637 research outputs found

    Adaptive responses to very low protein diets: The first comparison of ketoacids to essential amino acids

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    Adaptive responses to very low protein diets: The first comparison of ketoacids to essential amino acids. Eight patients with chronic renal failure (GFR 18.8 ± 2.7 ml/min) were randomized to a crossover comparison of a very low protein diet (VLPD) containing 0.28g protein and 35kcal per kg per day, plus an isomolar mixture of either ketoacids (KA) or essential amino acids (EAA). Subjects initiated the diets 14 days before hospital admission and following a four-day equilibration, a five-day nitrogen balance (BN) was performed. Whole-body protein turnover (WBPT) was measured during fasting and feeding using intravenous [1-13C]leucine and intragastric [5,5,5-2H3]leucine. Even though the VLPD/KA regimen contained 15% less nitrogen, BN was neutral and did not differ between the regimens. Nitrogen conservation with KA was due to a reduction in urea nitrogen appearance. Rates of WBPT measured during fasting and feeding did not differ between the KA or EAA regimens. During both regimens, feeding decreased protein degradation, whereas protein synthesis was unchanged. Although feeding stimulated leucine oxidation, rates were 50 to 100% lower than reported in CRF patients consuming 0.6 or 1.0g protein/kg/day. Thus, neutral BN with the VLPD regimen is achieved by a marked reduction in amino acid oxidation and a postprandial inhibition of protein degradation

    Quantification of asbestos and other mineral phase burden in necroscopic human lung tissues with a new method

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    Background: A large amount of studies on asbestos exposure reconstruction have been so far conducted digesting the lung tissues with appropriate reagents, separating the powder from the digestion liquid by filtration and analysing the residue by optical or electron microscopy. This analytical approach has good sensitivity but is not yet well standardized, the investigated portion is not representative of the bulk sample, the results are often characterized by lack of reproducibility and repeatability. Moreover, the numeric quantification of asbestos requires a time-consuming particle by particle analysis. Aim: to develop a new method for the complete quantitative characterization of asbestos and other mineral phases in human lung tissue. Methods: The new method is based on sodium hypochlorite digestion, separation and XRPD analysis. The XRPD approach needs moderate lung tissue amounts (at least 20 g of wet tissue), but allows to conduct a complete quantitative characterization of each crystalline phase in the sample giving bulk-representative results with good reproducibility, accuracy and precision. The detection limit of conventional XRPD was considerably improved by a novel instrumental setting and weight concentrations can be obtained, giving additional information to numeric ones, preferable in clinical and pathogenetic studies but probably not for the exposure reconstruction. Results: Among the analysed autoptic lung tissues, ten samples belonged to subjects occupationally exposed to asbestos and six were collected from urban area controls. Asbestos phases were detected in none of controls and in 5 of 10 occupationally exposed subjects (those with highest exposure history) indicating that this method is suitable for the reconstruction of medium and high asbestos exposures. It has been furthermore confirmed the mineral association found in previous studies: mainly composed by quartz, talc, clay minerals, micas, Fe-Al-Ti oxides and bio-minerals such Ca-phosphates, carbonates and oxalates

    Does Alumina Coating Alter the Solid Permeable Interphase Dynamics in LiMn2O4 Cathodes?

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    It is well known that the Al2O3 coating of the LiMn2O4 cathodes leads to improvement of the performance of these electrodes. However, the effect of the coating on the fundamental processes occurring on the interface with the active material which results in the formation of the solid permeable interphase is yet to be investigated. These effects should be more pronounced in the first cycle when a dynamic interaction of the active material at high voltage with the electrolyte and binder leads to the formation of this passivation layer. Here, we present a detailed investigation of the solid permeable interphase formation in alumina-coated and uncoated LiMn2O4 electrodes using X-ray absorption spectroscopy and analysis on the electrodes at the predesigned charging/ discharging states. We demonstrate that the alumina coating leads to modification of the solid permeable layer and its dynamics. We also discuss the possible influences of interface modifications via coating on the battery performance

    On Fourier integral transforms for qq-Fibonacci and qq-Lucas polynomials

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    We study in detail two families of qq-Fibonacci polynomials and qq-Lucas polynomials, which are defined by non-conventional three-term recurrences. They were recently introduced by Cigler and have been then employed by Cigler and Zeng to construct novel qq-extensions of classical Hermite polynomials. We show that both of these qq-polynomial families exhibit simple transformation properties with respect to the classical Fourier integral transform

    Geometric invariant theory of syzygies, with applications to moduli spaces

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    We define syzygy points of projective schemes, and introduce a program of studying their GIT stability. Then we describe two cases where we have managed to make some progress in this program, that of polarized K3 surfaces of odd genus, and of genus six canonical curves. Applications of our results include effectivity statements for divisor classes on the moduli space of odd genus K3 surfaces, and a new construction in the Hassett-Keel program for the moduli space of genus six curves.Comment: v1: 23 pages, submitted to the Proceedings of the Abel Symposium 2017, v2: final version, corrects a sign error and resulting divisor class calculations on the moduli space of K3 surfaces in Section 5, other minor changes, In: Christophersen J., Ranestad K. (eds) Geometry of Moduli. Abelsymposium 2017. Abel Symposia, vol 14. Springer, Cha

    Normothermic and hypothermic oxygenated perfusion for donation after circulatory death in kidney transplantation: Do we pay higher risk of severe infection after transplantation?: A case report

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    Background: Normothermic and hypothermic oxygenated perfusion for donation after circulatory death in kidney transplantation are becoming popular in Italy, with the purpose of reducing the risk of primary non function and delayed graft function due to the prolonged warm ischemia time. Potential complications related to these procedures are currently under investigation and are continuously emerging with the increasing experience. Post-operative infections - in particular graft arteritis - are a rare complication but determine high risk of mortality and of graft loss. The acute onset of the arterial complications makes it very difficult to find an effective treatment, and early diagnosis is crucial for saving both patient and graft. Prevention of such infections in this particular setting are advisable. Case presentation: We present a patient with an acute arterial rupture after transplantation of a DCD graft treated in-vivo hypothermic oxygenated perfusion. The cause was a severe arteritis of the renal artery caused by Candida krusei and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We discussed our treatment and we compared it to the other reported series. Conclusion: Fungal infections in DCD transplant may be treacherous and strategies to prevent them should be advocated
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