361 research outputs found

    Data-based fault-tolerant model predictive controller an application to a complex dearomatization process

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    The tightening global competition during the last few decades has been the driving force for the optimisation of industrial plant operations through the use of advanced control methods, such as model predictive control (MPC). As the occurrence of faults in the process measurements and actuators has become more common due to the increase in the complexity of the control systems, the need for fault-tolerant control (FTC) to prevent the degradation of the controller performance, and therefore the better optimisation of the plant operations, has increased. Traditionally, the most actively studied fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) components of the FTC strategies have been based on model-based approaches. In the modern process industries, however, there is a need for the data-based FDD components due to the complexity and limited availability of mechanistic models. Recently, active FTC strategies using fault accommodation and controller reconfiguration have become popular due to the increased computation capacity, easier adaptability and lower overall implementation costs of the active FTC strategies. The main focus of this thesis is on the development of an active data-based fault-tolerant MPC (FTMPC) for an industrial dearomatization process. Three different parallel-running FTC strategies are developed that utilise the data-based FDD methods and the fault accommodation- and controller reconfiguration-based FTC methods. The performances of three data-based FDD methods are first compared within an acknowledged testing environment. Based on the preliminary performance testing, the best FDD method is selected for the final FTMPC. Next, the performance of the FTMPC is validated with the simulation model of the industrial dearomatization process and finally, the profitability of the FTMPC is evaluated based on the results of the evaluation. According to the testing, the FTMPC performs efficiently and detects and prevents the effects of the most common faults in the analyser, flow and temperature measurements, and the controller actuators. The reliability of the MPC is increased and the profitability of the dearomatization process is enhanced due to the lower off-spec production


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    Tässä tietokonegrafiikan alan tutkielmassa tutkitaan annetun kohteen tai maailman valaistuksen määrittämistä laskennallisesti. Ilmiöt kuvataan fysikaalisesti ja valaistusta mallinnetaan ilmiöitä kuvaavilla yhtälöillä. Yhtälöiden ratkaisu perustuu valonsäteiden etenemisen ja sironnan laskennalliseen seurantaan. Näin johdettua matemaattista mallia tutkitaan ja yhtälöiden ratkaisut muotoillaan tietokoneella laskettavaan muotoon. Lopuksi ohjelmoidaan esiteltyä teoriaa hyödyntävä numeerinen ratkaisija ja esitellään käytetyt menetelmät ja tulokset. Valaistuksen matemaattista mallintamista lähestytään fysikaaliselta pohjalta. Aluksi esitellään valon luonnetta ja yhteyttä sähkömagneettiseen säteilyyn ja ihmisen näköjärjestelmään. Tämän jälkeen paneudutaan valonsäteiden heijastumiseen ja sirontaan ja yleistetään klassiset ideaaliset sirontamallit huomioimaan pinnan hienorakenne sirontajakaumilla. Tutkittu ongelma muotoillaan matemaattisiksi yhtälöiksi jotka ratkaistaan analyyttisesti. Ratkaisu osoittautuu intuitiiviseksi: valaistus saadaan laskemalla valonlähteistä emittoituvan valon kaikkien kertalukujen heijastukset. Analyyttinen ratkaisu muotoillaan rekursiiviseksi ja ratkaistaan todennäköisyyslaskentaan perustuvalla Monte Carlo -integroinnilla, jonka suppenemista nopeutetaan tärkeysotannalla. Numeerinen ratkaisu osoitetaan odotusarvoisesti harhattomaksi ja ratkaisun virheen osoitetaan puolittuvan laskentapisteiden määrän nelinkertaistuessa. Käytettävä todennäköisyyslaskenta esitellään pääpiirteittäin. Numeerinen ratkaisumenetelmä on stokastista säteenseurantaa yleistävä polunseuranta. Maailma määritellään kolmioverkkona ja pintojen normaalit annetaan kolmioiden kärkipisteissä. Kolmioista muodostetaan kuvaus tasopinnalle, josta voidaan tarvittaessa lukea esimerkiksi pinnan tarkemmat normaalit, sirontaominaisuudet tai absorptiospektri. Numeerisen ratkaisun eniten aikaa vievä osuus on valonsäteen seuraavan osumapisteen selvitys maailman pintojen välillä. Ratkaisua nopeutetaan tallentamalla maailman kolmiot tehokkaaseen tietorakenteeseen, kd-puuhun, joka mahdollistaa valonsäteen ja suurten kolmiojoukkojen nopeat leikkaustarkistukset. Kd-puun ajatus ja toteutus esitellään työssä lyhyesti. Lopuksi esitellään ratkaisun eri vaiheet ja teoria käytännössä ja nähdään konkreettisesti eri menetelmien merkitys numeerisen ratkaisijan tuottamaan kuvaan. Lisäksi esitellään tehokas prioriteettijonoon perustuva adaptiivinen menetelmä kuvaan jääneen kohinan pienentämiseksi tutkimalla näytteistyksen otoskeskihajonnan ja keskiarvon suhdetta kuvapisteittäin

