8 research outputs found

    The economy of the early Byzantine metropolis Caričin grad: archaeozoological approach

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    Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije su ekonomski obrasci i strategije u načinu uzgoja i eksploatacije životinja u kratkom životu ranovizantijskog Caričinog grada kroz arheozooloÅ”ku perspektivu. Zbog svoje specifičnosti, kratkog trajanja i obima istraženosti, Caričin grad predstavlja jedno od najznačajnijih nalaziÅ”ta za razumevanje romejske civilizacije na prostoru severnog Ilirika. Sistematsko sakupljanje životinjskih ostataka prilikom arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja, kao i veličina uzorka, takođe su razlozi odabira ovog lokaliteta za rad na prvoj velikoj arheozooloÅ”koj studiji iz ranovizantijskog perioda na prostoru severnog Ilirika. S obzirom da ranovizantijski period predstavlja vreme tranzicija i transformacija između kasne antike i ranog srednjeg veka na pomenutom prostoru, rezultati analize životinjskih ostataka sa Caričinog grada upoređeni su sa dostupnim podacima iz literature za rimski period i srednji vek u cilju praćenja eventualnih promena. Glavni cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio je utvrđivanje ekonomskih obrazaca u pogledu eksploatacije životinja u različitim delovima grada. Faunalni materijal analiziran u ovoj studiji potiče iz kula Akropolja, istraženog dela naselja na severnoj padini u Gornjem gradu, naselja u jugozapadnom delu Donjeg grada i sonde u severoistočnom podgrađu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da su na svim lokacijama u gradu sa kojih potiče faunalni materijal, ekonomski najznačajnije vrste mali preživari (ovce i koze) i domaće svinje, dok se na osnovu zastupljenosti fetalnih kostiju i kostiju jako mladih jedinki ovce/koze i domaće svinje u faunalnom materijalu iz naselja u Gornjem gradu i naselja u Donjem gradu, može zaključiti da su ove životinje uzgajane unutar bedema Caričinog grada. Na osnovu starosnih struktura i paleopatoloÅ”kih promena koje su nastale kao posledica eksploatacije životinja za rad, zaključuje se da su goveče, ekvidi (konji, magarci i mule) i kamile gajeni prvenstveno za rad, dok su goveda gajena i za druge proizvode, kao Å”to je mleko, a samo su povremeno koriŔćene za meso jedinke mlađe od tri godine, tačnije između druge i treće godine života kada je količina mesa najveća i najboljeg kvaliteta. Lov je predstavljao sporednu granu privređivanja u Caričinom gradu. Pored toga Å”to su jelen i divlja svinja najzastupljenije divlje vrste, veliki diverzitet divljači ukazuje viÅ”e na oportunistički pristup lovu nego strateÅ”ki. Analiza prostorne distribucije životinjskih ostataka, prvenstveno ostataka riba i to dunavskih i mediteranskih, ukazuje na razlike u ishrani između stanovnika Akropolja i naselja u Gornjem gradu s jedne strane i stanovnika u naselju u Donjem gradu s druge strane, na osnovu čega se uviđa druÅ”tveno raslojavanje na Caričinom gradu. Na osnovu veličine i procentualne zastupljenosti ekonomski najznačajnijih domaćih vrsta, utvrđeno je da se strategija uzgajanja i upotrebe životinja na Caričinom gradu menja u odnosu na rimski period. Tokom rimskog perioda gajene su krupnije rase domaćih životinja i goveče je predstavljalo najznačajniju vrstu, dok se u 6. veku na Caričinom gradu uzgajaju male lokalne rase domaćih životinja, a ovca i koza predstavljaju ekonomski najznačajnije vrste. Caričin grad je u pogledu stočarstva i eksploatacije životinja predstavljao samostalnu ekonomsku jedinicu koja je obezbeđivala osnovne potrebe u smislu hrane i to dobrim delom unutar i u neposrednoj blizini grada. Na ovakav ekonomski obrazac upućuju i preliminarni rezultati arheobotaničkih istraživanja. Takav način privređivanja posebno je važan za opstanak u kriznim vremenima. Sa druge strane, nalazi egzotičnih vrsta životinja ukazuju da su stanovnici Caričinog grada tokom većeg dela trajanja života u njemu imali dinamičnu komunikaciju sa drugim, udaljenim krajevima Carstva

