31 research outputs found

    Caraterização dos consumidores do comércio de supermercado online

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    Mestrado em Métodos Quantitativos para a Decisão Económica e EmpresarialO objetivo deste projeto é analisar de que forma as características dos consumidores do comércio online podem influenciar o comércio tradicional no âmbito da atividade do Grupo da Jerónimo Martins. Com o intuito de caracterizar os consumidores do comércio online foram analisadas conclusões de outros estudos e recolhidos dados através da elaboração de um inquérito. Desta forma, exploraram-se possíveis razões para a compra ou não de produtos de supermercado online com o propósito futuro de encontrar uma estratégia adequada às comunidades locais. Após uma análise descritiva dos dados, é aplicada uma regressão logística que pretende, dadas certas caraterísticas de um indivíduo, prever qual a probabilidade do indivíduo comprar online. Os resultados mostram quais as caraterísticas pessoais relevantes para explicar a decisão de compra online do consumidor que permitem determinar a probabilidade de um indivíduo pertencer a um dos grupos. Também foram realizadas duas análises fatoriais exploratórias, uma para os tipos de produtos de supermercado comprados online, e outra para as razões para não comprar online. As categorias de produtos de alimentares ou produtos não alimentares são dois fatores latentes para explicar a seleção dos produtos comprados pelos consumidores. Por outro lado, os receios no processo de encomenda e os receios durante o processo de entrega são os fatores latentes encontrados para explicar as razões que levam os consumidores a não comprar online.The aim of this project is to analyse in what way the characteristics of online trading consumers can influence traditional trade. The scope of this project is limited to the trading activity of "Jerónimo Martins" With the purpose of characterizing the online consumers, conclusions from other studies were analysed and new data was collected through a questionnaire. An analysis was then performed on this collated data with the purpose of finding main traits that define the online trade consumers. It was found that there are several reasons for buying or not products online. These reasons were then explored with the future goal of finding a strategy suitable for local communities. After a descriptive analysis, a regression is applied to predict whether an individual is likely to shop online, given their particular characteristics. The results show which personal characteristics are relevant in the explanation of the consumer's decision to shop online and allow the calculation of the probability that an individual belonging to one of the groups. Two exploratory factorial analyses were executed: one for the type of products bought online and another for the reasons not to shop online. Whether the products bought are food products or other products are latent factors to explain the selection of products bought by the consumers. On the other hand, apprehension with the process of ordering and delivery are latent factors for whether a consumer prefers or not to buy online.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Caraterização dos consumidores do comércio de supermercado online

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    Mestrado em Métodos Quantitativos para a Decisão Económica e EmpresarialO objetivo deste projeto é analisar de que forma as características dos consumidores do comércio online podem influenciar o comércio tradicional no âmbito da atividade do Grupo da Jerónimo Martins. Com o intuito de caracterizar os consumidores do comércio online foram analisadas conclusões de outros estudos e recolhidos dados através da elaboração de um inquérito. Desta forma, exploraram-se possíveis razões para a compra ou não de produtos de supermercado online com o propósito futuro de encontrar uma estratégia adequada às comunidades locais. Após uma análise descritiva dos dados, é aplicada uma regressão logística que pretende, dadas certas caraterísticas de um indivíduo, prever qual a probabilidade do indivíduo comprar online. Os resultados mostram quais as caraterísticas pessoais relevantes para explicar a decisão de compra online do consumidor que permitem determinar a probabilidade de um indivíduo pertencer a um dos grupos. Também foram realizadas duas análises fatoriais exploratórias, uma para os tipos de produtos de supermercado comprados online, e outra para as razões para não comprar online. As categorias de produtos de alimentares ou produtos não alimentares são dois fatores latentes para explicar a seleção dos produtos comprados pelos consumidores. Por outro lado, os receios no processo de encomenda e os receios durante o processo de entrega são os fatores latentes encontrados para explicar as razões que levam os consumidores a não comprar online.The aim of this project is to analyse in what way the characteristics of online trading consumers can influence traditional trade. The scope of this project is limited to the trading activity of "Jerónimo Martins" With the purpose of characterizing the online consumers, conclusions from other studies were analysed and new data was collected through a questionnaire. An analysis was then performed on this collated data with the purpose of finding main traits that define the online trade consumers. It was found that there are several reasons for buying or not products online. These reasons were then explored with the future goal of finding a strategy suitable for local communities. After a descriptive analysis, a regression is applied to predict whether an individual is likely to shop online, given their particular characteristics. The results show which personal characteristics are relevant in the explanation of the consumer's decision to shop online and allow the calculation of the probability that an individual belonging to one of the groups. Two exploratory factorial analyses were executed: one for the type of products bought online and another for the reasons not to shop online. Whether the products bought are food products or other products are latent factors to explain the selection of products bought by the consumers. On the other hand, apprehension with the process of ordering and delivery are latent factors for whether a consumer prefers or not to buy online.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ECOdente: Modelo de clínica dentária sustentável

