113 research outputs found

    Arhitektura višeporodičnog stanovanja Niša u periodu moderne od 1945-1980

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    In the post-war period, a large number of multi-family housing facilities were built in Nis under the influence of the modern world movement. The fifth and sixth decades of the 20th century represent a period of intensive construction after the Second World War, which can be considered a continuation of the Modernist Movement in Nis from the interwar period, with post-war construction gaining even greater proportions. The housing construction fund is certainly the largest segment of the overall construction project from that period. The topic of this paper is the functional and form characteristics of multi - family (formerly collective) residential buildings created in the post - war period of Moderna in Niš. For the post-war period of intensive and mass construction of residential buildings, a time classification of constructed buildings was performed, which are classified into two categories. The first category includes buildings built in the 1950s, in the period of "Mature" Modernism, which is a continuation of Nis's modern architecture erected between the two wars. The second category consists of residential buildings created in the late sixties and seventies, in the period of "Late" (industrial) Modern Nis. In addition to the classification related to the construction period, a territorial classification was performed according to which two groups of representative objects selected for research within this dissertation were defined. The spatial scope of research in this dissertation can be divided into two zones with two groups of objects. The first consists of multi-family housing built in the central city center, while the second group of buildings are multi-family housing formed on the city periphery, where today there are spacious boulevards. Selected representative examples of residential and residential-commercial buildings will be analyzed in the form of case studies. Unlike other cultural and historical epochs where the subject of interest of the professional and scientific public was much bigger when it comes to analysis and processing of older periods, for the period of Nis late Modern there is a very small number of professional and primarily scientific literature that deals more seriously with this issue. The aspiration of the candidate is to complete this very little researched area through this research. The aim of the research is to perform an adequate evaluation of the typological characteristics of representative examples of objects on the basis of defined criteria of analysis within the formed criterion model


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    The value of arterial blood pressure is variable. It depends on the time of the day, external and internal factors such as genetics and lifestyle. Moderate and regular physical activity, as well as weight reduction, can affect the reduction of high arterial blood pressure (ABP). The influence of physical activity on the health of the elderly is not well researched. The objective of this systematic review study is to collect and analyze studies of the effects of different types of exercise programs on arterial blood pressure of the elderly. Based on an analysis of electronic databases and the inclusion criteria set, 21 studies were included in the analysis. Performing only one exercise training program with the elderly leads to a fall of systolic blood pressure (SBP) from 7 to 30 mm Hg and of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) from 3 to 17 mm Hg, whereas a long term training program reduces SBP for 17 and DBP for 7mm Hg. The combination of aerobic training (AT) and resistance training (RT) with the elderly gives the best results in reducing ABP, increasing arterial elasticity, thus reducing the chance of getting a cardiovascular disease

    Composition of Essential Oils from Fruits of Peucedanum longifolium and Rhizomatophora aegopodioides (Apiaceae) with Regard to Other Related Taxa—A Chemometric Approach

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the composition of essential oils isolated from fruits of Peucedanum longifolium, and Rhizomatophora aegopodioides (a species which was previously placed in the genus Peucedanum), as well as to compare the obtained results to those available for other previously investigated related species (including taxa which are also, according to some authors, excluded from the genus Peucedanum). Essential oils were obtained via hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus and their composition was analyzed using GC-FID and GC-MS. To compare these data to those of previously investigated taxa, a chemometric approach was applied; the data were analyzed using multivariate statistical methods: non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) and hierarchical cluster analysis. The most abundant in P. longifolium essential oil were monoterpenes (79.7%), mostly α-phellandrene (26.2%), β-phellandrene + limonene (21.0%) and myrcene (9.5%), followed by sesquiterpenes (18.3%), mostly germacrene B (9.5%). On the other hand, dominant in R. aegopodioides essential oil were non-terpenic aliphatic hydrocarbons (46.1%), mainly n-undecane (16.5%) and n-nonane (11.3%). In addition, this essential oil also contained a notable quantity of sesquiterpenes (25.1%), with (E)-sesquilavandulol being the most abundant (10.0%). The results of multivariate statistics revealed a clear separation of the essential oil composition of R. aegopodioides and P. longifolium, as well as of P. longifolium and P. officinale. The clustering of the samples of most of the taxa that do not belong to the Peucedanum in the narrow sense (sensu stricto) was also observed, which is in accordance with their recent inclusion in separate genera

    Sekundarni metaboliti i antiholinesterazna aktivnost herbe Chamaecytisus heuffelii subsp. jankae

