648 research outputs found

    Physico-chemical characterization of remains from a Bronze Age ochre-burial in Biniadris Cave (Menorca, Spain)

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    Red ochre pigments have been used since ancient times by many different civilisations on different continents. In the paper presented herein, ten manufactured artefacts and biological materials stained with a red pigment found in the Bronze Age burial site of Biniadris Cave (Menorca, Spain) have been characterised throught X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, Raman and infrared spectroscopy techniques, scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The surface analysis of the bones, hairs and ornaments allowed the chemical composition of the pigment used in the funeral practices and rituals to be unequivocally established as hematite-rich ochre. The finding of a gypsum preparation layer on a sample, below the ochre layer, suggests that it could have been used as a primer before sprinkling with hematite ochre. Given the excellent degree of conservation and the worth of this archaeological record for the study of the symbolic practices in the island of Menorca, these results call for further analyses on a larger set of archaeological artefacts to gain insight into the funeral practices conducted in this cave

    Analysis of a Celtiberian protective paste and its possible use by Arevaci warriors

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    This article presents an infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis of residue adhering to a Celtiberian pottery sherd of late Iron Age date from the Arevacian site of Cerro del Castillo, in Ayllón (Segovia, Spain). This residue may be a paste used since antiquity for protective aims. Orange-sepia in colour, made from crushed bones and glue, the paste was used by Greeks and Romans and later in the construction of the cathedrals and monasteries of Europe to confer a warm colour to the stone and to protect it against environmental deterioration. In this article we also suggest a possible ritual use of this paste in the protection of the skin of the Arevaci and Edetani warriors, and the previously unreported pleasant aroma of this material is highlighted. The possible nutritional use of this paste is also considered

    Potential control of forest diseases by solutions of chitosan oligomers, propolis and nanosilver

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    Producción CientíficaThere is a growing necessity to replace chemical agents with ecofriendly materials, arising from the impact on the environment and/or human health, which calls for the design of new broad-spectrum fungicides. In this work, chitosan oligomers (COs), propolis (Ps) and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) mixtures in solution were assessed to control the growth of different phytopathogenic fungi and oomycetes in vitro. Binary solutions of COs-Ps and COs-AgNPs evinced the highest antifungal effect against Fusarium circinatum and Diplodia pinea fungi, respectively, with a ca. 80% reduction in their mycelial growth. The COs solution by itself also proved to be greatly effective against Gremmeniella abietina, Cryphonectria parasitica and Heterobasidion annosum fungi, causing a reduction of 78%, 86% and 93% in their growth rate, respectively. Likewise, COs also attained a 100% growth inhibition on the oomycete Phytophthora cambivora. On the other hand, Ps inhibited totally the growth of Phytophthora ×alni and Phytophthora plurivora. The application of AgNPs reduced the mycelial growth of F. circinatum and D. pinea. However, the AgNPs in some binary and ternary mixtures had a counter-productive effect on the anti-fungal/oomycete activity. In spite of the fact that the anti-fungal/oomycete activity of the different treatments showed a dependence on the particular type of microorganism, these solutions based on natural compounds can be deemed as a promising tool for control of tree diseases.European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST Action FP1406 PINESTRENGTH)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project AGL2015-69370-R

    Metodologías activas para la mejora de la despoblación. Una propuesta desde la formación y orientación laboral en el ciclo de Técnico de Actividades Comerciales a través del aprendizaje-servicio

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    Trabajo de Fin de Máster del Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas, curso 2021-2022[ES] El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) pretende realizar una propuesta didáctica para mejorar las competencias de los alumnos del Ciclo Formativo de Técnico en Actividades Comerciales en la formación y orientación laboral y, más concretamente, en la búsqueda activa de empleo y su proyección a la sociedad con el fin de contribuir a poner freno a la despoblación que sufren determinadas zonas de Castilla y León. Para ello, se utilizan diferentes metodologías activas, entre las que destaca, como eje principal de la propuesta, el aprendizaje-servicio para dotar a la comunidad de información y formación necesaria para fomentar su empleabilidad e incrementar sus oportunidades para encontrar un trabajo[EN] This Master´s Degree Final Proyect (TFM) intends to make a didactic proposal that improves the skills of the students of the Training Cycle of Technician in Commercial Activities in training and labor orientation and, more specifically, in the active search for employment and its projection to society to help to put stop the depopulation suffered by certain areas of Castilla y León. To do this, different active methodologies are used, among which service-learning stands out as the main axis of the proposal, to provide the community with the information and training necessary to promote their employability and increase their opportunities to find a job