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    O impacto da crise ambiental representa uma ameaça à saúde e ao bem-estar humanos. É um assunto crítico que exige uma urgente mudança de hábitos a título individual, mas também corporativo e governamental. Todos os setores terão de implementar mudanças neste sentido, incluindo o setor da saúde. A forma como praticamos Medicina Dentária não é sustentável, pelo que é fundamental repensar a prestação de cuidados de saúde oral de forma a mitigar o seu impacto no ambiente. É desta necessidade que surge a criação de um plano de negócio para um conceito inovador e mais ecológico de prestação de cuidados de saúde oral, a que se deu o nome de ECOdente, e que pretende atuar como agente de mudança no setor. A ECOdente deverá apostar numa estratégia ancorada nos princípios da sustentabilidade optando por material reutilizável em detrimento de material descartável, equipamento com melhor eficiência energética, painéis solares, equipamento tecnológico e uma boa gestão dos resíduos, mas também adotando uma gestão estratégica de pessoas compatível com o bem-estar e saúde dos colaboradores. Este tipo de estratégia traduz-se num investimento inicial superior a uma clínica dentária convencional, mas também numa poupança a longo prazo. A análise financeira demonstrou, através dos indicadores utilizados, que a ECOdente é um negócio viável, apesar de apresentar um payback superior ao desejável. Além da poupança a nível financeiro, deverá contribuir para a diminuição da pegada carbónica e para o alcance de outros objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável, marcando o início de uma nova era neste setor.The impact of the environmental crisis represents a threat to human health and welfare. This is a critical issue that requires an urgent shift in individual, corporate and governmental habits, and policies. Changes will need to be implemented in all sectors of activity, including the healthcare sector. The way in which Dentistry is currently conducted is not sustainable and needs to be reassessed to mitigate the environmental impact of dental healthcare. This business plan was therefore created to attend to this need, thereby creating an innovative and eco-friendly concept – named ECOdente - for the provision of oral healthcare services, and which seeks to act as an agent of change in this sector. ECOdente shall bet on a strategy anchored in environmental sustainability principles, based on reusable materials (as opposed to disposable materials), energy efficient equipment, solar panels, other technological equipment, a best-in-class waste management system, and on a strategic management of the staff which promotes their health and well-being. This strategy shall translate into a higher upfront investment in comparison to a traditional dental clinic, but it will allow for long term savings. The indicators used in the financial analysis have shown that ECOdente is a viable business - despite evidencing a payback higher than intended. In addition to the envisaged financial savings that it will promote, ECOdente shall also contribute to the decrease of the carbon footprint as well as to the achievement of other sustainable development goals, thereby launching the beginning of a new era in this sector

