18 research outputs found

    Biedne zwierzęta patrzą na ludzi : na marginesach książki Piotra Krupińskiego „Dlaczego gęsi krzyczały?” Zwierzęta i Zagłada w literaturze polskiej XX i XXI wieku

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    The article presents a reflection on the presence of animals in the Holocaust and in the narratives that underpinned it. The starting point of this consideration is the book by a Polish literary scholar – Piotr Krupiński „Why did the Geese Shriek?” Animals and the Holocaust in Polish Literature of the 20th and 21st Century. The author juxtaposes the book with the comic book Maus by Art Spiegelman and the nazi propaganda film The Eternal Jew. The article raises questions about, among others, suffering of animals, a human–animal dualism in the context of the Holocaust, zoomorphism, and controversies over the so called animal holocaust. The author points out that we should remember the human is also an animal, especially at the time of the reflection on the Holocaust, which reveals the issue of „community of death”

    Eko-logika : pojmowanie wspólnoty w perspektywie posthumanizmu

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    The proposed thesis aims to analyze the category of community within posthuman thought. As part of my considerations, I address the issue of the community as an onto-epistemological category, which funds the posthuman optics, in particular focusing on crossing various dualisms sanctioned by the category of non-presence that characterizes the ecological crisis. In my understanding, humanism needs supplementation in the form of posthumanism, if we are to counteract the effects of the ecological crisis effectively. It is one of the most important contemporary philosophical issues. It cannot be undertaken without thinking of a posthuman community. In the first part of my thesis, I attempt to sketch the subjective cartography of posthumanism. I focus primarily on those issues that will underlie my further considerations – on the conceptual personae of Man and posthumanist ways of dismantling it. I also try to describe the issue of post-anthropocentric point of view and ask about the possibility of cognitive departure from Cartesian dualism. In the second part, I indicate that the ecological crisis is caused by onto-epistemological blindness (described by me in the category of non-presence), which funded humanism and modernity. I point to phenomena that seemingly have a variety of provenance, but they all turn out to be assembled within the intra-active relationships. The aim of this part is, therefore, a particular diagnosis of reality, which is to be the starting point for the description of a posthuman community based precisely on this type of networked relationships. The examples I rise often relate to the Polish context, because on the one hand it is best known to me, and on the other hand it seems to harmonize with the idea of feminist politics of location and the standpoint theory, which in my opinion are crucial for understanding the post-anthropocentric point of view. In the third part of the thesis, I focus on the posthuman approach to the community category. As a starting point, I take the existing concepts of the community and the helplessness accompanying them. I claim that the aporias, which are characteristic of the current philosophy of the community, are also associated with the ecological crisis described in earlier parts of the thesis. I point out that the bridge between existing community concepts and the posthumanist proposal can be found in the thoughts of Jean-Luc Nancy and his notion of the ontological community. It is only this diagnosis that allows me to describe more broadly the novelty that community thinking introduces in the post-anthropocentric posthumanism. I then describe the onto-epistemological dimension of the posthuman community, and then I propose supporting it with an activist, affirmative dimension, which I call eco-logic. It is an attempt to re-lecture in a posthuman manner the oikology – the philosophy of home proposed by Polish philosophers: Tadeusz Sławek, Aleksandra Kunce, and Zbigniew Kadłubek

    Polityka nie istnieje : media społecznościowe i symulakrum

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    Autor przygląda się sytuacjom, które ujawniają, w jaki sposób polityka przeniosła się do przestrzeni wirtualnej. Efektem owego przeniesienia nie jest poszerzenie pól uprawiania polityki, a wręcz przeciwnie – odbywa się swoisty transfer, odrealniający materialny wymiar przestrzeni politycznej. Działania i wypowiedzi polityków w mediach społecznościowych odnoszą realne skutki w materialnej rzeczywistości. Do wirtualnej przestrzeni przenosi się dziś również życie polityczne obywateli. Przywołując koncepcję Jeana Baudrillarda, możemy uznać, iż owo przesunięcie przemieniło politykę w jej własne symulakrum. Przypatrując się ontologii cyfrowych treści, zwłaszcza pod kątem możliwości ich usunięcia z Internetu, a także symulakryczności uprawianej wirtualnie polityki, autor proponuje pojęcie nie-obecności na zdiagnozowanie hiperrzeczywistej polityki i obywatelskiego slacktywizmu (Jewgenij Morozow). Autor wskazuje, że tak uprawiana polityka staje się narzędziem biowładzy, kontrolującym aktywność społeczeństwa obywatelskiego

