2,271 research outputs found

    Child universes UV regularization?

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    It is argued that high energy density excitations, responsible for UV divergences in quantum field theories, including quantum gravity, are likely to be the source of child universes which carry them out of the original space time. This decoupling prevents these high UV excitations from having any influence on physical amplitudes. Child universe production could therefore be responsible for UV regularization in quantum field theories which takes into account gravitational effects. Also child universe production in the last stages of black hole evaporation, the prediction of absence of tranplanckian primordial perturbations, connection to the minimum length hypothesis and in particular connection to the maximal curvature hypothesis are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, RevTex, discussion to the maximum curvature hypothesis adde

    Wormholes and Child Universes

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    Evidence to the case that classical gravitation provides the clue to make sense out of quantum gravity is presented. The key observation is the existence in classical gravitation of child universe solutions or "almost" solutions, "almost" because of some singularity problems. The difficulties of these child universe solutions due to their generic singularity problems will be very likely be cured by quantum effects, just like for example "almost" instanton solutions are made relevant in gauge theories with breaking of conformal invariance. Some well motivated modifcations of General Relativity where these singularity problems are absent even at the classical level are discussed. High energy density excitations, responsible for UV divergences in quantum field theories, including quantum gravity, are likely to be the source of child universes which carry them out of the original space time. This decoupling could prevent these high UV excitations from having any influence on physical amplitudes. Child universe production could therefore be responsible for UV regularization in quantum field theories which take into account semiclassically gravitational effects. Child universe production in the last stages of black hole evaporation, the prediction of absence of tranplanckian primordial perturbations, connection to the minimum length hypothesis and in particular the connection to the maximal curvature hypothesis are discussed. Some discussion of superexcited states in the case these states are Kaluza Klein excitations is carried out. Finally, the posibility of obtaining "string like" effects from the wormholes associated with the child universes is discussed.Comment: Talk presented at the IWARA 2009 Conference, Maresias, Brazil, October 2009, accepted for publication in the proceedings, World Scientific format, 8 page


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    Unitary quantization and para-Fermi statistics of order two

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    A connection between a unitary quantization scheme and para-Fermi statistics of order 2 is considered. An appropriate extension of Green's ansatz is suggested. This extension allows one to transform bilinear and trilinear commutation relations for the annihilation and creation operators of two different para-Fermi fields ϕa\phi_{a} and ϕb\phi_{b} into identity. The way of incorporating para-Grassmann numbers ξk\xi_{k} into a general scheme of uniquantization is also offered. For parastatistics of order 2 a new fact is revealed, namely, the trilinear relations containing both the para-Grassmann variables ξk\xi_{k} and the field operators aka_{k}, bmb_{m} under a certain invertible mapping go over into the unitary equivalent relations, where commutators are replaced by anticommutators and vice versa. It is shown that the consequence of this circumstance is the existence of two alternative definitions of the coherent state for para-Fermi oscillators. The Klein transformation for Green's components of the operators aka_{k}, bmb_{m} is constructed in an explicit form that enables us to reduce the initial commutation rules for the components to the normal commutation relations of ordinary Fermi fields. A nontrivial connection between trilinear commutation relations of the unitary quantization scheme and so-called Lie-supertriple system is analysed. A brief discussion of the possibility of embedding the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau theory into the unitary quantization scheme is provided.Comment: 44 pages, the version published in J. Exp. Theor. Phy

    Second-layer nucleation in coherent Stranski-Krastanov growth of quantum dots

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    We have studied the monolayer-bilayer transformation in the case of the coherent Stranski-Krastanov growth. We have found that the energy of formation of a second layer nucleus is largest at the center of the first-layer island and smallest on its corners. Thus nucleation is expected to take place at the corners (or the edges) rather than at the center of the islands as in the case of homoepitaxy. The critical nuclei have one atom in addition to a compact shape, which is either a square of i*i or a rectangle of i*(i-1) atoms, with i>1 an integer. When the edge of the initial monolayer island is much larger than the critical nucleus size, the latter is always a rectangle plus an additional atom, adsorbed at the longer edge, which gives rise to a new atomic row in order to transform the rectangle into the equilibrium square shape.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Accepted version, minor change

    Influence of Intra-cell Traffic on the Output Power of Base Station in GSM

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    In this paper we analyze the influence of intracell traffic in a GSM cell on the base station output power. It is proved that intracell traffic increases this power. If offered traffic is small, the increase of output power is equal to the part of intracell traffic. When the offered traffic and, as the result, call loss increase, the increase of output power becomes less. The results of calculation are verified by the computer simulation of traffic process in the GSM cell. The calculation and the simulation consider the uniform distribution of mobile users in the cell, but the conclusions are of a general nature


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    Lobzik (from German Laubsäge) is a tool for curvilinear sawing of materials. Manual mechanical Jigsaw includes an arched frame with a handle and clamps for mounting the saw blade. The saw blade is thin and narrow, thanks to which it is possible to change the direction of sawing. The frame has a large clearance between the canvas and its top, so it can bypass the edges of the workpiece. Manual jigsaw is usually used for processing of wood and its derivatives (in particular, plywood), and also in jeweller practice for processing nonferrous metals. Electric Jigsaw is a hand-held power tool for sawing of various materials with reciprocating movement of saw blade (Fig. 1). The manual electric Jigsaw includes a hull with a flat platform at the bottom and a handle at the top. Inside is an electric motor and a mechanism that transforms the rotational motion of the engine shaft into the reciprocating movement of the guide. For fastening of cloths the shank with a clamping screw or a spring clamp is used

    Hamiltonian formalism for Bose excitations in a plasma with a non-Abelian interaction

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    We have developed the Hamiltonian theory for collective longitudinally polarized colorless excitations (plasmons) in a high-temperature gluon plasma using the general formalism for constructing the wave theory in nonlinear media with dispersion, which was developed by V.E. Zakharov. In this approach, we have explicitly obtained a special canonical transformation that makes it possible to simplify the Hamiltonian of interaction of soft gluon excitations and, hence, to derive a new effective Hamiltonian. The approach developed here is used for constructing a Boltzmann-type kinetic equation describing elastic scattering of collective longitudinally polarized excitations in a gluon plasma as well as the effect of the so-called nonlinear Landau damping. We have performed detailed comparison of the effective amplitude of the plasmon-plasmon interaction, which is determined using the classical Hamilton theory, with the corresponding matrix element calculated in the framework of high-temperature quantum chromodynamics; this has enabled us to determine applicability limits for the purely classical approach described in this study.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure