283 research outputs found

    A proposal of sensitive indicators of the rehabilitation nursing care of people in the surgical process, to be included in the ontology of aging

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    Given the complex surgical scenario observed today, it is necessary to change the urgent definition of a specific ontology, especially in terms of aging. The interventions of the Specialist Nurse in Rehabilitation Nursing to the person in the surgical process are primordial for the maintenance of the functional capacities, prevention of complications and impediment of incapacities. However, it is necessary to provide individualized and fostered care in a practice of excellence, and the consequent organized reading of records of an aging ontology for decision making on rehabilitation indicators. Method: a systematic review of the literature was carried out using the EBSCO host (MEDLINE with Full Text, CINAHL Plus with Full Text and MedicLatina), using the PI [C] O method, and 11 articles were selected. Results: 41 indicators were identified to be included in the ontology classes of aging: pain control, patient and family education, support and communication, reduction of postoperative complications, gain of functionality, restoration of physical function, mobility, multidisciplinary intervention and the frequency of interventions. Conclusion: it is considered that it was imperative to identify sensitive indicators for rehabilitation nursing care, based on scientific evidence and thus provide an opportunity for nurses to reflect on their daily practices and conduct their actions towards excellence in care, to propose a set of 41 classes internationally on the ontology of aging

    Contributions to the ontology of aging, the sensitive indicators of rehabilitation nursing care, in terms of self-care, in people with respiratory disorders

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    With the increase in the average life expectancy, the appearance of chronic diseases and, in particular, in the respiratory forum and its disadvantages in the autonomy and self-care of patients, brought an important paradigm for health care and, in particular, rehabilitation nursing, with implications for the development of ontologies of aging. Thus, it is imperative to systematize them in scientifically measurable indicators to demonstrate the benefit that rehabilitation nursing brings to improve patients' quality of life, thus ensuring excellence. Each area of scientific health should contribute to the construction of aging ontology. Objective: to identify indicators sensitive to nursing care of rehabilitation, in terms of self-care, in relation to those with respiratory pathology, to be integrated into the ontology of aging. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was performed using the EBSCO (full-text MEDLINE, CINAHL, Full-Text Plus, British Nursing Index), using the PI [C] O method with 6 emergent articles. Results: A total of 20 indicators were identified, including: Ability to perform activities, increase physical and functional independence, symptom management, reduction of complications, increase in quality of life, which can be allocated as a proposal for classes of the aging ontology. Conclusion: Knowledge of indicators sensitive to nursing care recognition of the importance of rehabilitation nursing in increasing self-care and autonomy for people with respiratory pathology, and research in this area is fundamental for its effectiveness and efficiency, and its integration in the ontologies of aging is fundamental


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    O texto produzido no momento da conversação, apesar de parecer anárquico e aleatório, obedece a regras claras de estruturação. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a transposição do texto escrito para o texto falado quando uma obra teatral é encenada. Tomaremos como corpus de análise a obra teatral Ópera do Malandro de Chico Buarque de Holanda escrita em 1978 e a montagem feita pela turma 56 da Escola de Arte Dramática no ano de 2005 para confrontarmos os procedimentos utilizados na transformação do texto escrito em língua falada. A pesquisa conta com suporte teórico da Análise da Conversação, com ênfase nos estudos acerca da oralidade e escrita e tem como seus principais teóricos norteadores Luiz Antônio Marcuschi, Leonor Lopes Fávero, Dino Preti e Hudinilson Urbano. Com relação à pesquisa realizada podemos perceber que, apesar do script teatral trazer os tópicos discursivos, as marcas de oralidade e a estruturação literária planejada dos diálogos dramáticos, quando encenado, ele levará em consideração procedimentos de retextualização que podem ocorrer desde formas imperceptíveis dentro da apropriação do diálogo pelos atores, como pode ser completamente modificado em função da plateia

    Incidência da murcha‑de‑fusário e produção do feijoeiro de acordo com cultivos prévios e sistemas de preparo do solo

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de cultivos prévios e sistemas de preparo do solo sobre a incidência de murcha-de-fusário (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli) e a produtividade do feijoeiro-comum (Phaseolus vulgaris). A cultivar BRS Valente foi cultivada sob irrigação por pivô central nos invernos de 2003, 2004 e 2005, após diversos cultivos prévios estabelecidos no verão. Os cultivos prévios incluíram as leguminosas Cajanus cajan (guandu), Stylosanthes guianensis e Crotalaria spectabilis; as gramíneas Pennisetum glaucum (milheto), Sorghum bicolor (sorgo-forrageiro), Panicum maximum e Urochloa brizantha; além de um consórcio entre milho (Zea mays) e U. brizantha (sistema Santa Fé). Os experimentos seguiram o delineamento em faixas, com quatro repetições. Aincidência da murcha-de-fusário foi maior no sistema plantio direto. As maiores incidências da doença corresponderam ao menor rendimento do feijão-comum em 2003 e 2004. Cultivos de verão prévios com U. brizantha, U. brizantha consorciada com milho, e milheto apresentaram as menores incidências da doença. Portanto, a escolha desses cultivos prévios deve ser considerada para o manejo da murcha-de-fusário, em cultivos irrigados de feijão-comum no Cerrado brasileiro.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of preceding crops and tillage systems on the incidence of Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli) and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) yield. The cultivar BRS Valente was cultivated under center-pivot irrigation in the winter seasons of 2003, 2004 and 2005, after several preceding crops established in the summer seasons. Preceding crops included the legumes Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea), Stylosanthes guianensis, and Crotalaria spectabilis; the grasses Pennisetum glaucum (millet), Sorghum bicolor (forage sorghum), Panicum maximum, and Urochloa brizantha; and a consortium of maize (Zea mays) and U. brizantha (Santa Fé system). Experiments followed a strip-plot design, with four replicates. Fusarium wilt incidence was higher in the no-tillage system. Higher disease incidences corresponded to lower bean yields in 2003 and 2004. Previous summer cropping with U. brizantha, U. brizantha + maize consortium, and millet showed the lowest disease incidence. Therefore, the choice of preceding crops must be taken into account for managing Fusarium wilt on irrigated common bean crops in the Brazilian Cerrado

    Interações entre Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli e Rhizoctonia solani na severidade da podridão radicular do feijoeiro

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    O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da densidade de Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli (Fsp) e de Rhizoctonia solani (Rs) e de suas interações na severidade de podridão radicular e na massa da matéria seca do feijoeiro. Sementes de sorgo, colonizadas com Rs, foram infestadas nas quantidades de 0,00 g; 0,06 g; 0,12 g; 0,25 g; 0,50 g; e 1,00 g e com Fsp nas quantidades de 0 g; 1g; 2 g; 4 g; 8 g; e 16 g por vaso (1,4 kg de solo). As densidades utilizadas nas infestações conjuntas foram as mesmas das infestações separadas. Observou-se um aumento progressivo na severidade da podridão radicular, com o aumento da densidade de inóculo, para ambos os patógenos. As severidades máximas alcançadas para Rs foram 67% e 22%, em infestação separada e combinada com Fsp, respectivamente. As severidades de podridão radicular máximas alcançadas com Fusarium foram 14% e 38%, em infestação separada e combinada com Rs, respectivamente. Isto sugere que Rhizoctonia solani estimula a expressão dos sintomas de Fsp e que Fsp inibe os sintomas de Rs. Foram observadas correlações negativas entre a densidade de inóculo de Rs, em inoculações isoladas ou combinadas com Fsp, e a massa da matéria seca da parte aérea. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe present work aimed to evaluate the effect of inoculum densities of Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli (Fsp) and Rhizoctonia solani (Rs) and their interactions on the severity of root rot and on the dry mass of bean plants. Soil was infested by the addition of Rs or Fsp-colonized sorghum seeds, in the amounts of 0.00 g; 0.06 g; 0.12 g; 0.25 g; 0.50 g; and 1.00 g for Rs, and 0 g; 1g; 2 g; 4 g; 8 g; and 16 g for Fsp per pot (1.4 kg of soil). The densities used for the joint soil infestations with both pathogens were the same used in the separate pathogen infestations. A progressive rise in the severity of root rots was observed with the increase of inoculum density for both pathogens. Maximum disease severities for Rs were 67% and 22%, in separate or combined infections with Fsp, respectively. Maximum disease severities with Fusarium were 14% and 38%, in separate or combined infections with Rs, respectively. The results suggest that Rhizoctonia solani stimulated the expression of symptoms of Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli, while Fsp inhibited the expression of symptoms caused by Rs. Negative correlations between the inoculum density and bean dry weight were generally observed, except for the single infestation with Fsp

    Direito indígena x direito indigenista: no limiar do desenvolvimento local e contexto de territorialidades / Derecho indígena x derecho indigenista: en el limite del desarrollo local y contexto de territorialidades

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    O presente trabalho visa analisar a questão indígena no Brasil, cuja população das centenas de etnias continua em franco crescimento, mas, por uma ausência de uma política efetiva, a maioria dela vive em espaços confinados, contrastando com a recomendação constitucional sobre o direito à terra. Tais questões, geralmente, são atreladas a existência de vários conflitos, entre indígenas e não indígenas, noticiados em grandes números, cotidianamente, nas mídias nacionais. O estudo também adota o método qualitativo, com base em pesquisas e referências bibliográficas, multi e interdisciplinares, para adentrar numa perspectiva crítica, também, de natureza transdisciplinar com foco na alteridade, para demonstrar as possibilidades sobre as interpretações jurídicas que são passíveis de sofrer as normas que versam sobre os povos originários. A justificativa está baseada numa abordagem hermenêutica fenomenológica, como o artigo 231 da Constituição Federal, promulgada em 05.10.1988, que reconheceu a existência excepcional do direito costumeiro indígena dentro do ordenamento jurídico pátrio. O diálogo interacional entre os atores de um território pode e deve ser induzido pelo Estado brasileiro, diante das ferramentas hermenêuticas que dispõe, visando a busca da paz e segurança jurídica no desenvolvimento local. 

    Contributions to the ontology of aging, the sensitive indicators of rehabilitation nursing care, in terms of self-care, in people with respiratory disorders

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    With the increase in the average life expectancy, the appearance of chronic diseases and, in particular, in the respiratory forum and its disadvantages in the autonomy and self-care of patients, brought an important paradigm for health care and, in particular, rehabilitation nursing, with implications for the development of ontologies of aging. Thus, it is imperative to systematize them in scientifically measurable indicators to demonstrate the benefit that rehabilitation nursing brings to improve patients' quality of life, thus ensuring excellence. Each area of scientific health should contribute to the construction of aging ontology. Objective: to identify indicators sensitive to nursing care of rehabilitation, in terms of self-care, in relation to those with respiratory pathology, to be integrated into the ontology of aging. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was performed using the EBSCO (full-text MEDLINE, CINAHL, Full-Text Plus, British Nursing Index), using the PI [C] O method with 6 emergent articles. Results: A total of 20 indicators were identified, including: Ability to perform activities, increase physical and functional independence, symptom management, reduction of complications, increase in quality of life, which can be allocated as a proposal for classes of the aging ontology. Conclusion: Knowledge of indicators sensitive to nursing care recognition of the importance of rehabilitation nursing in increasing self-care and autonomy for people with respiratory pathology, and research in this area is fundamental for its effectiveness and efficiency, and its integration in the ontologies of aging is fundamental


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    O crescimento do setor industrial pode apresentar uma consequência: o aumento do volume de resíduos sólidos gerados. É possível afirmar que quase toda atividade industrial está propícia à geração de resíduos (subprodutos). Se não houver tratamento adequado para os mesmos, podem gerar impactos ao meio ambiente. Num processo de fundição a areia é dita agregado base ou base, que, dependendo do seu processo, pode conter resinas fenólicas, resíduo considerado Classe I (perigoso) (ABNT, 2004). As fundições descartam cerca de 2 milhões de toneladas por ano de areia contaminada por resinas fenólicas. Em 2005, tinha-se a informação de que somente na região de Criciúma, Santa Catarina, cerca de 500 toneladas dessa areia eram descartadas por mês (SCHEUNEMANN, 2005). Na construção civil a reutilização mostra-se interessante, tendo em vista os trabalhos realizados nesta área, como exemplo na incorporação em pisos de concreto (GENZLER, 2010) e em argamassa (ARMANGE et al., 2005). Este trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar um resíduo de areia de fundição (AF) fenólica gerado na região de Criciúma-SC e compará-la a uma areia natural usualmente utilizada em argamassas e concretos

    Changes in the nutritional profile of medicine students during the COVID-19 pandemic period and its correlation with anxiety: a prospective cross-sectional observational study

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    Introduction: Pandemics cause strong social, economic, and political impacts. Social isolation to reduce the virus’ impact and to retard the health system breakdown caused by SARS-Cov-2 have affected the population’s lifestyle, including medical students. Objective: Identity which impacts the daily meal plan has the COVID-19’s Pandemic caused in medical students; Correlate data obtained in different grades of the medical course and present the nutritional profile of the students, who attended the study. Methods: Survey realized in students of a private medical course in the São Paulo northwestern region, with a questionary containing open questions and tests, sent online in conjunction with the Term of Consent. This study was analyzed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee according to a substantiated opinion number 4.373.785, and obtaining the patient's consent through the Informed Consent Form. Results: 117 students, between the 1st and 4th grade of the course, have attended the following study, 75 female, 42 male, allocated in similar proportions in the 4 initial grades of the course, ages between 17 and 31 years old; Most of the students feel more anxiety (78,6%), associated with changes in the nutritional profile, with the increase of high-energy food, highlighted by the bigger propension of this group to the consumption of sweets and white-wheat pasta in the daily meal plan. It is important to notice that many other food groups have suffered an enhancement in consumption as well, such as legumes, dried meat, vegetal oil, olive oil, and greenery. Conclusion: The COVID-19 Pandemic brought impacts to the daily meal plan of the medical students, especially in the ones who feel more anxious. The enhancement of the daily consumption of food by the medical students is notable, in the most diverse food classifications. However, it is concluded in this study that it cannot be said that anxiety and/or self-declared stress is a risk factor for the increase in food consumption observed, as well as a pattern of its impacts on the students' food, cannot be defined