10,952 research outputs found

    Mycobacterium Tuberculosis e a resistĂŞncia do bacilo de Koch

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    Ao longo dos últimos tempos, a Mycobacterium tuberculosis tem sido alvo de estudos mais aprofundados, visto ser um dos agentes infeciosos que mais pessoas infeta em todo mundo, quer sob a forma ativa, quer sob a forma latente. Assim sendo, têm sido desenvolvidas várias estratégias para o seu controlo e tratamento, que se mostram bastante promissoras. Atualmente existe ainda uma preocupação especial relativamente ao aparecimento de resistências ao bacilo de Kock. Desta forma, são importantes algumas medidas que promovam a diminuição destes casos de resistência, nomeadamente o supervisionamento por um profissional de saúde, como garantia que o tratamento medicamentoso é feito de forma completa e correta. Apesar de tudo, os últimos desenvolvimentos no controlo e tratamento da tuberculose apresentam algumas falhas, desde a falta de eficácia até ao aparecimento de efeitos adversos indesejados, o que alarga ainda mais o período que leva até que um novo tratamento e/ou vacina possam ser inseridos no sistema de saúde. Este trabalho tem como objetivo a revisão do estado atual dos desenvolvimentos em torno do tratamento e controlo da tuberculose nomeadamente da forma resistente, assim como o seu atual impacto na sociedade.Over the recent years, Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been the subject of extra study, since it is one of the infectious agents that infect more people around the world, either in his active or latent form. Therefore, several strategies have been developed for control and treatment, which appear quite promising. It has also been given special importance to the development of resistance by the Koch bacillus, and, to diminish these cases, efforts have been made, more particularly at the supervising level by a health professional to ensure that the pharmacological treatment is carried out complete and correctly. Though, those recent developments in the area of controlling and treating tuberculosis have some flaws, like the lack of efficacy and the appearance of adverse effects, which delays the time it takes until the new treatment or vaccine is inserted in the health system. This work aims to present the state of the art regarding the treatment and control of tuberculosis namely the resistant tuberculosis, as well as its current impact in the society

    James White Library\u27s strategic plan development process: an innovative approach

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    Trends in Academic Library Space

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    DamiĂŁo de GĂłis e os mercadores de Danzig

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    The Days to Pay Accounts Payable Determinants Financing, Pricing Motives and Financial Substitution Effect A Panel Data GMM Estimation From European Western Countries

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    Documento de Trabajo 03/10 perteneciente a la colección de documentos de trabajo "Nuevas Tendencias en Dirección de Empresas", dentro del Máster en Investigación en Economía y Empresa.[ES]En este trabajo se propone elegir a los días para pagar las cuentas por pagar y los factores determinantes de nuestra resultados apoyan firmemente que las cuentas por pagar problemática está estrechamente relacionado con el corto plazo decisiones financieras con una influencia positiva y significativa de la rentabilidad empresarial y el tamaño factores. La existencia de capital de trabajo negativo de la empresa se confirma a influir fuertemente en la reducción del crédito comercial obtenido de los proveedores en países de Europa Occidental en paralelo con una contribución conjunta de la financiación bancaria a corto y largo plazo como un sustituto de la deuda comercial.[EN]This paper proposes to elect the days to pay accounts payable determinants and our findings strongly support that the accounts payable problematic is closely related to short term financial decisions with a positive and significative influence of firm’s profitability and size factors. The existence of a firm’s negative working capital is confirmed to influence strongly the reduction of the trade credit obtained from suppliers in Western Europe countries in parallel with a joint contribution of short and long term bank financing as a substitute from trade debt. Firm characteristics related to negative working capital and fixed assets level, jointly or alone, give more importance to the role of short term bank financing on substituting or reducing the volume of trade credit obtained from suppliers. Negative working capital reinforces the role of long term bank financing. It seems to induce the presence of a corporate cost reduction strategy to preserve or increment the firm’s market reputation and competition. The firm’s return on assets implies an enlargement of the days to pay accounts payable in line with a rising creditworthiness. All interacted variables are responsible for the reduction of the days to pay accounts payable and the confirmation of the financial substitution effect introduces more financing discipline compatible with firm’s cost reduction strategy and pricing motives included in a price discrimination strategy. Signs of future unbalanced capital structure and financial distress may appear due also to the more banking financing justified by firm’s investment and negative working capital under finance motives point of view. The more firm’s growth the less trade credit obtained and, on the contrary, profitability and size contribute to facilitate the trade credit obtained from suppliers under finance and pricing motives point of view, more over the stability on terms trade credit. As important as the days to pay accounts and/or days sales outstanding determinants are future investigations related to trade credit duration gap as a synthesis of the prior trade credit issues, to country and economic sector or union analysis, as well

    Coin and Identity: The Provincial Roman Coinage, a Brief Case Study of Tel Dor’s Coins

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    Through the study of a few coins made at the city of Tel Dor in today s State of Israel during Roman imperial time we will explore questions related to local identities and how they influenced iconographic representations on coins Therefore the coin would hold in itself not just monetary value but also identity value known only by the locals familiarized with the symbols represented on these coins With the analysis of the relationship between coins and identities in this case specifically from Tel Dor we are able to catch a glimpse of the interactions and perceptions of different people under Roman rule and how Romans themselves saw and were seen by those peopl
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