139 research outputs found

    A New Pharmacological Approach Based on Remdesivir Aerosolized Administration on SARS-CoV-2 Pulmonary Inflammation: A Possible and Rational Therapeutic Application

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    The new zoonotic coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) responsible for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a new strain of coronavirus not previously seen in humans and which appears to come from bat species. It originated in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, and spread rapidly throughout the world, causing over 5,569,679 global cases and 351,866 deaths in almost every country in the world, including Europe, particularly Italy. In general, based on existing data published to date, 80.9% of patients infected with the virus develop mild infection; 13.8% severe pneumonia; 4.7% respiratory failure, septic shock or multi-organ failure; 3% of these cases are fatal. Critical patients have been shown to develop acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and hospitalization in intensive care units. The average age of patients admitted to hospital is 57–79 years, with one third half with an un- derlying disease. Asymptomatic infections have also been described, but their frequency is not known. SARS- CoV-2 transmission is mainly airborne from one person to another via droplets. The data available so far seem to indicate that SARS-CoV-2 is capable of producing an excessive immune reaction in the host. The virus attacks type II pneumocytes in the lower bronchi through the binding of the Spike protein (S protein) to viral receptors, of which the angiotensin 2 conversion enzyme (ACE2) receptor is the most important. ACE2 receptor is widely expressed in numerous tissues, including the oropharynx and conjunctiva, but mostly distributed in ciliated bronchial epithelial cells and type II pneumocytes in the lower bronchi. The arrival of SARS-CoV-2 in the lungs causes severe primary interstitial viral pneumonia that can lead to the “cytokine storm syndrome”, a deadly uncontrolled systemic inflammatory response triggered by the activation of interleukin 6 (IL-6), whose effect is extensive lung tissue damage and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), that are life-threatening for patients with COVID-19. In the absence of a therapy of proven efficacy, current management consists of off-label or compassionate use therapies based on antivirals, antiparasitic agents in both oral and parenteral formulation, anti-inflammatory drugs, oxygen therapy and heparin support and convalescent plasma. Like most respiratory viruses can function and replicate at low temperatures (i.e. 34–35 °C) and assuming viral thermolability of SARS- CoV-2, local instillation or aerosol of antiviral (i.e. remdesivir) in humid heat vaporization (40°–41 °C) in the first phase of infection (phenotype I, before admission), both in asymptomatic but nasopharyngeal swab positive patients, together with antiseptic-antiviral oral gargles and povidone-iodine eye drops for conjunctiva (0,8–5% conjunctival congestion), would attack the virus directly through the receptors to which it binds, significantly decreasing viral replication, risk of evolution to phenotypes IV and V, reducing hospitalization and therefore death

    Macrophage Activation in Follicular Conjunctivitis during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Among the symptoms of SARS-CoV-2, follicular conjunctivitis has become relevant. The conjunctiva acts as an open lymph node, reacting to the viral antigen that binds the epithelial cells, forming follicles of B cells with activated T cells and NK cells on its surface, which, in turn, talk to monocyte-derived inflammatory infected macrophages. Here, the NLRP3 inflammasome is a major driver in releasing pro-inflammatory factors such as IL-6 and caspase-1, leading to follicular conjunctivitis and bulbar congestion, even as isolated signs in the ‘asymptomatic’ patient