    Effectiveness of physical therapy in axillary web syndrome after breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The axillary web syndrome (AWS) is a surgical breast cancer sequel that limits the functionality of the patient and delays the protocol times of application of cancer treatments. This implies a long period of discomfort and limitations for the user. Objective: To investigate the different physiotherapy treatments for the AWS and how effective they are. Methods: A systematic review based on PRISMA protocol and registered in PROSPERO (CRD42021281354) was conducted. The research was performed using PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, PEDro, and Web of Science databases during January 2022 and March 2022. All randomized controlled trials and controlled clinical trials were included in this review. Results: A total of 188 articles were identified, with 9 studies selected for the systematic review. These studies basically propose treatments based on exercises and stretching, manual therapy, and the combination of manual therapy and exercises. Conclusions: Exercise and stretching are the most effective therapies within the field of physiotherapy for the rehabilitation of axillary web syndrome. They restore range of motion faster, reduce pain, improve quality of life, and reduce disabilities. Manual therapy, scar massage, and myofascial release could help improve outcomes but with worse results. The meta-analysis conclusion is that pain is the only outcome with a significant reduction after the application of physiotherapy treatments − 0.82 [− 1.67; 0.03]. This conclusion is drawn from the only three studies with small sample sizesFunding for open access publishing: Universidad de Cádiz/CBUA This study was funded by the University of Málaga through a predoctoral grant support to JBGR, a PhD student at the university

    Thermal behavior of calafate (Berberis buxifolia) seeds

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    Low temperature is the most important factor limiting the distribution of plants. In this study the low temperature thermal behavior of calafate seeds was analyzed by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), and a vibrational characterization of their different components was conducted by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). In cold-acclimated plants, such as calafate, the total percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids in their seeds is significantly higher than that of saturated fatty acids. Successive freezing-thawing cycles lead to increased formation of linoleic (LA) and linolenic (LNA) a-crystals. This process would barely modify the phase-transition temperature of the lipid membrane but would lead to an increase in the membrane fluidity (LNA would make the cell membranes more fluid during seed development). It seems that processes in membranes rather than in the glassy cytoplasm may determine the cooling resistance

    Physico-chemical study of an exogenic fulgurite from a thunderstorm on 10th August 2013 in Dallas, TX

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    Droplet-like exogenic fulgurites comprise a minor grouplet of natural glasses resulting from powerful lightning strikes. Reports on such type-V fulgurites are scarce in the literature. In this work, a fulgurite specimen from the thunderstorm that took place on 10th August 2013, in Dallas, TX, USA, has been analyzed using X-ray powder diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and infrared and Raman spectroscopy techniques. X-ray diffraction revealed the amorphous nature of the exofulgurite, and X-ray fluorescence showed a high Si, Al and Ca content. Infrared and Raman spectroscopy were key in revealing clear Si–O modes related signatures and a very significant presence of water (OH/H2O). A parallel with glassy silicate materials, but also with opal-A, was essential in the understanding of the fulgurite’s characteristics. In particular, Raman data evidenced the exofulgurite to have a high degree of depolymerization

    Santuarios del Bronce Antiguo I-III y ritos de enterramiento en Tilbes Höyük, Sureste de Turquía

