268 research outputs found

    Levantamiento del templo G. parque arqueologico de Selinunte, Trapani. Sicilia. Informe general

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    El trabajo de campo al que se refiere la presente comunicaci\uf3n, se puede considerar como la fase inicial del proyecto de levantamiento del templo G de Selinunte, ya que si bien se han podido tomar muchos datos del mismo durante la campa\uf1a de verano del 2005, quedan algunas zonas donde no ha sido posible acceder, por lo que ser\ue1 preciso completar la informaci\uf3n conforme se vaya avanzando en el modelo. La dificultad mayor vendr\ue1 con la definici\uf3n del propio modelo 3D, labor de investigaci\uf3n avanzada ya que actualmente no existen t\ue9cnicas ni metodolog\uedas de referencia a nivel mundial en el uso de escaners l\ue1ser 3d aplicados al campo de la arquitectura. Esta segunda tarea la estamos llevando a cabo, los equipos de las dos universidades, a lo largo de este a\uf1o 2006 poniendo a punto estrategias y centr\ue1ndonos en aquellos elementos singulares del conjunto arquitect\uf3nico que, a juicio de los arque\uf3logos, merezca la pena documentar con mucha precisi\uf3n. Del resto se obtendr\ue1 un modelo m\ue1s simple y menos preciso, tarea que a pesar de ello tambi\ue9n nos va a llevar mucho tiempo. Lo que hemos realizado en esta campa\uf1a ha sido una aproximaci\uf3n rigurosa al levantamiento del templo con la gu\ueda de diversos expertos en el tema, de manera que primero hemos ensayado nuevas t\ue9cnicas, como la del uso de una gr\ufaa y la gesti\uf3n del esc\ue1ner por control remoto, en segundo lugar hemos experimentado con su uso en posiciones elevadas con el operador a su lado llevando al l\uedmite los tensores para conseguir la m\ue1xima estabilidad. Posteriormente hemos probado la toma de datos desde diversos \ue1ngulos, su posterior interconexi\uf3n y su vinculaci\uf3n con redes topogr\ue1ficas as\ued como con la toma de datos tradicional y fotogram\ue9trica y para finalizar, ensayar las opciones de modelado y gesti\uf3n de los datos obtenidos

    Perceived Neighborhood Safety and Psychological Distress: Exploring Protective Factors

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    While a growing body of literature has established a relationship between disordered neighborhoods and psychological distress, less is known about the specific mechanisms at work. Using data collected in the 2008 Arizona Health Survey (N = 4,196), hierarchal linear regression was conducted to assess both the independent effect of perception of neighborhood safety on psychological distress, as well as the mediating effects of powerlessness, social isolation and mistrust. The findings suggest that the more safe individuals feel in their neighborhood, the less psychological distress they experience (b = 1.07, SE = .17, p \u3c .001). This relationship appears to be partially mediated by feelings of powerlessness, social isolation and mistrust, indicating potential risk and protective factors

    Testing evapotranspiration estimates based on MODIS satellite data in the assessment of the groundwater recharge of karst aquifers in southern Italy

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    In many Italian regions, and particularly in southern Italy, karst aquifers are the main sources of drinking water and play a crucial role in the socio-economic development of the territory. Hence, estimating the groundwater recharge of these aquifers is a fundamental task for the proper management of water resources, while also considering the impacts of climate changes. In the southern Apennines, the assessment of hydrological parameters that is needed for the estimation of groundwater recharge is a challenging issue, especially for the spatial and temporal inhomogeneity of networks of rain and air temperature stations, as well as the variable geomorphological features and land use across mountainous karst areas. In such a framework, the integration of terrestrial and remotely sensed data is a promising approach to limit these uncertainties. In this research, estimations of actual evapotranspiration and groundwater recharge using remotely sensed data gathered by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) satellite in the period 2000–2014 are shown for karst aquifers of the southern Apennines. To assess the uncertainties affecting conventional methods based on empirical formulas, the values estimated by the MODIS dataset were compared with those calculated by Coutagne, Turc, and Thornthwaite classical empirical formulas, which were based on the recordings of meteorological stations. The annual rainfall time series of 266 rain gauges and 150 air temperature stations, recorded using meteorological networks managed by public agencies in the period 2000–2014, were considered for reconstructing the regional distributed models of actual evapotranspiration (AET) and groundwater recharge. Considering the MODIS AET, the mean annual groundwater recharge for karst aquifers was estimated to be about 448 mm·year−1 . In contrast, using the Turc, Coutagne, and Thornthwaite methods, it was estimated as being 494, 533, and 437 mm·year−1, respectively. The obtained results open a new methodological perspective for the assessment of the groundwater recharge of karst aquifers at the regional and mean annual scales, allowing for limiting uncertainties and taking into account a spatial resolution greater than that of the existing meteorological networks. Among the most relevant results obtained via the comparison of classical approaches used for estimating evapotranspiration is the good matching of the actual evapotranspiration estimated using MODIS data with the potential evapotranspiration estimated using the Thornthwaite formula. This result was considered linked to the availability of soil moisture for the evapotranspiration demand due to the relevant precipitation in the area, the general occurrence of soils covering karst aquifers, and the dense vegetation

    Longitudinal associations between parental support and parental knowledge on behavioral and emotional problems in adolescents.