    Os efeitos dos polímeros piezoeléctricos na diferenciação neuronal

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    Mestrado em Biomedicina MolecularO crescimento de neurites é crucial para o desenvolvimento neuronal, bem como para a plasticidade e reparação na fase adulta. Após uma lesão neuronal, o sucesso da reparação é determinando pelas propriedades plásticas constitutivas dos neurónios afetados e pelo seu potencial de regeneração, que é influenciado por sinais externos físicos (ex.: cicatriz glial) e químicos (ex.: moléculas inibitórias). Recentemente, o desenvolvimento de materiais à nano-escala, que interagem com os sistemas biológicos a nível molecular, prometem revolucionar o tratamento das lesões do Sistema Nervoso Central e Periférico. Os scaffolds de nanomateriais podem suportar e promover o crescimento de neurites e consequentemente, intervir nas complexas interações moleculares que ocorrem a após o dano neuronal, entre as células e o seu ambiente extracelular. Vários estudos têm demonstrado que os materiais piezoeléctricos, que geram carga elétrica em resposta ao stress mecânico, podem ser usados para a preparação de scaffolds eletricamente carregados que devem influenciar o comportamento celular. Este estudo centrou-se nos efeitos dos materiais baseados em PLLA (ácido poli (L – láctico)) sob a forma de filmes, nanofibras orientadas aleatória e alinhadamente, e da sua polarização, na diferenciação neuronal. A linha celular de neuroblastoma (SH-SY5Y) foi utilizada para avaliar o efeito dos materiais-baseados em PLLA na adesão, viabilidade, morfologia celular, bem como na diferenciação tipo-neuronal. A análise proteómica baseada em espectrometria de massa das células cultivadas em nanofibras de PLLA foi também efetuada. Os neurónios corticais embriónicos foram seguidamente utilizados para avaliar os efeitos das nanofibras de PLLA alinhadas e da sua polarização no crescimento de neurites. Nesta análise, descobrimos que os materiais de PLLA parecem inibir parcialmente a proliferação celular, enquanto promovem a diferenciação, alterando os níveis das proteínas que intervêm nestes processos. Ocorrem alterações significativas do citoesqueleto, particularmente ao nível do citoesqueleto de actina, que não induzem mas parecem potenciar o crescimento de neurites sob exposição a um sinal extracelular como o ácido retinóico. Este efeito parece ser particularmente evidente para as nanofibras de PLLA alinhadas, que induzem efeitos intermédios na restruturação do citoesqueleto. Em geral, a polarização das amostras de PLLA tem efeitos benéficos na proliferação celular e potencia o crescimento de neurites, particularmente nos neurónios. Acreditamos que as nanofibras de PLLA alinhadas serão um bom scaffold para regeneração neuronal, uma vez que mimetiza o ambiente mecânico natural das células. Contudo, futuras experiências in vitro e in vivo são necessárias para comprovar a eficácia deste potencial scaffold.Neuritic growth is crucial for neural development, as well as for adaptation and repair in adulthood. Upon neuronal injury, the successful neuritic regrowth is determined by the constitutive plastic properties of neurons and by their regenerative potential, which is influenced by physical (e.g. glial scar) and chemical (e.g. inhibitory molecules) extrinsic cues. Recently, the development of nanometer-scale materials, which can interact with biological systems at a molecular level, provide hope to revolutionize the treatment of central and peripheral nervous system injuries. Nanomaterial scaffolds can support and promote neuritic outgrowth and consequently, take part in the complex molecular interactions between cells and their extracellular environment after neuronal injury. Several studies have shown that piezoelectric materials, which generate electrical charge in response to mechanical strain, may be used to prepare bioactive electrically charged scaffolds that may influence cell behavior. This study focused on the effects of PLLA (poly-L-lactic acid) – based materials in the form of films, random and aligned nanofibers, and of their polarization, on neuronal-like and neuronal differentiation. The neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line was used to evaluate the effect of PLLA – based materials on cellular adhesion, viability, morphology and neuron-like differentiation. Mass spectrometry-based proteomic analysis of cells grown on PLLA nanofibers was also conducted. Primary embryonic cortical neurons were further used to evaluate the effect of PLLA aligned nanofibers and their polarization on neuritic outgrowth. In this analysis, we found that PLLA materials seem to partially inhibit cell proliferation, while promoting neuronal differentiation, altering the levels of proteins that intervene in these processes. Dramatic cytoskeleton remodeling occurs, particularly at the actin cytoskeleton level, which does not induce but may potentiate neuritic outgrowth upon exposure to an extracellular cue, such as Retinoic Acid. This effect seems to be particularly evident for PLLA aligned nanofibers, which induce intermediate effects in the cytoskeleton remodeling. In general, polarization of the PLLA polymers has beneficial effects on cell proliferation and potentiates the neuritic outgrowth, particularly in neurons. We believe that polarized PLLA aligned nanofibers would be a good scaffold for neuronal regeneration, since it mimics the natural mechanical cell environment and enhances neuritic outgrowth. However, further in vitro and in vivo investigations are required to prove the efficacy of this potential scaffold

    Extremely low frequency magnetic field induces human neuronal differentiation through NMDA receptor activation