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    Chamaecytisus heuffelii subsp. jankae (Velen.) Niketić (Fabaceae) is a dwarfish shrub, which range includes eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula (Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia) (1). The aim of the investigation was to chemically characterize aerial flowering parts of this plant: the dried methanol extract (TM), its alkaloid (AF) and non-alkaloid (NAF) fractions, and to assess their ability and the ability of detected flavonoids to inhibit enzymes acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), in vitro in the Ellman spectrophotometric test. Plant material was collected in eastern Serbia (Jelašnička Klisura gorge), dried, powdered and extracted with methanol, after dichloromethane pre-extraction. Using solvents of different polarities and pH value, AF (yield 14.35%) and NAF (yield 57.78%) were obtained from TM. By LC-MS analysis, flavonoids luteolin-8-C- glucosylpentoside (159.81 mg/g), genistin (22.38 mg/g), vitexin (6.32 mg/g), rutin (4.25 mg/g), and genistein (0.86 mg/g) were detected and quantified in TM, while luteolin-8-C- glucosylpentoside (212.70 mg/g), rutin (1.38 mg/g), and genistin (1.03 mg/g) in NAF. Using GC-FID-MS analysis, quinolizidine alkaloids sparteine, 17-oksosparteine, and lupanine were identified in AF. TM and NAF exhibited significant and comparable anti-cholinesterase activity (IC50AChE 0.54 and 0.72 mg/mL; IC50BuChE 0.45 and 0.68 mg/mL). All detected flavonoids evinced the ability to inhibit enzymes; the most active were genistein and vitexin (IC50AChE 54.75 and 88.35 μg/mL; IC 50BuChE 27.83 and 49.77 μg/mL). Considering the quinolizidine alkaloids toxicity and AF poor anti-cholinesterase activity, it might be concluded, regarding safety profile and medical potential, that the fraction of the herb methanol extract, flavonoid-rich and alkaloid-free (NAF), is good candidate for further research.Chamaecytisus heuffelii subsp. jankae (Velen.) Niketić (Fabaceae) je polužbun, koji raste na području istočnog dela Balkanskog poluostrva (Albanija, Bugarska, Srbija) (1). Cilj istraživanja bio je da se izvrši hemijska karakterizacija nadzemnih delova u cvetu ove biljke: suvog metanolnog ekstrakta (TM), njegove alkaloidne (AF) i frakcije bez alkaloida (NAF), i da se in vitro, u Ellmanov-om spektrofotomerijskom testu, ispita njihova sposobnost, kao i sposobnost detektovanih flavonoida da inhibiraju enzime acetilholinesterazu (AChE) i butirilholinesterazu (BChE). Biljni materijal je sakupljen u istočnoj Srbiji (Jelašnička klisura), osušen, samleven i ekstrahovan metanolom, nakon pre-ekstrakcije dihlormetanom. Primenom rastvarača različite polarnosti uz promenu pH vrednosti, iz TM su dobijene AF (prinos 14,35%) i NAF (prinos 57,78%). LC-MS analizom, u TM detektovani su i kvanitikovani flavonoidi luteolin-8-C-glukozilpentozid (159,81 mg/g), genistin (22,38 mg/g), viteksin (6,32 mg/g) i rutin (4,25 mg/g) i genistein (0,86 mg/g), a u NAF luteolin-8-C- glukozilpentozid (212,70 mg/g), rutin (1,38 mg/g) i genistin (1,03 mg/g). GC-FID-MS analizom, u AF identifikovani su hinolizidinski alkaloidi spartein, 17-oksospartein i lupanin. TM i NAF ispoljili su značajnu i uporedivu antiholinesteraznu aktivnost (IC50AChE 0,54 i 0,72 mg/mL; IC 50BChE 0,45 i 0,68 mg/mL). Svi detektovani flavonoidi su pokazali sposobnost da inhibiraju enzime; najaktivniji su bili genistein i viteksin (IC 50AChE 54,75 i 88,35 μg/mL; IC 50BuChE 27,83 i 49,77 μg/mL). Uzimajući u obzir toksič nost hinolizidinskih alkaloida i slabu antiholinesteraznu aktivnost AF, mož e se zaključ iti da je frakcija metanolnog ekstrakata herbe bogata flavonoidima i oslobođena alkaloida (NAF), u pogledu bezbednosnog profila i lekovitog potencijala dobar kandidat za dalja ispitivanja.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Chemical composition of essential oils from fruits of Peucedanum longifolium and P. aegopodioides (Apiaceae)

