139 research outputs found

    Families' experiences of diabetes guidance in pediatric ward 1

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    Diabetes is one of the fastest spreading diseases in Finland and worldwide. The prevalence of type 1 diabetes has quadrupled during the past 50 years. It is not known why Finnish children get diabetes more than others, as is yet unknown what has caused the increase in the prevalence of the disease. The purpose of the thesis was to find out and describe the lived experiences of diabetes guidance in ward 1 among families with a child diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, as well as to find out how families’ individual needs are taken into account in the diabetes guidance. The research was carried out in cooperation with the pediatric ward 1 and the pediatric pol-yclinic at Central Finland central hospital. The method used for data collection was questionnaire with open-ended questions. Collect-ed data which consisted of three responses was analyzed using thematic content analysis. The results of the study show that families had good experiences of the period they spent in pediatric ward 1. Diabetes guidance in the ward is well planned and customized for each family. Further research is, however, recommended to be done on the same subject with a longer data collection period, since the collected data for this thesis turned out to be rather brief.Diabetes on yksi maailman nopeimmin leviĂ€vistĂ€ sairauksista Suomessa ja maailmanlaajui-sesti. 1 tyypin diabeteksen esiintyvyys on nelinkertaistunut viimeisen viidenkymmenen vuo-den aikana. Ei tiedetĂ€, miksi suomalaiset lapset sairastuvat diabetekseen useammin kuin toiset. Ei myöskÀÀn tiedetĂ€, miksi taudin esiintyvyys on kasvanut. Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ ja kuvata perheiden kokemuksia diabeteshoidonohjauksesta lastenosasto 1:llĂ€ perheissĂ€, joissa on 1 tyypin diabetekseen sairastunut lapsi. Tarkoituksena oli myös selvittÀÀ, kuinka perheiden yksilölliset tarpeet huomioidaan diabeteshoidonohjauksessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin yhteistyössĂ€ Keski-Suomen keskussairaalan lastenosasto 1:n ja lastentautien poliklinikan kanssa. Aineistonkeruussa kĂ€ytettiin avoimista kysymyksistĂ€ koostuvaa kyselylomaketta. Aineiston analysointimenetelmĂ€nĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin teemoittelevaa sisĂ€llönanalyysiĂ€. Aineistonkeruu tuotti kolme vastausta. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ perheille jĂ€i hyvĂ€t kokemukset sairaalajaksolta lasten-osasto 1:llĂ€. Diabeteshoidonohjaus osastolla on laadittu hyvin ja se on yksilöity jokaiselle perheelle sopivaksi. LisĂ€tutkimusta suositellaan kuitenkin tehtĂ€vĂ€ksi samasta aiheesta pi-demmĂ€llĂ€ tiedonkeruuajalla, sillĂ€ tĂ€hĂ€n tutkimukseen kerĂ€tty aineisto osoittautui suppeaks

    Thermal decomposition of the HXeCl center dot center dot center dot H2O complex in solid xenon : Experimental characterization of the two-body decomposition channel

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    The thermal decomposition process of HXeCl···H2O in solid Xe is studied, and HCl···H2O is identified as a decomposition product. The production is due to the two-body (2B) decomposition of HXeCl moiety, in agreement with theoretical predictions. Two types of 2B decomposition paths are predicted: catalytic and unimolecular 2B decompositions, where water molecule plays different roles. In an experiment to selectively produce HXeCl···D2O, only HCl···D2O is observed as a thermal decomposition product, indicating the occurrence of unimolecular 2B decomposition, where water molecule serves as a spectator. The activation energy for this decomposition process is experimentally determined to be 15 kJ mol−1.The thermal decomposition process of HXeCl center dot center dot center dot H2O in solid Xe is studied, and HCl center dot center dot center dot H2O is identified as a decomposition product. The production is due to the two-body (2B) decomposition of HXeCl moiety, in agreement with theoretical predictions. Two types of 2B decomposition paths are predicted: catalytic and unimolecular 2B decompositions, where water molecule plays different roles. In an experiment to selectively produce HXeCl center dot center dot center dot D2O, only HCl center dot center dot center dot D2O is observed as a thermal decomposition product, indicating the occurrence of unimolecular 2B decomposition, where water molecule serves as a spectator. The activation energy for this decomposition process is experimentally determined to be 15 kJ mol(-1).Peer reviewe

    Path to European quantum unicorns

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    Cardiovascular Diseases among Suiciders: A Population-Based Study in Northern Finland Population

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    Objective. Depression has been found to be an independent risk factor with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and also associated with increased mortality among these patients. Method. We used a comprehensive database of all suicides (n = 2, 283) committed in Northern Finland with information on all hospital-treated cardiovascular diseases and psychiatric disorders. Results. Coronary artery disease (CAD) had been present in 7.7% and other cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in 11.6% of the suiciders. The likelihood of suicide for patients with hospital-treated CAD was estimated to be two-fold compared to the general population while likelihood for suicide was not elevated among those with other CVDs. Males with CAD and females with CAD or any CVD had been hospitalized significantly more often with depression compared to reference group. Conclusions. Suicidality among patients with cardiovascular diseases has been suggested to associate with depression. Psychiatric consultation is highly recommended in clinical practice for cardiac patients with depression or alcohol-related disorders

    The mechanic in the Chemistry department was also the inventor of the Abloy lock

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    Abloy-lÄset Àr bekant för alla finlÀndare, men det finns lite information om att ha en administratör som en gÄng arbetat pÄ kemiavdelningen vid Helsingfors universitet.Abloy-lukko on tuttu jokaiselle suomalaiselle, mutta harva tietÀÀ, ettÀ sen keksijÀ työskenteli aikoinaan Helsingin yliopiston kemian osastossa.The Abloy lock is familiar to every Finn, but there is little information about the main user who once worked in the chemistry department of the University of Helsinki

    Infrared-Induced Rotamerization of Oxalic Acid Monomer in Argon Matrix

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    Infrared-induced conformational isomerization of oxalic acid monomer isolated in an argon matrix at 7.5 K was studied by infrared spectroscopy. For the first time, three conformational states of this molecule were identified experimentally and their vibrational spectra are assigned. In good agreement with density functional theory predictions, all the observed conformers exhibit a trans OC−CO axis, differing in the relative conformation of their O−C−O−H axes. In the most stable conformer (belonging to the C2h symmetry point group), two intramolecular OH···O hydrogen bonds are present. The second (Cs) most stable conformer shows a single OH···O bond, and the third one (C2h) does not exhibit any intramolecular hydrogen bond. Using narrowband tunable irradiation in the near-infrared region it was possible to promote very efficiently conformer interconversions, which was followed spectroscopically