    Zamki i pałace Śląska : dziedzictwo - tożsamość - arystokracja

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    Prezentowana książka jest wynikiem obrad konferencyjnych, które miały miejsce w dniach 19-20 marca 2012 roku. Konferencja naukowa „Zamki i pałace Śląska”, której organizatorami byli: Muzeum Zamkowe w Pszczynie, Zakład Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach oraz działające w tymże Zakładzie Studenckie Koło Naukowe Historyków Sztuki,Paweł Ziegler - Wprowadzenie ; Marta Ostrowska-Bies - Nie tylko Paulinum : historia współpracy architekta Karla Grossera i jego zleceniodawcy, Oscara Caro ; Wioletta Wrona-Gaj - Arystokrata a siedziba rodowa. Wpływ zainteresowań i pozycji przedstawicieli rodu Hochbergów i Schaffgotschów na kształtowanie architektury rezydencjonalnej ; Hanna Górska - Dwory i pałace o drewnianej konstrukcji szkieletowej na Śląsku ; Aneta Borowik - Forma architektoniczna Pałacu Młodzieży im. prof. Aleksandra Kamińskiego w Katowicach oraz materiały źródłowe do konkursu z 1948 roku ; Magdalena Marzec - Formy neorenesansu francuskiego w nieistniejącym już Małym Wersalu w Świerklańcu ; Maria Pallado - O stylu neomauretańskim na przykładzie sali mauretańskiej pałacu w Krowiarkach ; Justyna Dziembała, Sabina Rotowska - Pałac Goldsteinów wczoraj i dziś. Historia i prace konserwatorskie obiektu ; Daria Rzepiela - Przeszłość w przyszłości – teoretyczne rozważania projektowe dotyczące Pałacu w Dobrej ; Agata Stronciwilk, Miłosz Markiewicz - Mit – manipulacja : tożsamość. Portrety historyzujące z Pałacu w Pławniowicach i Domu Kawalera w Świerklańcu ; Helena Jadwiszczok-Molencka - Medialny obraz powojennych losów fundacji Tiele-Wincklerów w Miechowicach.Agnieszka Uziębł

    Biedne zwierzęta patrzą na ludzi. Na marginesach książki Piotra Krupińskiego „Dlaczego gęsi krzyczały?” Zwierzęta i Zagłada w literaturze polskiej XX i XXI wieku

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    Miłosz Markiewicz ORCID: 0000-0002-7350-4301 Uniwersytet Śląski w KatowicachZakład Estetyki i Antropologii Przestrzeni Abstract Poor animals look at people. Margin notes in book “Why did the Geese Shriek?”Animals and the Holocaust in Polish Literature of the 20th and 21st Century by Piotr Krupiński The article presents a reflection on the presence of animals in the Holocaust and in the narratives that underpinned it. The starting point of this consideration is the book by a Polish literary scholar – Piotr Krupiński „Why did the Geese Shriek?” Animals and the Holocaust in Polish Literature of the 20th and 21st Century. The author juxtaposes the book with the comic book Maus by Art Spiegelman and the nazi propaganda film The Eternal Jew. The article raises questions about, among others, suffering of animals, a human–animal dualism in the context of the Holocaust, zoomorphism, and controversies over the so called animal holocaust. The author points out that we should remember the human is also an animal, especially at the time of the reflection on the Holocaust, which reveals the issue of “community of death”. Keywords:Holocaust, animals, literature, suffering, community of death, Piotr Krupiński, postanthropocentrism