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    Composition of essential oils from ripe dried fruits of Peucedanum longifolium Waldst. & Kit. (PL) and P. aegopodioides (Boiss.) Vandas (PA) was investigated for the first time. Both taxa are distributed on the Balkan Peninsula, Asia Minor and Transcaucasia, and some authors include the last species in a separate genus, Rhizomatophora Pimenov [1]. Plant material was collected in Serbia, PL on Vis hill in Sićevo Gorge, PA in vicinity of Pirot, near village Basara. Oils were obtained by hydrodistillation in Clevenger-type apparatus; yields 0.91% (PL) and 0.02% (PA), w/w. GC-FID-MS analysis revealed presence of 46 components in PL oil and 48 in PA oil, accounting for 98.0% and 90.0% of total oils. PL oil was dominated by monoterpene hydrocarbons (74.4%), mainly α-phellandrene (26.2%), β-phellandrene + limonene (21.0%) and myrcene (9.5%), followed by sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (17.9%), mainly germacrene B (9.5%). On the other hand, most abundant in PA oil were non-terpenic aliphatic hydrocarbons (46.1%), mainly n-undecane (16.5%) and n-nonane (11.3%). However, this oil also contained significant amounts of both non-oxygenated and oxygenated sesquiterpenes (11.4% and 13.6%), with (E)-sesquilavandulol being most prominent (10.0%). Previously, composition of essential oils from some other plant parts of PL was investigated. For example, essential oil from fresh leaves and young stems of this plant was dominated by sesquiterpene β-elemene (24.7%) and monoterpene (E)-β-ocimene (11.7%) [2], which were present in small amounts in dried fruit oil investigated in current study (0.5% and 0.6%).5th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from Plants to Pharmacy Shelf - ICNPU-2023, Sts. Constantine & Helena, Bulgaria, 30th May to 2nd June 202

    Preliminary analysis of specialised metabolites of Cytisus jankae flowering aerial part

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    Cytisus jankae Velen. (Fabaceae) is a dwarfish shrub (10–25 cm height) with 3-foliolate leaves and capitate inflorescence with tubular calyces. The whole plant is densely covered with silky hairs. Its range includes central and east part of the Bal- kan Peninsula and Romania. It inhabits dry rocky places on limestone or ultramafic soils. The objective of this study was to establish the phytochemical profile of flowering aerial parts of this plant. The plant material was collected in eastern Ser- bia (Jelašnička Klisura gorge). In the air-dried herb, by the direct gravimetric method, the total alkaloids content (0.32%) was determined, and using colorimetric assays the total poly- phenols (43.8%), tannins (1.13%), and the total flavonoids (1.31%) were quantified. Additionally, the powdered dried plant material was successively extracted with dichlorometh- ane (maceration) and methanol (bimaceration) at room tem- perature. After the solvents were evaporated under reduced pressure, dried extracts were subjected to the further analy- sis. The total alkaloids content in both the dichloromethane (7.01%) and methanol (3.47%) extracts, and the contents of total polyphenols (13.75%), tannins (2.45%) and flavonoids (4.65%) in the methanol extract, were determined by afore- mentioned tests. Applying the LC-MS method, in the metha- nol extract flavonoids quercetin 3-O-rutinoside, luteolin, api- genin and genistein were identified. GC-MS analysis resulted in the identification of quinolizidine alkaloids sparteine, 17-oxosparteine and lupanine (2-oxosparteine) in both the methanol and dichloromethane extracts, as well as of one tri- terpene, β-amyrin, in the dichloromethane extract. This is the first report on specialised metabolites from flowering aerial parts of C. jankae.7th Balkan Botanical Congress, 10-14th September 2018, Novi Sad, Serbi

    The Paštrovska House of the Montenegrin Coastal Area: Example of Sustainable Building in Traditional Architecture

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    The subject of this research is the Paštrovska house type of the Montenegrin coast. It is a part of the cultural heritage as a manifestation of individual housing, whose formation was affected by historical, sociological, climatic and other factors. It represents a collection of all the artifacts of material, social and spiritual culture, created throughout the centuries, to the present day. In this paper are analyzed climatic, topological and sociological factors as well as the used materials which affected the formation of this type of coastal house. The goal of this paper is to establish which of the mentioned factors had the greatest effect on this, in many respects, special kind of traditional sustainable architecture of the Adriatic coastline

    Fatty acids, phytosterols, furanocoumarins and polyphenols of Prangos trifida s.l. (Apiaceae) roots and fruits