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    When testing longitudinal effects of parenting practices on adolescent adjustment, an integrated consideration of externalizing and internalizing behaviors is a gap in research. This study analyzed how parental support and parental knowledge directly and indirectly influence both antisocial behavior and emotional problems. The sample had 642 adolescents aged 12-15 (mean age = 12.49; 45.4% females) from Spain, who participated in a three-year long study. The results showed longitudinal bidirectional associations between parental support and parental knowledge. Only parental knowledge, however, directly predicted antisocial behavior and emotional problems. Parental support had an indirect effect on outcomes through the mediating effect of parental knowledge. This study has practical implications by indicating that increasing parental knowledge should be the target of educational-prevention programsS

    Applicability of the Theory of Planned Behavior for Predicting Alcohol Use in Spanish Early Adolescents

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    According to the theory of planned behavior (TPB), intentions to perform a specific behavior are the result of attitudes, norms, and perceived control, and in turn, intentions and perceived control are the main predictors of the behavior. This study aimed to test the applicability of TPB in predicting alcohol use in normative pre-adolescents. The sample was composed of 755 Spanish adolescents aged 11 to 15 (M = 12.24; SD = 0.56), 47.1% females, from 12 state secondary schools in Spain. The results of path analysis indicate that positive attitudes towards alcohol, favorable norms towards alcohol, and offer vulnerability (perceived control) are significantly positively related to intentions to use alcohol as well as negatively related to actual behavioral control (i.e., actual strategies to avoid alcohol use). In turn, intentions to use and actual control predict higher alcohol frequency and heavy drinking. Significant indirect effects of these antecedents were found on alcohol outcomes through the mediation of intentions and actual control. The findings suggest that the validity and applicability of the TPB in normative pre-adolescents depend on the severity of alcohol use and point to a need to consider negative social influence in decision making processes in early adolescenceThis research was funded by the Global Center for Applied Health Research (GCAHR; Arizona State University) and supported by the Programa de Axudas á etapa posdoutoral da Xunta de Galicia (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria) and by FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades—Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Grant PSI2015-65766-R)—under the Axuda para a consolidación e estruturación de unidades de investigación competitivas e outras accións de fomento nas universidades do SUG (GRC, 2018)S

    Factibilidad de un programa preventivo del consumo de sustancias adictivas en estudiantes de secundaria de Sonora

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    Objetivo: evaluar la factibilidad de Mantente REAL, un programa de prevención de sustancias adictivas en estudiantes de secundaria de Hermosillo, Sonora. Metodología: descriptiva transversal en la que participaron 198 estudiantes de secundaria y 31 facilitadores del programa. Los estudiantes respondieron una encuesta de opinión y los facilitadores participaron en grupos focales. Resultados: los participantes acogieron el programa con beneplácito. Les pareció interesante, divertido y útil, aunque no lo consideran muy afín a su vida. Los facilitadores reportaron satisfacción, pertinencia de los contenidos al contexto y edad de los participantes, aunque también identificaron barreras para la ejecución debido a la falta de equipo tecnológico (computadores, proyectores, bocinas), infraestructura, organización y compromiso. Sin embargo, hubo actividades para sortearlas. Valor: puesta en marcha y evaluación de un programa para prevenir el consumo de sustancias adictivas basado en evidencia científica y adaptado a una cultura y región específica. Limitaciones: la muestra estudiantil y docente son pequeñas debido a la pandemia de COVID-19. Conclusión: si se atienden los obstáculos, es factible que se pueda aplicar el programa para evitar que los estudiantes sonorenses de secundaria consuman las sustancias en cuestión

    Effectiveness of the mantente REAL program for preventing alcohol use in spanish adolescents

