588 research outputs found

    Commentary: Cerebellar atrophy and its contribution to cognition in frontotemporal dementias

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    Chen et al. (2018) provide unprecedented evidence of syndrome-specific changes in cerebellar gray matter integrity (mainly in lobules VI, Crus I and Crus II) across three frontotemporal dementia (FTD) subtypes, alongside specific associations with attentional, visuospatial, mnesic, and language-motor deficits. Moreover, results survived covariation with each group's distinctive atrophy pattern. These outcomes illuminate the critical role of the cerebellum in non-motor processes, while highlighting the relevance of distributed network approaches to cognitive (dys)function.Although the cerebellum has been implicated in higher-order domains (Roca et al., 2013; García et al., 2017; Sokolov et al., 2017), including executive functions, language, interoception, and social cognition, these results may prove surprising to many clinical neuroscientists. Indeed, the cerebellum remains notably underexplored within neurocognitive assessments of dementia, where it is still largely conceived as a specifically motoric region and is thus often excluded from imaging analyses seeking to map brain-behavior associations. Similarly, except for research on ataxia, systematic assessments of regional, and network-level alterations involving the cerebellum are wanting in the field. This counterproductive neglect, we believe, stems from a dissociation between dementia studies and current neurocognitive theories (Ibáñez and García, 2018).Fertile ground could be gained by anchoring neurodegeneration research on the embodied cognition approach, which has revealed multidimensional links between action-related circuits and higher-order functions. The cerebellum, as a core hub in these cortical-subcortical networks, would play an important, enactive role in several cognitive processes. While lesion and agenesia studies suggest that this role may not be causal, cerebellar circuits have been directly implicated in embodied domains (Koziol et al., 2012; Birba et al., 2017; García et al., 2017; Cervetto et al., 2018). Beyond the field's traditional focus on canonical atrophy patterns and selected cognitive skills, emerging evidence suggests that diffuse neurocognitive dysfunctions are partially overlapped across dementias. The profuse interconnectedness, functional richness, and transdiagnostic vulnerability of the cerebellum render it a key target to examine embodied cognitive deficits in FTD and other conditions.Accordingly, embodied theories of the cerebellum could become critical tools to foster relevant translational developments. First, they underscore the need to systematically report cerebellar involvement in diverse neurocognitive deficits. Also, they provide a profitable platform to track intercognitive phenomena?enactive synergies among varied psychobiological (dys)functions?from a network-based perspective (Koziol et al., 2012; Ibanez et al., 2014, 2018; García and Ibáñez, 2016; Birba et al., 2017; García et al., 2017; Cervetto et al., 2018; Ibáñez and García, 2018). Moreover, they promote a reinterpretation of symptoms from an action-grounded neurocognitive rationale (Krakauer et al., 2017). These milestones could have direct clinical implications, as the lack of proper theoretical frameworks can lead to neglecting, downplaying, or delaying the report of cerebellar disturbances across pathologies. We call for novel studies integrating embodied, intercognitive, network-based conceptualizations of the cerebellum to foster translational breakthroughs in dementia research.Fil: Ibáñez Barassi, Agustín Mariano. Universidad Adolfo Ibañez; Chile. Universidad Autónoma del Caribe; Colombia. Australian Research Council; Australia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt | Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt | Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt; ArgentinaFil: García, Adolfo Martín. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt | Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt | Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt; Argentin

    Cambios de la mineralogía de arcillas en el tránsito Paleoceno/Eoceno del dominio Maláguide (Zonas Internas Béticas, S.E. España)

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    El tránsito Paleoceno/Eoceno del Dominio Maláguide (manto superior y no metamorfizado de la Zona Interna Bética, sectores occidentales de la Cadena Alpina), está caracterizado por una discontinuidad asociada a una laguna estratigráfica, que afecta al Ilerdiense. Durante el paso del Paleoceno al Eoceno se han detectado cambios en el tipo de depósitos condicionados por la naturaleza de las áreas fuentes. Los medios sedimentarios marinos evolucionan de una plataforma mixta a otra carbonatada y los medios continentales cambian de condiciones fluviales a lacustres. El registro mineralógico encontrado en los sedimentos marinos ha permitido deducir variaciones relativas del nivel del mar, que se relacionarían con procesos tectónicos compresivos regionales. También se ha deducido un cambio climático desde un clima estacionalmente seco a otro tropical húmedo. Este cambio climático favoreció, en el medio marino, el cambio de las condiciones de productividad que pasaron de eutróficas, durante el Paleoceno, a oligotróficas durante el Eoceno.The Paleocene/Eocene transition in the Malaguide Domain, upper and unmetamorphosed nappe of the Internal Betic Zone (Western Alpine Belt), is characterized by a stratigraphic unconformity with a stratigraphic gap affecting the Ilerdian. Some depositional changes, conditioned by the nature of the source areas, were detected during the Paleocene/Eocene transition. The sedimentary marine environment evolved from a mixed platform to a carbonated platform, whereas in the continental realm a change from fluvial to lacustrine conditions took place. The mineralogical record found in marine sediments allowed the observation of a variation in the relative sea level curve due to regional compressive tectonic processes and a transition from a seasonally dry climate to a humid tropical climate. This transition favoured, in the marine environment, the change from eutrophic conditions during the Paleocene to oligotrophic conditions during the Eocene

    Increased moral condemnation of accidental harm in institutionalized adolescents

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    Social deprivation, as faced by children in institutional rearing, involves socio-cognitive deficits that may persist into adolescence. In particular, two relevant domains which prove sensitive to pre-adult neurodevelopment are theory of mind (ToM) and moral judgment (a complex skill which partially depend upon ToM). However, no study has assessed moral evaluation in adolescents with a history of institutional care, let alone its relationship with ToM skills. The present study aims to bridge this gap, focusing on moral evaluation of harmful actions in institutionalized adolescents (IAs). Relative to adolescents raised with their biological families, IAs exhibited less willingness to exculpate protagonists for accidental harms, suggesting an under-reliance on information about a person’s (innocent) intentions. Moreover, such abnormalities in IAs were associated with ToM impairments. Taken together, our findings extend previous findings of delayed ToM under social deprivation, further showing that the development of moral cognition is also vulnerable to the impact of institutionalization. These results could pave the way for novel research on the role of institutional rearing in ToM and moral development during adolescence.Fil: Baez, Sandra. Universidad de los Andes; ColombiaFil: Herrera, Eduar. Universidad Icesi; ColombiaFil: García, Adolfo Martín. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt | Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt | Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt; ArgentinaFil: Huepe, David. Universidad Adolfo Ibañez; ChileFil: Santamaría-García, Hernando. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; Colombia. Hospital Universitario San Ignacio; ColombiaFil: Ibáñez Barassi, Agustín Mariano. Universidad Autónoma del Caribe; Colombia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt | Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt | Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt; Argentina. Universidad Adolfo Ibañez; Chile. Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders; Australi

    A Potentiometric Evaluation of Stability Constants of Two-Step Overlapping Equilibria via a Bilogarithmic Hyperbolic Cosine Method

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    A bilogarithmic hyperbolic cosine method for the evaluation of overlapping formation constants at varying (or fixed) ionic strength is devised in this paper and applied to data reported in the analytical literature, i.e. succinic acid system, Cu(II)-glycine system and Ag(I)-aminobutan -1-ol system. The method is based on the linearization of the formation function ñ = f(pH) or ñ = f(pL) data. A theoretical slope of unity should be obtained thus proving the correctness of the assumed equilibria. An additional advantage of the bilogarithmic method proposed is that it provides a closed scale representation of Y and X unlike other plots. This paper forms part of an investigation into the uses of bilo garithmic methods and hyperbolic functions in parameter estimation. Methods based on the application of spectrophotometric measurements have been the subject of recent studies

    La enseñanza de las relaciones laborales en España

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    En este trabajo analizamos someramente la evolución que han conocido estos estudios en nuestro país, desde su aparición en los Veinte del Siglo pasado, hasta su incorporación al ámbito universitario. Si los observamos desde el largo plazo, podremos comprobar como la complejidad creciente de lo laboral ha tenido su respuesta en lo académico a través de los distintos planes de estudios que han ido dando cuerpo a la titulación.______________________________In this essay we analyze superficially the evolution that these studies have known in our country, since its apparition in the last Century Twenties, up to its incorporation to the university area. If we observe them from the long time limit, we will be able to verify how the increasing complexity of the labour market has had its response in the academic environment through the different study plans that have been forming the degree

    Regulación del derecho a un proceso penal sin dilaciones indebidas: de la atenuante analógica a la atenuante específica del código penal