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    Composition of dichloromethane and methanol extracts from roots and fruits of Prangos trifida (Mill.) Herrnst. & Heyn s.l. (collected in Sićevo Gorge, Serbia in 2020) was investigated. Extracts were obtained by bimaceration, firstly with dichloromethane, then with methanol; solvents were removed under reduced pressure. GC-FID-MS analysis, conducted after saponification and methylation of samples, showed that palmitic, oleic and linoleic (14.2-51.8%) were dominant fatty acids in root dichloromethane extract, and oleic, linoleic and petroselinic in oily supernatant of fruit dichloromethane extract (10.2-49.9%); in both samples 16 fatty acids were identified. Dominant phytosterols, investigated by GC-FID-MS after unsaponifiable fractions silanization, were β-sitosterol (48.2 and 25.1%) and stigmasterol (14.9 and 12.8%). LC-DAD-MS analysis of dichloromethane and methanol extracts revealed presence of 7-11 furanocoumarins, including oxypeucedanin and imperatorin (up to 105.9 and 49.2 mg/g in fruit dichloromethane extract crystalline precipitate), followed by smaller amounts of oxypeucedanin hydrate, isoimperatorin, heraclenol, heraclenin and/or xanthotoxin. All extracts were rich in one 2',3'-dihydrofuranocoumarin derivative. Previously, such derivative, prantschimgin, as well as imperatorin and isoimperatorin were isolated from this plant and their in vitro anti-inflammatory activity was demonstrated [1]. In current investigation, in root methanol extract, chlorogenic (31.6 mg/g), two dicaffeoylquinic (12.8 and 48.1 mg/g), and smaller amounts of one caffeoylquinic and one feruloylquinic acids were also determined. Furthermore, low quantities of chlorogenic and one dicaffeoylquinic acid and two quercetin-type flavonoids were detected in fruit methanol extract, and one methylluteolin-type flavonoid in both methanol extracts.5th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from Plants to Pharmacy Shelf - ICNPU-2023, Sts. Constantine & Helena, Bulgaria, 30th May to 2nd June 202

    Srpsko-albanski odnosi u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji: protesti na Kosovu i teret sistemske legitimizacije

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    U ovom radu ćemo nastojati da ispitamo u kojoj meri je egalitaristički rečnik jugoslovenskog socijalizma bio u stanju da ponudi alternativni okvir za interpretaciju savremenih srpsko-albanskih odnosa. Inicijalna hipoteza polazi od toga da je jugoslovenska elita – usled eksperimentalnog karaktera samoupravnog socijalizma koji je podrazumevao određene kompromise sa liberalnim kapitalizmom – bila strukturalno prinuđena da sistematično negira socijalni aspekt demonstracija koje su na Kosovu odvijale tokom 1968, 1981. i 1988 godine. Primenom kritičke analize diskursa na štampane medije (Politika, Večernje novosti i Borba), pokušaćemo da pokažemo kako je vladajuća nomenklatura složene političko-ekonomske aspekte bunta isključivo tretirala kao izraz nacionalizma. Ova diskurzivna strategija je samim akterima sugerisala da je nacionalizam zajednički imenitelj za ekonomsku, političku i etničku jednakost. Krajnje posledice ovakvih diskurzivnih redukcija će biti prikazane kroz analizu medijskog izveštavanja sa demonstracija na Kosovu i mitinga „Bratstva i jedinstva“ u Beogradu 1988. godine, gde je primetno zatvaranje prostora za ne-nacionalističko tumačenje bilo koje vrste socijalnog bunta, ali i postepeno odustajanje aktera od artikulisanja sopstvenog iskustva nepravde u socijalnom ključu

    Acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of methanol extracts of 28 Hieracium species and their selected metabolites

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    The ability of the dried MeOH extracts of aerial flowering parts of 28 Hieracium s. str. species from Balkan Peninsula and their selected metabolites (seven flavonoids, three phenolic acids and two sesquiterpene lactones) to inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) was determined using colorimetric Ellman method. The study included: H. gymnocephalum, H. orieni, H. blecicii, H. paratrichum, H. spirocaule, H. mokragorae, H. pannosum s.l., H. plumulosum, H. villosum, H. pilosum, H. pseudoschenkii, H. naegelianum, H. anastrum, H. calophyllum, H. scheppigianum, H. durmitoricum, H. guentheri-beckii, H. mirificissimum, H. coloriscapum, H. pyricephalum, H. albopellitum, H. glabratum, H. scorzonerifolium s.l., H. dentatum s.l., H. neilreichii, H. valdepilosum s.l., H. tommasinianum and H. macrodontoides. The extracts were mainly more active towards AChE, i.e. all inhibited more than 50% AChE, with H. pseudoschenkii extract being the most potent (IC50=0.64 mg/mL). Seven extracts reached 50% inhibition of BuChE, and H. pilosum extract was the most active (IC50=0.56 mg/mL). The observed activity could be attributed to some tested constituents. Flavonoid aglycones apigenin, luteolin and diosmetin significantly inhibited both enzymes (IC50AChE=47.12-89.89 μg/mL; C50BuChE=18.40-73.44 μg/mL). Sesquiterpene lactone 8-epiixerisamine A selectively inhibited AChE (IC50=80.01 μg/mL). The other tested metabolites did not reach 50% inhibition of both enzymes