77 research outputs found

    Metabolic syndrome and cognition: A systematic review across cognitive domains and a bibliometric analysis

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    The aim of this review is to investigate the association between metabolic syndrome (MetS) and cognitive decline in distinct cognitive domains, and to perform a complementary study description through the bibliometric analysis. PubMed and Scopus databases were searched from inception to 15 December 2021 to identify longitudinal studies that examined the association of MetS with incident decline, in order to prevent reverse causality. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis checklist was used to conduct the present systematic review. Thirty studies were included and results were analyzed across the cognitive domains of global cognition, memory, executive functions, attention, visuoconstructive abilities, and language. The majority of the studies reviewed did not report statistically significant results for most cognitive domains investigated, and decline in specific cognitive domains was not consistently associated with the presence of MetS. Meta-analyses were not conducted due to the high degree of between-study heterogeneity regarding the MetS definitions, the cognitive domains examined, the specific tests used for each cognitive domain and the different measures of association used. Bibliometric analysis revealed that most studies are conducted by research teams from USA and China, and that cognitive tasks that reflect real-life abilities are rarely examined. Future studies should employ larger sample sizes, longer follow-up periods, a global consensus for MetS definition and standardized tests of the above mentioned cognitive domains as well as problem-solving tasks with high sensitivity and specificity to clarify the impact of MetS on cognition and its underlying mechanisms

    Association between adiposity after diagnosis of prostate cancer and mortality: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    OBJECTIVE To explore the associations between adiposity indices, assessed at or after a diagnosis of prostate cancer, and mortality. DESIGN Systematic review and meta-analysis. DATA SOURCES PubMed and Embase, from inception to 16 November 2022. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR SELECTING STUDIES Cohort studies or randomised controlled trials of men with a diagnosis of prostate cancer that investigated the associations between adiposity (body mass index, waist and hip circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, and subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue) after diagnosis and mortality outcomes. A modified version of the risk of bias for nutrition observational studies tool was used to assess risk of bias. RESULTS 79 studies were identified that investigated adiposity indices after a diagnosis of prostate cancer in relation to mortality. No randomised controlled trials were found. A non-linear dose-response meta-analysis indicated a J shaped association between body mass index and all-cause mortality (33910 men, 11095 deaths, 17 studies). The highest rate of all-cause mortality was found at the lowest and upper range of the distribution: 11-23% higher rate for a body mass index of 17-21and 4-43% higher rate for a body mass index of 30-40. The association between body mass index and mortality specific to prostate cancer was flat until body mass index reached 26- 27, and then increased linearly by 8-66% for a body mass index of 30-40 (33137 men, 2947 deaths, 13 studies), but the 95% confidence intervals were wide. These associations did not differ in most predefined subgroups by study design, number of deaths, anthropometric assessment, follow-up time, geographical location, prostate cancer risk group, and adjustment variables. No associations were found in meta-analyses between 10cm increases in waist circumference and all-cause mortality or mortality specific to prostate cancer, but only three studies were available. The few studies with data on change in weight, waist-to-hip ratio, and subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue reported conflicting results. CONCLUSIONS This review suggests that patients with prostate cancer might benefit from maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding obesity. Future studies should investigate adiposity across different stages of cancer survivorship and use various parameters for distribution of adipose tissue

    Minimalkonsens in Nairobi: Ein Scheitern der Doha-Runde gefährdet die WTO

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    Nach vierzehn Jahren Verhandlungen im Rahmen der Doha-Runde ist auch auf der 10. Ministerkonferenz in Nairobi bei den grundlegenden Themen keine Einigung in Sicht. Um ihre handelspolitischen Interessen durchzusetzen, haben sich die großen Handelsnationen bereits mehr und mehr mega-regionalen Abkommen wie TTIP und TPP zugewandt. Doch scheitert die Doha-Runde endgültig, ist auch die WTO als Hüterin des Welthandels in Gefahr

    Global assessment of C-reactive protein and health-related outcomes: an umbrella review of evidence from observational studies and Mendelian randomization studies.

