72 research outputs found

    Parenting and Adult Development

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    It is likely that the more engaged a parent is, the more his or her adult development will be affected. Because there is a direct relationship between the degree of investment a person places in any developmental context and the outcome that the context exerts, it has been hypothesized that the developmental impact of parenting is directly related to its cumulative salience in relation to other contexts of development (Palkovitz, 1996). This chapter represents an attempt to summarize pertinent empirical findings, to further refine conceptual constructs, to elaborate upon their interactions and to facilitate understanding of the effects of parenting on adult development

    Multigenerational Modeling of Money Management

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    This study is about implicit financial socialization within families. It specifically examines how parental modeling facilitates the intergenerational transmission of healthy financial behaviors. This qualitative, multi-generational, multi-site study begins to answer the following research question: What financial behaviors are parents modeling for their children? The sample for this study (N=115) included 90 undergraduate students (ages 18-30) enrolled in family finance classes at three U.S. universities, 18 of their parents, and 7 of their grandparents. Using a team-based approach to qualitative data collection, analysis, and coding, four consensus themes related to parental financial modeling were distilled: (1) Working for a living (2) Managing money wisely (3) The importance of generosity and (4) Sacrificing for children. These ideas can be used by parents, family life educators, financial therapists, and others to help improve the quality of financial socialization within families

    Longitudinal assessment of cognitive and psychosocial functioning after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: Exploring disaster impact on middle-aged, older, and oldest-old adults

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    The authors examined the effects of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on cognitive and psychosocial functioning in a lifespan sample of adults 6-14 months after the storms. Participants were recruited from the Louisiana Healthy Aging Study. Most were assessed during the immediate impact period and retested for this study. Analyses of pre- and post-disaster cognitive data confirmed that storm-related decrements in working memory for middle-aged and older adults observed in the immediate impact period had returned to pre-hurricane levels in the post-disaster recovery period. Middle-aged adults reported more storm-related stressors and greater levels of stress than the two older groups at both waves of testing. These results are consistent with a burden perspective on post-disaster psychological reactions. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Graft-versus-host disease in recipients of male unrelated donor compared with parous female sibling donor transplants

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    Optimal donor selection is critical for successful allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). Donor sex and parity are well-established risk factors for graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), with male donors typically associated with lower rates of GVHD. Well-matched unrelated donors (URDs) have also been associated with increased risks of GVHD as compared with matched sibling donors. These observations raise the question of whether male URDs would lead to more (or less) favorable transplant outcomes as compared with parous female sibling donors. We used the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research registry to complete a retrospective cohort study in adults with acute myeloid leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, or myelodysplastic syndrome, who underwent T-cell replete HCT from these 2 donor types (parous female sibling or male URD) between 2000 and 2012. Primary outcomes included grade 2 to 4 acute GVHD (aGVHD), chronic GVHD (cGVHD), and overall survival. Secondary outcomes included disease-free survival, transplant-related mortality, and relapse. In 2813 recipients, patients receiving male URD transplants (n = 1921) had 1.6 times higher risk of grade 2 to 4 aGVHD (P \u3c .0001). For cGVHD, recipient sex was a significant factor, so donor/recipient pairs were evaluated. Female recipients of male URD grafts had a higher risk of cGVHD than those receiving parous female sibling grafts (relative risk [RR] = 1.43, P \u3c .0001), whereas male recipients had similar rates of cGVHD regardless of donor type (RR = 1.09, P = .23). Donor type did not significantly affect any other end point. We conclude that when available, parous female siblings are preferred over male URDs

    Tamara K. Hareven: Reflections on a Life Course … and a Friendship

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    Tamara Hareven, as a new social historian and family historian, weaved multiple narratives together into a tapestry that represented her best approximation of truth. In this piece, I strive to do likewise as I address three topics: (a) Tamara Hareven as Family and Social Historian, (b) Tamara Hareven as Theorist, and (c) Personal Reflections on Tamara Hareven as Mentor and Friend

    Ruh Sağlığı, Dinî İnanç ve "Sarsıcı Soru"

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    İnsanoğlunun, varlığın başlangıcından bu yana, yaşamın bu dünya haya- tından ibaret olup olmadığına dair sarsıcı soruya aradıkları cevapların başında "din" gelmektedir. Her ne kadar realite bu olsa da, son 150 yılın önemli bir bölümünde, sosyal bilimciler din konusuna temkinli yaklaşmışlar ve çalışmala- rında dine yer vermekten kaçınmışlardır. Başlangıçta Freud gibi isimlerin de- neysel veriye dayanmayan teorileri, din ve ruh sağlığı arasında olumsuz bir ilişki olduğunu ileri sürmüştür ve bu yaklaşım, alanda çalışma yapacak araş- tırmacıların dine yönelik tutumlarını etkilemiştir. Bununla birlikte ilerleyen dö- nemlerde dindarlık ve ruh sağlığı arasında olumlu bir ilişki olduğu üzerine birçok deneysel veri ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu veriler, DSM III'teki olumsuz refe- ransların DSM IV'te ortadan kalkmasına yol açmıştır. Bu süreçte Rodney Stark ve Jeff Levin'in bu konuya tarafsız bir şekilde yaklaşmaları, aynı za- manda Kenneth I. Pargament, Harold G. Koenig, Michael E. McCullough ve David B. Larson gibi isimlerin eserleriyle olan katkıları, din ve ruh sağlığı ilişki- si üzerine yapılan önyargılı yaklaşımların kırılmasında etkin rol oynamıştır. Günümüz ruh sağlığı-din ilişkisine yönelik çalışmalar, geçmişe nazaran daha titiz, dengeli ve kapsamlı bir değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmaktadır. Bu bağlam- da, çalışmaların çift boyutlu olarak, dinin hem sağlıklı olan yönlerine hem de olmayan yönlerine odaklandığı görülmektedir. Bu yaklaşımın, bundan sonraki çalışmalara da ışık tutacağı söylenebilir. Bütün bu gelişmeler, ruh sağlığı araştırmacılarının din ve maneviyat konusuna olan ilgilerinin artması gerekti- ğini de göstermektedir

    Romanian Children’s Representations of Negative and Self-Conscious Emotions in a Narrative Story Stem Technique

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    This research uses children’s story-stem play narratives to investigate dimensions of negative emotional expression. Fifty-one Romanian children between 6 and 11-years old participated in the study. Children’s narratives were coded for three basic negative emotions and five self-conscious emotions. Parents completed a general questionnaire for demographic data and the amount of time they spent with their children. Differences were found for frequencies of negative emotional representations in relation to the specific story-stems in which they occurred. Girls were more likely than boys to enact in their narratives guilt feelings coupled with apology following some wrongdoing. Children who spent more time with parents enacted significantly less anger and fear. Simultaneous expressions of multiple negative emotions were observed in the narrative responses of these middle childhood-aged Romanian children. While findings should be viewed with caution, owing to the small and homogeneous sample, new directions for future research with this assessment method are indicated