59 research outputs found

    La estructura mitológica de "El laberinto de Fortuna"

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    Flash Mobon the teaching scene. Communication and media

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    El presente artículo plantea la apropiación de las acciones colectivas, concretamente del flash mob, como método de enseñanza-aprendizaje enmarcado en los actuales acontecimiento/retos sociales y que permite, por un lado, la formación integral del alumnadouniversitario y, en segundo lugar, la adquisición de un amplio paquete competencial que define el perfil profesional del maestro y maestra de Educación Primaria en la Sociedad del Conocimiento. En él se expone la dinámica llevada a cabo para su integración en el escenario docente, así como, las pautas necesarias para planificar y diseñar una metodología activa que trabaje con diversos agrupamientos del alumnado.This article describes the appropriation of the collective actions, concretely of the flash mob, as teaching-learning method framed in current social challenges and, that allow on the hand, the integral formation of university students, and on the other hand, the acquisition of a wide package skills that defines the professional profile of the Primary Education teacher in the Knowledge Society. In this, it is exposed the dynamic conducted for its integration into the educational scenario and the necessary guidelines to plan and to design an active methodology that works with different groupings of the students

    Disruptive behaviour in the spanish school system. Legislative development

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    En la actualidad el incremento de los problemas de disciplina en el aula supone una preocupación para el profesorado y un obstáculo para el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Para que la intervención educativa sea eficaz, es necesario diferenciar los distintos tipos de conflictos, abordándolos desde diversas perspectivas. En este artículo se ha realizado un análisis documental de las sucesivas leyes educativas españolas, buscando en cada una la frecuencia de aparición de palabras claves referidas al comportamiento del alumnado, se ha analizado la respuesta ante la conflictividad y la diferencia entre el abordaje de la conducta grave y la disruptiva, menos grave. Como resultado se observa una evolución positiva de la normativa, influida por una sociedad más concienciada de la importancia de un buen clima escolar para conseguir el sano desarrollo personal y mejor aprendizaje del alumnado. La ley actual diferencia entre conductas graves y leves y muestra una mayor preocupación, no solo por frenar el incremento de estos comportamientos, sino también por prevenirlos. Pero todavía queda mucho por avanzar, pues aún no se dan orientaciones claras que ayuden al profesorado a abordar las conductas leves de forma adecuada, pese a las dificultades que suponen para el proceso de aprendizaje.Nowadays, increasing discipline problems in the classroom have become a concern for teachers and an obstacle for the development of the teaching-learning process. To adequately develop an effective educational intervention, it is essential to distinguish between different types of conflicts and to approach them from different perspectives. This paper presents an analysis of the successive educational Spanish laws, specifically examining the frequency of appearance of those keywords regarding students’ behavior in each law. The responses provided to approach conflict were studied, differentiating from serious misconduct and less serious disruptive behavior.Results show a positive evolution of the Spanish regulations: This is due to the increase of social awareness regarding the importance of creating a favourable school environment to ensure a healthy personal development and better learning. The current law distinguishes misconduct and disruptive behavior and also expresses its concern about the increase in this kind of behavior and provides ways of preventing it. However, further progress is still to be achieved as there is a need for clear guidelines for teachers to properly deal with disruptive behavior. Despite the difficulties that this kind of behavior entail to the learning process, these recommendations are still not laid down despite the difficulties faced by the learning process

    La competencia literaria y comunicativa en la formación inicial del docente. Presentación de una experiencia

