263 research outputs found

    Análise Integrada dos riscos naturais. Determinação dos índices de qualidade do habitat e do canal por troço - Rio Nabão e Lis

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    Com o objetivo de complementar as avaliações da qualidade da água a partir de índices físico-químicos e biológicos, neste estudo recorreu-se ao método River Habitat Survey (RHS), que considera as características importantes para os organismos e a quantificação das alterações que ocorrem nos rios. A metodologia RHS foi desenvolvida pela Environment Agency (Reino Unido) para a obtenção de informação indispensável à adequada gestão dos recursos hídricos no âmbito da aplicação da Diretiva-Quadro da Água. O método RHS avalia características como a presença de vegetação ripícola, a heterogeneidade dos habitats e das correntes, que são importantes para a comunidade de macroinvertebrados.N/

    Avaliação dos índices de qualidade do habitat e do canal de troços nos rios Nabão e Lis

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    Com o objetivo de complementar as avaliações da qualidade da água a partir de índices físicoquímicos e biológicos recorreu-se ao método River Habitat Survey (RHS), que considera as características importantes para os organismos e a quantificação das alterações que ocorrem nos rios. A metodologia River Habitat Survey (RHS) foi desenvolvida pela Environment Agency (Reino Unido) como metodologia de avaliação morfológica dos rios, e tem em vista a obtenção de informação indispensável à adequada gestão dos recursos hídricos no âmbito da aplicação da Diretiva-Quadro da Água.No âmbito do presente estudo procedeu-se à aplicação do método RHS e cálculo dos índices Habitat Quality Assessment (HQA) e Habitat Modification Score (HMS) a quatro troços do rio Nabão e a três troços do rio Lis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Levensduurvoorspelling van pvc spie‐mof‐verbindingen

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    Bij het falen van een drinkwaterleiding spelen de verbindingen tussen de leidingsegmenten een onderschatte rol. Dit artikel presenteert een stappenplan om het falen van een pvc spie‐mof‐verbinding te voorspellen. De eerste stap is het selecteren van de kandidaten voor conditie bepaling. De tweede is het daadwerkelijk bepalen van de conditie door de spleet tussen de leidingen inwendig te meten. De derde stap is de analyse van meetgegevens, waarna een beslissing kan worden genomen voor verdere actie. Tenslotte wordt een tijdstip bepaald voor een volgende inspectie

    Análise ecológica integrada de cursos de água com recurso a critérios de qualidade físico-química, biológica e habitat

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    O 3º Colóquio de Riscos Naturais (NATRisk) pretende promover o debate para uma Educação para o Risco, construindo pontes entre os diversos intervenientes dentro e fora do território do Médio Tejo. Pretende ainda promover o envolvimento de diversos decisores e a comunidade académica reforçando a sensibilização da população para a abordagem integrada de todo o tipo de riscos e o seu enquadramento na temática das alterações climáticas. Neste ano, nos diferentes painéis do evento irão ser apresentados os resultados do Projecto CLIMRisk ‘Medidas de alterações climáticas na gestão dos riscos naturais e ambientais’ consórcio formado pelos Institutos Politécnicos de Tomar, Leiria e Castelo Branco, bem como os Municípios de Ourém e Ferreira do Zêzere.N/

    The use of a task through virtual reality in cerebral palsy using two different interaction devices (concrete and abstract) - a cross-sectional randomized study.

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    BACKGROUND: Cerebral Palsy (CP) is characterised by variable difficulties in muscular action, resulting in inability of the individual to perform functional movement. An option to provide functionality to the individual with CP is the use of computer innovation. The aim of this paper was to verify if there was any performance improvement in a task performed in a virtual environment and if there was transfer to the task performed in the real environment and vice versa in this population. METHODS: A computer program was developed comprising a motor task, but with two possibilities of user interaction: a) concrete interface (with physical contact): in which the individual touches the computer screen to finish the task and b) abstract interface (no physical contact): in which the individual performs a hand movement in front of the Kinect device. Participants were split into two groups. The experimental group consisted of 28 individuals with CP within the ages of 6 and 15 years old. The control group included 28 typically developing individuals mirroring the age and sex of the experimental group. RESULTS: Individuals from both groups were able to improve task performance and retain acquired information. The CP group presented worse performance than the control group in all phases of the study. Further findings showed that the CP group presented better performance in the abstract interface than in the concrete interface, whereas, in the control group, the opposite occurred: their best performance was in the concrete. CONCLUSIONS: Motor tasks performed by individuals with CP through an interface with a more virtual environment feature (abstract interface: Kinect) provided better performance when compared to an interface with a more real characteristic (concrete interface: Touchscreen). TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier - NCT03352440; Date of registration - November 17, 2017

    Anti-inflammatory choline based ionic liquids: Insights into their lipophilicity, solubility and toxicity parametrites

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    The impact on in vivo efficacy and safety of two novel ionic liquids based on the association of choline with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ketoprofen and naproxen forming IL-APIs, was evaluated. Their lipophilicity, solubility and toxicity were assessed aiming the illustration of the pharmaceutical profile and potential toxic impact. Partition coefficientwas determined usingmicelles of hexadecylphosphocholine and UV–Vis derivative spectroscopy. Additionally, solubility in phosphate buffer pH 7.4 wasmeasured using amodified shake flaskmethod and UV–Vis spectroscopy as detection technique. Ultimately, toxicity was considered resorting to a fully automated cytochrome c oxidase assay based onmicrofluidics. The obtained results demonstrated that the IL-APIs' drug format has the ability to interact with biological membranes and also improves solubility up to 58 times. Moreover, it was evidenced that, although being a nutrient, choline influences the IL-APIs' toxicity. The studied anti-inflammatory IL-APIs exhibited promising properties regarding their incorporation in pharmaceutical formulations

    New exact solution of Dirac-Coulomb equation with exact boundary condition

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    It usually writes the boundary condition of the wave equation in the Coulomb field as a rough form without considering the size of the atomic nucleus. The rough expression brings on that the solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation and the Dirac equation with the Coulomb potential are divergent at the origin of the coordinates, also the virtual energies, when the nuclear charges number Z > 137, meaning the original solutions do not satisfy the conditions for determining solution. Any divergences of the wave functions also imply that the probability density of the meson or the electron would rapidly increase when they are closing to the atomic nucleus. What it predicts is not a truth that the atom in ground state would rapidly collapse to the neutron-like. We consider that the atomic nucleus has definite radius and write the exact boundary condition for the hydrogen and hydrogen-like atom, then newly solve the radial Dirac-Coulomb equation and obtain a new exact solution without any mathematical and physical difficulties. Unexpectedly, the K value constructed by Dirac is naturally written in the barrier width or the equivalent radius of the atomic nucleus in solving the Dirac equation with the exact boundary condition, and it is independent of the quantum energy. Without any divergent wave function and the virtual energies, we obtain a new formula of the energy levels that is different from the Dirac formula of the energy levels in the Coulomb field.Comment: 12 pages,no figure

    Produção orgânica de calêndula: um estudo de caso.

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    Apresenta-se caracterização do processo de produção agrícola orgânica de Calendula officinalis L. no Estado de Santa Catarina, evidenciando particularidades e discrepâncias frente aos modelos já descritos na literatura especializada, a partir de visitas a campo, observação participante e entrevistas com um produtor de plantas medicinais. Identificaram-se como principais particularidades a saúde na agricultura familiar, demonstrada pela prática da cultura orgânica, além do controle de pragas e manuseio da produção. Os principais problemas ou divergências evidenciados foram: características do solo; época de plantio da calêndula e suas etapas posteriores, como transplante e floração. Aspectos da colheita foram discrepantes quanto ao período do dia indicado para o procedimento, bem como a ausência de informações do produtor quanto à existência de outros incentivos governamentais ao setor agrícola. Recomenda-se aos extensionistas rurais e/ou instituições competentes que busquem orientar os produtores orgânicos de calêndula para promover a adequação das práticas de cultivo dessa espécie medicinal