1,927 research outputs found

    Fractional order elliptic problems with inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions

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    Fractional-order elliptic problems are investigated in case of inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary data. The boundary integral form is proposed as a suitable mathematical model. The corresponding theory is completed by sharpening the mapping properties of the corresponding potential operators. Also a mild condition is provided to ensure the existence of the classical solution of the boundary integral equation

    A geometrically converging dual method for distributed optimization over time-varying graphs

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    In this paper we consider a distributed convex optimization problem over time-varying undirected networks. We propose a dual method, primarily averaged network dual ascent (PANDA), that is proven to converge R-linearly to the optimal point given that the agents objective functions are strongly convex and have Lipschitz continuous gradients. Like dual decomposition, PANDA requires half the amount of variable exchanges per iterate of methods based on DIGing, and can provide with practical improved performance as empirically demonstrated.Comment: Submitted to Transactions on Automatic Contro


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    AbstrakJumlah dana desa yang besar belum berbading lurus dengan pembangunan yang  dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Desa Teluk Panjang, pembangunan terkesan asal-asalan, tidak tepat sasaran serta tidak berdayaguna bagi masyarakat. Hasil survei di ditemukan pembangunan jalan yang belum semestinya dilakukan telah dilakukan, padahal kondisi jalan yang lama masih layak untuk digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan menggambarkan hambatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam perencanaan pembangunan di Desa Teluk Panjang. Hasil penelitian, faktor penghambat partisipasi masyarakat dalam perencanaan pembangunan, pertama faktor internal, yaitu berkaitan dengan faktor pengetahuan dan pendidikan yang masih rendah, serta faktor pekerjaan masyarakat yang banyak menyita waktu yang membuat masyarakat belum maksimal terlibat dan berpastisipasi dalam perencanaan pembangunan desa, sedangkan kedua faktor ekternal, yaitu berkaitan dengan peran steakholder dalam hal ini Pemerintah Desa yang terlalu dominan dalam rencana pembangunan desa sedangkan masyarakat dan BPD terkesan pasif, sehingga pembangunan yang dilaksankan di Dusun Teluk Panjang terkesan tidak partisipatif dan bersifat top down. Kata Kunci : Partisipasi, Perencanaan, Pembangunan, Desa, Faktor Penghamba

    Risky Punishment and Reward in the Prisoner’s Dilemma

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    We conduct a prisoner’s dilemma experiment with a punishment/reward stage, where punishments and rewards are risky. This is compared with a risk free treatment. We find that subjects do not change their behavior in the face of risky outcomes. Additionally, we measure risk attitude and the emotions of subjects. While we find a strong influence of emotions, individual risk aversion has no effect on the decision to punish or reward. This is good news for lab experiments who abstract from risky outcomes. From the perspective of social preferences, our results provide evidence for risk neutral inclusion of other player’s payoffs in the decisionmaker’s utility function.Prisoner’s dilemma, risk, punishment, reward, emotions, experiment

    A Need for Caution in Applying the Volume-Based Special Safeguard Mechanism

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    The proximate cause of the collapse of the Doha Agenda negotiations in 2008 was disagreement over the volume-based Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM). This measure would provide a right, but not an obligation, for developing countries to impose a duty when imports increase. While many simulations of its impact on domestic prices are available, there appear to be no analyses of its potential impacts on the welfare of poor households. Whether such a safeguard will increase or reduce poverty can only be determined empirically—if there are enough small, poor farmers who are net sellers of the commodity when the duty is imposed, then imposition of a safeguard duty may reduce poverty. If, by contrast, most small, poor farmers are net buyers of the products subject to the duty, then it is likely that poverty will rise. Empirical analysis for twenty-eight countries finds that poverty is generally increased following the imposition of a safeguard-type measure. The adverse poverty impact of the safeguard-induced increase in prices is typically larger when the safeguard can be triggered, because the adverse output shocks typically giving rise to import surges when import prices have not declined reduce the benefit to poor producing households from higher prices.International Relations/Trade,

    Promoting global agricultural growth and poverty reduction

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    Constraints on resources, growth in demand, and a slowdown in agricultural productivity raise concerns that food prices may rise substantially over the next decades. The impacts of such higher prices on the poor and the required mitigating policy responses to this problem remain unclear. This paper uses a global general equilibrium model, projections of global growth and microeconomic household models, to project potential implications for incomes, food production and poverty. We find that higher agricultural productivity would generally lower poverty, with different impacts depending where the productivity growth occurs, while protection policies that reduce imports would generally raise poverty.poverty, growth, projections, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use,

    Connection between the load energy and the taper of cut at abrasive waterjet cutting

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    Accuracy of abrasive waterjet cutting mainly depends on the form of cutting gap. It is very difficult to keep in hand the taper of the gap and produce almost parallel cut surfaces. There are lot of parameters effect on the form of gap, and complex investigation of them were not published in the literature. Some results of research work carried out on an aluminium alloy related to the taper of the cutting kerf are explained in this paper, mainly from point of view of the load energy which effect to the surface of the workpiece during the abrasive waterjet cutting