1,070 research outputs found


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    The paper analyses the institute of compensation for wrongful conviction and deprivation of liberty in the common law legal systems. It points to the basic difference in approach between common law legal systems and civil law legal systems laws on this issue, where the common law regimes are much more restrictive. It analysed the specifics of the rules on compensation for damages in common law, which can have a negative impact on eligibility for damages to wrongfully convicted persons. The paper specially investigated under which conditions it is possible to achieve compensation for wrongful conviction from the state, as a rule, in the regime of non-legally binding payments, and, exceptionally, in a separate legal regime established by law.У раду је анализиран институт накнаде штете због неосноване осуде и неоснованог лишења слободе у англосаксонском праву. Указано је на основну разлику у приступу англосаконских и европскоконтиненталних законодавстава овом питању, где је режим англосаксонског права знатно рестриктивнији. Анализиране су специфичности правила о накнади штете у англосаксонском праву, која имају неповољан утицај на могућност остваривања права на накнаду штете неосновано осуђених лица. Посебно је истражено под којим условима је могуће право на накнаду штете због неосноване осуде остварити у односу на државу, по правилу у режиму правно необавезујућих исплата, те, изузетно, у посебним правним режимима одређеним законом. &nbsp

    QCSP on semicomplete digraphs

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    We study the (non-uniform) quantified constraint satisfaction problem QCSP(H) as H ranges over semicomplete digraphs. We obtain a complexity-theoretic trichotomy: QCSP(H) is either in P, is NP-complete or is Pspace-complete. The largest part of our work is the algebraic classification of precisely which semicompletes enjoy only essentially unary polymorphisms, which is combinatorially interesting in its own right

    The cycles of revolution: how Wegener and Milanković changed the earth sciences

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    The year 1912 is annus mirabilis for Earth sciences. In two crucial papers Alfred Wegener and Milutin Milanković independently set up revolutionary theories based on far-reaching visions of continental drift and climate orbital forcing. Their contributions simultaneously did for the Earth sciences what the theory of evolution did for biology and what the theory of relativity did for physics. They provided Earth sciences with a comprehensive perspective of Earth’s dynamics in both astronomical and terrestrial terms, and revolutionized geology by abandoning the ideas of a climatologically self-sufficient Earth and unmovable continents – remnants of the old geocentric picture of the unmoving, centered Earth. In the secular sense they finally completed the heliocentric theory that was set up by Copernicus. This paper follows the strange synchronicity in their life and work cycles

    Influence of PEO molecular weight on properties of ZnO/PEO composites

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    The removal of inorganic, organic and biological pollutants from drinking water and wastewater is one of the key steps in environmental protection. In recent 10 years a heterogeneous photocatalysis, as an efficient method for the degradation and mineralization of pollutants from water, has been widely studied and developed. For heterogeneous photocatalysis mostly used materials to initiate the photoreaction are oxide semiconductors such as TiO2 and ZnO. However, these oxide semiconductors, having band gap energies around 3.3 eV, can absorb UV light only. Since sunlight is a source of clean and cheap energy, where UV light makes no more than 3–5% of the total sunlight, it is highly desirable to modify the oxide semiconductor materials to be capable for visible light photocatalysts. Numerous approaches have been applied to modify the optical absorption properties and to improve the visible light photocatalytic activity including: (1) the incorporation of transition metal ions into the crystal structure, (2) sensitization of the particles’ surface, (3) hydrogenation, (4) the incorporation of crystalline defects in metal oxide semiconductors in the form of vacancies and interstitials, etc. Microwave processing is recognized as an attractive synthesis technique to introduce lattice defects. In this study ZnO spheroidal nanoparticles, synthesized by microwave processing, were used for preparation of composites with polyethylene oxide (PEO). The phase purity and crystal structure of the composites were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. The composites' particles morphology and size distributions were studied by FE–SEM and laser diffraction particle size analyzer, respectively. The optical properties were studied using UV–Vis diffuse reflectance and photoluminescence spectroscopy. It is found that ZnO and ZnO/PEO composites absorb about 50% of visible light, also red-shift of band gap energy (0.12-0.15 eV) compared to bulk ZnO was determined. The effect of PEO molecular weights, 200.000, 600.000 and 900.000 g/mol, on photocatalytic activity of ZnO/PEO composites were examined via degradation of methylene blue (MB) under direct sunlight irradiation. A large efficiency of MB degradation was found after 6 h of irradiation. The enhanced photocatalytic activity of ZnO/PEO composites is attributed to the: (1) lattice defects introduced in ZnO crystal structure by rapid microwave processing, and (2) presence of PEO as a source of oxygen interstitials. In order to confirm and further clarify the experimental results ab initio calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) were performed

    Spontaneous Precipitation in the System Uranyl(2+ )nitrate Potassium Hydroxide - Phosphoric Acid - Water

