44 research outputs found

    Politics and Administration in the Israeli Port of Ashdod

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    SUMMARY Ashdod is a new port, administered by a new bureaucracy, in a new town, settled by new immigrants. This article examines power relations between the Israel Ports Authority (IPA), port workers, the Histadruth (General Federation of Labour) and the Government. Because of its national significance, workers' leaders in the port are able to negotiate directly with Histadruth headquarters and Government ministries. A series of labour disputes resulted in the increased participation of workers' representatives in the port administration, particularly over questions of recruitment and promotion. In addition to being pressed by its workers, the IPA, following a Committee of Inquiry on Labour Relations, has come under closer Government scrutiny. RESUME Politique et administration dans le port israélien de Ashdod Ashdod est un nouveau port, administré par une nouvelle bureaucratie, dans une ville neuve, habitée par de nouveaux immigrants. Le présent article étudie les rapports de puissance entre autorités portuaires (Israel Ports Authority), les ouvriers du port, le Histadruth (Fédération générale du travail) et le gouvernement. En raison de son importance nationale, les représentants des travailleurs du port négocient directement avec le siège du Histadruth et les ministères du gouvernement. A la suite de conflits ouvriers, la participation des représentants des travailleurs dans l'administration du port a été accrue, en particulier pour les questions de recrutement et de promotion. Outre cette pression exercée par les travailleurs, la IPA s'est vue, à la suite d'un Comité d'enquête sur les rapports avec la main?d'oeuvre, placée sous la surveillance plus étroite du gouvernement. RESUMEN La Política y la Administración en el puerto Israelí de Ashdod Ashdod es un puerto nuevo, bajo la administración de una nueva burocracia, en una ciudad nueva habitada por nuevos inmigrantes. Este artículo examina las relaciones de fuerza entre la Israel Ports Authority (I PA), los obreros del puertc, el Histadruth (Federación General de Mano de Obra) y el gobierno. A causa de la importancia nacional del puerto, los líderes de la mano de obra pueden negociar directamente con la central del Histadruth y los ministerios del gobierno. Una serie de disputas dieron como resultado una mayor participación de representación por parte de los obreros en la administración del puerto, particularmente con respecto a cuestiones de admisión de gente y promoción. Además de ser empujado por los obreros, y como continuación de una investigación sobre las relaciones con los trabajadores, la IPA está bajo un estrecho escrutinio del gobierno

    State and Agriculture in Africa: A Case of Means and Ends

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    SUMMARY This article examines the argument that the problems of implementing the development programmes of African governments arise from the political necessity to maintain power. In response to this, it is argued that the success and failure of policies, the distortive effects of sectional interests and the necessity to use particular methods to maintain power are determined by a wider context, that of the state as a whole, and its social role in creating and sustaining the institutions — political and economic — which regulate relations between the citizens of African states. SOMMAIRE Cet article examine l'argument selon lequel les problèmes de mìse en oeuvre et de développement des programmes des gouvernements africains, proviennent de la nécessité politique de maintenir le pouvoir. En réponse à cela, il est argumenté que le succès et l'échec des politiques, les effets de distorsíon des intérêts sectoriels et la nécessité d'utiliser des méthodes particulières pour maintenir le pouvoir, sont déterminés par un contexte plus large celui de l'état, et son rôle social de créer et de soutenir les institutions — politiques et économiques — qui régissent les relations entre les citoyens des états africains. RESUMEN Este articulo examina el argumento de que los problema de los gobiernos africanos para implementar programas de desarrollo, surge de la necesidad política de mantener el poder. En respuesta a esto, se arguye que los exitos y fracasos de la políticas, los efectos distorsionadores de intereses contrapuestos y la necesidad de usar métodos especiales para mantener el poder, están determinados por un contexto mas amplio que consiste en el estado como un todo y en su rol social en la creación y mantención de las instituciones — políticas y económicas — que regulan las relaciones entre los ciudadanos de los estados africanos

    Reflections of an Atheist Jew

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    Abstract I was not born nor raised an atheist Jew. My identity was formed by various factors among them family background; geographical migration; British education; secular Zionism; anthropological study and research. These factors were the precipitates of two earlier modern revolutions that transformed the modern world and that affected both Jews and non-Jews, namely the French Revolution which was political, and the Industrial Revolution which was economic. For Jews the French Revolution split the hitherto fused elements of religion and ethnicity into their component parts whilst the Industrial Revolution gave rise to urbanisation and increasing individualism. Jews were faced with a choice of various identities; various permutations were adopted, some apparently paradoxical such as Jewish atheist. In this article I examine the interaction of these factors and document how a single case study, my own, exemplifies but one response to the question of modern Jewish identity. Other Jews have chosen different options. For example, my research in post-communist Hungary has shown that former communist Jews have embraced a number of options. Some founded a Reform Synagogues; others became Hasidim; yet others assumed modern Orthodoxy; a few became Zionists; most, however embraced secular Jewish culture

    Coming Out: Jewish Identity in Contemporary Hungary

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    To be a Jew in communist Hungary between 1948-1989 was to be a person carrying a stigma. Jewish identity was suppressed in public and in many cases in private. Since the demise of the communist regime Hungarian Jews have begun to proclaim their identity publicly. In short Jews are “coming out”. In this paper I describe the ways in which Jewish identity is expressed and I analyse the factors, both internal and external that have facilitated such expression

    Some social changes in the Jewish community of St. John's, Newfoundland, 1900-1964

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    Some Social Changes in the Jewish Community of St. John's, Newfoundland, 1900-1964Preface -- List of tables and illustrations -- Introduction -- Fieldwork methods and techniques -- Background to Newfoundland. Section A: General geography of Newfoundland -- Section B: The Jewish community -- The synagogue. Physical structure --Executive -- The religious leader -- The congregation -- Religious activities -- Recreational activities -- Educational activities -- Conclusion. Glossary -- Works cited in the text -- Appendix I: Questionnaire -- Appendix II: Case history of inter-wars immigrantThesis M.A.Hons. University of EdinburghIncludes bibliographical references (page 68


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