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    Magnetic fields with different frequency and intensity parameters exhibit a wide range of effects on different biological models. Extremely low frequency magnetic field (ELF MF) exposure is known to augment or even initiate neuronal differentiation in several in vitro and in vivo models. This effect holds potential for clinical translation into treatment of neurodegenerative conditions such as autism, Parkinson's disease and dementia by promoting neurogenesis, non-invasively. However, the lack of information on underlying mechanisms hinders further investigation into this phenomenon. Here, we examine involvement of glutamatergic Ca2+ channel, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the process of human neuronal differentiation under ELF MF exposure. We show that human neural progenitor cells (hNPCs) differentiate more efficiently under ELF MF exposure in vitro, as demonstrated by the abundance of neuronal markers. Furthermore, they exhibit higher intracellular Ca2+ levels as evidenced by c-fos expression and more elongated mature neurites. We were able to neutralize these effects by blocking NMDA receptors with memantine. As a result, we hypothesize that the effects of ELF MF exposure on neuronal differentiation originate from the effects on NMDA receptors, which sequentially triggers Ca2+-dependent cascades that lead to differentiation. Our findings identify NMDA receptors as a new key player in this field that will aid further research in the pursuit of effect mechanisms of ELF MFs.European Molecular Biology Organization Short Term Fellowships, ASTF 7502. This work was partially supported by TUBITAK Projects under Grant No. 117Z864, Bogazici University Research Fund by Grant Number 6701. A.J. Salgado and A. Marote acknowledge the financial support from: Prémios Santa Casa Neurociências–Prize Melo e Castro for Spinal Cord Injury Research (MC-04/17); Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology Pre–Doctoral fellowship to A. Marote PDE/BDE/113598/2015 and IF Development Grant to A. J. Salgado. This work is funded by national funds through FCT under the scope of grant reference TUBITAK/0007/2014. This article has been developed under the scope of the projects NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000023, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). This work has been funded by FEDER funds, through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE), and by National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-02920

    Niños como cuidadores: una investigación sobre la perspectiva de los enfermeros en la Región Autónoma de Madeira

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    Enquadramento: Não há registos, em Portugal, sobre crianças como cuidadoras. A literatura internacional realça que esta é uma área importante de intervenção dos profissionais de saúde. Objetivos: Analisar a perspetiva dos enfermeiros dos cuidados de saúde primários da Madeira sobre a problemática das crianças como cuidadoras e conhecer as áreas de intervenção de enfermagem junto destas. Metodologia: Estudo quantitativo, descritivo, com aplicação de um questionário a uma amostra de 157 enfermeiros da Região Autónoma da Madeira Resultados: Dos enfermeiros, 23% refere que já contactou com crianças cuidadoras, crianças que cuidam dos avós (29%), dos pais com doença psiquiátrica (25%) e dos pais com doença crónica (21%). Foram identificadas como áreas de intervenção de Enfermagem o ensino, treino de competências, suporte individual e aconselhamento. Conclusão: O envelhecimento e as doenças psiquiátricas aumentam a probabilidade de uma criança assumir o papel de cuidadora. Propomos a replicação desta investigação em Portugal continental assim como de estudos de natureza qualitativa, explorando o papel da pessoa dependente e da criança cuidadora.Background: In Portugal, there are no records of children as caregivers. The international literature highlights that this is an important area of intervention for health professionals. Objectives: To analyze the primary care nurses’ perspective about young caregivers in the Autonomous Region of Madeira and identify areas of intervention. Methodology: A quantitative and descriptive study was conducted based on a questionnaire applied to a sample of 157 nurses of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. Results: Among the participating nurses, 23% had already contacted with young caregivers, 29% with young caregivers caring for their grandparents, 25% with young caregivers caring for parents with mental disorders, and 21% with young caregivers caring for parents with chronic diseases. The following areas of nursing intervention were identified, education, skills training, individual support and counselling. Conclusion: The aging of the population and the high prevalence of mental disorders increase the probability of children assuming the role of caregivers. We recommend that this study be replicated in mainland Portugal. Qualitative studies should also be conducted on the role of the dependent person and the young caregiver.Marco contextual: En Portugal no hay registros sobre los niños como cuidadores. La literatura internacional destaca que esta es un área importante de intervención de los profesionales de la salud. Objetivos: Analizar la perspectiva de los enfermeros de atención primaria de Madeira (Portugal) sobre la problemática de los niños como cuidadores y conocer las áreas de intervención de la enfermería. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo de perfil descriptivo para el cual se autoadministró un cuestionario a una muestra ocasional de 157 enfermeros de Madeira. Resultados: El 23 % de los enfermeros indica que ya tuvo contacto con niños cuidadores. Las situaciones identificadas fueron: niños que cuidan de los abuelos (29 %); niños que cuidan de los padres con enfermedad psiquiátrica (25 %), y niños que cuidan de los padres con enfermedad crónica (21 %). Las áreas de intervención de la enfermería identificadas fueron: enseñanza, práctica de competencias, apoyo individual y asesor. Conclusión: El envejecimiento y las enfermedades psiquiátricas aumentan la probabilidad de que los niños asuman el papel de cuidadores. Se propone realizar esta misma investigación en Portugal Continental, así como estudios cualitativos para explorar el papel de la persona dependiente y del niño cuidador.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Generation of a human induced pluripotent stem cell line (CSC-40) from a Parkinson's disease patient with a PINK1 p.Q456X mutation

