27 research outputs found

    In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Experiments for Mars Exploration

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    In situ resource utilization can best be described as living off the land. In our case the land is the planet Mars. ISRU is based on the idea that some fraction of the consumables, life support and propellant materials do not have to be flown from earth. Rather, they can be manufactured or extracted from resources already present on Mars. The primary resources on Mars are the atmosphere, polar caps and regolith. The atmosphere of Mars is mostly carbon dioxide as shown in the table below. The proportion of oxygen on the other hand is quite small. Still, there is quite a bit of oxygen in the Martian atmosphere, but it is unfortunately tied up with carbon. Thus, one of the goals of ISRU is the separation of breathable oxygen from the carbon dioxide. Several means of separation have been proposed. We have begun experiments on another approach for production of oxygen with carbon monoxide as a useful by product. Our work on a CO2 separator is described later in this report. Regolith melting is another means of obtaining materials. Two materials of interest are iron and silicon. Iron oxide is plentiful on Mars and is of obvious importance for structural components. Silicon is the foundation of solid state devices. Power generation on Mars may be accomplished using silicon solar cells. There is discussion of the feasibility of in situ production of solar cells. This would require a means of extracting silicon from the regolith. We have conducted several experiments concerning melting and glassification of the Mars soil simulant. Other summer faculty fellows have tried various means of processing the stimulant material. These include furnace melting, microwave melting and laser ablation. We have conducted several furnace melting experiments in both air and carbon dioxide environments. We have also carried out experiments to test spark melting in a carbon dioxide atmosphere. These experiments suggest the possibility of using arc melting in a reducing atmosphere. It is important to keep in mind that we are working with a soil stimulant. Any simulant, no matter how chemically similar it is to Martian regolith, may differ in mineralogy. The underlying assumption in this work is that once a glass is formed, any differences between simulant and regolith are unimportant. The exact means of forming the glass do, however, depend on the mineralogy of the regolith. A sample return mission is required to help answer these questions

    Development and evaluation of superconducting circuit elements

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    An approach to the application of high Tc ceramic superconductors to practical circuit elements was developed and demonstrated. This method, known as the rigid-conductor process (RCP), involves the combination of a pre-formed, sintered, and tested superconductor material with an appropriate, rigid substrate via an epoxy adhesive which also serves to encapsulate the element from the ambient environment. Emphasis was on the practical means to achieve functional, reliable, and reproducible components. Although all of the work described in this report involved a YBa2Cu3Osub(7-x) high Tc superconductor material, the techniques developed and conclusions reached are equally applicable to other high Tc materials

    Mars Atmospheric In Situ Resource Utilization Projects at the Kennedy Space Center

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    The atmosphere of Mars, which is 96 percent carbon dioxide (CO2), is a rich resource for the human exploration of the red planet, primarily by the production of rocket propellants and oxygen for life support. Three recent projects led by NASAs Kennedy Space Center have been investigating the processing of CO2. The first project successfully demonstrated the Mars Atmospheric Processing Module (APM), which freezes CO2 with cryocoolers and combines sublimated CO2 with hydrogen to make methane and water. The second project absorbs CO2 with Ionic Liquids and electrolyzes it with water to make methane and oxygen, but with limited success so far. A third project plans to recover up to 100 of the oxygen in spacecraft respiratory CO2. A combination of the Reverse Water Gas Shift reaction and the Boudouard reaction eventually fill the reactor up with carbon, stopping the process. A system to continuously remove and collect carbon has been tested with encouraging results

    Shear behavior of DFDP-1 borehole samples from the Alpine Fault, New Zealand, under a wide range of experimental conditions

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    The Alpine Fault is a major plate-boundary fault zone that poses a major seismic hazard in southern New Zealand. The initial stage of the Deep Fault Drilling Project has provided sample material from the major lithological constituents of the Alpine Fault from two pilot boreholes. We use laboratory shearing experiments to show that the friction coefficient µ of fault-related rocks and their precursors varies between 0.38 and 0.80 depending on the lithology, presence of pore fluid, effective normal stress, and temperature. Under conditions appropriate for several kilometers depth on the Alpine Fault (100 MPa, 160 °C, fluid-saturated), a gouge sample located very near to the principal slip zone exhibits µ = 0.67, which is high compared with other major fault zones targeted by scientific drilling, and suggests the capacity for large shear stresses at depth. A consistent observation is that every major lithological unit tested exhibits positive and negative values of friction velocity dependence. Critical nucleation patch lengths estimated using representative values of the friction velocity-dependent parameter a−b and the critical slip distance D c , combined with previously documented elastic properties of the wall rock, may be as low as ~3 m. This small value, consistent with a seismic moment M o = ~4 × 1010 for an M w = ~1 earthquake, suggests that events of this size or larger are expected to occur as ordinary earthquakes and that slow or transient slip events are unlikely in the approximate depth range of 3–7 km

    Instrumentation for Critical Current Measurements

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    Experimental investigation of incipient shear failure in foliated rock

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    It has long been known that rock fabric plays a key role in dictating rock strength and rheology throughout Earth's crust; however the processes and conditions under which rock fabric impacts brittle failure and frictional strength are still under investigation. Here, we report on laboratory experiments designed to analyze the effect of foliation orientation on the mechanical behavior and associated microstructures of simulated fault rock sheared at constant normal stress of 50MPa. Intact samples of Pennsylvania slate were sheared with a range of initial fabric orientations from 0 to 165° with respect to the imposed shear direction. Foliation orientations of 0-30° produce initial failure at the lowest shear stress; while samples oriented at higher angles are less favorable resulting in higher peak failure strength. In all samples, post-peak development of through-going deformation zones in the R1 Riedel orientation results in a residual strength that is lower than that observed for powdered gouge from the same material. As shear strain increases, all samples approach a residual apparent friction, defined by the ratio of shear strength to normal stress, of ~0.4. However, the final deformation microstructure depends strongly on the orientation of the pre-existing foliation. When fabric is oriented at low angles to the shear direction (<60°) slip occurs on the pre-existing foliation. Passive rotation of spectator regions becomes apparent for samples with foliation orientation of 60-90°. At higher foliation angles, deformation typically occurs in wide, through-going zones at an R1 orientation that cross-cuts the fabric or in a P-orientation along the fabric. These samples typically exhibit greater geometric layer thinning per unit shear strain. Our results document how pre-existing foliation, in any orientation, can lower the residual shear strength of rock. In contrast, the initial yield strength and peak failure strength of foliated rock is often higher in comparison with powdered samples of the same material, due to strength anisotropy and because activating slip on pre-existing foliation requires dilation and associated work against normal stress. The relationship between rock fabric orientation and frictional strength evolution that we document can explain how incipient faulting and/or flexural slip occur in foliated rock, especially when the orientations of fractures and original fabric vary widely

    Measurements of velocity-dependent and slip-dependent frictional strength in laboratory friction experiments on natural samples from IODP Expedition 316 and ODP Hole 190-1174B

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    Slowslip forms part of the spectrum of fault behaviour between stable creep and destructive earthquakes. Slow slip occurs near the boundaries of large earthquake rupture zones and may sometimes trigger fast earthquakes. It is thought to occur in faults comprised of rocks that strengthen under fast slip rates, preventing rupture as a normal earthquake, or on faults that have elevated pore-fluid pressures. However, the processes that control slow rupture and the relationship between slow and normal earthquakes are enigmatic. Here we use laboratory experiments to simulate faulting in natural rock samples taken from shallow parts of the Nankai subduction zone, Japan, where very low-frequency earthquakes - a form of slow slip - have been observed.We find that the fault rocks exhibit decreasing strength over millimetre-scale slip distances rather than weakening due to increasing velocity. However, the sizes of the slip nucleation patches in our laboratory simulations are similar to those expected for the very lowfrequency earthquakes observed in Nankai. We therefore suggest that this type of fault-weakening behaviour may generate slow earthquakes. Owing to the similarity between the expected behaviour of slow earthquakes based on our data, and that of normal earthquakes during nucleation, we suggest that some types of slow slip may represent prematurely arrested earthquakes