    Digital Coaching and Athlete\u27s Self-efficacy – A Quantitative Study on Sport and Wellness Technology

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    The use and demand for sport and wellness technology devices among athletes are increasing. The technology is used to improve the quality of training but also to improve quality of life by, for example, reducing risk of injury. Together with the increased interest towards sport and wellness technology, the demand for clear and easy to understand personalized information is growing. Digital coaching offers solutions for this demand by not only providing valuable training data but also offering instruc-tions and guidance on how to improve the training. By doing this, the sport and wellness technology can act as a personal coach and therefore can also affect athletes’ confidence and perception of their own abilities through, for example, evaluative feedback, expectations and verbal persuasion. This ex-ploratory study investigates subjectively perceived effects of digital coach among cross-country skiers. The focus was on the changes in the level of athletes’ self-efficacy during a one-month period when preparing for a ski marathon race. The results indicate that a digital coach can increase the athletes’ knowledge regarding their technique as well as provide improvement on perceived level of skiing technique. These results give more insight to sport technology companies as well as athletes and coaches about the effects and possibilities of digital coaching among athletes

    Ideal Types of Online Shoppers – A Qualitative Analysis of Online Shopping Behavior

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    Due to the growing popularity of online shopping, there is a growing demand for understanding the motives and behaviour of online shoppers. This study aims to increase this understanding by examining online shopping behaviour from the perspective of UTAUT2 theory integrated with self-efficacy and risk avoidance components. The thematically analysed data from 31 participants highlights the unique aspects of online shoppers by grouping them into ideal types, presenting the data as extensively as possible. An ideal type is an analytical construct used to ascertain similarities and deviations to concrete cases in an individual phenomenon. This study discovered five ideal types of online shoppers: Conservative Shoppers, Rational Shoppers, Hedonistic Shoppers, Spontaneous Shoppers and Van-guard Shoppers. The main theoretical contribution of this study are the formed ideal shopper types enriched with practical implications for online shop providers on how to best meet the needs of each ideal type. The purpose of the ideal types is not to categorize online shoppers under one category but rather help to understand regularities of different types of online shopping behaviour. This under-standing is beneficial for online shop providers as well as for academics interested in studying online shopping behaviour from the information systems point of view

    Modern Tools for Old Content - in Search of Named Entities in a Finnish OCRed Historical Newspaper Collection 1771-1910

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    Named entity recognition (NER), search, classification and tagging of names and name like frequent informational elements in texts, has become a standard information extraction procedure for textual data. NER has been applied to many types of texts and different types of entities: newspapers, fiction, historical records, persons, locations, chemical compounds, protein families, animals etc. In general a NER system’s performance is genre and domain dependent and also used entity categories vary [1]. The most general set of named entities is usually some version of three partite categorization of locations, persons and organizations. In this paper we report first trials and evaluation of NER with data out of a digitized Finnish historical newspaper collection Digi. Digi collection contains 1,960,921 pages of newspaper material from years 1771– 1910 both in Finnish and Swedish. We use only material of Finnish documents in our evaluation. The OCRed newspaper collection has lots of OCR errors; its estimated word level correctness is about 74–75 % [2]. Our principal NER tagger is a rule-based tagger of Finnish, FiNER, provided by the FIN-CLARIN consortium. We show also results of limited category semantic tagging with tools of the Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo) of the Aalto University. FiNER is able to achieve up to 60.0 F-score with named entities in the evaluation data. Seco’s tools achieve 30.0–60.0 F-score with locations and persons. Performance of FiNER and SeCo’s tools with the data shows that at best about half of named entities can be recognized even in a quite erroneous OCRed textNamed entity recognition (NER), search, classification and tagging of names and name like frequent informational elements in texts, has become a standard information extraction procedure for textual data. NER has been applied to many types of texts and different types of entities: newspapers, fiction, historical records, persons, locations, chemical compounds, protein families, animals etc. In general a NER system’s performance is genre and domain dependent and also used entity categories vary [1]. The most general set of named entities is usually some version of three partite categorization of locations, persons and organizations. In this paper we report first trials and evaluation of NER with data out of a digitized Finnish historical newspaper collection Digi. Digi collection contains 1,960,921 pages of newspaper material from years 1771– 1910 both in Finnish and Swedish. We use only material of Finnish documents in our evaluation. The OCRed newspaper collection has lots of OCR errors; its estimated word level correctness is about 74–75 % [2]. Our principal NER tagger is a rule-based tagger of Finnish, FiNER, provided by the FIN-CLARIN consortium. We show also results of limited category semantic tagging with tools of the Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo) of the Aalto University. FiNER is able to achieve up to 60.0 F-score with named entities in the evaluation data. Seco’s tools achieve 30.0–60.0 F-score with locations and persons. Performance of FiNER and SeCo’s tools with the data shows that at best about half of named entities can be recognized even in a quite erroneous OCRed text.Peer reviewe

    Data-driven multivariate population subgrouping via lipoprotein phenotypes versus apolipoprotein B in the risk assessment of coronary heart disease