    Reduction in Pathogenic Biofilms by the Photoactive Composite of Bacterial Cellulose and Nanochitosan Dots under Blue and Green Light

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    In this study, nanochitosan dots (ChiDs) were synthesized using gamma rays and encapsulated in bacterial cellulose (BC) polymer matrix for antibiofilm potential in photodynamic therapy. The composites were analyzed for structural changes using SEM, AFM, FTIR, XRD, EPR, and porosity measurements. Additionally, ChiD release was assessed. The results showed that the chemical composition remained unaltered, but ChiD agglomerates embedded in BC changed shape (1.5ā€“2.5 Āµm). Bacterial cellulose fibers became deformed and interconnected, with increased surface roughness and porosity and decreased crystallinity. No singlet oxygen formation was observed, and the total amount of released ChiD was up to 16.10%. Antibiofilm activity was higher under green light, with reductions ranging from 48 to 57% under blue light and 78 to 85% under green light. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was the most sensitive strain. The new photoactive composite hydrogels show promising potential for combating biofilm-related infections

    Š medieval burial from the site of Š”upska: an anthropological and contextual analysis of the skeletal remains from grave 1

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    In 1956, the Institute of Archaeology and the National Museum in Belgrade carried out excavations at the site of Supska, near Ćuprija, in Central Serbia. Based on the material culture findings, the site is mostly known as a Late Neolithic one; however, archaeological findings from other periods were discovered too. In the 1956 excavations, the cultural layers, and archaeological features with the Vinča culture archaeological materials were examined, as well as one grave, marked as Grave 1. The results of this excavation have been previously published in one monograph; however, an anthropological analysis of the individual found in Grave 1 has not been conducted before. In this paper, we present the results of contextual, bioanthropological, stable isotopes and C14 analyses of human skeletal remains found in Grave 1. The results showed that a young adult, who had experienced nonspecific metabolic stress during childhood, as evidenced by traces of linear enamel hypoplasia and porotic hyperostosis, was buried in this grave. AMS date revealed that this individual lived between 1280ā€“1390 cal. AD, while the results of the stable isotope analyses suggested that it had mixed diet based on C4 plants (such as millet) and/or C3 plants, with larger amounts of animal protein, possible deriving from freshwater fish