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    [Resumen] El derecho a un proceso sin dilaciones indebidas es una garantía procesal que está constitucionalizada, de manera autónoma pero íntimamente relacionada con el también fundamental derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva sin indefensión. Aunque su respeto tiene que hacerse efectivo en todo tipo de procesos, es en el penal en el que su vulneración es especialmente grave, lo que ha provocado que la doctrina y la jurisprudencia hayan buscado diversas opciones reparadoras de su lesión. La reforma del Código Penal de 2010 constituye un avance importante en esta materia puesto que se abandona el anterior criterio de entender las dilaciones indebidas como una “atenuante analógica”, legalizando su consideración como una “atenuante específica”.[Abstract] The right to trial without undue delay is a procedural guarantee that is constitutionalized, independently but also closely related to the fundamental right to effective judicial guidance without helplessness. Although this must be respected in all types of procedures, their violation is particularly serious in criminal ones and this has prompted the doctrine and jurisprudence to seek various remedial options for its breach. The Penal Code of 2010 constitutes an important advance in this matter since it leaves behind the former criterion to understand undue delay as a mitigating factor analogue, legalizing their consideration as a specific mitigating factorMinisterio de Educación; DER 2009-11199Ministerio de Educación; DER 2009-13351Junta de Castilla y León; SA 033A10-

    Fitting Nonlinear Calibration Curves: No Models Perfect

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    The study of the calibration of a series of compounds of environmental concern (six perfluoroalkyl compounds (perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and five perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids), three preservatives (methyl-, ethyl- and propylparabens) and the brominated flame retardant hexabromocyclododecane) by LC-MS/MS has been carries out, with a view to their simultaneous determination in samples of environmental interest. In some cases nonlinear calibration curves are obtained, but restricting the concentration range a linear model may be used to fit the data. Residual analysis has been performed in order to verify which models fit the data better, opting for a compromise decision given the apparent complexity of residuals plots. As Box states there are no perfect models (but models that work better than others)

    François-Antoine-Henri Descroizilles (1781-1825), demostrador real de química, boticario, inventor y químico industrial: padre del análisis volumétrico. Parte 1ª

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    In this contribution the life and work of François-Antoine-Henry Descroizilles is reviewed. He is recognized as a multifaceted person, and as a skilled and wise chemist by eminent scientists of his time. Descroizilles developed his professional career as a chemistry teacher, apothecary, and industrial chemist, contributing firstly to give a solution to the latent problem of cider in Normandy, and to the bleaching of tissues by the new method of Berthollet in the area of Rouen later. He proposes on this respect a (redox) titrimetric method of determining the concentration of chlorine, Gordian knot of the problem. Descroizilles can rightly on this way be considered as the father of titrimetric analysis, but his ingenuity goes much further, and his name can be associated to a variety of inventions. In the approach that is carried out here, emphasis is previously placed on the context of the new chloric bleaching, aspect that might not be always treated with enough depth in previous papers on Descroizilles. In the first part of this paper the boundary conditions of this topic will be located and studied, in a time, in which the intent of the study of the chemical arts rapidly acquires great importance. The development of the chlorine bleaching industry is influenced by the technical aspects of the processes involved, but also by the social and economic factors. Aspects of the life and work of Descroizilles, including topics such as the problem of cider, inventions, bleaching power and alum, as well as the contributions of Gay Lussac to titrimetry will be the subject of a future report (second part).En esta contribución se pasa revista a la vida y obra de François-Antoine-Henry Descroizilles, personaje polifacético, reconocido como un químico hábil y sabio por eminentes científicos de su época, que ejerce como profesor de química, boticario, y químico industrial. Descroizilles contribuye a dar una solución al problema de la sidra latente en Normandía primero y al blanqueo de los tejidos por el nuevo método de Berthollet en la zona de Rouen después. A este último respecto propone un método de determinar la concentración de cloro, nudo gordiano del problema. Descroizilles puede considerarse con todo justicia como padre del análisis volumétrico, pero su ingenio va mucho más allá y su nombre puede asociarse a una variedad de inventos. En la aproximación que se realiza se hace hincapié en el contexto del nuevo proceso de blanqueo por cloro, aspecto no contemplado siempre con suficientemente profundidad en trabajos previos sobre Descroizilles. En la primera parte de esta contribución vamos a situar y estudiar las condiciones de contorno de este tema, en una época en la que se despierta en las mentes el interés por las artes químicas. Sin embargo, en el desarrollo de la industria del blanqueo con cloro no solo ejercen influencia los aspectos técnicos de los procesos involucrados, sino también los factores sociales y económicos. Aspectos de la vida y obra de Descroizilles, incluyendo temas tales como la problemática de la sidra, inventos, polvos de gas, alumbre, y la contribución de Gay Lussac a la volumetría, serán objeto de un posterior estudio (segunda parte)