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    C-reactive protein (CRP) has been studied extensively for association with a large number of non-infectious diseases and outcomes. We aimed to evaluate the breadth and validity of associations between CRP and non-infectious, chronic health outcomes and biomarkers. We conducted an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses and a systematic review of Mendelian randomization (MR) studies. PubMed, Scopus, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were systematically searched from inception up to March 2019. Meta-analyses of observational studies and MR studies examining associations between CRP and health outcomes were identified, excluding studies on the diagnostic value of CRP for infections. We found 113 meta-analytic comparisons of observational studies and 196 MR analyses, covering a wide range of outcomes. The overwhelming majority of the meta-analyses of observational studies reported a nominally statistically significant result (95/113, 84.1%); however, the majority of the meta-analyses displayed substantial heterogeneity (47.8%), small study effects (39.8%) or excess significance (41.6%). Only two outcomes, cardiovascular mortality and venous thromboembolism, showed convincing evidence of association with CRP levels. When examining the MR literature, we found MR studies for 53/113 outcomes examined in the observational study meta-analyses but substantial support for a causal association with CRP was not observed for any phenotype. Despite the striking amount of research on CRP, convincing evidence for associations and causal effects is remarkably limited

    An umbrella review of the evidence associating diet and cancer risk at 11 anatomical sites

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    There is evidence that diet and nutrition are modifiable risk factors for several cancers, but associations may be flawed due to inherent biases. Nutritional epidemiology studies have largely relied on a single assessment of diet using food frequency questionnaires. We conduct an umbrella review of meta-analyses of observational studies to evaluate the strength and validity of the evidence for the association between food/nutrient intake and risk of developing or dying from 11 primary cancers. It is estimated that only few single food/nutrient and cancer associations are supported by strong or highly suggestive meta-analytic evidence, and future similar research is unlikely to change this evidence. Alcohol consumption is positively associated with risk of postmenopausal breast, colorectal, esophageal, head & neck and liver cancer. Consumption of dairy products, milk, calcium and wholegrains are inversely associated with colorectal cancer risk. Coffee consumption is inversely associated with risk of liver cancer and skin basal cell carcinoma

    Type 2 Diabetes and Cancer: An Umbrella Review of Observational and Mendelian Randomization Studies

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has been associated with an increased risk of developing several common cancers, but it is unclear whether this association is causal. We aimed to summarize the evidence on T2DM and cancer and evaluate the validity of associations from both observational and Mendelian randomization (MR) studies. Methods: We performed an umbrella review of the evidence across meta-analyses of observational studies that examined associations of T2DM with risk of developing or dying from site-specific cancers, and MR studies that explored the potential causal association of T2DM and associated biomarkers with cancer risk. Results: We identified eligible observational meta-analyses that assessed associations between T2DM and cancer incidence for 18 cancer sites, cancer mortality for seven sites, and cancer incidence or mortality for four sites. Positive associations between T2DM and six cancers reached strong or highly suggestive evidence. We found eight MR studies assessing the association of genetically predicted T2DM and seven and eight studies assessing the association of genetically predicted fasting insulin or fasting glucose concentrations, respectively, upon site-specific cancers. Positive associations were found between genetically predicted T2DM and fasting insulin and risk of six cancers. There was no association between genetically predicted fasting plasma glucose and cancer except for squamous cell lung carcinoma. Conclusions: We found robust observational evidence for the association between T2DM and colorectal, hepatocellular, gallbladder, breast, endometrial, and pancreatic cancers. Impact: Potential causal associations were identified for genetically predicted T2DM and fasting insulin concentrations and risk of endometrial, pancreas, kidney, breast, lung, and cervical cancers

    Post-diagnosis adiposity and colorectal cancer prognosis: A Global Cancer Update Programme (CUP Global) systematic literature review and meta-analysis

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. International Journal of Cancer published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of UICC. The adiposity influence on colorectal cancer prognosis remains poorly characterised. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis on post-diagnosis adiposity measures (body mass index [BMI], waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, weight) or their changes and colorectal cancer outcomes. PubMed and Embase were searched through 28 February 2022. Random-effects meta-analyses were conducted when at least three studies had sufficient information. The quality of evidence was interpreted and graded by the Global Cancer Update Programme (CUP Global) independent Expert Committee on Cancer Survivorship and Expert Panel. We reviewed 124 observational studies (85 publications). Meta-analyses were possible for BMI and all-cause mortality, colorectal cancer-specific mortality, and cancer recurrence/disease-free survival. Non-linear meta-analysis indicated a reverse J-shaped association between BMI and colorectal cancer outcomes (nadir at BMI 28 kg/m2). The highest risk, relative to the nadir, was observed at both ends of the BMI distribution (18 and 38 kg/m2), namely 60% and 23% higher risk for all-cause mortality; 95% and 26% for colorectal cancer-specific mortality; and 37% and 24% for cancer recurrence/disease-free survival, respectively. The higher risk with low BMI was attenuated in secondary analyses of RCTs (compared to cohort studies), among studies with longer follow-up, and in women suggesting potential methodological limitations and/or altered physiological state. Descriptively synthesised studies on other adiposity-outcome associations of interest were limited in number and methodological quality. All the associations were graded as limited (likelihood of causality: no conclusion) due to potential methodological limitations (reverse causation, confounding, selection bias). Additional well-designed observational studies and interventional trials are needed to provide further clarification

