Quantification of asbestos and other mineral phase burden in necroscopic human lung tissues with a new method


Background: A large amount of studies on asbestos exposure reconstruction have been so far conducted digesting the lung tissues with appropriate reagents, separating the powder from the digestion liquid by filtration and analysing the residue by optical or electron microscopy. This analytical approach has good sensitivity but is not yet well standardized, the investigated portion is not representative of the bulk sample, the results are often characterized by lack of reproducibility and repeatability. Moreover, the numeric quantification of asbestos requires a time-consuming particle by particle analysis. Aim: to develop a new method for the complete quantitative characterization of asbestos and other mineral phases in human lung tissue. Methods: The new method is based on sodium hypochlorite digestion, separation and XRPD analysis. The XRPD approach needs moderate lung tissue amounts (at least 20 g of wet tissue), but allows to conduct a complete quantitative characterization of each crystalline phase in the sample giving bulk-representative results with good reproducibility, accuracy and precision. The detection limit of conventional XRPD was considerably improved by a novel instrumental setting and weight concentrations can be obtained, giving additional information to numeric ones, preferable in clinical and pathogenetic studies but probably not for the exposure reconstruction. Results: Among the analysed autoptic lung tissues, ten samples belonged to subjects occupationally exposed to asbestos and six were collected from urban area controls. Asbestos phases were detected in none of controls and in 5 of 10 occupationally exposed subjects (those with highest exposure history) indicating that this method is suitable for the reconstruction of medium and high asbestos exposures. It has been furthermore confirmed the mineral association found in previous studies: mainly composed by quartz, talc, clay minerals, micas, Fe-Al-Ti oxides and bio-minerals such Ca-phosphates, carbonates and oxalates

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