    Karakterizacija matičnih ćelija izolovanih iz zubne pulpe mlečnih zuba dece

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    Background/Aim. The last decade has been profoundly marked by persistent attempts to use ex vivo expanded and manipulated mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), as a tool in different types of regenerative therapy. In the present study we described immunophenotype and the proliferative and differentiation potential of cells isolated from pulp remnants of exfoliated deciduous teeth in the final phase of root resorption. Methods. The initial adherent cell population from five donors was obtained by the outgrowth method. Colony forming unit-fibroblast (CFU-F) assay was performed in passage one. Cell expansion was performed until passage three and all tests were done until passage eight. Cells were labeled for early mesenchymal stem cells markers and analysis have been done using flow cytometry. The proliferative potential was assessed by cell counting in defined time points and population doubling time was calculated. Commercial media were used to induce osteoblastic, chondrogenic and adipogenic differentiation. Cytology and histology methods were used for analysis of differentiated cell morphology and extracellular matrix characteristics. Results. According to immunophenotype analyses all undifferentiated cells were positive for the mesenchymal stem cell markers: CD29 and CD73. Some cells expressed CD146 and CD106. The hematopoietic cell marker, CD34, was not detected. In passage one, incidence of CFU-F was 4.7 Ā± 0.5/100. Population doubling time did not change significantly during cell subcultivation and was in average 25 h. After induction of differentiation, the multicolony derived cell population had a tri-lineage differentiation potential, since mineralized matrix, cartilage-like tissue and adipocytes were successfully formed after three weeks of incubation. Conclusion. Altogether, these data suggest that remnants of deciduous teeth dental pulp contained cell populations with mesenchymal stem cell-like features, with a high proliferation and tri- lineage differentiation potential and that these cultures are suitable for further in vitro evaluation of cell based therapies.Uvod/Cilj. ProÅ”la dekada je bila posebno obeležena naporima na polju koriŔćenja ex vivo razvijenih i usmeravanih mezenhimskih matičnih ćelija (MSCs), kao sredstva za različite tipove regenerativne terapije. Cilj ove studije bio je da se utvrdi imunofenotip i potencijal za proliferaciju i diferencijaciju ćelija izolovanih iz zubne pulpe mlečnih zuba dece eksfoliranih u periodu kada je koren zuba bio u poslednjoj fazi resorpcije. Metode. Primarna adherentna populacija ćelija poreklom od pet donora dobijena je metodom eksplanta. Prisustvo progenitorskih ćelija koje obrazuju kolonije fibroblasta (CFU-F) pokazano je u prvoj pasaži. Do treće pasaže ćelije su ekspandirane, a potom koriŔćene za analiziranje. Imunofenotip je određen koriŔćenjem protočne citometrije. Proliferativni potencijal i vreme udvajanja ćelija (PDT) u kulturi je definisano na osnovu apsolutnog broja ćelija na početku i na kraju svake pasaže. Posle tronedeljne kultivacije ćelija u komercijalnim medijumima za stimulaciju osteogeneze, hondrogeneze i adipogeneze, citoloÅ”kim i histoloÅ”kim metodama je određena morfologija ćelija i karakteristike vanćelijskog matriksa. Rezultati. Antigeni koji karakteriÅ”u mezenhimske matične ćelije CD29 i CD73 su bili eksprimirani na svim nediferenciranim ćelijama, dok su antigeni CD146 i CD106 bili eksprimirani na ograničenom broju ćelija. Antigen CD34 (karakterističan za ćelije hematopoetske loze) nije bio eksprimiran. Incidencija CFU-F bila je 4,7 Ā± 0,5/100 ćelija. PDT se nije menjao tokom osam pasaža i u proseku je iznosio 25 h. Posle tronedeljne stimulacije diferencijacije u kulturama sa adipogenim medijumom doÅ”lo je do stvaranja ćelija sa masnim kapljicama, a u kulturama sa osteogenim medijumom doÅ”lo je do formiranja vanćelijskog matriksa sa deponovanim kalcijumovim solima. U kulturama sa hondrogenim medijumom doÅ”lo je do stvaranja tkiva sličnog hrskavici i vanćelijskog matriksa sa glikozaminoglikanima i kolagenom II. Zaključak. Zubna pulpa mlečnih zuba dece sadrži ćelijsku populaciju koja odgovara mezenhimskim matičnim ćelijama prema svojim karakteristikama, ima visok proliferativni potencijal i potencijal da se diferencira u tri ćelijske linije Å”to je čini pogodnom za dalje in vitro analize i evaluaciju ćelijske terapije

    Bactericidal and antioxidant bacterial cellulose hydrogels doped with chitosan as potential urinary tract infection biomedical agent

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    Therapy of bacterial urinary tract infections (UTIs) and catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) is still a great challenge because of the resistance of bacteria to nowadays used antibiotics and encrustation of catheters. Bacterial cellulose (BC) as a biocompatible material with a high porosity allows incorporation of different materials in its three dimensional network structure. In this work a low molecular weight chitosan (Chi) polymer is incorporated in BC with different concentrations. Different characterization techniques are used to investigate structural and optical properties of these composites. Radical scavenging activity test shows moderate antioxidant activity of these biocompatible composites whereasin vitrorelease test shows that 13.3% of chitosan is released after 72 h. Antibacterial testing of BC-Chi composites conducted on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria causing UTIs and CAUTIs (Escherichia coli,Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Klebsiella pneumoniae) and encrustation (Proteus mirabilis) show bactericidal effect. The morphology analysis of bacteria after the application of BC-Chi shows that they are flattened with a rough surface, with a tendency to agglomerate and with decreased length and width. All obtained results show that BC-Chi composites might be considered as potential biomedical agents in treatment of UTIs and CAUTIs and as a urinary catheter coating in encrustation prevention

