318 research outputs found

    Experiencing Difficulties: English Language Issues Among Immersed Third Culture Kids

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    Third Culture Kids (TCKs) are defined as children who have spent a significant part of their developmental years living in, or interacting with two or more cultural environments. The levels, abilities, and use of the heritage language of TCKs returning to their host country from being immersed in a second language environment can cause difficulties. This case study explored the experiences of immersed TCKs using English upon reentry to the United States. The participants are adult TCKs, have English as their heritage language, and were immersed in a second language environment as a child. This research found the following four major themes described by the participants: experiencing difficulties in general, experiencing a lack of confidence, experiencing cycles, and experiencing shifting identities

    Large-amplitude internal waves sustain coral health during thermal stress

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    Ocean warming is a major threat for coral reefs causing widespread coral bleaching and mortality. Potential refugia are thus crucial for coral survival. Exposure to large-amplitude internal waves (LAIW) mitigated heat stress and ensured coral survival and recovery during and after an extreme heat anomaly. The physiological status of two common corals, Porites lutea and Pocillopora meandrina, was monitored in host and symbiont traits, in response to LAIW-exposure throughout the unprecedented 2010 heat anomaly in the Andaman Sea. LAIW-exposed corals of both species survived and recovered, while LAIW-sheltered corals suffered partial and total mortality in P. lutea and P. meandrina, respectively. LAIW are ubiquitous in the tropics and potentially generate coral refuge areas. As thermal stress to corals is expected to increase in a warming ocean, the mechanisms linking coral bleaching to ocean dynamics will be crucial to predict coral survival on a warming plane

    Apresentação: “A História é uma recolha de experiências”

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    A escolha do tema “Metodologia da pesquisa em Educação Histórica”, sugerido ao dossiê, pode causar, aos mais experimentados leitores da História e do seu ensino, uma certa inquietude. No entanto, o leitor saberá também que há várias maneiras de se pensar a História, pensar o ensino de História e, portanto, a pesquisa historiográfica e a pesquisa sobre o ensino de História. Todos que, de alguma forma, passaram pela formação inicial de historiador, recordam-se das reflexões de Marc Bloch sobre o ofício de historiador e de como era caro, ao autor, o compromisso com o rigor metodológico da investigação histórica. Mas não só: para além do rigor científico, para Bloch, “o historiador é chamado a prestar suas contas. Não se aventurará a fazê-lo sem um pequeno estremecimento interior: qual o artífice, envelhecido no ofício, que nunca perguntou a si mesmo, com o coração apertado, se fez uso avisado de sua vida” (BLOCH, s/d, p. 11). O mesmo historiador, ao se apresentar a um público de jovens alunos do Liceu de Amiens, em 1913, diz: “Como sabeis, sou professor de história (…)”, demonstrando, assim, a preocupação em expandir a natureza desse ofício (BLOCH, 1998, p. 21)

    O Ensino da Antropologia e sua Aproximação com o Campo Disciplinar da Arqueologia

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    Resumo: a partir de uma reflexão sobre o ensino da Antropologia no Brasil e seu campo de atuação, busca-se pontuar congruências ou aproximações entre a Antropologia e a Arqueologia enquanto campos disciplinares distintos para, em seguida, analisar a contribuição da Antropologia na formação de arqueólogos do curso de graduação em Arqueologia da PUC Goiás, implementado em 2006. Palavras-chave: Antropologia. Arqueologia. Ensino. Método Etnográfico

    Kortlægning af trafikal luftforurening og virkemiddelkatalog for Frederiksberg Kommune: Artikel

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    DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi, Aarhus Universitet har for Frederiksberg Kommune udarbejdet en kortlægning af luftforurening (Jensen et al., 2020a) og et virkemiddelkatalog for forbedring af luftkvaliteten (Jensen et al., 2020b). De to rapporter indgår som fagligt baggrundsmateriale for Frederiksberg Kommunes egen formulering af en luftforureningsstrategi - STRATEGI FOR REN LUFT – 2030, som blev udgivet i august 2021 (Frederiksberg Kommune, 2021). Artiklen beskriver kortlægningen af luftforureningen i Frederiksberg Kommune og dens helbredsmæssige konsekvenser. Kortlægningen indeholder en luftkvalitetsvurdering med geografisk beskrivelse af luftkvaliteten; en kildeopgørelse, som beskriver emissionen fordelt på kilder, og kildernes bidrag til luftkvaliteten; samt luftforureningens helbredseffekter og tilhørende samfundsmæssige omkostninger (eksterne omkostninger). Endvidere præsenteres et virkemiddelkatalog for reduktion af luftforurening i Frederiksberg Kommune med fokus på kommunale virkemidler inden for trafik, og en konsekvensvurdering af virkemidlerne. Virkemidler beskrives inden for indsatsområderne: By- og trafikplanlægning, elektrificering af transport, økonomiske virkemidler og regulering af transport, samt ikke-kildebaserede virkemidlers rensning af miljøet. Væsentlige lokale kilder til luftforurening er trafik og brændeovne, hvor denne artiklen alene omhandler trafik

    In vivo investigation of open-pored magnesium scaffolds LAE442 with different coatings in an open wedge defect