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    In the late 1990s when salvage Archaeological Excavations took place in the Birecik Dam Area (Birecik, Urfa, South Eastern Turkey), huge deposits of the whole Early Bronze Age phases (I-IV) were discovered at Tilbes Höyük, a settlement of 3 ha on the left bank of the Euphrates river. The site yielded during the years 1998-99 remains of a religious Early Bronze Age III burnt building and other shrines dated in previous phases (EB I and II). The earliest shrine, from the Early Bronze Age I, located in the center of the tell, was on a mudbrick platform and presents a possible access from the East, the sunrise. The building had stone walls and a clay horn altar during the Early Bronze Age I, 3025 (2900) 2875 BC. Another shrine above the same spot was also documented, worse preserved, during the Early Bronze Age II. This religious space suffered a fire at the end of the later shrine, dated on Early Bronze Age III, 2675 (2550-2500) 2450 BC, and the building is better preserved. It has a narrow entrance from the West, the sunset, to a small room with stone pavement that gives access to the main room. It is a mudbrick pillar, a rectangular hearth and two small clay-horned structures, one of them near the pillar. In the phase of the Early Bronze Age II, two stone cists with infant burials appear in the interior of the Tilbes Höyük sanctuary. But later on the former shrines area of Tilbes Höyük, although no longer built, in the Early Bronze Age III are mainly composed of newborns, between 7 and 9 months, deposited in pits outside the building, perhaps linked to a cult of rebirth and fertility. These discoveries of the third millennium do not appear to be restricted to a local phenomenon of the time in southeastern Turkey, but are present in other regions with a similar date. The best parallels are the Temple B of Arslantepe VIB, Early Bronze Age I, 3000-2800 BC, with two mudbrick pillars and a rectangular hearth, and the shrine of Level XIV of Beycesultan, West Anatolian Early Bronze Age II, 2500-2400 BC, with two other mudbrick pillars and a large structure of hornsA fines de la década de 1990, cuando se llevaron a cabo excavaciones arqueológicas de salvamento en el área de la presa de Biredyik (Urfa, sureste de Turquía), se descubrieron enormes depósitos de todas las fases del Bronce Antiguo (I-IV) en Tilbes Höyük, un asentamiento de 3 ha, en la orilla izquierda del río Éufrates. En el yacimiento se documentó entre los años 1998-1999 los restos de un edificio religioso incendiado del Bronce Antiguo III y los restos de otros santuarios de fases anteriores (BA I y II). El primer santuario, del Bronce Antiguo I, situado en el centro del tell, estaba sobre una plataforma de adobes y presenta un posible acceso desde el Este, la salida del sol. El edificio tiene paredes de piedras y un altar de cuernos en adobe durante el Bronce Antiguo I, 3025 (2900) 2875 AC. Otro santuario sobre el mismo lugar también fue documentado, peor preservado, durante el Bronce Antiguo II. Este espacio religioso sufrió un incendio al final del siguiente santuario del Bronce Antiguo III, 2675 (2550-2500) 2450 AC, y se conserva mejor el edificio. Presenta una estrecha entrada desde el Oeste, la puesta de sol, a una pequeña habitación con pavimento de piedra que da acceso a la habitación principal. En ella se encuentra un pilar de adobe, un hogar rectangular y dos pequeñas estructuras de cuernos en arcilla, una de ellas próxima al pilar. En una segunda fase del Bronce Antiguo II aparecen en el interior del santuario de Tilbes Höyük dos cistas de piedra con enterramientos infantiles, que en el Bronce Inicial III son principalmente enterramientos de neonatos, entre 7 y 9 meses, depositados en pozos al exterior del santuario, quizás vinculados a un culto de renacimiento y fertilidad. Esos descubrimientos del III milenio no parecen estar restringidos a un fenómeno local de la época en el sureste de Turquía, sino que están presentes en otras regiones con similar fecha. Los mejores paralelos son el templo B de Arslantepe VIB, Bronce Antiguo I, 3000-2800 AC, con dos pilares de adobe y un hogar rectangular, y el santuario del nivel XIV de Beycesultan, Bronce Antiguo II de Anatolia Occidental, 2500-2400 AC, con otros dos pilares de adobe y una gran estructura de cuerno

    The influence of rigid gas permeable lens wear on the concentrations of dinucleotides in tears and the effect on dry eye signs and symptoms in keratoconus

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    Purpose: To evaluate the signs and symptoms of dry eye and dinucleotide secretion in tears of keratoconus patients (KC) and the potential effect of rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lens wear. Methods: Twenty-three KC patients and forty control subjects were enrolled in this study. Signs of dry eye including tear volume, tear stability and corneal staining along with symptoms were assessed using the McMonnies questionnaire. Tears were collected using Schirmer strips, and dinucleotide concentrations in collected tears measured using high pressure liquid chromatography. Values obtained in KC and controls were compared. The effect of contact lens wear in KC was also assessed. Results: KC eyes showed a significantly lower tear volume compared to controls, shorter tear break up time (TBUT), higher corneal staining and higher McMonnies dry eye questionnaire scores (p < 0.05). When compared with non-wearers, KC contact lens wearers showed significantly higher symptoms, lower Schirmer and TBUT values (p < 0.05). Concentration of Ap4A (0.695 ± 0.304 μM vs. 0.185 ± 0.178 μM) and Ap5A (0.132 ± 0.128 μM vs. 0.045 ± 0.036 μM) were higher in KC compared to controls (p < 0.001) and only Ap4A was statistically higher in RGP wearers compared to non-wearers (0.794 ± 0.478 μM vs. 0.417 ± 0.313 μM) (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Signs and symptoms of dry eye as well as concentrations of Ap4A and Ap5A were markedly increased in KC patients compared to controls. Moreover, Ap4A and symptoms of dry eye were statistically higher in RGP wearers compared to non-wearers. This seems to indicate that factors such as RGP contact lens wear might exacerbate the clinical condition of dry eye.This work was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SAF2010-16024 and SAF2013-44416-R) and RETICS (RD12/0034/0003). The authors want to thank Thomas Johnson and Vimala Punsammy for helping in the preparation of the manuscript
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