    2023 Update on Sepsis and Septic Shock in Adult Patients: Management in the Emergency Department

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    Background: Sepsis/septic shock is a life-threatening and time-dependent condition that requires timely management to reduce mortality. This review aims to update physicians with regard to the main pillars of treatment for this insidious condition. Methods: PubMed, Scopus, and EMBASE were searched from inception with special attention paid to November 2021–January 2023. Results: The management of sepsis/septic shock is challenging and involves different pathophysiological aspects, encompassing empirical antimicrobial treatment (which is promptly administered after microbial tests), fluid (crystalloids) replacement (to be established according to fluid tolerance and fluid responsiveness), and vasoactive agents (e.g., norepinephrine (NE)), which are employed to maintain mean arterial pressure above 65 mmHg and reduce the risk of fluid overload. In cases of refractory shock, vasopressin (rather than epinephrine) should be combined with NE to reach an acceptable level of pressure control. If mechanical ventilation is indicated, the tidal volume should be reduced from 10 to 6 mL/kg. Heparin is administered to prevent venous thromboembolism, and glycemic control is recommended. The efficacy of other treatments (e.g., proton-pump inhibitors, sodium bicarbonate, etc.) is largely debated, and such treatments might be used on a case-to-case basis. Conclusions: The management of sepsis/septic shock has significantly progressed in the last few years. Improving knowledge of the main therapeutic cornerstones of this challenging condition is crucial to achieve better patient outcomes

    Interactions of melatonin with mammalian mitochondria. Reducer of energy capacity and amplifier of permeability transition.

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    Melatonin, a metabolic product of the amino acid tryptophan, induces a dose-dependent energy drop correlated with a decrease in the oxidative phosphorylation process in isolated rat liver mitochondria. This effect involves a gradual decrease in the respiratory control index and significant alterations in the state 4/state 3 transition of membrane potential (ΔΨ). Melatonin, alone, does not affect the insulating properties of the inner membrane but, in the presence of supraphysiological Ca2+, induces a ΔΨ drop and colloid-osmotic mitochondrial swelling. These events are sensitive to cyclosporin A and the inhibitors of Ca2+ transport, indicative of the induction or amplification of the mitochondrial permeability transition. This phenomenon is triggered by oxidative stress induced by melatonin and Ca2+, with the generation of hydrogen peroxide and the consequent oxidation of sulfydryl groups, glutathione and pyridine nucleotides. In addition, melatonin, again in the presence of Ca2+, can also induce substantial release of cytochrome C and AIF (apoptosis-inducing factor), thus revealing its potential as a pro-apoptotic agent

    A New Early Predictor of Fatal Outcome for COVID-19 in an Italian Emergency Department: The Modified Quick-SOFA

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    Background: Since 2019, the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is causing a rapidly spreading pandemic. The present study aims to compare a modified quick SOFA (MqSOFA) score with the NEWS-2 score to predict in-hospital mortality (IHM), 30-days mortality and recovery setting. Methods: All patients admitted from March to October 2020 to the Emergency Department of St. Anna Hospital, Ferrara, Italy with clinically suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection were retrospectively included in this single-centre study and evaluated with the MqSOFA and NEWS-2 scores. Statistical and logistic regression analyses were applied to our database. Results: A total of 3359 individual records were retrieved. Among them, 2716 patients were excluded because of a negative nasopharyngeal swab and 206 for lacking data; thus, 437 patients were eligible. The data showed that the MqSOFA and NEWS-2 scores equally predicted IHM (p < 0.001) and 30-days mortality (p < 0.001). Higher incidences of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, cerebrovascular accidents, dementia, chronic kidney disease and cancer were found in the deceased vs. survived group. Conclusions: In this study we confirmed that the MqSOFA score was non-inferior to the NEWS-2 score in predicting IHM and 30-days mortality. Furthermore, the MqSOFA score was easier to use than NEWS-2 and is more suitable for emergency settings. Neither the NEWS-2 nor the MqSOFA scores were able to predict the recovery setting

    Performance of Five Serological Tests in the Diagnosis of Visceral and Cryptic Leishmaniasis: A Comparative Study

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    Introduction: Leishmaniasis is a major health problem and its diagnosis still represents a challenge. Since consistent evidence on the comparison of serological methods is lacking, our work aims to compare five serological tests for the diagnosis of visceral and asymptomatic leishmaniasis in southern France, a region where leishmaniasis is endemic. Methodology: Serum samples from 75 patients living in Nice, France were retrospectively analyzed. They included patients affected by visceral leishmaniasis (VL; n = 25), asymptomatic carriers (AC; n = 25) and negative controls (n = 25). Each sample was tested using two immunochromatographic tests (ICT; IT LEISH® and TruQuick IgG/IgM®), an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and two Western Blotting (WB; LDBio BIORAD® and an in-house method). Results: Diagnosis of VL with IFAT and TruQuick® showed the highest diagnostic performance parameters. IFAT had 100% sensitivity and specificity, while TruQuick had 96% sensitivity and 100% specificity. Finally, the two tests showed high accuracy (100% for IFAT and 98% for TruQuick) for the AC group. WB LDBio® was the only method able to detect Leishmania latent infection, with a sensitivity of 92%, and a specificity of 100%, with a Negative Predictive Value (NPV) of 93%. This performance is reflected in the high accuracy of the test. Conclusions: The data obtained with TruQuick® supports its application in the rapid diagnosis of leishmaniasis in endemic areas, a feature not shown by IFAT despite its high diagnostic performance. Regarding the diagnosis of asymptomatic leishmaniasis, the best results were obtained with WB LDBio®, confirming previous studies

    Markers of Liver Function as Potential Prognostic Indicators of SARS-CoV-2 infection: A Retrospective Analysis during the First and Second Waves of COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is known to cause a predominant respiratory disease, although extrapulmonary manifestations can also occur. One of the targets of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the hepatobiliary system. The present study aims to describe the correlation between the increase of liver damage markers (i.e. alanine aminotransferase [ALT], aspartate aminotransferase [AST], total bilirubin [TB]) and COVID-19 outcomes (i.e., in-hospital mortality [IHM] and intensive care unit [ICU] transfer). Methods: All patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection admitted to the Infectious Diseases Unit of the St. Anna University-Hospital of Ferrara from March 2020 to October 2021 were retrospectively included in this single-centre study. ALT, AST and TB levels were tested in all patients and IHM or ICU transfer were considered as main outcomes. Co-morbidities were assessed using Charlson Comorbidity Index. Results: A total of 106 patients were retrieved. No hepatic marker was able to predict IHM, whereas all of them negatively predicted ICU transfer (ALT: OR 1.005, 95%CI 1.001-1.009, p= 0.011; AST: OR 1.018, 95%CI 1.006-1.030, p= 0.003; TB: OR 1.329, 95%CI 1.025-1.724, p= 0.032). Age was the only parameter significantly related to mortality. Conclusions: The present study, by correlating liver damage markers with COVID-19 outcome, showed that an increase of ALT, AST and TB predicted patients' severity, although not mortality

    Highly integrated workflows for exploring cardiovascular conditions: Exemplars of precision medicine in Alzheimer's disease and aortic dissection = Processus à haut degré d’intégration pour l’étude de troubles cardiovasculaires : exemples de médecine de précision appliquée à la maladie d’Alzheimer et à la dissection aortique

