10 research outputs found


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    This paper presents a new method of identification of inertia moment of reduced masses on a shaft of an induction motor drive being a part of an electromechanical system. The study shows the results of simulations performed on the tested model of a complex electromechanical system during some changes of a backlash zone width. An analysis of wavelet scalograms of the examined signals carried out using a clustering technique was applied in the diagnostic algorithm. The correctness of the earliest fault detection has been verified during monitoring and identification of mass inertia moment for state variables describing physical quantities of a tested complex of the electromechanical system

    Counting holomorphic connections with a prescribed Ricci tensor

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    How many holomorphic connections are there with a prescribed Ricci tensor? How many torsion-free holomorphic connections are there with a prescribed Ricci tensor? These questions are answered by using the holomorphic version of the Cauchy–Kowalevski theorem


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    In this article a new method of identification of a backlash zone width in a structure of an electromechanical system has been presented. The results of many simulations in a tested model of a complex electromechanical system have been taken while changing a value of a reduced masses inertia moment on a shaft of an induction motor drive. A wavelet analysis of tested signals and analysis of weights that have been obtained during a neural network supervised learning - have been applied in a diagnostic algorithm. The proposed algorithm of detection of backlash zone width, represents effective diagnostic method of a system at changing dynamic conditions, occurring also as a result of mass inertia moment changes

    Application of image analysis to the identification of mass inertia momentum in electromechanical system with changeable backlash zone

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    This paper presents a new method of identification of inertia moment of reduced masses on a shaft of an induction motor drive being a part of an electromechanical system. The study shows the results of simulations performed on the tested model of a complex electromechanical system during some changes of a backlash zone width. An analysis of wavelet scalograms of the examined signals carried out using a clustering technique was applied in the diagnostic algorithm. The correctness of the earliest fault detection has been verified during monitoring and identification of mass inertia moment for state variables describing physical quantities of a tested complex of the electromechanical system

    Application of wavelet – neural method to detect backlash zone in electromechanical systems generating noises

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    This paper presents a method of identifying the width of backlash zone in an electromechanical system generating noises. The system load is a series of rectangular pulses of constant amplitude, generated at equal intervals. The need for identification of the backlash zone is associated with a gradual increase of its width during the drive operation. The study uses wavelet analysis of signals and analysis of neural network weights obtained from the processing without supervised learning. The time-frequency signal representations of accelerations of the mechanical load components were investigated

    Analysis of Torsional Strength of PA2200 Material Shape Additively with the Selective Laser Sintering Technology

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    The purpose of the undertaken research work is to analyze the torsional strength of standard samples with a circular cross-section, produced additively using the SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) technique – sintering PA2200 polyamide powders. The studies conducted so far have not included a static torsion test, the results of which are crucial for parts such as machine shafts, hubs, couplings, etc. Hence the idea of conducting the research in question. The samples were made in different settings relative to the machine's working platform and subjected to post-processing in two variants – by water-soaking and furnace-heating – in order to determine the influence of the orientation of the model in the manufacturing process and the type of post-processing on torsional strength. The produced samples were additionally subjected to a preliminary dimensional and shape verification due to the significant impact of the accuracy of the models in the SLS process on the operation of the above-mentioned machine parts. Based on the analysis of the test results, it was found that the highest torsional strength was determined for the furnace-heated samples. In addition, the highest mapping accuracy was found for models positioned vertically in relation to the machine's working platform

    Single-step synthesis of Er3+ and Yb3+ ions doped molybdate/Gd2O3 core–shell nanoparticles for biomedical imaging

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    Nanostructures as color-tunable luminescent markers have become major, promising tools for bioimaging and biosensing. In this paper separated molybdate/Gd2O3 doped rare earth ions (erbium, Er3+ and ytterbium, Yb3+) core–shell nanoparticles (NPs), were fabricated by a one-step homogeneous precipitation process. Emission properties were studied by cathodo- and photoluminescence. Scanning electron and transmission electron microscopes were used to visualize and determine the size and shape of the NPs. Spherical NPs were obtained. Their core–shell structures were confirmed by x-ray diffraction and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy measurements. We postulated that the molybdate rich core is formed due to high segregation coefficient of the Mo ion during the precipitation. The calcination process resulted in crystallization of δ/ξ (core/shell) NP doped Er and Yb ions, where δ—gadolinium molybdates and ξ—molybdates or gadolinium oxide. We confirmed two different upconversion mechanisms. In the presence of molybdenum ions, in the core of the NPs, Yb3+–MoO42{{{\rm{MoO}}}_{4}}^{2-} (mid2F7/2, 3T2〉) dimers were formed. As a result of a two 980 nm photon absorption by the dimer, we observed enhanced green luminescence in the upconversion process. However, for the shell formed by the Gd2O3:Er, Yb NPs (without the Mo ions), the typical energy transfer upconversion takes place, which results in red luminescence. We demonstrated that the NPs were transported into cytosol of the HeLa and astrocytes cells by endocytosis. The core–shell NPs are sensitive sensors for the environment prevailing inside (shorter luminescence decay) and outside (longer luminescence decay) of the tested cells. The toxicity of the NPs was examined using MTT assay.The research was partially supported by the European Union within European Regional Development Fund, through grant Innovative Economy (POIG.01.01.02-00-008/08) and was partially supported by a grant from the Polish National Science Center 2013/11/B/N21/00089 and partially supported by the grant DEC-2012/07/B/ST5/02080 of the National Science Center of Poland and Center of Excellence. This work has been done in the NanoFun laboratories co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the Innovation Economy Operational Program, the Project no. POIG.02.02.00-00-025/09/. This research has been co-finananced with the European Union funds by the European Social Fund and was partially supported by the cluster of Biomedical Engineering Center co-financed by European Union funds under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy (project number UDA-POIG.05.01.00-00). The research was partially financed by the project Sonata from the National Science Centre, UMO-2014/15/D/ST5/02604. The research was partially supported by the Foundation for Polish Science through the International Research Agenda Programme co-financed by the European Union within Smart Growth Operational Program. The research was supported by the National Science Centre (Poland) through Grants No. DEC-2014/14/M/ST3/00484.Peer reviewe

    Upconversion fluorescence imaging of HeLa cells using ROS generating SiO2-coated lanthanide-doped NaYF4 nanoconstructs

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    Inorganic nanomaterials able to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) are promising components for modern medical applications. Activated by near-infrared light, up-converting beta-NaYF4 doped with Er3+ - Yb3+ and Tm3+- Yb3+ pair ions nanoparticles (UCNPs), have a wide range of applications in biological imaging as compared to traditional reagents excited by ultra-violet or visible light. We analysed the green-red and the blue-red luminescence to explain the mechanism of the upconversion depended on the surface condition. The influence of SiO2 coating on the cytotoxicity of the as-produced UCNPs towards HeLa cancer cells was reported. We demonstrated a possibility of a direct UCNPs application to photodynamic therapy, without need to attach additional molecules to their surface. The presence of Tm3+ - Yb3+ pair ions, thus ROS generation capability, renders the SiO2 shell coated nanoparticles to become potentially useful theranostic agent

    Noblesse française et noblesse polonaise

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    D’Henri duc d’Anjou devenant roi de Pologne jusqu’à Stanislas Leszczynski ou Marie Lesczynska, l’histoire des familles régnantes, mais plus globalement des noblesses de ces deux pays apparaît intimement mêlée dans le cadre de voyages, d’unions matrimoniales ou d’échanges culturels, comme ce fut le cas avec les salons et les loges maçonniques de l’Europe des Lumières. Le Centre Aquitain d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine de l’Université Michel de Montaigne et l’Université polonaise Nicolas Copernic de Toruń travaillant depuis de nombreuses années sur le milieu nobiliaire, ont souhaité, dans le contexte de construction d’une histoire européenne, confronter et rapprocher leurs méthodes, en englobant leurs recherches sur les noblesses polonaise et française aux xive et xxe siècles pour terminer sur le rôle éminent de Michel Poniatowski, prince polonais au service de la République française