378 research outputs found

    Truly Non Invasive Glucose Optical Sensor Based On Metal Nanoparticles Generation

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    Diabetes is a disease that causes many complications in human normal function. This disease represents the sixth-leading cause of death in USA. Prevention of diabetes-related complications can be accomplished through tight control of glucose levels in blood. In the last decades many different glucose sensors have been developed, however, none of them are really non invasive. Herein, we present the study of the application of gold and silver nanoparticles with different shapes and aspect ratios to detect glucose traces in human fluids such as tears and sweat. This is to our knowledge the first truly non invasive glucose optical sensor, with extraordinary limit of detection and selectivity. The best proven nanoparticles for this application were gold nanospheres. Gold nanospheres were synthesized using chloroauric acid tri-hydrated (HAuCl4.3H2O) in solution, in the presence of glucose and ammonia hydroxide. The higher the glucose concentration, the higher the number of nanoparticles generated, thus the higher the extinction efficiency of the solution. The linear dependence of the extinction efficiency of the gold nanoparticles solution with glucose concentration makes of this new sensor suitable for direct applications in biomedical sensing. Our approach is based on the well known Tollens test

    Public Responses to Intimate Partner Violence Against Women: The Influence of Perceived Severity and Personal Responsibility

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    This paper explored public willingness to act when exposed to cases of intimate partner violence against women, by analyzing the influence of perceived severity and personal responsibility on two types of responses: mediating and reporting to the police. Results (N = 419) yielded main effects of personal responsibility for both types of responses. No main effects of perceived severity were found. A significant interaction between perceived severity and personal responsibility was found only for reporting responses. Results are discussed in light of the helping behavior research tradition. Implications for public education and advocacy programs are also [email protected]; [email protected]

    Challenges in real-time virtualization and predictable cloud computing

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    Cloud computing and virtualization technology have revolutionized general-purpose computing applications in the past decade. The cloud paradigm offers advantages through reduction of operation costs, server consolidation, flexible system configuration and elastic resource provisioning. However, despite the success of cloud computing for general-purpose computing, existing cloud computing and virtualization technology face tremendous challenges in supporting emerging soft real-time applications such as online video streaming, cloud-based gaming, and telecommunication management. These applications demand real-time performance in open, shared and virtualized computing environments. This paper identifies the technical challenges in supporting real-time applications in the cloud, surveys recent advancement in real-time virtualization and cloud computing technology, and offers research directions to enable cloud-based real-time applications in the future

    Satisfacción laboral y productividad en el área de radiología de la Clínica San Pablo Lima, 2020

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    La presente investigación de título Satisfacción laboral y productividad en el área de radiología de la clínica San Pablo, Lima 2020, plantea como objetivo general conocer la correlación existente entre las variables satisfacción laboral y productividad para este fin se aplicó dos encuestas para conocer el grado de satisfacción laboral y su productividad, que presentan los trabajadores en el área de radiología en la Clínica San Pablo, Lima. La metodología aplica una investigación de tipo descriptivo correlacional, diseño no experimental, y enfoque cuantitativo, siguiendo la línea de la investigación calidad de las prestaciones asistenciales y gestión de salud. La población está conformada por el personal del área de radiología (licenciados y técnicos) un numero de 51 personas, la hipótesis general planteada fue si existirá o no una correlación entre las variables Satisfacción Laboral y Productividad. Se ha determinado relación positiva, alta y significativa (r= 0.934; sig. = 0.00<0.05) entre la satisfacción laboral y la productividad, mencionando que mantener satisfechos e involucrados a los trabajadores es un indicador importante para que se logren las actividades consideradas en la entidad y se genere una productividad positiva. De ello se ha rechazado a la hipótesis nula

    Demanda de obligación de dar suma de dinero iniciado por AFP a través de proceso de ejecución de garantías

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    La cobranza judicial de las AFPs, por las aportaciones de trabajadores retenidas por sus empleadores, es en la actualidad una de las materias que representa mayor carga procesal al órgano jurisdiccional en nuestro país. Detectando en el desarrollo de estos procesos evidentes contradicciones en los criterios a los que arriban los juzgadores para resolverlos, siendo la presente, una tesis motiva en conocer y analizar uno de los problemas alrededor de este tipo de procesos, se optó entonces, por estudiar el caso del reconocimiento de suficiencia y capacidad de las Copias del Libro de Planillas, para que el demandado contradiga bajo la causal de inexistencia del vínculo laboral. El propósito de este trabajado es determinar la eficacia e idoneidad de las Copias del Libro de Planillas de los procesados, para desvirtuar la demanda demostrando que no existía vínculo laboral con el trabajador en los periodos de devengue por los que la AFP inicia el proceso de ejecución. La principal conclusión se fundamenta en la legislación nacional, que siendo precisa establece que la contradicci?n al mandato ejecutivo solo podr? fundarse entre otros, en la causal de no existencia de relaci?n laboral con el trabajador, que tiene a la vez la condici?n de afiliado en la AFP, a lo largo de los periodos en que se realiz? el devengue por la aportaci?n objeto de cobranza, misma que se deber? respaldar con las copias de los libros de planillas de los meses correspondientes.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    The Trichoplusia Ni Gut Microbiome and Its Derivation from the Phyllosphere of Its Food Plants