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    Communicative competence is a key element for future professionals of teaching training and this must be worked transversely from the different subjects that make up the curriculum, especially in those in which students must develop knowledge, skills and abilities associated with it. In this context, the innovation educational experience based on a modulation of methodologies that this has allowed the interdisciplinary coordination of “Literary training and children´s literature” and “Media education and teaching applications of ICT” subjects that are given in the second year to students studying towards a Primary Education Degree at the Teacher Training College Sagrado Corazón (Córdoba University), in the 2014-2015 academic year. An audiovisual narrative exercise was designed, whose starting point was the selection of competence and formulation of objectives to achieve. Considering the interaction of the different learning skills acquired by students in the diverse subjects, they were planned the methodologies, sequencing and scheduling of the different phases of the exercise, as well as the guide notes and the evaluation instruments, both from the skills acquisition and from the student´s satisfaction with the experience. The obtained results show that the implementation of such coordinated methodological practices favours the acquisition and mobilization of skills associated with academic qualification.La competencia comunicativa es un elemento fundamental en la formación de los futuros profesionales de la docencia y esta debe ser trabajada de manera transversal desde las diversas materias que conforman los planes de estudios, especialmente, en aquellas en las que el alumnado deba desarrollar conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas asociadas a ella. En esta línea, surge la experiencia de innovación educativa basada en modulación de las metodologías que han permitido la coordinación interdisciplinar, en el curso académico 2014-2015, de las asignaturas “Formación literaria y Literatura infantil” y “Educación Mediática y aplicaciones didácticas de las TIC”, que se imparten en segundo curso del Grado en Educación Primaria, en el Centro de Magisterio Sagrado Corazón (Universidad de Córdoba). Se diseñó una práctica de narrativa audiovisual, cuyo punto de partida fue la selección de las competencias y la formulación de los objetivos a alcanzar. Teniendo en cuenta la interactuación interacción de los diversos aprendizajes adquiridos por el alumnado en las distintas materias, se planificaron las metodologías, la secuenciación y la temporalización de las diversas fases de la práctica, así como la guía y los instrumentos de evaluación, tanto del logro de las competencias como de la satisfacción del alumnado con la experiencia. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que la realización de este tipo de prácticas coordinadas favorece la adquisición y movilización de las competencias asociadas al Título


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    In a personalized education, as required by current education law, complete and effective communication between teachers and each student plays an important role. The more education that is needed, the more communication must be ensured. The higher educational quality is intended, the higher communicative quality is required. Hence, learning to communicate comprehensively and personally is a necessity in the study plans of Primary Education Degrees, as well as in Early Childhood Education and master's degrees that professionally qualify future teachers. This article describes the realization and validation of a questionnaire that allows analyzing the perception of students who finish their studies in the Degree of Primary Education regarding their knowledge of non-verbal elements, their importance and their training in non-verbal communication for the performance of teaching.En una educación personalizada, tal y como exige la ley educativa vigente, juega un papel importante la comunicación completa y eficaz entre el profesorado y cada alumno o alumna. Cuanta más educación se precise, mayor comunicación deberá asegurarse. Cuanta mayor calidad educativa se pretenda, mayor calidad comunicativa se requiere. De ahí que aprender a comunicarse integral y personalmente sea una necesidad en los planes de estudio de los Grados de Educación Primaria, como también en el de Educación Infantil y másteres que habiliten profesionalmente a futuros docentes. En el presente artículo se describe la realización y validación de un cuestionario que permita analizar la percepción del alumnado que finaliza sus estudios en el Grado de Educación Primaria respecto a su conocimiento de los elementos no-verbales, la importancia de estos y de su formación en comunicación no-verbal para el desempeño de la labor docente

    Children´s poetry from the values for a bilingual society through ICT

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    La experiencia que se presenta se ha desarrollado a lo largo del curso académico 2016-2017, con el alumnado de primero, segundo y cuarto curso (mención de Lengua Extranjera) del Grado en Educación Primaria de los Centros de la Universidad de Córdoba en los que se cursa esta titulación, en diversas asignaturas correspondientes a las áreas de “Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura”, “Tecnología educativa”, “Didáctica y Organización Escolar” y “Filología inglesa”. Su objeto central ha sido la poesía infantil; por una parte, la poesía folclórica o tradicional, patrimonio poético infantil de tradición oral que corre el peligro de perderse y, por otra, la poesía de autores de la literatura española, hecha especialmente para la infancia, atendiendo principalmente a dos aspectos: los valores humanos que en ellas se contienen y su presentación en formatos acordes a los medios de comunicación actuales. Para ello, se ha diseñado y editado material multimedia educativo, dirigido al alumnado de Educación Primaria, que contribuya a la recuperación y difusión de la lírica infantil, de una manera original, atractiva y lúdica, y a su puesta en valor en una sociedad mediada por la tecnología y bilingüe. Los resultados académicos revelan la eficacia de este tipo de propuestas, así como la satisfacción e implicación del alumnado con ello. La experiencia confirma que este tipo de prácticas que evidencian la funcionalidad de los aprendizajes y la relación de la teoría con la práctica favorecen la implicación del alumnado en su proceso formativo, les sensibilizan del compromiso social de la institución universitaria con la difusión de la literatura y, con ello, de la cultura española, como elemento de transferencia de conocimiento en una sociedad multilingüe e intercultural como en la que vivimos.The experience presented has been carried out throughout the 2016-2017 academic year, with the students of the first, second and fourth year (Foreign Language mention) in the Degree of Primary Education from the Centers at the University of Córdoba where this bachelor’s degree is offered, in different subjects which cover the areas of “Language Didactics and Literature”, “Educative Technology”, “Didactics and School Organization” and “English Philology”. Its main object has been children’s poetry; on the one hand, the traditional and folk poetry, child poetic heritage of oral tradition that is at risk of being lost and, on the other hand, poetry by authors of Spanish literature, written specially for children, focusing attention mainly on two aspects: human values that this poetry contains, and its presentation in formats according to today’s media. For that purpose, it has been designed and edited multimedia educational material, addressed to Primary Education students, which contributes to the recovery and dissemination of infant lyric, in an original, appealing and entertaining way, and to its value in a bilingual society mediated by technology. The academic achievement reveals the efficiency of this type of proposals as well as the student’s contentment and involvement in it. The experience proves that this type of practice that shows the learning functionality and the relation between theory and practice promotes the students’ involvement in their learning process, raises awareness about the social commitment of the university institution to the dissemination of literature and, thus, of the Spanish culture, as an element of knowledge transfer in a multilingual and intercultural society like that where we live

    Overfeeding during lactation in rats is associated with cardiovascular insulin resistance in the short-term

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    Childhood obesity is associated with metabolic and cardiovascular comorbidities. The development of these alterations may have its origin in early life stages such as the lactation period through metabolic programming. Insulin resistance is a common complication in obese patients and may be responsible for the cardiovascular alterations associated with this condition. This study analyzed the development of cardiovascular insulin resistance in a rat model of childhood overweight induced by overfeeding during the lactation period. On birth day, litters were divided into twelve (L12) or three pups per mother (L3). Overfed rats showed a lower increase in myocardial contractility in response to insulin perfusion and a reduced insulin-induced vasodilation, suggesting a state of cardiovascular insulin resistance. Vascular insulin resistance was due to decreased activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway, whereas cardiac insulin resistance was associated with mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) hyperactivity. Early overfeeding was also associated with a proinflammatory and pro-oxidant state; endothelial dysfunction; decreased release of nitrites and nitrates; and decreased gene expression of insulin receptor (IR), glucose transporter-4 (GLUT-4), and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in response to insulin. In conclusion, overweight induced by lactational overnutrition in rat pups is associated with cardiovascular insulin resistance that could be related to the cardiovascular alterations associated with this conditionThis study has been funded by the grant to Precompetitive Projects of Universidad San Pablo CEU and Banco Santander 2016, and by a grant from the Community of Madrid (CAM) awarded to Daniel González-Hedström (IND2017/BIO7701, Spain

    Who I am. Horizontal interdisciplinary coordination project for the development competence

