was asymptomatic. On clinical examination the most common finding was a swelling of the bony cortex. Radiologically there was a mixed patron (radiolucid-radiopaque) which corresponded in the histologic analysis to a fibrous stroma with calcified trabecular and spherical deposits resembling to bone and cementum. Definite treatment included a local excision of the lesion followed by a simple curettage of the wound, with no evidence of recurrence during the follow-up. Conclusions. The COF is a benign fibro-osseous neoplasm, of non-odontogenic origin, that is preferentially localised on the molar and premolar mandibular area. It uses to be asymptomatic and radiographically it shows as a well defined lesion, with a mixed patron, without apical involvement. A differential diagnosis must be made with other fibro-osseous lesions, based on the exploration, histology, and radiologic study. Its treatment must be conservative, being the recurrences very uncommon.Introducci贸n. El fibroma cemento-osificante (FCO) en una neoplasia fibro-贸sea benigna, de estirpe no odontog茅nica, m谩s frecuente en mujeres entre la 3陋 y 4陋 d茅cadas de la vida y que se localiza preferentemente en la regi贸n molar o premolar mandibular. Objetivos. Analizar las caracter铆sticas cl铆nicas, radiol贸gicas e histol贸gicas del fibroma cemento-osificante (FCO) y su controvertida clasificaci贸n. Evaluar las lesiones fibro-贸seas con las que es necesario realizar un diagn贸stico diferencial para llevar a cabo un tratamiento adecuado. Material y m茅todo. Se ha realizado un estudio retrospectivo durante el periodo de 1999-2002 de 10 pacientes con FCO, valorando la edad, sexo, antecedentes personales, sintomatolog铆a, localizaci贸n y caracter铆sticas radiogr谩ficas e histol贸gicas de la lesi贸n. En todos los pacientes se realiz贸 una extirpaci贸n local del tumor y un seguimiento m铆nimo de seis meses tras la cirug铆a con controles cl铆nicos y radiogr谩ficos. Resultados. De los pacientes estudiados 7 eran mujeres y 3 varones, con edades comprendidas entre los 26 y 70 a帽os. En la mayor铆a de los casos la lesi贸n estaba localizada en el sector posterior mandibular y era asintom谩tica. En la exploraci贸n f铆sica el hallazgo m谩s frecuente fue un abombamiento de la cortical 贸sea. Radiol贸gicamente se evidenciaba un patron mixto (radiol煤cido-radiopaco) que en el an谩lisis histol贸gico correspond铆a a un estroma fibroso con dep贸sitos calcificados trabeculares y/o esferoidales que recordaban respectivamente al hueso y/o cemento. El tratamiento definitivo consisti贸 en la extirpaci贸n local de la lesi贸n y curetaje, sin observarse ninguna recidiva durante el periodo de seguimiento. Conclusi贸n. El FCO suele ser una lesi贸n asintom谩tica que radiogr谩ficamente se presenta como una lesi贸n delimitada, de patr贸n mixto (radiol煤cido-radiopaco), que no afecta a los 谩pices dentarios. Debe realizarse un diagn贸stico diferencial con otras lesiones fibro-贸seas basado en la cl铆nica, la histol贸g铆a y el an谩lisis radiogr谩fico. Su tratamiento es conservador, siendo raras las recidivas

    Hallazgos artrosc贸picos en un caso de disco articular adherido de la ATM

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    Abstract: The anchored disc phenomenon (ADP) or 驴stuck syndrome驴 of the TMJ is a phenomenon that has only recently been described, with a physiopathogeny of biochemical disturbances that are produced in some TMJs with temporomandibular dysfunction. In this article we describe a clinical case and, in particular, the interesting arthroscopic findings that help to corroborate the physiopathogenic mechanisms proposed. Of special relevance is the correct position of the disc within the joint and an erythematous area found in the synovial membrane covering the glenoid fossa-eminence of the joint.El s铆ndrome de disco adherido (SDA) o stuck syndrome de la articulaci贸n temporomandibular (ATM) es un fen贸meno que ha sido descrito recientemente y cuya fisiopatogenia es una alteraci贸n bioqu铆mica que se produce en algunas ATMs con disfunci贸n temporomandibular. En el presente art铆culo describimos un caso cl铆nico y especialmente los interesantes hallazgos artosc贸picos encontrados que ayudar铆an a corroborar el mecanismo fisiopatol贸gico propuesto. Son de especial relevancia la correcta posici贸n discal dentro de la articulaci贸n y una zona eritematosa encontrada en la sinovial que recubre la fosa-eminencia glenoidea de la articulaci贸n