8 research outputs found

    pH mĂ”ju nitritlĂ€mmastiku akumulatsioonile magedaveelises denitrifikatsioonisĂŒsteemis

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    Denitrifikatsioon on bioloogiline lÀmmastikuÀrastusprotsess, mis teatud tingimustes kulgeb mittetÀielikult, tekitades nitriti akumulatsiooni. Töös uuriti pH mÔju antud nÀhtusele, teostati annuskatsed (kuni 6 tundi) ning pilootkatsed (48 pÀeva). Annuskatsetes tÀheldati pH iseeneslikku tÔusu vÀÀrtuse 9,5 poole, millega kaasnes ka oluline nitriti akumulatsiooni tÔus. Akumulatsioon vÔib tuleneda nitriti reduktaasi osalisest inhibeeritusest kÔrge pH vÀÀrtuse poolt, mille tÔttu osa toodetud nitritist jÀÀb keskkonda alles. Pilootkatsetes saavutati katse alguses sarnased tulemused, kuid biomassi kohanedes kÔrge pH vÀÀrtusega nitriti akumulatsioon vÀhenes. Nitriti akumulatsiooni kasutamiseks tehnoloogilise protsessina soovitatakse biomassi pidevalt reaktoris vahetada, et vÀltida selle kohastumist tugevalt aluselise keskkonnaga


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    For N-rich wastewater treatment the anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) and nitritation-anammox (deammonification) processes are widely used. In a deammonification moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) a maximum total nitrogen removal rate (TNRR) of 1.5 g N m-2d-1(0.6 kg N m-3d-1) was achieved. During biofilm cultivation, temperature was gradually lowered by 0.5° C per week, and a similar TNRR was sustained at 15° C. qPCR analysis showed an increase in Candidatus Brocadia quantities from 5×103 to 1×107 anammox gene copies g-1 TSS despite temperature lowered to 15° C. Fluctuations in TNRR were rather related to changes in influent NH4+ concentration. To study the short-term effect of temperature on the TNRR, a series of batch-scale experiments were performed which showed sufficient TNRRs even at 9-15° C (4.3-5.4 mg N L-1 h-1, respectively) with anammox temperature constants ranging 1.3-1.6. After biomass was adapted to 15° C, the decrease in TNRR in batch tests at 9° C was lower (15-20%) than for biomass adapted to 17-18° C. Our experiments show that a biofilm of a deammonification reactor adapted to 15° C successfully tolerates shortterm cold shocks down to 9° C retaining a high TNRR

    HELCOM Thematic assessment of hazardous substances, marine litter, underwater noise and non-indigenous species 2016-2021. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings n°190

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    The production of this report was carried out through the HELCOM Project for the development of the Third Holistic Assessment of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3). The work builds on the previous assessment (HOLAS II) and methodologies, evaluations and assessments included in this report have been directly contributed to by the HELCOM BLUES project, the Baltic Data Flows project, the COMPLETE project, the COMPLETE PLUS project, and the PreEMPT project