    Post-diagnosis physical activity and sedentary behaviour and colorectal cancer prognosis: A Global Cancer Update Programme (CUP Global) systematic literature review and meta-analysis

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. International Journal of Cancer published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of UICC. Low physical activity and high sedentary behaviour have been clearly linked with colorectal cancer development, yet data on their potential role in colorectal cancer survival is limited. Better characterisation of these relationships is needed for the development of post-diagnosis physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidance for colorectal cancer survivors. We searched PubMed and Embase through 28 February 2022 for studies assessing post-diagnosis physical activity, and/or sedentary behaviour in relation to all-cause and cause-specific mortality and recurrence after colorectal cancer diagnosis. Total and recreational physical activity were assessed overall and by frequency, duration, intensity, and volume using categorical, linear, and non-linear dose–response random-effects meta-analyses. The Global Cancer Update Programme (CUP Global) independent Expert Committee on Cancer Survivorship and Expert Panel interpreted and graded the likelihood of causality. We identified 16 observational studies on 82,220 non-overlapping patients from six countries. Physical activity was consistently inversely associated with colorectal cancer morbidity and mortality outcomes, with 13%–60% estimated reductions in risk. Sedentary behaviour was positively associated with all-cause mortality. The evidence had methodological limitations including potential confounding, selection bias and reverse causation, coupled with a limited number of studies for most associations. The CUP Global Expert panel concluded limited-suggestive evidence for recreational physical activity with all-cause mortality and cancer recurrence. Total physical activity and its specific domains and dimensions, and sedentary behaviour were all graded as limited-no conclusion for all outcomes. Future research should focus on randomised trials, while observational studies should obtain objective and repeated physical activity measures and better adjustment for confounders

    Post‐diagnosis adiposity and colorectal cancer prognosis: A Global Cancer Update Programme ( CUP Global) systematic literature review and meta‐analysis

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    The adiposity influence on colorectal cancer prognosis remains poorly characterised. We performed a systematic review and meta‐analysis on post‐diagnosis adiposity measures (body mass index [BMI], waist circumference, waist‐to‐hip ratio, weight) or their changes and colorectal cancer outcomes. PubMed and Embase were searched through 28 February 2022. Random‐effects meta‐analyses were conducted when at least three studies had sufficient information. The quality of evidence was interpreted and graded by the Global Cancer Update Programme (CUP Global) independent Expert Committee on Cancer Survivorship and Expert Panel. We reviewed 124 observational studies (85 publications). Meta‐analyses were possible for BMI and all‐cause mortality, colorectal cancer‐specific mortality, and cancer recurrence/disease‐free survival. Non‐linear meta‐analysis indicated a reverse J‐shaped association between BMI and colorectal cancer outcomes (nadir at BMI 28 kg/m2). The highest risk, relative to the nadir, was observed at both ends of the BMI distribution (18 and 38 kg/m2), namely 60% and 23% higher risk for all‐cause mortality; 95% and 26% for colorectal cancer‐specific mortality; and 37% and 24% for cancer recurrence/disease‐free survival, respectively. The higher risk with low BMI was attenuated in secondary analyses of RCTs (compared to cohort studies), among studies with longer follow‐up, and in women suggesting potential methodological limitations and/or altered physiological state. Descriptively synthesised studies on other adiposity‐outcome associations of interest were limited in number and methodological quality. All the associations were graded as limited (likelihood of causality: no conclusion) due to potential methodological limitations (reverse causation, confounding, selection bias). Additional well‐designed observational studies and interventional trials are needed to provide further clarification