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    Background and aims: Population subgrouping has been suggested as means to improve coronary heart disease (CHD) risk assessment. We explored here how unsupervised data-driven metabolic subgrouping, based on comprehensive lipoprotein subclass data, would work in large-scale population cohorts. Methods: We applied a self-organizing map (SOM) artificial intelligence methodology to define subgroups based on detailed lipoprotein profiles in a population-based cohort (n = 5789) and utilised the trained SOM in an independent cohort (n = 7607). We identified four SOM-based subgroups of individuals with distinct lipoprotein profiles and CHD risk and compared those to univariate subgrouping by apolipoprotein B quartiles. Results: The SOM-based subgroup with highest concentrations for non-HDL measures had the highest, and the subgroup with lowest concentrations, the lowest risk for CHD. However, apolipoprotein B quartiles produced better resolution of risk than the SOM-based subgroups and also striking dose-response behaviour. Conclusions: These results suggest that the majority of lipoprotein-mediated CHD risk is explained by apolipoprotein B-containing lipoprotein particles. Therefore, even advanced multivariate subgrouping, with comprehensive data on lipoprotein metabolism, may not advance CHD risk assessmentPeer reviewe

    Improved sampling for gradient-domain metropolis light transport

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    We present a generalized framework for gradient-domain Metropolis rendering, and introduce three techniques to reduce sampling artifacts and variance. The first one is a heuristic weighting strategy that combines several sampling techniques to avoid outliers. The second one is an improved mapping to generate offset paths required for computing gradients. Here we leverage the properties of manifold walks in path space to cancel out singularities. Finally, the third technique introduces generalized screen space gradient kernels. This approach aligns the gradient kernels with image structures such as texture edges and geometric discontinuities to obtain sparser gradients than with the conventional gradient kernel. We implement our framework on top of an existing Metropolis sampler, and we demonstrate significant improvements in visual and numerical quality of our results compared to previous work

    Conditional resampled importance sampling and ReSTIR

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    Recent work on generalized resampled importance sampling (GRIS) enables importance-sampled Monte Carlo integration with random variable weights replacing the usual division by probability density. This enables very flexible spatiotemporal sample reuse, even if neighboring samples (e.g., light paths) have intractable probability densities. Unlike typical Monte Carlo integration, which samples according to some PDF, GRIS instead resamples existing samples. But resampling with GRIS assumes samples have tractable marginal contribution weights, which is problematic if reusing, for example, light subpaths from unidirectionally-sampled paths. Reusing such subpaths requires conditioning by (non-reused) segments of the path prefixes. In this paper, we extend GRIS to conditional probability spaces, showing correctness given certain conditional independence between integration variables and their unbiased contribution weights. We show proper conditioning when using GRIS over randomized conditional domains and how to formulate a joint unbiased contribution weight for unbiased integration. To show our theory has practical impact, we prototype a modified ReSTIR PT with a final gather pass. This reuses subpaths, postponing reuse at least one bounce along each light path. As in photon mapping, such a final gather reduces blotchy artifacts from sample correlation and reduced correlation improves the behavior of modern denoisers on ReSTIR PT signals

    No difference in implant survival between 28-mm M2a RingLoc metal-on-metal and metal-on-polyethylene total hip arthroplasty : results from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s).Background and purpose — Long-term outcome of small head (28 mm) metal-on-metal (MoM) total hip arthroplasty (THA) is available mainly for Metasul devices (Sulzer Medica, Winterthur, Switzerland). Biomet MoM THA was frequently used in Finland. Therefore, we assessed long-term survivorship of the M2a 28-mm RingLoc MoM THA (Biomet, Warsaw, IN, USA) and compared it with the metal-on-polyethylene (MoP) RingLoc THA from the same manufacturer. Patients and methods — We conducted a register study based on THAs from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register performed between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2007. 290 28-mm head M2a MoM THAs and 1,647 28-mm head MoP THAs (reference group) were included. The endpoint was revision for any reason, or revision for aseptic loosening, osteolysis, liner wear, or metallosis as one group. Kaplan– Meier survival estimates were calculated, and revision risks were assessed using a Cox multiple regression model, both with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results — No difference was found in the 15-year Kaplan–Meier survivorship between the 28-mm head M2a RingLoc MoM THA and the reference group for any reason for revision (87.7% [82.9–92.1] and 83.3% [81.0–85.3], respectively). The adjusted hazard ratio (HR) for any reason for revision for the MoM THA group compared with the reference group was at least equal or better (0.70 [0.48–1.02]). Both groups presented similar survival for revision for aseptic loosening of the cup, osteolysis, liner wear, or metallosis, at 96.2% (92.7–98.0) and 95.4% (93.9–96.5), respectively. Interpretation — In the long-term survival there was no difference between the M2a 28-mm RingLoc MoM THA and 28-mm MoP THA. Further follow-up regimens for M2a 28-mm RingLoc THA patients may be unnecessary, but long-term metal ion and radiological data is needed before any formal suggestions.Peer reviewe
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