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    Mantente REAL is a school-based universal program to prevent drug use and other problematic behaviors specifically designed to be implemented in schools at the beginning of adolescence. This program, which is a culturally adapted version of the Keepin’ it REAL intervention, focuses on skills training for resisting social pressure to use drugs and improving psychosocial development. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Mantente REAL on alcohol use in the Spanish context. The sample was composed of 755 adolescents from 12 state secondary schools in Spain, aged 11 to 15 (M = 12.24, SD = 0.56), 47.1% females. The 12 schools were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups, six to each condition. Pre-test and post-test questionnaires data were collected to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. The results indicated that a culturally adapted version of Mantente REAL was effective in preventing alcohol use among youth from northern and southern Spain. Students participating in the program demonstrated changes in the desired direction on alcohol frequency and intoxication episodes. Implications of these results regarding intervention programs aimed at preventing substance use in adolescence are discussed“Mantente REAL” es un programa universal que utiliza la escuela para prevenir el consumo de drogas y otras conductas problemáticas diseñado específicamente para ser implementado en las escuelas al comienzo de la adolescencia. Este programa, que es una versión culturalmente adaptada de la intervención Keepin’ it REAL, se centra en el entrenamiento de habilidades para resistir la presión social para consumir drogas y mejorar el desarrollo psicosocial. Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la eficacia de “Mantente REAL” en el consumo de alcohol en el contexto español. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 755 adolescentes de 12 escuelas secundarias públicas en España, de 11 a 15 años (M = 12.24, DT = 0.56), el 47.1% mujeres. Las 12 escuelas fueron asignadas aleatoriamente a grupo control y experimental, seis en cada condición. Los datos se recopilaron a través de cuestionarios antes y después de la intervención para evaluar la eficacia del programa. Los resultados indicaron que la versión culturalmente adaptada de “Mantente REAL” fue eficaz para prevenir el consumo de alcohol entre los jóvenes del norte y sur de España. Los estudiantes que participaron en el programa demostraron cambios en la dirección deseada en la frecuencia del alcohol y los episodios de intoxicación. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados con respecto a los programas de intervención destinados a prevenir el consumo de sustancias en la adolescenciaThis study was funded by the Global Center for Applied Health Research (Arizona State University) and supported by the Programa de Axudas á etapa posdoutoral da Xunta de Galicia (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria) and by FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Grant PSI2015-65766-R) – under the Axuda para a consolidación e estruturación de unidades de investigación competitivas e outras accións de fomento nas universidades do SUG (GRC, 2018)S

    Design and methodology of a cluster-randomized trial in early care and education centers to meet physical activity guidelines: Sustainability via Active Garden Education (SAGE)

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    Strategies are needed to help early care and education centers (ECEC) comply with policies to meet daily physical activity and fruit and vegetable guidelines for young children. This manuscript describes the design and methodology of Sustainability via Active Garden Education (SAGE), a 12-session cluster-randomized controlled crossover design trial using community-based participatory research (CBPR) to test a garden-based ECEC physical activity and fruit and vegetables promotion intervention for young children aged 3–5 years in 20 sites. The SAGE curriculum uses the plant lifecycle as a metaphor for human development. Children learn how to plant, water, weed, harvest, and do simple food preparation involving washing, cleaning, and sampling fruit and vegetables along with active learning songs, games, science experiments, mindful eating exercises, and interactive discussions to reinforce various healthy lifestyle topics. Parents will receive newsletters and text messages linked to the curriculum, describing local resources and events, and to remind them about activities and assessments. Children will be measured on physical activity, height, and weight and observed during meal and snack times to document dietary habits. Parents will complete measures about dietary habits outside of the ECEC, parenting practices, home physical activity resources, and home fruit and vegetable availability. SAGE fills an important void in the policy literature by employing a participatory strategy to produce a carefully crafted and engaging curriculum with the goal of meeting health policy guidelines and educational accreditation standards. If successful, SAGE may inform and inspire widespread dissemination and implementation to reduce health disparities and improve health equity

    La investigación colaborativa: ¿una herramienta para transformar la educación científica?

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    En este trabajo presentamos una experiencia de investigación colaborativa entre la universidad y un instituto de formación docente, experiencia ampliada a la participación de un gran número de escuelas; a través de la cual pretendemos construir conocimiento desde la práctica, llevando a cabo diversos procesos de reflexión y análisis teórico, e incluyendo el desarrollo de un espacio de formación docente. La presentación incluye los sustentos teóricos y su estado de avance.Trabajos del área Ciencias NaturalesDepartamento de Ciencias Exactas y Naturale

    A comparative study on the health and well-being of adolescent immigrants in Spain and Portugal

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    The terms on which the integration of new generations of immigrants into Portuguese and Spanish societies happens will have a decisive influence in the future of both countries. Therefore, promoting their health, well-being, and psychosocial adaptation is a matter of strategic interest. This paper analyses psychosocial factors associated with well-being and psychological adjustment on a sample of 108 adolescents (55 males and 53 females), children of immigrants from Huelva (Spain) and Algarve (Portugal), aged between 10 and 17 years. Adolescents were assessed for demographic characteristics and perceived well-being. We used the "KIDSCREEN-5", a self-report questionnaire that yields detailed profile information for children aged 8 to 18 years for the following ten dimensions: Physical well-being, Psychological well-being, Moods and emotions, Self-perception, Autonomy, Parental relationships and home life, Financial resources, Social support and peers, School environment, and Social acceptance (Bullying). Overall, significant differences were found between the Spanish and Portuguese samples on physical well-being, psychological well-being, mood, financial resources and social acceptance (bullying). Boys perceived themselves as having a better physical well-being than girls. Mothers' educational level was associated with psychological well-being and mood. Also, results suggested that residence location and other socio-demographical variables were not associated with the adolescents' well-being and psychological adjustment