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease with unknown etiology. Here we show the generation of an induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line, named CSC-40, from dermal fibroblasts obtained from a 59-year-old male patient with a homozygous p.Q456X mutation in the PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK/PARK6) gene and a confirmed diagnosis of PD, which could be used to model familial PD. A non-integrating Sendai virus-based delivery of the reprogramming factors OCT3/4, SOX2, c-MYC and KLF4 was employed. The CSC-40 cell line showed normal karyotyping and fingerprinting following transduction as well as sustained expression of several pluripotency markers and the ability to differentiate into all three germ layers.We thank AnnaKarin Olden and Marianne Juhlin, for their technical support. We are also thankful to the 'Cell Line and DNA Biobank from Patients affected by Genetic Diseases' (Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova, Italy) and the Parkinson Institute Biobank, members of the Telethon Network of Genetic Biobanks (http://biobanknetwork.telethon.it; project no. GTB12001) funded by Telethon Italy, for providing fibroblasts samples. This work was supported by the Strategic Research Environment MultiPark at Lund University, and the strong research environment BAGADILICO (grant 349-2007-8626), the Swedish Parkinson Foundation (Parkinsonoden; grant 889/16), the Swedish Research Council (grant 2015-03684 to LR), Finnish Cultural Foundation (grant 00161167 to YP) and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology for the doctoral fellowship - PDE/BDE/113598/2015 to AM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cell secretome based approaches in Parkinson's disease regenerative medicine

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    The available therapeutic strategies for Parkinson's disease (PD) rely only on the amelioration of the symptomatology of the disease, lacking neuroprotection or neuroregeneration capacities. Therefore, the development of disease modifying strategies is extremely important for the management of PD in the long term. Areas covered: In this review, the authors provide an overview of the current therapeutic approaches for PD and the emerging use of stem cell transplantation as an alternative. Particularly, the use of the secretome from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), as well as some methodologies used for the modulation of their paracrine signaling, will be discussed. Indeed, there is a growing body of literature highlighting the use of paracrine factors and vesicles secreted from different cell populations, for this purpose. Expert opinion: Secretome from MSCs has shown its potential as a therapy for PD. Nevertheless, in the coming years, research should focus in several key aspects to enable the translation of this strategy from the bench to the bedside.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT): Ciência 2007 Program and IF Development Grant [IF/00111/2013] to AJ Salgado, PhD scholarships attributed to C.R. Marques [PD/BDE/127833/2016], A. Marote [PDE/BDE/113598/2015] and B. Mendes-Pinheiro [SFRH/BD/120124/2016] and Post-Doctoral Fellowship to F.G. Teixeira [SFRH/BPD/118408/2016]. This article has been developed under the scope of the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000023, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). This work has been funded by FEDER funds, through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE), and by National funds, through FCT, under the scope of the project [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Children as carers: an integrative review