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    The precipitation system U02(NOs)2-KOH-H3P04-H20 (at 298 K) aged for 1 day and for 30 days is examined ([U02(NOs)2] = = 1 · 10-a mol dm-3, [KOH] varied from 1 · 10-6 to 6 · 10-1 mol dm-3, [H3P04] from 2 · 10-4 to 6 · 10-1 mol dm-3 and 1.5 <pH< 11.5). The precipitation and phase boundaries are determined. The solid phases U02HP04 · 4 H20(s) and (U02)s(P04)2 · 8 H20 are stable at [KOH] < 1 · 10-3 mol dm-3, 1.5 <pH < 4.0. Uranates precipitate at pH > 9.5. The stability region of KU02P04 · 3 H20(s) is found at high concentrations of KOH and H3P04. X-ray diffraction pattern of this compound is given. According to the precipitation boundary after 30 days (equilibrium conditions) the solubility product of KU02P04 · 3 H20 is determined: log ([K+] · · [U022+] [P043-]) = -- 26.28 (at I =0 mol dm-3)

    Identification and Characterization of Alkaline Uranyl(2 +) Phosphates

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    The spontaneous precipitation in the systems U02(N03)2- -MOH-HaP04--H20 and U02(N03)2-MNOa-H3P04- H20 (M = = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs) is examined. The formation of alkaline- uranyl(2+) phosphates polyhydrates is detected: M[U02P04] · · n H20 (n = 4 for M = Li, n = 3 for M = Na, K, Rb and n = 2.5 for M =Cs). The X-ray powder patterns of these compounds are determined and compared with that of H30[U02P04] · 3 H20. A close structural relation within this series is observed. The size of the alkaline ionic species in the particular compound affects the content of crystalline water in the unit cell

    Biomimetics design for tribological applications

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    Biomimetics, biomimicry and bionics are synonyms for the scientific discipline of creating new structures inspired by nature. Biomimetics systematically analyses the evolutionary processes of living organisms, their structural relationships, the characteristics of natural materials and it studies how this knowledge can be used to create the optimal products and new sustainable materials. In the past decade, the biomimetics has received an incentive for the development by the technology modernization, and above all, by making it possible to study the micro-and nanolevels of biological structures. On the other hand, the miniaturization of technological devices has increased the need to understand the tribological phenomena on micro-and nanolevel, where is a huge potential for technological innovation. The integration of advanced research methods made it possible to discover new aspects in the structure and properties of biological materials and transfer that knowledge into new concepts or products. State-of-the-art of biomimetics progress is discussed, as well as, its goals and the potential to simultaneously achieve the financial and ecological contribution by realization of bio-inspired concepts. An overview of biomimetic researches is also provided, with special emphasis on the possibility of their tribological applications. The characteristic examples have been presented and those examples show how the structural and mechanical properties of the material were used as the basis for developing new creative solutions to solve the problem of friction in engineering applications

    Biomimetics design for tribological applications

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    Biomimetics, biomimicry and bionics are synonyms for the scientific discipline of creating new structures inspired by nature. Biomimetics systematically analyses the evolutionary processes of living organisms, their structural relationships, the characteristics of natural materials and it studies how this knowledge can be used to create the optimal products and new sustainable materials. In the past decade, the biomimetics has received an incentive for the development by the technology modernization, and above all, by making it possible to study the micro-and nanolevels of biological structures. On the other hand, the miniaturization of technological devices has increased the need to understand the tribological phenomena on micro-and nanolevel, where is a huge potential for technological innovation. The integration of advanced research methods made it possible to discover new aspects in the structure and properties of biological materials and transfer that knowledge into new concepts or products. State-of-the-art of biomimetics progress is discussed, as well as, its goals and the potential to simultaneously achieve the financial and ecological contribution by realization of bio-inspired concepts. An overview of biomimetic researches is also provided, with special emphasis on the possibility of their tribological applications. The characteristic examples have been presented and those examples show how the structural and mechanical properties of the material were used as the basis for developing new creative solutions to solve the problem of friction in engineering applications

    Malaco temperature reconstructions and numerical simulation of environmental conditions in the southeastern Carpathian Basin during the Last Glacial Maximum

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    We investigate the glacial climate conditions in the southeastern Carpathian Basin (Vojvodina, Serbia) based on the reconstruction of malacological palaeotemperatures and results from a high‐resolution regional climate simulation. Land snail assemblages from eight loess profiles are used to reconstruct July temperatures during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The malacological reconstructed temperatures are in good agreement with the simulated LGM July temperatures by the Weather Research and Forecast model. Both methods indicate increasing temperatures from the northwestern towards the southeastern parts of the study area. LGM aridity indices calculated based on the regional climate model data suggest more arid conditions in the southeastern parts compared with more humid conditions in the northwestern parts. However, for present‐day conditions, the moisture gradient is reversed, exhibiting more humid (arid) conditions in the southeast (northwest). An explanation for the reversed LGM aridity pattern is provided by an analysis of the prevailing wind directions over the South Banat district (Serbia). The prevailing moist northwesterly winds during summer are not able to compensate for the annual lack of moisture induced by the dry winds from the southeast that are more frequent during the LGM for the other seasons