2,204 research outputs found


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    Isu Global Keamanan Pangan Kacang Tanah II: Protein Ara H sebagai Alergen

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    Konsumsi kacang tanah (Arachis hypogaea L.) dapat menimbulkan alergi dengan gejala ringan hingga berat, bahkan dapat menimbulkan kematian bagi pasien yang hipersensitif. Peristiwa ini umum terjadi di negara-negara barat, sehingga menjadi salah satu isu global keamanan pangan kacang tanah. Konsumsi kacang tanah dalam jumlah yang sedikit, mulai dari 100 μg mampu memicu terjadinya alergi. Hingga saat ini terdapat 13 protein kacang tanah, yaitu Ara h1 hingga Ara h13 yang sudah diidentifikasi dan dikarakterisasi. Mayoritas sumber alergen tersebut termasuk dalam seed storage protein. Di antara ke-13 protein Ara h tersebut, Ara h1, Ara h2 dan Ara h3 dikategorikan sebagai alergen utama karena dapat dikenali oleh > 50% serum IgE pasien. Ara h1 dan Ara h2 bersifat tahan terhadap perlakuan suhu dan enzim pencernaan. Tulisan ini mengulas secara komprehensif isu alergen yang disebabkan oleh protein Ara h dan beberapa pendekatan yang sudah dilakukan untuk mengurangi terjadinya alergi ditinjau dari aspek penurunan kandungan Ara h. Beberapa pendekatan untuk mengeliminasi Ara h pada kacang tanah antara lain pengolahan, rekayasa genetika, pemuliaan konvensional selektif dan perlakuan menggunakan enzim. Kombinasi dari beberapa perlakuan akan memberikan hasil lebih baik untuk menurunkan kandungan Ara h

    Report of the GDR working group on the R-parity violation

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    This report summarizes the work of the "R-parity violation group" of the French Research Network (GDR) in Supersymmetry, concerning the physics of supersymmetric models without conservation of R-parity at HERA, LEP, Tevatron and LHC and limits on R-parity violating couplings from various processes. The report includes a discussion of the recent searches at the HERA experiment, prospects for new experiments, a review of the existing limits, and also theoretically motivated alternatives to R-parity and a brief discussion on the implications of R-parity violation on the neutrino masses.Comment: 60 pages, LaTeX, 22 figures, 2 table

    Abstract Argumentation / Persuasion / Dynamics

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    The act of persuasion, a key component in rhetoric argumentation, may be viewed as a dynamics modifier. We extend Dung's frameworks with acts of persuasion among agents, and consider interactions among attack, persuasion and defence that have been largely unheeded so far. We characterise basic notions of admissibilities in this framework, and show a way of enriching them through, effectively, CTL (computation tree logic) encoding, which also permits importation of the theoretical results known to the logic into our argumentation frameworks. Our aim is to complement the growing interest in coordination of static and dynamic argumentation.Comment: Arisaka R., Satoh K. (2018) Abstract Argumentation / Persuasion / Dynamics. In: Miller T., Oren N., Sakurai Y., Noda I., Savarimuthu B., Cao Son T. (eds) PRIMA 2018: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems. PRIMA 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11224. Springer, Cha

    Incorporating Ambipolar and Ohmic Diffusion in the AMR MHD code RAMSES

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    We have implemented non-ideal Magneto-Hydrodynamics (MHD) effects in the Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) code RAMSES, namely ambipolar diffusion and Ohmic dissipation, as additional source terms in the ideal MHD equations. We describe in details how we have discretized these terms using the adaptive Cartesian mesh, and how the time step is diminished with respect to the ideal case, in order to perform a stable time integration. We have performed a large suite of test runs, featuring the Barenblatt diffusion test, the Ohmic diffusion test, the C-shock test and the Alfven wave test. For the latter, we have performed a careful truncation error analysis to estimate the magnitude of the numerical diffusion induced by our Godunov scheme, allowing us to estimate the spatial resolution that is required to address non-ideal MHD effects reliably. We show that our scheme is second-order accurate, and is therefore ideally suited to study non-ideal MHD effects in the context of star formation and molecular cloud dynamics

    Can majority support save an endangered language? A case study of language attitudes in Guernsey

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    Many studies of minority language revitalisation focus on the attitudes and perceptions of minorities, but not on those of majority group members. This paper discusses the implications of these issues, and presents research into majority andf minority attitudes towards the endangered indigenous vernacular of Guernsey, Channel Islands. The research used a multi-method approach (questionnaire and interview) to obtain attitudinal data from a representative sample of the population that included politicians and civil servants (209 participants). The findings suggested a shift in language ideology away from the post-second world war ‘culture of modernisation’ and monolingual ideal, towards recognition of the value of a bi/trilingual linguistic heritage. Public opinion in Guernsey now seems to support the maintenance of the indigenous language variety, which has led to a degree of official support. The paper then discusses to what extent this ‘attitude shift’ is reflected in linguistic behaviour and in concrete language planning measures

    Aerosol direct radiative effects under cloud-free conditions over highly-polluted areas in europe and mediterranean: A ten-years analysis (2007–2016)

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    This study investigates changes in aerosol radiative effects on two highly urbanized regions across the Euro-Mediterranean basin with respect to a natural desert region as Sahara over a decade through space-based lidar observations. The research is based on the monthly-averaged vertically-resolved aerosol optical depth (AOD) atmospheric profiles along a 1◦ × 1◦ horizontal grid, obtained from the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) instrument measurements aboard the Cloud-Aerosol lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO). To assess the variability of the anthropogenic aerosols on climate, we compared the aerosol vertical profile observations to a one-dimensional radiative transfer model in two metropolitan climate sensible hot-spots in Europe, namely the Po Valley and Benelux, to investigate the variability of the aerosol radiative effects and heating rate over ten years. The same analysis is carried out as reference on the Sahara desert region, considered subject just to natural local emission. Our findings show the efficacy of emission reduction policies implemented at government level in strongly urbanized regions. The total atmospheric column aerosol load reduction (not observed in Sahara desert region) in Po Valley and Benelux can be associated with: (i) an increase of the energy flux at the surface via direct effects confirmed also by long term surface temperature observations, (ii) a general decrease of the atmospheric column heating rate, and likely (iii) an increase in surface temperatures during a ten-year period. Summarizing, the analysis, based on the decade 2007–2016, clearly show an increase of solar irradiation under cloud-free conditions at the surface of +3.6 % and +16.6% for the Po Valley and Benelux, respectively, and a reduction of −9.0% for the Sahara Desert

    Investigation and optimization of PET-guided SPECT reconstructions for improved radionuclide therapy dosimetry estimates

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    IntroductionTo investigate and optimize the SPECTRE (Single Photon Emission Computed Theranostic REconstruction) reconstruction approach, using the hybrid kernelised expectation maximization (HKEM) algorithm implemented in the software for tomographic image reconstruction (STIR) software library, and to demonstrate the feasibility of performing algorithm exploration and optimization in 2D. Optimal SPECTRE parameters were investigated for the purpose of improving SPECT-based radionuclide therapy (RNT) dosimetry estimates.Materials and MethodsUsing the NEMA IEC body phantom as the test object, SPECT data were simulated to model an early and late imaging time point following a typical therapeutic dose of 8 GBq of 177Lu. A theranostic 68Ga PET-prior was simulated for the SPECTRE reconstructions. The HKEM algorithm parameter space was investigated for SPECT-unique and PET-SPECT mutual features to characterize optimal SPECTRE parameters for the simulated data. Mean and maximum bias, coefficient of variation (COV %), recovery, SNR and root-mean-square error (RMSE) were used to facilitate comparisons between SPECTRE reconstructions and OSEM reconstructions with resolution modelling (OSEM_RM). 2D reconstructions were compared to those performed in 3D in order to evaluate the utility of accelerated algorithm optimization in 2D. Segmentation accuracy was evaluated using a 42% fixed threshold (FT) on the 3D reconstructed data.ResultsSPECTRE parameters that demonstrated improved image quality and quantitative accuracy were determined through investigation of the HKEM algorithm parameter space. OSEM_RM and SPECTRE reconstructions performed in 2D and 3D were qualitatively and quantitatively similar, with SPECTRE showing an average reduction in background COV % by a factor of 2.7 and 3.3 for the 2D case and 3D case respectively. The 42% FT analysis produced an average % volume difference from ground truth of 158% and 26%, for the OSEM_RM and SPECTRE reconstructions, respectively.ConclusionsThe SPECTRE reconstruction approach demonstrates significant potential for improved SPECT image quality, leading to more accurate RNT dosimetry estimates when conventional segmentation methods are used. Exploration and optimization of SPECTRE benefited from both fast reconstruction times afforded by first considering the 2D case. This is the first in-depth exploration of the SPECTRE reconstruction approach, and as such, it reveals several insights for reconstructing SPECT data using PET side information

    Inference from controversial arguments

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    International audienceWe present new careful semantics within Dung's theory of argumentation. Under such careful semantics, two arguments cannot belong to the same extension whenever one of them indirectly attacks a third argument while the other one indirectly defends the third.We argue that our semantics lead to a better handling of controversial arguments than Dung's ones in some settings. We compare the careful inference relations induced by our semantics w.r.t. cautiousness; we also compare them with the inference relations induced by Dung's semantic