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    OBJECTIVE: to undertake an integrative literature review on the issue of "Children as carers". This is an emerging topic in the provision of health care, but nevertheless has a low profile in the literature. METHODOLOGY: this study was based in a survey of nine databases of scientific articles, using as descriptor: child, young, caregivers, lay carer and nursing role, as well as the corresponding terms in Portuguese. 21 articles were analyzed. RESULTS: these were organized into six categories - factors which motivate the child to take on the role of caregiver; these children's characteristics; tasks performed; time spent in caring; consequences of providing care and the role of the nurse in partnership with these children and their families. CONCLUSION: the children as carers are a focus of attention relevant to nursing practice, this issue representing an opportunity for investigation in Portuguese-speaking countries, as no article was found on the subject in Portuguese. In addition, with this first study in Portuguese, a work of the creation of a bibliography is begun, allowing an awareness of the issue and the identification of ways to respond to the families involved, in line with their needs.OBJETIVO: realizar una revisión bibliográfica integrativa del tema "Niños como Cuidadores". Se Trata de un tema emergente en la prestación de atenciones de salud, que sin embargo se mantiene poco visible en la literatura. METODOLOGÍA: se basó en una investigación sobre nueve bases de datos de artículos científicos, utilizándose como descriptores: child, young, caregivers, lay carer y nursing role, así como los correspondientes en portugués. Fueron analizados 21 artículos. RESULTADOS: fueron organizados en seis categorías - factores que motivan el niño a asumir el papel de cuidador; características de esos niños; tareas desempeñadas; tiempo pasado a cuidar; consecuencias de la prestación de atenciones y papel del enfermero junto de esos niños y sus familias. CONCLUSIÓN: los niños como cuidadores son un foco de atención relevante para la práctica de enfermería, representando ese tema una oportunidad de averiguación en los países de idioma portugués, ya que no fue encontrado cualquier artículo en portugués sobre el mismo. Además, con éste primer estudio en idioma portugués, se inicia un trabajo de creación bibliográfica que permita la sensibilización para el tema y la identificación de las respuestas a dar a las familias envueltas, de acuerdo con sus necesidades.OBJETIVO: realizar uma revisão bibliográfica integrativa do tema "Crianças como Cuidadoras". Trata-se de tema emergente na prestação de cuidados de saúde que, contudo, se mantém pouco visível na literatura. METODOLOGIA: baseou-se numa pesquisa sobre nove bases de dados de artigos científicos, utilizando-se como descritores: child, young, caregivers, lay carer and nursing role, bem como os correspondentes em português. Foram analisados 21 artigos. RESULTADOS: foram organizados em seis categorias: fatores que motivam a criança a assumir o papel de cuidadora; caraterísticas dessas crianças; tarefas desempenhadas; tempo passado a cuidar; consequências da prestação de cuidados e papel do enfermeiro em relação a essas crianças e suas famílias. CONCLUSÃO: as crianças como cuidadoras são um foco de atenção relevante para a prática de enfermagem, representando esse tema uma oportunidade de investigação nos países de língua portuguesa, já que não foi encontrado qualquer artigo em português sobre o mesmo. Além disso, com este primeiro estudo em língua portuguesa, inicia-se um trabalho de criação bibliográfica que permita a sensibilização para o tema e a identificação das respostas a dar às famílias envolvidas, de acordo com as suas necessidades

    Generation of an integration-free induced pluripotent stem cell line (CSC-43) from a patient with sporadic Parkinson's disease

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    An induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line was generated from a 36-year-old patient with sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD). Skin fibroblasts were reprogrammed using the non-integrating Sendai virus technology to deliver OCT3/4, SOX2, c-MYC and KLF4 factors. The generated cell line (CSC-43) exhibits expression of common pluripotency markers, in vitro differentiation into three germ layers and normal karyotype. This iPSC line can be used to study the mechanisms underlying the development of PD.‘Cell Line and DNA Biobank from Patients affected by Genetic Diseases’ (Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova, Italy) and the Parkinson Institute Biobank, members of the Telethon Network of Genetic Biobanks (http://biobanknetwork.telethon.it; project no. GTB12001) funded by Telethon Italy, for providing fibroblasts samples. This work was supported by the Strategic Research Environment MultiPark at Lund University, the strong research environment BAGADILICO (grant 349-2007-8626), the Swedish Parkinson Foundation (Parkinsonfonden, grant 889/16), the Swedish Research Council (grant 2015-03684 to LR) and Finnish Cultural Foundation (grant 00161167 to YP). We also acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technologyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio