32 research outputs found

    Maximum illumination control system for photovoltaic panels orientation

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    The article describes the solar tracker for photovoltaic panels and energy systems based on such devices. The authors introduce the results of calculations of the solar tracker application effectiveness for solar energy systems and the results of the field testing in Tomsk

    Factors of Regional Processes Destabilization in the Southern Russia

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    Introduction. The article examines traditional and recent factors that affect the situation in the geopolitically significant southern Russian region. The reasons for the actualization of socio-political and ethno-confessional conflicts are considered as factors of possible regional destabilization. Methods and materials. Conflictological diagnostics of the regional tension dynamics, as well as the nature and features of situational and long-term risks to regional security and socio-political stability in the South of Russia are based on factor analysis of Rostov region, Krasnodar Krai, and the Republic of Adygea materials. Analysis. By analyzing the statistics, the authors has revealed the presence of such negative processes in these regions as a decrease in the standard of living, a sharp increase in the unemployment rate, an increase in corruption and crime rates, population decrease, which is provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic – the newest factor of regional tension. Results. It is concluded that socio-economic problems against the background of a pandemic crisis may adversely affect the nature of interethnic and interfaith relations. Competition in the labor market, deterioration of the criminal situation, and uncontrolled migration can be considered as factors of conflict. According to the results of the study, it was found that the destabilization factors of the Rostov region regional situation have an endogenous character: demographic (population decrease), economic (deterioration in the socio-economic situation of the population), growth of protest activity and destructive content in the media. For Krasnodar Krai and the Republic of Adygea, exogenous factors of regional tension remain relevant: there is a high level of external migration for the region. Authors’ contribution.The contribution of M.V. Tarasova in writing the article is to form the research logic, develop methodology and tools, and analyze statistical information in Rostov region. The analysis of the regional situation in Krasnodar Krai and Rostov region was carried out by I.V. Yurchenko, and M.V. Dontsova


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    he digitalization era of public relations is increasingly affecting the means of presenting information about the economic activities of an enterprise, in particular financial, in the context of a global pandemic, which was caused by the global COVID-19. Increasingly, in our environment, there is a transition from paper to electronic information carriers. The financial information generated by business entities both in Ukraine and in the world as a whole is no exception. The purpose of the study is to systematize the existing digital formats for presenting financial information as a basis for analyzing and auditing the business activities of enterprises in Ukraine. The basis of the study is the methodological recommendations on the use of Taxonomy UA XBRL IFRS, instructions for the revision of the Ukrainian IFRS taxonomy, specialized software products, legislative framework of Ukraine. The following methods were used: graphical (to visualize the results of the study), and grouping (to systematize the advantages and disadvantages of software that uses tax services to conduct e-audits). /Digital formats for the presentation of financial information were analyzed.  They are the basis for the analysis and audit of the enterprise's activities. The structure and characteristics of the legal framework for the disclosure of financial information in electronic XBRL format in Ukraine were given. Comparative analysis of financial information in digital format XBRL and SAF-T UA were carried out. It has been determined that XBRL can be used as a basis for analyzing financial information in electronic format using special software, for example, to assess the financial condition, calculate indicators of financial stability, liquidity, solvency, business activity, enterprise profitability, etc. It has been proved that the electronic format of financial information SAF-T UA is used when conducting an electronic audit (e-audit) of taxpayers, and can also be used to calculate the tax burden (tax return, tax efficiency ratio) used by the State Tax Service of Ukraine for the purpose of control completeness of calculation and payment of relevant taxes and fees to the state budget

    Профессиональная мотивация и уровень эмоционального выгорания у пилотов гражданской авиации

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    The paper provides the results of the empirical study of professional motivation and the level of emotional burnout among flight crew members of Vladivostok international airport. The study involved 40 civil aviation pilots aged 30–45 years having more than 5 years of work experience. K. Zamfir’s “Motivation of professional activity” technique (A. Rean’s modification) and the questionnaire for assessing motivational potential were used for studying professional motivation. The level of emotional burnout was measured using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) in N. E. Vodop'yanova’s modification and V. V. Boyko’s “Diagnostics of the level of emotional burnout” technique (E. P. Ilyin’s modification).The study findings suggest that the civil aviation pilots (a) were interested in the process of their professional activities, (b) tried to be a part of the staff and to build friendly relationship with colleagues, and (c) had a prevailing intrinsic professional motivation.The study showed that most pilots (n = 22) had an average level of emotional burnout. Moreover, the data revealed (a) stress and fatigue, (b) decrease in professional effectiveness, (c) cognitive decline, (d) avoidance as a defense mechanism, and (e) refusing problem solving. A third of the respondents had a high level of emotional burnout. These respondents noted physical and emotional fatigue, exhaustion of personal resources, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, and somatic disorders (loss of appetite, headaches, and disturbances of sleep and wakefulness). A fifth of the pilots had a low level of emotional burnout. This finding suggests that these respondents are well-adjusted to their professional activities; they are selfcritical and frank. Besides, increasing the rates of emotional burnout did not change the orientation of motivation (from intrinsic to extrinsic).Проведено эмпирическое исследование профессиональной мотивации и уровня эмоционального выгорания у летного состава международного аэропорта г. Владивостока. Группу исследования составили 40 пилотов гражданской авиации в возрасте 30–45 лет со стажем работы более 5 лет. Для оценки профессиональной мотивации использовались методика К. Замфира в модификации А. Реана «Изучение мотивации профессиональной деятельности» и анкета для оценки мотивационного потенциала. Для определения уровня эмоционального выгорания проводилось тестирование с использованием опросника на выгорание MBI, адаптированного Н. Е. Водопьяновой и методики «Диагностика уровня эмоционального выгорания» В. В. Бойко в модификации Е. П. Ильина. Доказано, что пилоты гражданской авиации заинтересованы в процессе своей профессиональной деятельности, стараются быть частью рабочего коллектива и поддерживать дружеские отношения с коллегами, у них доминирует внутренняя профессиональная мотивация. Исследование показало, что у преобладающего числа пилотов (n = 22) наблюдается средний уровень эмоционального выгорания. Они испытывают напряжение и усталость, возможен спад профессиональной эффективности, притупление когнитивных процессов, доминирует защитный механизм «избегание», возможен отказ от решения проблем. У трети респондентов отмечается высокий уровень эмоционального выгорания, характеризующийся возникновением физического и эмоционального утомления, не способного восстановиться после сна, исчерпыванием личностных ресурсов, возникновением чувства безысходности и беспомощности, появлением соматических нарушений, таких как: снижение аппетита, появление головных болей, нарушение цикла сна и бодрствования. У пятой части пилотов – низкий уровень эмоционального выгорания, у них не наблюдаются признаки данного синдрома, что характеризует их как достаточно адаптированных к своей профессиональной деятельности специалистов, самокритичных и откровенных, у них не наблюдается тенденции приукрашивать свой характер. Было установлено, что при увеличении показателей эмоционального выгорания направленность профессиональной мотивации от внутренней к внешней остается неизменной

    Diagnosis of Epilepsy: from the Beginning to the New Hybrid PET/MR Technique

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    The problem of diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy concerns medical society for a several thousands of years. The understanding of the causes and pathological mechanisms of this condition underwent numerous and substantial changes during this time, that allowed reaching significant advances in both the diagnosis or treatment. At the present time, there is a wide spectrum of diagnostic methods that allow localizing the epileptogenic focus, that is essential for planning the surgical treatment in patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsy. The results of the surgical treatment are strongly dependent on the diagnostic accuracy in the detection of one or several epileptogenic foci and on the prognosis of their resection. In this connection, the research on the possibilities and perfection of new diagnostic methods hold the potential to improve the results of the surgical treatment and the life quality in patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsy. This review presents a detailed description of the evolution of epilepsy diagnostics from the first implementation of electroencephalography in the 1920-s to the modern hybrid methods such as SISCOM (Subtraction Ictal SPECT Co-Registered to MRI) and PET-MRI

    Застосування матриці процесу обслуговування в логістиці

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    1. Service process matrix. URL: https://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Sc-Str/Service-Process-Matrix.html 2. Schemenner`s Service Process Matrix – but for charities URL: https://rogerswannell.com/blog/schmenners-service-process-matrix-but-for-charities/ 3. FedEx Delivery Manager URL: https://www.fedex.com/en-ua/shipping-tools/deliverymanager.html 4. System Freight URL https://www.dbschenker.com/gr-en/products/land-transport/groupage-shipping 5. DHL Express URL: https://mydhl.express.dhl/ua/uk/home.html 6. Pricing for value added services URL: https://www.ups.com/ua/uk/shipping/zones-and-rates/value-added.page 7. FedEx vs USPS vs UPS vs DHL – Which is the best shipping carrier? https://www.deskera.com/blog/fedex-ups-usps-dhl-comparison/The problem of continuous improvement of services is well-known for every company. The Service Process Matrix is a classification matrix of service industry firms based on the characteristics of degree of customization and the degree of labor in the individual firm's service processes. The Service Process Matrix can be useful when investigating the strategic changes in service operations. This managerial tool presents unique managerial challenges associated with each quadrant of the matrix. By paying close attention to the challenges associated with their related classification, service firms may improve their performance.Проблема постійного вдосконалення послуг добре відома кожній компанії. Матриця процесу обслуговування - це класифікаційна матриця фірм сфери послуг, що базується на характеристиках ступеня налаштування та ступеня праці в процесі обслуговування окремої фірми. Матриця процесу обслуговування може бути корисною при дослідженні стратегічних змін у сервісних операціях. Цей інструмент управління представляє унікальні управлінські завдання, пов'язані з кожним квадрантом матриці. Приділяючи пильну увагу викликам, пов’язаним із пов’язаною з ними класифікацією, фірми, що надають послуги, можуть покращити свої показники

    SLAMF1 is required for TLR4-mediated TRAM-TRIF dependent signaling in human macrophages

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    Signaling lymphocytic activation molecule family 1 (SLAMF1) is an Ig-like receptor and a costimulatory molecule that initiates signal transduction networks in a variety of immune cells. In this study, we report that SLAMF1 is required for Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-mediated induction of interferon β (IFNβ) and for killing of Gram-negative bacteria by human macrophages. We found that SLAMF1 controls trafficking of the Toll receptor–associated molecule (TRAM) from the endocytic recycling compartment (ERC) to Escherichia coli phagosomes. In resting macrophages, SLAMF1 is localized to ERC, but upon addition of E. coli, it is trafficked together with TRAM from ERC to E. coli phagosomes in a Rab11-dependent manner. We found that endogenous SLAMF1 protein interacted with TRAM and defined key interaction domains as amino acids 68 to 95 of TRAM as well as 15 C-terminal amino acids of SLAMF1. Interestingly, the SLAMF1–TRAM interaction was observed for human but not mouse proteins. Overall, our observations suggest that SLAMF1 is a new target for modulation of TLR4–TRAM–TRIF inflammatory signaling in human cells

    Epstein-Barr Virus Immortalization of Human B-Cells Leads to Stabilization of Hypoxia-Induced Factor 1 Alpha, Congruent with the Warburg Effect

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    Background: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) encodes six nuclear transformation-associated proteins that induce extensive changes in cellular gene expression and signaling and induce B-cell transformation. The role of HIF1A in EBV-induced B-cell immortalization has not been previously studied. Methods and Findings: Using Western blotting and Q-PCR, we found that HIF1A protein is stabilized in EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cells. Western blotting, GST pulldown assays, and immunoprecipitation showed that EBV-encoded nuclear antigens EBNA-5 and EBNA-3 bind to prolylhydroxylases 1 and 2, respectively, thus inhibiting HIF1A hydroxylation and degradation. Immunostaining and Q-PCR showed that the stabilized HIF1A translocates to the nucleus, forms a heterodimer with ARNT, and transactivates several genes involved in aerobic glycolysis. Using biochemical assays and Q-PCR, we also found that lymphoblastoid cells produce high levels of lactate, lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate. Conclusions: Our data suggest that activation of the aerobic glycolytic pathway, corresponding to the Warburg effect, occurs in EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cells, in contrast to mitogen-activated B-cells