    Chronic wound dressings ā€“ Pathogenic bacteria anti-biofilm treatment with bacterial cellulose-chitosan polymer or bacterial cellulose-chitosan dots composite hydrogels

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    Since the pathogenic bacteria biofilms are involved in 70% of chronic infections and their resistance to antibiotics is increased, the research in this field requires new healing agents. New composite hydrogels were designed as potential chronic wound dressings composed of bacterial cellulose (BC) with chitosan polymer (Chi) ā€“ BC-Chi and chitosan nanoparticles (nChiD) ā€“ BC-nChiD. nChiD were obtained by gamma irradiation at doses: 20, 40 and 60Ā kGy. Physical and chemical analyses showed incorporation of Chi and encapsulation of nChiD into BC. The BC-Chi has the highest average surface roughness. BC-nChiD hydrogels show an irradiated dose-dependent increase of average surface roughness. New composite hydrogels are biocompatible with excellent anti-biofilm potential with up to 90% reduction of viable biofilm and up to 65% reduction of biofilm height. The BC-nChiD showed better dressing characteristics: higher porosity, higher wound fluid absorption and faster migration of cells (in vitro healing). All obtained results confirmed both composite hydrogels as promising chronic wound healing agents

    Relationships between heavy metal content and magnetic susceptibility in road side loess profiles: A possible way to detect pollution

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    The vertical and horizontal contamination profile of the loess sediments located in the vicinity of the highway Novi Sad-Belgrade, with the intense frequency of vehicles, has been assessed. The heavy metal content (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) and hydrocarbon content were determined for the samples collected from two loess profiles in broad ranges of depth (0.15-4.50 m at 0.15 m intervals) and horizontally deeper in the sediment (0.01, 0.05 and 0.10 m). For all loess samples the contents of heavy metals were lower than the remediation intervention values. Hydrocarbon content in all analyzed sediment samples was below limit of quantification of 50 mg/kg. Magnetic susceptibility of the samples revealed the occurrence of one weak paleosol in one loess profile as well as the anthropogenic loess like deposits in the upper part of the second profile. The polynomial regression was successfully applied to estimate relationship between magnetic susceptibility of the loess and heavy metal content, total organic carbon and grain-size distribution. The developed second order equations are a responsive method with the calculated multiple R higher than 94%. The proposed statistical approach greatly simplifies the analysis of loess profile as a record of pollution, and it may serve to estimate the extremely high values of magnetic susceptibility influenced by small increase in heavy metal content, total organic carbon and grain size distribution

    Photoactive and antioxidant nanochitosan dots/biocellulose hydrogels for wound healing treatment

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    Bacterial infection and their resistance to known antibiotics delays wound healing. In this study, nanochitosan dots (nChiD) produced by gamma irradiation have been encapsulated in bacterial cellulose (BC) polymer matrix to study the antibacterial potentials of these nanocomposites and their possible usage in wound healing treatment (scratch assay). Detailed analyses show that nChiDs have disc-like shape and average diameter in the range of 40 to 60 nm depending of the applied dose. All nChiDs as well as BC-nChiD nanocomposites emit green photoluminescence independently on the excitation wavelengths. The new designed nanocomposites do not have a cytotoxic effect; antioxidant analysis shows their moderate radical scavenging activity whereas antibacterial properties show significant growth inhibition of strains mostly found in difficult-to-heal wounds. The obtained results confirm that new designed BC-nChiD nanocomposites might be potential agent in wound healing treatment.Supplementary material: [http://aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5993