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    Insects are the most abundant and diverse animals on planet Earth and rely on their diverse microbiomes to be so. The insect gut microbiome is vital in the growth and development of many insect species. Trichoplusia ni, the cabbage looper, is a generalist herbivore, but little is known about its microbiome. In this study, a metagenomic analysis of fecal samples was used to determine the effect of diet on the microbiome of T. ni larvae. Larvae were reared on six plant species, the microbiome was sampled from fecal material, and the phyllosphere was sampled from leaves the larvae ate. Bacteria were identified using 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences, and diversity was quantified. Similar phyla, classes, and families were found in both types of samples, suggesting T. ni larvae primarily obtain their gut microbiome from their diet. However, the gut microbiome of T. ni larvae is not identical to the phyllosphere, particularly in relative abundances, suggesting that other factors in the insect gut environment may further modify the diversity of the microbiome. This study adds to the growing body of evidence about the implications of diet for the insect gut microbiome

    Understanding informal caregivers' use of assistive technologies in Mexico during their dementia caregiver experience

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    Dementia is a long-term progressive condition with no cure that is considered to be a major public health priority worldwide. Currently, 60% of people with dementia (PwD) reside in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and by 2040 the number will increase to 71%. Families from these countries are being overwhelmed by the increased numbers of cases as the depleted health infrastructures and lack of governmental support mean that families have to rely on informal caregivers (ICs) to provide essential support and care. By 2050, Latin American countries, such as Mexico and Brazil, will experience an increase of >400% in the number of dementia cases. The World Health Organization (WHO) stated in 2017 as part of their “Global action plan on public health response to dementia” that culture- and community-specific approaches need to be developed and implemented in LMICs. They argued that this need emerged from the results of various studies on LMICs that showed how each country interpreted dementia differently. Cultural interpretations have been shown to influence the dementia caregiving experience directly. However, only few studies have been conducted about ICs of PWDs from LMICs. Hence, the need to understand the complexities of the dementia caregiver’s experiences within LMICs. In-home technologies, such as Assistive Technologies (ATs), have been shown to be effective in dementia care to improve the quality of life of the PwD and alleviate the IC’s caregiver burden. However, only a few studies have evaluated the usefulness of ATs in LMICs and no research has been conducted on the experiences of ICs with ATs in LMICs. This thesis explores the lived experiences of ICs of PwD in Mexico, a country in which ATs are used as part of their caregiving role. The study adopted a phenomenological approach, the aim of which was to understand the role and impact of ATs in the caregiving role and caregiving experience. Nine ICs of PwD in Mexico participated in in-depth semi-structured interviews. The data were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) in two parts: an idiographic analysis of the first-person accounts of each participant and a cross-case analysis that examined the convergences and divergences of their experiences across the group. The findings from the study revealed that, to a certain extent, all of the participants went through five stages during their lived experiences as caregivers. The ICs subconsciously divided the lengthy path of their caregiving experiences into two phases: pre-AT usage and AT usage. The stages were established as: 1) emotional triggers; 2) avoidance; 3) personal values assessment; 4) self-forgiveness; and 5) acceptance (i.e., of the disease). During the pre-AT usage phase (stages 1-4), participants attributed a combination of different negative feelings and double caring responsibilities as the factors that motivated them to acquire an AT and care for their own well-being, as well as that of the PwD. It was revealed during the second stage, the AT usage phase (stages 4-5), that the ICs’ interactions with ATs were complex. On the one hand, the participants concentrated on testing, accepting and appropriating the AT to fit their own needs. On the other hand, it was revealed that ATs mediated the experience and, as a consequence, influenced the ICs’ roles and caregiver experiences. This thesis provides a new, and in-depth, understanding of some of the complexities that derive from the dementia caregiver’s experience in Mexico, an LMIC. It also provides an insight into the human-technology relationship that develops from daily interactions with the AT and how it influences the essence of the caregiver experience. Recommendations are made for designers and developers of ATs for use in the care of PwD based on the findings from this study

    A QoS registry for adaptive real-time service-oriented applications

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    Real-time service-oriented applications are charac- terized by Quality of Service (QoS) requirements that cannot be properly managed by using classical real-time systems methodologies. In dynamic environments the QoS management can effectively leverage adaptive techniques, that provide flexibility and do not require a complex offline analysis. In turn, such techniques make a massive use of on-line collected data regarding the application performance and the resource requirements. Moreover, a common issue for adaptive systems is the one of deciding the initial configuration of the application and/or the run-time environment at the time of service instantiation. In this paper, we propose a QoS registry for coping with these issues and supporting the configuration of proper scheduling parameters in real-time Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs). The registry permits to gather QoS data related to different functional behaviors of applications, to predict the future trend based on data already collected and to permanently store such data for an effective reuse at the time of future re-instantiations. We have also built an implementation of such registry, computed its overhead costs and performed some experiments for showing the effectiveness in auto-tuning resource allocations for providing QoS guarantees in a real-time SOA