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    For precision medicine to be implemented through the lens of in silico technology, it is imperative that biophysical research workflows offer insight into treatments that are specific to a particular illness and to a particular subject. The boundaries of precision medicine can be extended using multiscale, biophysics-centred workflows that consider the fundamental underpinnings of the constituents of cells and tissues and their dynamic environments. Utilising numerical techniques that can capture the broad spectrum of biological flows within complex, deformable and permeable organs and tissues is of paramount importance when considering the core prerequisites of any state-of-the-art precision medicine pipeline. In this work, a succinct breakdown of two precision medicine pipelines developed within two Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) projects are given. The first workflow is targeted on the trajectory of Alzheimer's Disease, and caters for novel hypothesis testing through a multicompartmental poroelastic model which is integrated with a high throughput imaging workflow and subject-specific blood flow variability model. The second workflow gives rise to the patient specific exploration of Aortic Dissections via a multi-scale and compliant model, harnessing imaging, computational fluid-dynamics (CFD) and dynamic boundary conditions. Results relating to the first workflow include some core outputs of the multiporoelastic modelling framework, and the representation of peri-arterial swelling and peri-venous drainage solution fields. The latter solution fields were statistically analysed for a cohort of thirty-five subjects (stratified with respect to disease status, gender and activity level). The second workflow allowed for a better understanding of complex aortic dissection cases utilising both a rigid-wall model informed by minimal and clinically common datasets as well as a moving-wall model informed by rich datasets. / Pour que la médecine actuelle puisse profiter de la technologie in silico, il est impératif que les flux de recherche biophysique offrent un aperçu précis des traitements spécifiques à une maladie particulière et à un sujet particulier. Les limites de la médecine peuvent être repoussées à l’aide de flux de travail multi-échelles, centrés sur la biophysique, qui tiennent compte des constituants fondamentaux des cellules et des tissus, et de leurs environnements dynamiques. L’utilisation de techniques numériques permettant de capter le large spectre des flux biologiques au sein d’organes et de tissus complexes, déformables et perméables est d’une importance capitale lorsqu’il s’agit d’examiner les conditions essentielles de tout pipeline médical de précision de pointe. Dans ce travail, une analyse succinte de deux pipelines de médecine de précision développés dans le cadre de deux projets VPH (Virtual Physiological Human) est donnée. Le premier flux de travail se concentre sur la trajectoire de la maladie d’Alzheimer et permet de tester de nouvelles hypothèses au moyen d’un modèle poroélastique à plusieurs compartiments qui est intégré à un flux de travail d’imagerie à haut débit et à un modèle de variabilité du débit sanguin spécifique au sujet. Le deuxième flux de travail donne lieu à l’exploration spécifique des dissections aortiques chez le patient par le biais d’un modèle multi-échelle conforme, exploitant l’imagerie, la dynamique des fluides computationnelle (CFD) et les conditions limites dynamiques. Les résultats relatifs au premier flux de travail comprennent certains des principaux extrants du cadre de modélisation multiporoélastique et la représentation des zones de gonflement péri-artériel et de solution de drainage périveineux. Ces dernières zones de solutions ont été analysées statistiquement sur une cohorte de trente-cinq sujets (stratifiés en fonction de l’état pathologique, du sexe et du niveau d’activité). Le deuxième flux de travail a permis de mieux comprendre les cas complexes de dissection aortique à l’aide d’un modèle à parois rigides fondé sur des ensembles de données minimales et cliniquement communes et d’un modèle à parois mobiles reposant sur de riches données

    Evolution of the Southwest Australian Rifted Continental Margin During Breakup of East Gondwana: Results from IODP Expedition 369

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    International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 369 drilled four sites on the southwestern Australian continental margin, in the deep water Mentelle Basin (MB) and on the neighboring Naturaliste Plateau (NP). The drillsites are located on continental crust that continued rifting after seafloor spreading began further north on the Perth Abyssal Plain (PAP) between magnetochrons M11r and M11n (133‐132 Ma), ending when spreading began west of the NP between chrons M5n and M3n (126‐124 Ma). Drilling recovered the first in‐situ samples of basalt flows overlying the breakup unconformity on the NP, establishing a magnetostratigraphically constrained eruption age of >131‐133 Ma and confirming a minimal late Valanginian age for the breakup unconformity (coeval with the onset of PAP seafloor spreading). Petrogenetic modeling indicates the basalts were generated by 25% melting at 1.5 GPa and a potential temperature of 1380‐1410 °C, consistent with proximity of the Kerguelen plume during breakup. Benthic foraminiferal fossils indicate that the NP remained at upper bathyal or shallower depths during the last 6 Myr of rifting and for 3‐5 Myr after breakup between India and Australia. The limited subsidence is attributed to heat from the nearby Kerguelen plume and PAP spreading ridge. The margin subsided to middle bathyal depths by Albian time and to lower bathyal (NP) or greater (MB) depths by late Paleogene time. Periods of rapid sedimentation accompanied a westward jump of the PAP spreading ridge (108 Ma), rifting on the southern margin (100‐84 Ma), and opening of the southern seaway between Australia and Antarctica (60‐47 Ma)