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    The magnesium alloy LAE442 showed promising results as a bone substitute in numerous studies in non-weight bearing bone defects. This study aimed to investigate the in vivo behavior of wedge-shaped open-pored LAE442 scaffolds modified with two different coatings (magnesium fluoride (MgF2, group 1)) or magnesium fluoride/calcium phosphate (MgF2/CaP, group 2)) in a partial weight-bearing rabbit tibia defect model. The implantation of the scaffolds was performed as an open wedge corrective osteotomy in the tibia of 40 rabbits and followed for observation periods of 6, 12, 24, and 36 weeks. Radiological and microcomputed tomographic examinations were performed in vivo. X-ray microscopic, histological, histomorphometric, and SEM/EDS analyses were performed at the end of each time period. µCT measurements and X-ray microscopy showed a slight decrease in volume and density of the scaffolds of both coatings. Histologically, endosteal and periosteal callus formation with good bridging and stabilization of the osteotomy gap and ingrowth of bone into the scaffold was seen. The MgF2 coating favored better bridging of the osteotomy gap and more bone-scaffold contacts, especially at later examination time points. Overall, the scaffolds of both coatings met the requirement to withstand the loads after an open wedge corrective osteotomy of the proximal rabbit tibia. However, in addition to the inhomogeneous degradation behavior of individual scaffolds, an accumulation of gas appeared, so the scaffold material should be revised again regarding size dimension and composition

    In vivo investigation of open-pored magnesium scaffolds LAE442 with different coatings in an open wedge defect

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    The magnesium alloy LAE442 showed promising results as a bone substitute in numerous studies in non-weight bearing bone defects. This study aimed to investigate the in vivo behavior of wedge-shaped open-pored LAE442 scaffolds modified with two different coatings (magnesium fluoride (MgF2, group 1)) or magnesium fluoride/calcium phosphate (MgF2/CaP, group 2)) in a partial weight-bearing rabbit tibia defect model. The implantation of the scaffolds was performed as an open wedge corrective osteotomy in the tibia of 40 rabbits and followed for observation periods of 6, 12, 24, and 36 weeks. Radiological and microcomputed tomographic examinations were performed in vivo. X-ray microscopic, histological, histomorphometric, and SEM/EDS analyses were performed at the end of each time period. µCT measurements and X-ray microscopy showed a slight decrease in volume and density of the scaffolds of both coatings. Histologically, endosteal and periosteal callus formation with good bridging and stabilization of the osteotomy gap and ingrowth of bone into the scaffold was seen. The MgF2 coating favored better bridging of the osteotomy gap and more bone-scaffold contacts, especially at later examination time points. Overall, the scaffolds of both coatings met the requirement to withstand the loads after an open wedge corrective osteotomy of the proximal rabbit tibia. However, in addition to the inhomogeneous degradation behavior of individual scaffolds, an accumulation of gas appeared, so the scaffold material should be revised again regarding size dimension and composition

    Kortlægning af og virkemiddelkatalog for luftforurening fra trafik i Region Hovedstaden

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    Region Hovedstaden har en målsætning om at reducere støj og luftforurening fra vejtransport frem mod 2025. På den baggrund igangsatte Region Hovedstaden en kortlægning af støj og luftforurening fra trafik, og en undersøgelse af forskellige virkemidler til at reducere støj- og luftforurening. Projektet har været ledet af COWI, som står for støjdelen, mens DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi står for luftdelen udført af Institut for Miljøvidenskab ved Aarhus Universitet. Kortlægning af luftforureningen i Region Hovedstaden er baseret på eksisterende luftkvalitetsmodeller og målinger fra det nationale måleprogram for luftkvalitet. Koncentrationsniveauer sammenlignes med EU’s grænseværdier for luftkvalitet og verdenssundhedsorganisationen WHO’s retningslinjer for luftkvalitet. Endvidere gennemføres en kildeopgørelse, som opsummerer, hvor meget de enkelte emissionssektorer herunder vejtransport bidrager til den samlede emission og til luftkvaliteten. Helbredseffekter og tilhørende samfundsmæssige omkostninger af luftforureningen beregnes også. Beregningerne er fortaget for 2014 og 2025. En lang række virkemidler for vejtransport er gennemgået med henblik på at kvantificere effekten i forhold til luftforurening. Virkemidler omfatter bl.a. skærpede miljøzoner i de større byer, øget andel af elektriske transportmidler, vej- og trængselsafgifter samt alternative drivmidler

    Der Einsatz von Distant Reading auf einem Korpus deutschsprachiger Songtexte

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    Wir präsentieren die ersten Ergebnisse eines Projekts zur Exploration des Einsatzes von computergestützter Textanalyse und Distant Reading auf einem Korpus deutschsprachiger Songtexte. Der Fokus liegt dabei momentan vor allem auf der Identifikation genrespezifischer Unterschiede für die Genres Pop, Rap, Rock und Schlager. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Korpus bestehend aus 4636 Songtexten einiger der bekanntesten Genrevertreter seit den 60er Jahren über die Plattform LyricWiki akquiriert. Es werden erste punktuelle Ergebnisse bezüglich Wortfrequenzanalysen, Sentiment Analysis und Topic Modeling präsentiert und diskutiert. Die Wortverteilungen weisen eine homogene Verteilung von in allen Genres auftretenden Konzepten auf, lediglich Rap grenzt sich stärker ab. Ähnliches zeigt sich für die Methoden der Sentiment Analysis und des Topic Modeling. Auch hier werden Unterschiede bezüglich der Verwendung sentiment-beladener Wörter und der Konstitution von Topics insbesondere bezüglich des Genres Rap deutlich