398 research outputs found

    Testing Alternative Models To Estimate Population Size

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    Estimating population occurs in many fields of study and professions. In order to accurately receive the closest estimate, it is important to know what model is the most accurate to use. After using the removal sampling method to test population size of the red flour beetle, we thought that a simple model can be used to estimate the population of beetles in a jar and that the best model would be the Moran-Zippin Model. “The principle of removal sampling is based upon the fact that a known number of animals are removed from a habitat with each sample, thus affecting subsequent catches” (Ballard). After conducting this research, we discovered that the Modified Moran-Zippin Model gave the most accurate estimate and had the lowest error rate compared to the regression and normal Moran-Zippin model. The results are important because the chosen model can be used to estimate population sizes for endangered animals and pest control

    Light structures phototroph, bacterial and fungal communities at the soil surface

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    The upper few millimeters of soil harbour photosynthetic microbial communities that are structurally distinct from those of underlying bulk soil due to the presence of light. Previous studies in arid zones have demonstrated functional importance of these communities in reducing soil erosion, and enhancing carbon and nitrogen fixation. Despite being widely distributed, comparative understanding of the biodiversity of the soil surface and underlying soil is lacking, particularly in temperate zones. We investigated the establishment of soil surface communities on pasture soil in microcosms exposed to light or dark conditions, focusing on changes in phototroph, bacterial and fungal communities at the soil surface (0–3 mm) and bulk soil (3–12 mm) using ribosomal marker gene analyses. Microbial community structure changed with time and structurally similar phototrophic communities were found at the soil surface and in bulk soil in the light exposed microcosms suggesting that light can influence phototroph community structure even in the underlying bulk soil. 454 pyrosequencing showed a significant selection for diazotrophic cyanobacteria such as Nostoc punctiforme and Anabaena spp., in addition to the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus. The soil surface also harboured distinct heterotrophic bacterial and fungal communities in the presence of light, in particular, the selection for the phylum Firmicutes. However, these light driven changes in bacterial community structure did not extend to the underlying soil suggesting a discrete zone of influence, analogous to the rhizosphere

    A Focused Review of Multidimensional Well-Being Assessments

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    Introduction: Interest in the topic of well-being continues to grow and has resulted in the creation of a variety of well-being assessments. However, each assessment often brings its own terminology, theories, definitions, and dimensions. This creates a muddled research base that produces inconsistencies in the field of well-being. Therefore, the aim of this review was to identify assessments that measure multiple dimensions of well-being, catalogue and group the dimensions into categories, and develop definitions for the categories based on the conceptualizations in the literature. In doing so, the dimensionality of well-being portrayed in the literature can be better understood. Methods: Web of Science, MEDLINE, and PsycINFO were used to search for journal articles with the key words well-being, wellbeing, and wellness from 1990 to 2020. Two researchers independently reviewed the search results and obtained 30 articles that met the selection criteria for a total of 26 assessments of well-being. From these 26 well-being assessments, 205 dimensions were identified and cataloged. Two researchers sorted the dimensions into categories first based on similar labels, then by definition. Descriptions of the categories were created from the dimensions. Results: The 205 well-being dimensions fit into 12 categories: physical, social, spiritual, emotional, environment, mental / intellectual, occupational, energy, achievement, engagement, purpose, and capability. Most assessments centered around 4 primary categories: social (present in 80% of assessments), emotional (77%), physical (69%), and capability (54%); no measure had dimensions in all 12 categories. The energy category provided a unique measure of well-being meriting further investigation. Conclusions: The literature on the measurement of well-being continues to grow, creating a multitude of assessments from which to choose. There has yet to be a broad multidimensional measure that captures all 12 well-being categories utilized disjointly in the well-being literature. This review provides a better understanding of the dimensions currently in use in the measurement of well-being. Further research is warranted to corroborate these findings and investigate how well-being measurement can be improved

    Common Factors Related to Illicit Substance Use Among Nurses in North America

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    The prevalence of illicit substance use among registered nurses, though not widely studied or addressed, is understood to be an essential issue facing healthcare professionals. An impaired nurse is defined as someone who has impaired functioning as a result of substance abuse and it interferes with their professional judgment and ability to deliver safe, high quality care. Registered nurses have access to many high-controlled prescription medications, with little oversight, and the opportunity for substance abuse is significant. In our research, we studied the risk factors, the prevalence, and the preventative measures involved in addressing illicit substance use among nurses.https://scholar.dominican.edu/ug-student-posters/1069/thumbnail.jp

    Goat Yoga: Preliminary Implications for Health, Agriculture, and 4-H

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    Goat yoga, an event that combines yoga and interactions with goats, may serve as a cross-initiative program that can promote both health and agriculture. This article describes the potential impact of goat yoga and the results of a pilot program. Adult attendees of the pilot event completed a questionnaire assessing knowledge of and intentions to be involved with yoga, goats, and 4-H. Participants increased their knowledge of each area and indicated intentions to use goat products and to visit the goat barn at the county fair. Future work is needed to establish effects of goat yoga within Extension, and, if successful, embed these practices at a large scale

    Effects of Calf Birth Weight, Sex, and Number of Calvings on Assigned Maternal Disposition Scores

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    Little work has been conducted to compare maternal disposition scores assigned to a heifer/cow after calving, and if these scores remain stable over consecutive calvings. The objective of this trial was to determine if calf birth weight, sex, and the number of calvings affects the cows maternal disposition scores. The fall data set included observations from 406 calvings, which were pure Angus (n = 316), pure Simmental (n = 75), or crosses of the two breeds (n = 43). The spring data set included observations from 550 calvings, which were Angus (n = 253) or Simmental (n = 338). All calvings occurred on pasture. The data set included date and time of birth, birth weight (kg), sex of the calf, and a maternal disposition score. The maternal disposition score was based on the cow’s reaction to both the calf and human interaction. The scale used to score cows ranged from one through five and was created at the ISU beef farm. Data was analyzed using PROC GLIMMIX. There were no observed differences for disposition score in either season when cows birthed heavier calves (P \u3e 0.86), if the cow had a bull versus a heifer (P \u3e 0.50) or the number of calvings that they experienced (P \u3e 0.76). In conclusion, using this particular maternal disposition scoring, no observed changes in disposition score occurred with calf birth weight, calf sex or the number of calvings

    Four decades of SAMMIE

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    SAMMIE (System for Aiding Man Machine Interaction Evaluation) is a digital human modelling system that has been in development and use for the past 40 years. Three-dimensional geometric representations of working environments and specific equipment can be built using SAMMIE and evaluated using a human model that is a 3D representation of the human body with articulation at all major body joints. Joint movements are constrained in a realistic fashion and the body shape can be varied to represent the size and shape of the relevant national or occupational populations. SAMMIE is intended for use in the very early stages of the design process, potentially saving costly design changes, to test the suitability of environments for the appropriate user populations