    Ku posthumanistycznej wspólnocie. Eko-logika, czyli myślenie domem

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    The article is an attempt to review the ecological discourse in the light of posthuman philosophy. The main concept addressed by the author is the Anthropocene: the name of the new geological epoch, which betokens growing influence of human practices on the condition of Earth. Analyzing the concept of the Anthropocene, the author outlines its history, to date critique and related controversies (within natural sciences and humanities). The author also observes that the Anthropocene functions as an ambivalent philosophical metaphor, which underlies contemporary ecological discourse. In an attempt to challenge Anthropocene-tric thought, the author  advances a new concept which, in his opinion, could replace ecology. The concept is called eco-logics, and may be defined as ‘thinking through home’.The article is an attempt to review the ecological discourse in the light of posthuman philosophy. The main concept addressed by the author is the Anthropocene; the author observes that the Anthropocene functions as an ambivalent philosophical metaphor, which underlies contemporary ecological discourse. The author advances a new concept which, in his opinion, could replace ecology. The concept is called eco-logics, and may be defined as ‘thinking through home’. &nbsp

    The new community for the anthropocene? Eco-logics, or thinking through home. Initial thoughts

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    The article is an attempt to review the ecological discourse in the light of posthuman philosophy. The main concept addressed by the author is the Anthropocene; the author observes that the Anthropocene functions as an ambivalent philosophical metaphor, which underlies contemporary ecological discourse. The author advances a new concept which, in his opinion, could replace ecology. The concept is called eco-logics, and may be defined as ‘thinking through home’.

    Geontopower of Algorithms. On the Production of Discourses in the Anthropocene

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    Celem artykułu jest analiza strategii produkcji oraz funkcjonowania dyskursu ekologicznego w epoce nazywanej Antropocenem. Autor pyta o szczególną popularność denializmu klimatycznego w dyskursie publicznym. Produkcja dyskursu jest w artykule rozpatrywana w kontekście zoe/geo/techno-asamblażu [Braidotti], a także funkcjonowania algorytmów i silników wyszukiwania treści na przykładzie platformy Youtube. Autor dochodzi do wniosku, iż denializm klimatyczny należy rozpatrywać jako równorzędną narrację ekologiczną, by uniknąć rozrastania się alternatywnych obiegów wiedzy. W tym kontekście proponuje zwrócić się ku propozycji negantropocenu sformułowanej przez Bernarda Stieglera.The aim of the paper is to analyse the production strategy and functioning of the ecological discourse within the Anthropocene. The author asks about the peculiar popularity of climate denialism in public discourse. In the paper, the discourse production is considered in the context of zoe/geo/techno assemblages (Braidotti), as well as the functioning of algorithms and search engines on the example of the Youtube platform. The author concludes that climate denialism should be considered as an equivalent ecological narrative to avoid the expansion of alternative knowledge cycles. In this context, he proposes to turn to the Neganthropocene proposal formulated by Bernard Stiegler

    World Beyond Dualism : Questions On Aesthetic Understanding In New Materialist Perspective

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    The article is an attempt to describe the issue of aesthetic understanding, raised by David Hume, and – later – by Arnold Berleant. The author tries to locate the problem in New Materialist perspective according to theories of Karen Barad. With this, the author attempts to indicate that aesthetics (understand as the general theory of sensory cognition) should be considered in-between ontology and epistemology. This way of thinking about the aesthetic could be a way to overcome the mind–body dualism. Hitherto narratives of the philosophy of body (ex. somaesthetics by Richard Shusterman) do not seem to avoid this distinction. By referring to the idea of atmospheres by Gernot Böhme and locating it in New Materialist perspective, the author points out, that aesthetic understanding can be explored only if we consider as well the inner body processes as the surrounding environment

    Posthuman knowledge : towards new discur-sive practices and posthuman pluniversitas

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    The article - fulfilling in part the role of a manifesto - is a voice in the debate about the future of the university and a proposal to redefine humanist discourse, not only by developing new practices of knowledge production, but also complementing humanities with posthumanist sensitivity and onto-epistemology. For the authors, the starting point is a critical commentary on the educational policy of the Third Republic of Poland, as well as the autoethnographic experience of teaching at the faculty of art at one of the Polish universities. Based on the concepts of Bernard Stiegler and Rosi Braidotti, the authors propose an alternative direction of thinking about scholarly knowledge and the mission of the university