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    El presente trabajo queda enmarcado en la coordinación horizontal de tres asignaturas pertenecientes al Plan de estudios del Grado en Educación Primaria y que se cursan en el segundo año de la titulación: “Convivencia Escolar y Cultura de Paz en Educación Primaria”, “Formación Literaria y Literatura Infantil” y “Educación Mediática y Aplicaciones Didácticas de las TIC”, siendo la coordinación uno de los objetivos relevantes en este trabajo. Por otro lado, para implicar al alumnado en su proceso formativo y fortalecer las competencias transversales se utilizaron, en las diversas materias, metodologías activas y el trabajo por competencias. Se llevó acabo el diseño y realización de una narración audiovisual cuya temática incitaba a la reflexión sobre las cualidades, fortalezas y debilidades de la persona. Esta actividad se inició con la producción de un escrito de elaboración propia, que evidenciara dichas dimensiones personales que, posteriormente, se transformó en el montaje de un vídeo con imágenes fijas, sonido y/o texto escrito, en el que se trabajó el lenguaje audiovisual como modelo de narrativa. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la satisfacción del alumnado y su grado de implicación con estas metodologías, así como la eficacia de las prácticas.The present article is framed in the horizontal coordination of three subjects belonging to the Curriculum of the Degree in Primary Education and that are taken in the second year of the degree: "Educational Mediation and Paz culture in Primary Education", "Literary and Infances Literature" and "Media Literacy and didactics application of ICT", being the coordination one of the relevant objectives in this work. On the other hand, in order to involve the students in their training process and to strengthen transversal competences, active methodologies and work by competences were used in the various subjects. The design and realization of an audiovisual narrative was carried out, whose theme stimulated reflection on the qualities, strengths and weaknesses of the person. This activity began with the production of an own document, as would show these personal dimensions, which later became the assembly of a video with still images, sound and / or text, in which the audiovisual language was worked as a narrative model. The results show the satisfaction of the students and their degree of involvement with these methodologies, as well as the effectiveness of interdisciplinary practices in which the mobilization of learning and work by competencies are required

    A mixture of algae and extra virgin olive oils attenuates the cardiometabolic alterations associated with aging in male wistar rats

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    Aging is one of the major risk factors for suffering cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Due to the increase in life expectancy, there is a strong interest in the search for anti-aging strategies to treat and prevent these aging-induced disorders. Both omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω-3 PUFA) and extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) exert numerous metabolic and cardiovascular benefits in the elderly. In addition, EVOO constitutes an interesting ingredient to stabilize ω-3 PUFA and decrease their oxidation process due to its high content in antioxidant compounds. ω-3 PUFA are commonly obtained from fish. However, more ecological and sustainable sources, such as algae oil (AO) can also be used. In this study, we aimed to study the possible beneficial effect of an oil mixture composed by EVOO (75%) and AO (25%) rich in ω-3 PUFA (35% docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and 20% eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)) on the cardiometabolic alterations associated with aging. For this purpose; young (three months old) and old (24 months old) male Wistar rats were treated with vehicle or with the oil mixture (2.5 mL/kg) for 21 days. Treatment with the oil mixture prevented the aging-induced increase in the serum levels of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and the aging-induced decrease in the serum concentrations of mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). Old treated rats showed increased serum concentrations of EPA and DHA and decreased HOMA-IR index and circulating levels of total cholesterol, insulin and IL-6. Treatment with the oil mixture increased the mRNA levels of antioxidant and insulin sensitivity-related enzymes, as well as reduced the gene expression of pro-inflammatory markers in the liver and in cardiac and aortic tissues. In addition, the treatment also prevented the aging-induced endothelial dysfunction and vascular insulin resistance through activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway. Moreover, aortic rings from old rats treated with the oil mixture showed a decreased response to the vasoconstrictor AngII. In conclusion, treatment with a mixture of EVOO and AO improves the lipid profile, insulin sensitivity and vascular function in aged rats and decreases aging-induced inflammation and oxidative stress in the liver, and in the cardiovascular system. Thus, it could be an interesting strategy to deal with cardiometabolic alterations associated with aging.This project was funded by the call “Doctorados Industriales 2017” (IND2017/BIO7701), a grant from Community of Madrid (Spain). This program aims to promote the effective collaboration between Universities and Companies and provides funding for the development of the research project at the University and, to hire a PhD student (Daniel González-Hedström) by the Company (Pharmactive Biotech Products S.L.) over a three-year period. Community of Madrid also funded the contract of María de la Fuente-Fernández through the Youth Employment Program (PEJ-2018-AI/SAL-11315